In last weeks post I combined a the material for blog posts 2, 3, and began on the 4th post. As a result this will be a continuation of dictionary validation methods.
Explanation: This post covers material from week 5 pre-processing, week 6 representing text, and week 7 dictionary methods. In this case I have slightly modified the data I am working with, this week I am using 1000 new posts for a dictionary analysis rather than the “top” posts to see if there is a tangible difference in content.
Explanation: My code below illustrates how I initially got my information from reddit by scraping. In this case I used RedditExtractoR. The author of this packages describes it as a minimalist r wrapper it scrapes a limited number of posts from reddit. The api on reddit itself only allows 60 requests per minute. In this case I chose posts that were “new” as of march 26 2022 at 11:17 P.M. This has resulted in 980 reddit posts, this subreddit is described as “Firearms and related articles” and much of the subreddit is descriptions of, reviews, and highlights of firearms owned by users.
# New_guns_urls <- find_thread_urls(subreddit="guns", sort_by="new")
loadRData <- function(fileName){
#loads an RData file, and returns it
get(ls()[ls() != "fileName"])
New_guns_urls_df <- loadRData("/Users/noahmilstein/Desktop/Spring 2022/Networks/Git_Projects/DACCS/")
With tiny ar15s and mcx/similar, where does a pcc fit in the arsenal now? 2022-03-15
I still don\031t feel like this is good enough. Ha. Anyone else this anal about this stuff? 2022-03-15
Best Home Defense Round in 5.56? 2022-03-15
5\0365*5/555&53 5\r50535.5"5- 2022-03-15
My suppressed 12.5 AR is the same size as my 14.5" AR 2022-03-15
Springfield Hellcat RDP with SilencerCo Omega 9k and Streamlight TLR-7. 2022-03-15
Does anyone know of any good firearms podcasts? 2022-03-15
Training Tuesday 3/15/22 2022-03-15
My .38 Special Amadeo Rossi Made in Brasil for home defense 2022-03-15
Are we doing scoped pistols now? 2022-03-15
Twenty Tuesday 2022-03-15
Gun Talk Tuesday - 15 March 2022 2022-03-15
RimFire scope advice 2022-03-15
Will 9mm kurz work on a 9mm? Specifically smith&wesson sd9ve? 2022-03-15
New Benelli M4 Bolt Carrier Release 2022-03-15
New grips who dis 2022-03-15
Couldn't get a hold of a stock adaptor, so I bubba'd one. 2022-03-15
Moving to the US from Canada. How can I bring my AR? 2022-03-15
Becoming a firearms instructor 2022-03-15
CETME charging handle pin no budge 2022-03-15
My Ruger MKIV Target w/RMR 2022-03-15
My new Palmetto State Armory ar pistol. I have some new parts I will post after I install them. 2022-03-15
Anybody else not get all the ammo you paid for? 2022-03-15
What is this rifle from "Cruel Gun Story?" 2022-03-15
please send help, I don't know what I'm doing with my saiga 308! 2022-03-15
Where could I get a replacement metal band for this arisaka, and would this band be universal between all arisaka models? I want to use it, but without the band, the barrel is bowed upwards and I'm not gonna risk damage (if a small bow can cause that). 2022-03-15
saw frt 2022-03-15
I'm finally becoming a Father. So papa needs to update his AR-15 game. 2022-03-15
NAA 22 Mag 2022-03-15
2nd RMR cut I've done in the books 2022-03-15
zastava ak47 2022-03-15
Anyone else seen issues having an easier time limp wristing with ammo from the last few years? 2022-03-15
Why is my scope so canted? Can it be fixed without buying new? 2022-03-15
Using your CCW or Home Defense Weapon 2022-03-15
Spanish CETME C Charger pin 2022-03-15
Groomsmen Gift? 2022-03-15
Parts shopping widget? 2022-03-14
Holster brands 2022-03-14
Desert Eagles and the nosey cat, 2022-03-14
I've got a couple of questions about my Verona SX 405-12ga shotgun. 2022-03-14
Juliet 3 micro issues 2022-03-14
HK clones 2022-03-14
I mean, five-five-six made by bad-ass Hebrews 2022-03-14
M&P Mondays 2022-03-14
Picked up this new Citori CX over the weekend, Ive got wood 2022-03-14
Anyone wanna take a road trip to Agua Fria? 2022-03-14
Little bit of old, little bit of new. Range day choices are hard. 2022-03-14
.450 Bushmaster Build. Ready to shoot! 2022-03-14
1968 BAR 2022-03-14
My KISS small game gitter. Chiappa Little Badger, 22lr 2022-03-14
Mounting a Red dot on a Scope 2022-03-14
Pretty good range day, as you can see 2022-03-14
FFL License question 2022-03-14
Looking to get my girlfriend and I PCCs. CZ Scorpion Evo 3, KUSA KP-9 or Aero EPC-9? 2022-03-14
Best office paperweights. 2022-03-14
Childhood dream fulfilled. 2022-03-14
I just finished my m1897 trenchgun build. My 3rd trenchgun build. 2022-03-14
Early production Belgian Sweet-Sixteen 2022-03-14
Brought my grandpa's Remington Model 34 back to life 2022-03-14
When your Zenitco furniture and RC2 get out of jail the same week. 2022-03-14
My first AR the SW Sport II, I bought in 2017 ran fine and served me well over the years. Decided to do a full send on Geissele Super Duty and see how it runs! 2022-03-14
Rifle chambered for .357 / .38 2022-03-14
Can anyone tell me what this is? 2022-03-14
If you haven't shot a scoped pistol, its an absolute blast 2022-03-14
Anyone else run some drills this weekend? Here is my worst of the day. 2022-03-14
C&R license 2022-03-14
Fun retro build 2022-03-14
AKS-74U, Modernized 2022-03-14
someone tell me about colt company after being bought out by Czech 2022-03-14
wood furniture 2022-03-14
Possibly stupid question. 2022-03-14
Barrett M107 at indoor range, see other post for video 2022-03-14
New gun user. My gun is very old, is there a maximum on the grain of the cartridges I use with it? 2022-03-14
Wood furniture is so aesthetically pleasing 2022-03-14
How important? 2022-03-14
Wake me up when 30-06 is affordable again 2022-03-14
The time for action is now. 2022-03-14
M1 Monday 2022-03-14
Big Bore Monday? 2022-03-14
Inherited this monstrosity from my late grandfather, any suggestions on how to best un-meme it? 2022-03-14
Has anyone had any experience with Central Florida Armament? 2022-03-16
Single shot autoloader? 2022-03-16
Are magazine fed shotguns generally unreliable? 2022-03-16
My first time shooting a fully automatic. MP5 was buttery smooth 2022-03-16
8 inches of pure, not my penis, that's my 2 inches of sheer laughter. 2022-03-16
Texas Views 2022-03-16
When your girl likes the new gun you bought, but decides it\031s hers now. 2022-03-16
My run-of-the-mill G19.3 2022-03-16
Look at this old mosin nagant my grandpa gave me before he died 2022-03-16
How fucked is my mosin? 2022-03-16
Lightweight build done 2022-03-16
Chef\031s kiss 2022-03-16
Any recommendations for a first focal plane hunting optic? 2022-03-16
Just installed a new Hogue hardwood monogrip on the Ruger GP100! 2022-03-16
My first wheelgun Wednesday. 2022-03-16
Canik TP9 SFX and cat 2022-03-16
Pre-War Commercial Broomhandle, all numbers matching 2022-03-16
My old wasr and my new m18. These make for a fun range combo. 2022-03-16
Looking for a Small, Lockable Hard Case for Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle - Ideas? 2022-03-16
Quesnel, BC, Canada: Winter Brutality Stages 4, 5 and 6 (Pictures and Designs) 2022-03-16
probably spend too much money on it, but it shoots like a dream. 2022-03-16
Diversity! 10mm, 10x25mm, & .40S&W Magnum 2022-03-16
Questions about Surplus rifles in Cosmoline in general and Mosin Nagant 1925 Izhevsk Mosin Nagant in cosmoline without escutcheons? 2022-03-16
running a pistol with a red dot with a suppressor ? 2022-03-16
Finally put together a pistol with a lower I\031ve had for 5 years or so 2022-03-16
Western Wednesday? It ain't much, but it's mine 2022-03-16
Polymer guns are sick. Complete with shit weapon lights cause I\031m a poor. 2022-03-16
Hearing Protection 2022-03-16
What's Wrong With My MP5? It's Making My Eyes Water and Ears Bleed. 2022-03-16
1908 Iver Johnson advertisement and .38 Safety Automatic Hammerless for Wheelgun Wednesday 2022-03-16
Slowmo SVD 2022-03-16
easily the nicest pistol I've ever shot 2022-03-16
New kid on the block here. This is my daily carry, 9mm Smith&Wesson 2.0 M&P shield. I carry it with the extended 8 round mag plus one in the chamber. I'm using hot point HJP self defense ammo. Extra details in the comment section if you care to read them. 2022-03-16
Muh Mosin with a dumpy =\x9a 2022-03-16
I found these two guns at a house I'm working on. I think they're Japanese WW2 rifles? 2022-03-16
"Hey Guys, is [site] a scam?" Or: The Magic 8 Ball guide on how to use your brain. 2022-03-16
speedloader/speed feed 2022-03-16
CZ Evo 3 S1 carbine trigger upgrade? 2022-03-16
How should I go about this from a legal perspective? 2022-03-16
Official Politics Thread 2022-03-16 2022-03-16
What is the proper way to reload a revolver from a shoulder holster? 2022-03-16
I just zeroed my rifle at 50 yards&.. then i saw i need to level the scope. Even if it\031s zeroed do i need to level it? How important is leveling it? 2022-03-16
Iron sights width question 2022-03-16
GWOT with a spot of tea <\xec<\xe7 2022-03-16
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/16/22 2022-03-16
Magpul really does excelle in polishing turds. 2022-03-16
Curious if this is even possible 2022-03-16
Over priced sks? 2022-03-16
Mmmm&. maple. 2022-03-16
Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion with upgrades saddle, much better than the old one, topped with a nice red dot and light upfront. Makes for a great "bump in the night" gun. 2022-03-16
Range Day with some friends 2022-03-16
Garage gun ideas 2022-03-16
First time thinking of buying and confused about FFLs. 2022-03-16
first time buying a non-surplus bolt gun for $900 2022-03-16
Sig RMR seal plate - Piece of shit 2022-03-16
My first time at the range! I think I did alright, was a lot of fun! 2022-03-16
My brand new Camdon Defense AR. (Yes I\031m from California) 2022-03-16
Saw this at a LGS and I couldn\031t pass it up. Now the question is do I leave it how it is or swap all the furniture out? 2022-03-16
Chilean Model 1912 Mauser short rifle, produced from Waffenfabrik Steyr in Austria 2022-03-16
Are there any belt fed 22s? 2022-03-16
Work EDC 2022-03-16
What gun is this? 2022-03-16
Finally picked up my first gun and I think I\031m in love 2022-03-16
Came home and found these two hanging out in the corner. Sketchy fellas. 2022-03-16
Revolver/Carbine combo 2022-03-15
Help me identify this gun 2022-03-15
If it seats, it yeets??? =, 2022-03-15
Slim Fit Holsters (Canik TP9 Elite SC) 2022-03-15
Does anyone else find USCCA YouTube channel a bit misleading ? 2022-03-15
Angstadt Arms UDP-9 OEM 15rd Glock mags won't fit 2022-03-15
CCW Question 2022-03-15
AR-15 Mod Legal Question 2022-03-15
Favorite pistol I own. 10.3\035 URGI. 2022-03-15
What the hell did I just pay $200 for? 2022-03-15
Picked up the latest Glock 19 today& 2022-03-15
Iron Sights vs Eyes 2022-03-15
Is there a fingerprint gun box that actually works 100% hours the time? 2022-03-15
The Salt Life is not for cheap Rugers apparently. 2022-03-15
30/06 To 7.7x58 Jap 2022-03-15
Deep cleaning your firearms 2022-03-15
1911 gi sights 2022-03-15
Current Mosin 91/30 prices? $480 too much? 440 round spam can included in the price 2022-03-15
Milled AKs > 2022-03-15
The sling really brings it all together 2022-03-15
Glock 45 9mm 2022-03-15
Got my first apartment, so my brother and I made a table that holds my shotgun. 2022-03-15
The MCX Spear at home 2022-03-15
.308 Winchester TrueVelocity images 2022-03-15
Going to gun range for the first time 2022-03-15
Serious question about the legality of my idea for my project. 2022-03-15
Oh Yeah, It\031s All Coming Together 2022-03-15
Radio Silence from Faxon Firearms Support 2022-03-15
Need opinion on the sights. Should I put irons on the AR or the pistol. The sight is on a riser on the rifle I can remove that for the pistol switch if needed. Thanks dudes. 2022-03-15
My favorite gun 2022-03-15
Found a briefcase full of ammo. Need help identifying 2022-03-15
Is Small Arms Review magazine worth subscribing too? 2022-03-15
Best best for shotgun barrel in this market? 2022-03-15
Moving my gun locker today. 2022-03-15
Don't talk to me, or my son ever again. 2022-03-15
Sig M17 vs M18 2022-03-15
458 SOCOM <q\017opper just got finished 2022-03-18
Best Hearing Protection? Double Up 2022-03-18
Attaching sling adapters on a Mossberg 500. Any ideas or tips? 2022-03-18
Help me identify this 870. It\031s a 21\035 fixed full choke barrel. I don\031t know how to post more pictures but it says special on the receiver. 2022-03-18
Went to the LGS to get my first AR15. Didn't go as planned. 2022-03-17
LGS options 2022-03-17
5 Rounds.. Sigh. 2022-03-17
new range toy, .300AAC 2022-03-17
Happy 50th birthday to this old boom stick 2022-03-17
XMk18E1 Mod 607 2022-03-17
New thang 2022-03-17
Picked up this Winchester 1300 (most underrated pump imo) looking to put a stock on it, what do you guys think of speedfeed stocks? 2022-03-17
Anyone know what brand of scope rings these are ? 2022-03-17
If your EDC doesn't feel right then try something else ! 2022-03-17
I bought this gun from an auction, what in the absolute brass tack hell is it? 2022-03-17
Zama strong enough for blank firing guns? 2022-03-17
Henry AR 7 Screw Replacement 2022-03-17
Just picked up my first shotgun! Pretty jazzed to try it out 2022-03-17
How bout a little green for my boy Saint Paddy eh? 2022-03-17
There's a little green in there, I swear 2022-03-17
Dragging myself kicking and screaming into the modern era with my 20 inch AR and M9A4. 2022-03-17
Firearm question 2022-03-17
Range Day Progress. 2022-03-17
Do you guys like my frog blanket? 2022-03-17
Show this cheap little bastard some love 2022-03-17
The Ruger 10/22 is America\031s rifle, change my mind 2022-03-17
Perfect pairings. We're all sommeliers but for old guns. 2022-03-17
Bear or PMC? 2022-03-17
Baby poop goes hard (this is not a political statement, plz don\031t disable my post) 2022-03-17
And now I have a battle rifle. 2022-03-17
St Patrick\031s Day Reppin 2022-03-17
Looking for advice on possibly trading my M203 40mm for a clip-on thermal. Details inside. 2022-03-17
Me Little Armalite 2022-03-17
Proud dad moment. Took my 12yo to the range with me for the first time. We had a blast! 2022-03-17
My pairs almost all make sense 2022-03-17
Some pairs of .22 2022-03-17
Everyone is Irish Today - Smith & Wesson 686+ and a Four Leaf Clover 2022-03-17
7.62 BCG 2022-03-17
Winchester model 70 in 7x57 Mauser 2022-03-17
Am i allowed to bring empty bullet casings on an airplane if i put it in my suitcase in canada? 2022-03-17
Some More Pairings You Might Enjoy 2022-03-17
Help me decide on a USA made light for my AR15 2022-03-17
Favorite Nighttime Steel Ringer! 2022-03-17
cross eye dominant shooters of reddit; looking for advice on AR optics. 2022-03-17
Kiss me I\031m Irish <\xee<\xea<@ 2022-03-17
Has anyone shot the standard manufacturing SP-12? 2022-03-17
My pistol/rifle pairings 2022-03-17
Carcano Snap Caps 2022-03-17
Kel-Tec SUB-2000 vs Ruger 10/22 Magpul Backpacker For Survival Gun 2022-03-17
Building a basement gun room. Let's talk about humidity control. 2022-03-17
PSA AK bad or something idk 2022-03-17
Want to convert caliber 2022-03-17
Steel case ammo question 2022-03-17
Happy St. Patrick\031s Day 2022-03-17
7.62x39 in AR platform 2022-03-17
Good luck finding one of these, Mossberg 500 roadblocker edition with ATI folding stock. Springfield XD .45 for scale 2022-03-17
12 gauge revolvers 2022-03-17
1939 Luger problem 2022-03-17
I guess we're doing fine wine pistol pairings tonight? 2022-03-17
458 socom AR15 help 2022-03-17
Thickheaded Thursday 03/17/22 2022-03-17
Ed Brown with red dot and threaded barrel 2022-03-17
When they tell you to not get a scary black AR15. So you get one in FDE. Help me welcome my first AR15! 2022-03-17
Fal Stg 58 parts kit value 2022-03-17
POSP T scope is moving around on my Zastava M70 2022-03-17
Glock 19 - Round blew up while firing today. What next? 2022-03-17
First time buying a firearm went to sportsman warehouse in PA. My background check is pending how long does this take? 2022-03-17
Looking for forums to source 13.2mm Mauser 1918 t-gewehr rounds 2022-03-17
The only Bush war I don\031t enjoy is in your moms pants 2022-03-17
My first gun purchase update 2022-03-17
Question: Was the IMI Galil ever used by insurgencies? 2022-03-17
Swiss k31 2022-03-17
Pistol pairings, like a fine wine. 2022-03-17
Can I have an AR pistol in my truck at 19? 2022-03-17
finally got to pick up my cmp 1911. 2022-03-17
\034Custom\035 2022-03-17
New (to me) Russian Capture K98 - Questions about stripper clips? 2022-03-17
Taylor and co. 1873 \034Gambler\035 .357 2022-03-17
Taylor Freelance for the win 2022-03-17
Quick question about iwi jericho 941 fs9 2022-03-17
Wheelgun Weds. 1908 New Colt 32 Police Positive 2022-03-17
Just bought my first gun ever and I am absolutely in love. Can\031t wait to take her out to the range. 2022-03-17
BuT iT DoEsNt FlOat 2022-03-17
Wheelgun Wednesday - Rosewood Snake Edition 2022-03-17
Wheel gun Wednesday post, Cimmeron 1872 Open Top in .45 LC. 2022-03-16
First Wheel Gun Wednesday post. Let\031s hear it. 2022-03-16
My new Arsenal SAM7R, w/ a MI T2 Optic mount 2022-03-16
My 6.5-06 Build 2022-03-16
FDE build 16" UwU 2022-03-16
Not so much a gun question, but an accessory question involving a wild dog and a goat. 2022-03-16
Good Day 2022-03-16
New Heritage just in time for Wheelgun Wednesday 2022-03-16
RKS USA Legit? 2022-03-16
Got this in a lot we bought,no markings or stamps what is this ? 2022-03-16
Converted a clothes closet into a gun closet for about $300 2022-03-16
Everything That was in My Safe 2022-03-16
Wheel Gun Wednesday with my Grandpa's old Model 48 in 22 magnum 2022-03-16
18\035 go-to barrel 2022-03-16
New Mombasa flashbacks intensify 2022-03-16
Today was a good day... 2022-03-16
The ones I actually carry 2022-03-19
My current AK build 2022-03-19
I just had a ND 2022-03-19
Advice on a new gun 2022-03-19
Best full size pistol for under $600 2022-03-19
The best of both worlds ;) . 2022-03-19
Finished my rifle for now (plus pistols bc wby not) 2022-03-19
New 20ga and .22 (ignore my creaky floor.) 2022-03-19
Can too much steel wool prevent wood from absorbing tung oil for finish? 2022-03-19
I'm sure the question has been asked before.. But as a woman, (with a violent stalker) what would you recommend?? 2022-03-19
Wondering how much it would cost to get my gun "anodized" 2022-03-19
Broke college student in search shotgun 2022-03-19
Diamondback DB15 - Is it any good? 2022-03-19
\034Yeah just grab a jacket out of the closet\035 2022-03-19
is it cursed? 2022-03-19
Double action revolver - how much energy is needed to spin the cylinder, and how much to cock the hammer? 2022-03-18
Can you tell the difference? Left is old one I bought from gun store. Right was a random eBay purchase. Which one of these is fake? Look at the streamlight logo Lol. Old one has a more yellow throw, the eBay one is bright white. 2022-03-18
My first AR15. SigM400 with Romeo-MSR red dot sight. 2022-03-18
10.5\035 pistol fully collapsed only slightly smaller than 18\035 Tavor. Mr920 Elite for scale (I don\031t have any bananas) 2022-03-18
Just picked up a new carry pistol. Anyone have any idea who did these lightening cuts? Thanks! 2022-03-18
Which 3 would you keep? 2022-03-18
Help to identify this gun? The photo is WW2, the only photo I can find of the gun. 2022-03-18
Another new gun owner! God bless the Second Amendment. Also, bullets are more expensive than I thought they were. 2022-03-18
I think I came. Should I play the lottery? My usual pawn shop came in clutch again. $600OTD. New. 2022-03-18
My new H&K USP 2022-03-18
POF P-415 Edge Upper w/ Binary Trigger Lower? 2022-03-18
Arts and Crafts Day for my Fudd Guns 2022-03-18
Can't decide which I like better, they're both great calibers 2022-03-18
Purchasing under circumstances 2022-03-18
Which 9mm laser trainer to go with? 2022-03-18
Diarrhea vitiligo SCAR-16 >) (toe tax paid) 2022-03-18
Solvent Traps 2022-03-18
Springfield 1903 2022-03-18
Why did the monthly challenges stop? 2022-03-18
FDE Folder Friday Flexin' 2022-03-18
I just hate having to share with idiots who don't know what "range is hot" means 2022-03-18
Firearms are always loaded 2022-03-18
First 50 with new 1911 2022-03-18
Fun .22 Rifle Suggestions 2022-03-18
Can I remove the thumb safety on my m&p 2.0 without the frame plugs? 2022-03-18
Not sure if anyone would know but my grandfather has since passed, so unfortunately I can\031t ask him. When he was on a sub in WWII it was standard issue to carry a sidearm when on patrol when docked. Trying to track down/figure out what he might have been carrying. Any ideas would be great, thanks! 2022-03-18
Vortex Viper Problems! 2022-03-18
Weird question, firearm adjacent&. Anyone know of a list of which Recoil magazines had what targets in them? 2022-03-18
Will the mck fit a smith and Wesson sd40ve? 2022-03-18
Gun Cabinet(like stackon) with Keypad Instead of Key 2022-03-18
Bet y\031all ain\031t ever seen a MK18 with a sandman before 2022-03-18
Building a suppressed SBR that will fit in a back pack? 2022-03-18
<L 2022-03-18
Finally decided to do it and this is coming home with me 2022-03-18
\017\017&!,DAY -AGIC\017\017 2022-03-18
My AR pistol is coming along 2022-03-18
Did these custom g43x\031s for a buddy - what do you guys think? 2022-03-18
Scored a 1941 Mauser K98K 2022-03-18
Latest .22 project 2022-03-18
UA Themed Walther PDP 2022-03-18
Folder Friday (but tbh I gotta ditch the brace) 2022-03-18
DD PDW with EXPS2 Green late St Patrick\031s Day post 2022-03-18
Sadly, the first gun I've ever owned and also sadly the first gun I'm going to shoot since getting out of the military 6 years ago. 2022-03-18
My edc, the titan .380 i love this little gun to death 2022-03-18
Reloading and primers 2022-03-18
Buying an ultrasonic cleaner, anything i should know before ordering one? 2022-03-18
Truso Armory, legit? 2022-03-18
I Showed You My Home Defense Setup Please Respond (Glock 45) 2022-03-18
b&t ghm45. whatcha think? 2022-03-18
Dumb dumb need answers 2022-03-18
DISTANCE SHOOTERS: I'm looking to get into a Semi .308 BR/DMR and I'm currently looking at the Fulton Armory M14 w/peerless or the POF Revolution. Gotta be a piston gun. Any others I should be looking at? Budget $5k. 2022-03-18
Seeing as it was St. Patrick's Day yesterday, I decided to pick up my first green rifle. My Sako TRG-42 in .338LM 2022-03-18
Summer carry / Winter carry 2022-03-18
Springfield Trapdoor Markings ID 2022-03-18
Happy FrIWIday yall 2022-03-18
Heirloom Pistol Box. Made for a Veteran father as a gift to his son's promotion to Major. 2022-03-18
Had some people asking how my 308 AR-15 shot 2022-03-18
12 gauge home defense ammo 2022-03-18
Official Politics Thread 3/18/22 2022-03-18
Retro Gang 2022-03-18
STNGR HWK Handguard + AA Piston Kit Compatibility 2022-03-18
Bolt action chambered in .44mag that ISNT a ruger 77/44? 2022-03-18
is .270 dead? 2022-03-18
I got the Clapp. 2022-03-18
Friday Buyday 03/18/22 2022-03-18
PTR-91 Advice 2022-03-18
Please clean up when shooting public land. My buddy and I shot 22lr and 9mm and we cleaned up 85 lbs of trash, most shotgun shells 2022-03-18
First time shooting a handgun. Can I get some advice? 2022-03-18
Does selling my gun to a store count as a PPT? 2022-03-18
Taran Tactical STI 2011 in John Wick 2022-03-18
gun vise recommendations 2022-03-18
Took my new AR out to the range today, and it jammed on the first shot&>r 2022-03-18
Price check on Ruger Red Label 2022-03-18
Trying to find a holster that will fit my handgun and a rail mounted flashlight 2022-03-18
9mm carbine advice: PSA AR-V 7" or STRIBOG SP9A1 2022-03-18
Looking for info on Winchester model 250/290 (more pics in comment) 2022-03-18
Ruger security 9 full size holster ? 2022-03-18
20 vs 12 for clay? 2022-03-18
St. Patrick\031s day Scout Rifle 2022-03-18
Tactical or something idk 2022-03-18
Took the ol\031 Kalashnikov on a sub-zero hiking trip the other day& 2022-03-18
St. Patrick's day post 2022-03-18
Savage axis cracks in Boyd\031s stock looking for advice 2022-03-18
Two-Tone-Thursdays from now on 2022-03-18
*Chef's Kiss* 2022-03-18
Look at what came today 2022-03-20
AESTHETIC 2022-03-20
Background Check With Carry Permit? 2022-03-20
My simple 320 submission. 2022-03-20
Mossberg 500 j.i.c 2022-03-20
Sundays are for 9x18 2022-03-20
Dan Wesson 1911 valor, jams a lot! 2022-03-20
I am setting up a Mosin-Nagant (I know, I know... not my first gun, I own a couple 10/22s already), with bedding, a trigger job, scope and a butt pad. 2022-03-20
Luger P08 1917 2022-03-20
My .320 on 3/20 2022-03-20
One of these things is not like the others 2022-03-20
My first AR 2022-03-20
19x almost done, just debating the newest Timney trigger, is it worth it on a carry piece? 2022-03-20
My full auto B&T APC300 (MG), B&T MP9-N (SMG), Glock 18 Gen3 (SMP) and Zastava M53 (LMG) 2022-03-20
Springfield Armory XD 9 2022-03-20
I was denied ammo in CA today and have no clue why. 2022-03-20
SS MR920 Elite Vs Glock 19 X 2022-03-20
Remington .22 key holing like crazy 2022-03-20
Got to try out a few of my newest firearms finally! 2022-03-20
Get out and enjoy firearms when you can. d\017 2022-03-20
Tried to use a heat knife to cut the foam. It came out ok but could use a bit more practice. Also my first ar15 build. 2022-03-20
Question about Benelli Shotguns 2022-03-20
I can see in the dark. 2022-03-20
Husqvarna M/40S - The Danish Police, Swedish Built, Finnish 9mm 2022-03-20
Best gun safe if you have kids? 2022-03-20
Sig sauer p226 extreme. 2022-03-20
What\031s everyone\031s EDC? 2022-03-20
Fitelite question 2022-03-20
Selling Firearms 2022-03-20
Good evening fellow enthusiasts& 2022-03-20
Private Seller Handgun Recommendation 2022-03-20
New addition 2022-03-20
UK vz. 59 Czechoslovakian LMG - Full Auto 50 Round Belt Dump w/ Slow Motion 2022-03-20
P320 Nitron Holster Recommendation 2022-03-20
PSA PA65 Gen 3 6.5 creedmoor extracting and ejecting issue, is this new? 2022-03-20
Elftman trigger pin help 2022-03-20
Peak 2000s carry? Rohrbaugh R9 2022-03-20
need some reference material Stat M28 2022-03-20
New to guns, and wanting to learn more. 2022-03-19
Behold, The Pimp Cane MkII 2022-03-19
Case made by a pelican for my guns 2022-03-19
Buying online vs Buying from local stores? 2022-03-19
I\031d say I feel comfortable with taking a break from buying any other pews for now. Now for ammo, training, and attachments. 2022-03-19
Second time out with the new Bergara B-14 HMR. 2022-03-19
Range day! First time firing my rifle and my new EDC. 2022-03-19
New build. 300 BLK 2022-03-19
It\031s not the \03003 I wanted but it\031s the \03003 I got 2022-03-19
Ass-end Aturday 2022-03-19
Happy Belated Birthday to Me! 2022-03-19
I love guns but all the different ammo types make my head spin. 2022-03-19
Thought y\031all my appreciate this ad from the 90\031s 2022-03-19
My new concealed carry has 10-12 round capacity for extra stealth in concealed actions 2022-03-19
Considering the idea of shoulder holster CCW - Feedback on options on gun 2022-03-19
James River Galil 5.56 2022-03-19
I dont think India wanted this rifle to ride shiny and chrome 2022-03-19
Howa Trade? 2022-03-19
First suppressor, Liberty Constitution 2022-03-19
12\035 VS 16\035 barrel on lever rifle? 2022-03-19
Grandpa is bequeathing his unused High Standard .22 since he\031s getting old, never held a more beautiful gun 2022-03-19
Gun restoration 2022-03-19
Help with Types of HK45 Adjuatable Sight 2022-03-19
SecureIt Safes and/or Storage racks.... seem well like utter Garbage? 2022-03-19
My guns and my brothers guns. Guess which state we live in :( 2022-03-19
Dream gun aquired: FN FNC 2022-03-19
I\031m an idiot. Stuck slide on reassembly. Help! 2022-03-19
Questions about USPSA Production Division 2022-03-19
My most questionable gun purchase of the year... so far. Two AMT Hardballer Longslides. 2022-03-19
Gangster fun in the sun 2022-03-19
FMJ V.S. Hollow Point 2022-03-19
Green and Black is a Vibe 2022-03-19
Extended magazine for SW9VE? 2022-03-19
Decisions, decisions... 2022-03-19
Grand Power P1 Ultra. Kinda funky, kinda awesome. 2022-03-19
I've grown quite affectionate to this beauty 2022-03-19
Behold: Peak EDC 2022-03-19
First Gun - Thinking about a PCC - Tell me why I'm wrong or unreasonable 2022-03-19
"Spitfield" - Does anybody knows something about this? 2022-03-19
Is financing a firearm as dumb as it sounds? 2022-03-19
New M1A Owner With Some Questions in Comments. 2022-03-19
I purchased my 1st S&W M&P Sport 2 AR-15 with FDE MAGPUL CTR Stock, MOE+ Pistol Grip, M-Lok MVG Vertical Grip, Holosun 510c and Streamlight HLX&I will probably swap out the charging handle next =\016 2022-03-19
Just turned 21, no greater birthday present to myself than my first firearm. (S&W TRR8) 2022-03-19
It's the simple things in life 2022-03-19
Can anyone suggest some good holster for an FNX 45? I do want to put a light on it eventually 2022-03-19
Steyr AUG with Trijicon Acog 2022-03-19
SLR106CR Pre-Chop 2022-03-19
Advice on what suppressor to get for my first? 2022-03-19
Help identifying inherited rifle 2022-03-19
Love to hate it, or hate to love it? 2022-03-19
only the bear essentials 2022-03-19
Right way to repaint a gun? 2022-03-19
Preserving guns w/ Ballistol or Hoppes 2022-03-19
Suggestions for my first AR-15 please! 2022-03-19
I have a strange blank in my vocabulary that I want to square away 2022-03-19
My British girlfriend, who "doesn't like guns" shooting a P90 for the first time. 2022-03-19
would parts from a martini henry fit on a martini enfield? 2022-03-19
Torture test of the second worst handgun Remington ever made. Honestly I am impressed for a gun with its reputation. 2022-03-19
Picked me up a new EDC. Diamondback Firearms DB9 Gen IV. Any particular ammo anyone have good luck running in these? I've noticed it doesn't like to rack with a full mag of +p rounds. Regular rounds are tight, but it will rack. So far no jams between the Blazer and IMI ammo. 2022-03-19
Since Pest forgot to post it, I will fill in, granted a day late. 2022-03-19
Sport king carbine a-102 2022-03-19
.450 BushMaster vs .50 Beowulf? 2022-03-19
Is there a wall mount for guns that uses nails to attach to the wall? 2022-03-21
space cowboy 2022-03-21
Winchester 1873 \034The Gun that Won the West\035 2022-03-21
Cleaning up after a good day. 2022-03-21
Swiss k31 w/ Diopter sights. 2022-03-21
Mock18 Questions 2022-03-21
Armed robbery of a store, and the grey areas of gun laws. 2022-03-21
Henry 22 Jamming 2022-03-21
Birchwood Casey Lead Remover on Blued Barrel 2022-03-21
The quintessential 80's action gun... UZI (Full Auto on a Form 4) 2022-03-21
My most interesting pistol, The Wilkinson Sherry .22 2022-03-21
Checking out some .22 LR tracers. 2022-03-21
Heard y\031all like Scars 2022-03-21
How to measure a slide tube? 2022-03-21
Need advice on re-coating an Atlas 2022-03-21
Finished my first AR-15 2022-03-21
<\xec<\xe7 L119A2 (15.7") and L119A1 (10.0") 2022-03-21
M118LR vs. IMI 7.62 175 gr Match 2022-03-21
First AR-15 and first SBR finally coming together. This thing slaps. New to firearms and the AR platform. 2022-03-21
Rust Removal Question 2022-03-21
Non Refundable Deposit 2022-03-21
They took back the \03003, got a 1917 instead 2022-03-21
Confused by date/age of Ruger Mark II 2022-03-21
im looking for some info 2022-03-21
Sighting in my Henry Big Boy .357 2022-03-21
Standard in Excellence: The Colt Single Action Army 2022-03-21
Ruger Mini-14 question. Outside of the round size is there any other major difference in the Mini-14 Ranch and the Mini-14 Mini Thirty? 2022-03-21
Found in late member's gun safe, seems to be Russian influenced but not sure what exactly it is. Please help identify 2022-03-21
It\031s Monday& 2022-03-21
Moving from Maine to Tenessee - help 2022-03-21
EAA Witness Match carbon buildup on Wonder Finish 2022-03-21
Hey there BB ;) 2022-03-21
Mauser Monday with two Mausers and a DWM Luger added for spice 2022-03-21
Grandma shoots AK at the range. 2022-03-21
Extended mag for Beretta APX A1 carry? 2022-03-21
Should I bother fixing this E9? 2022-03-21
25 yard with AR from a standing position? 2022-03-21
Savage 1917 2022-03-21
Fresh diamonds on a 16 gauge 2022-03-21
CAR-15 2022-03-21
Quick AR question 2022-03-21
Official Politics Thread 03-21-2022 2022-03-21
California Dreamin\031& 2022-03-21
Lets go back around 10 guns to my very first handgun; the M9 Beretta! How much life is left I wonder? =\\ 2022-03-21
compatible models. 2022-03-21
Is there a website I can use to see when my M1 Carbine was manufactured? It\031s only identifying markings say \034U.S. Carbine Cal.30 MI. Inland Div following the serial numbers. 2022-03-21
Is this normal round 3 lol 2022-03-21
Moronic Monday 03/21/22 2022-03-21
M1 Carbine 2022-03-21
Trying out the new pistol builds! 2022-03-21
How can I mount this? missing mounting hardware for sight 2022-03-21
I miss the days when I was excited by a $500 AR. 2022-03-21
Ordering online 2022-03-21
Saw a PP Posted Earlier: Vintage EDC Night? 2022-03-21
Brass Holes? 2022-03-21
Vintage Inspired 300BLK 2022-03-21
first time shooting a desert eagle, .50AE of course. 2022-03-21
Opinions on 350 Legend as a cheap, short-med distance goat/pig hunting round where I don't have straight-wall calibre restrictions. 2022-03-20
Enjoying Sunday in the range 2022-03-20
Multi Gun Prism Scopes Recommendations 2022-03-20
AR-15 Puzzle: Failure to Eject 2022-03-20
Happy 3/20, Chiefs 2022-03-20
Jewish rifle, German handgun 2022-03-20
Found another smokin deal. Got all this for 350. 2022-03-20
Small but annoying problem on 1873 cattleman: ejector rod head flops down. 2022-03-20
Frankie gsp 22lr 2022-03-20
Sig Sauer MK25 2022-03-20
Few Questions 2022-03-20
Does anybody actually know the power difference between pistols and SMG or pistol carbines? 2022-03-20
Went for Ammo, Left With This. 2022-03-20
Psak-47 furniture opinions wanted. 2022-03-20
Heritage arms... 2022-03-20
What are your favorite color combos for sights? I\031m getting ready to throw on a fresh set and am thinking green in the rear and red up front. What do you run? 2022-03-20
Good gun YouTube channels for learning? 2022-03-20
New impulse purchase today, Intratec Tec DC9 2022-03-20
LPVO recommendations around $1k 2022-03-20
Did marlin change the spring receiver in the model 60 2022-03-20
Finally Achieved A Bakelite Mag For 30$ 2022-03-20
Carcano(I think) Marking ID 2022-03-20
Vanlife Home Defense in CA 2022-03-20
How to pick a LPVO 2022-03-20
Finally put a thermal on one of my AR15 builds. 2022-03-20
A Wild SKS Appeared! 2022-03-20
Checking in. 2022-03-20
This Gun's Got Seoul 2022-03-20
Went to Gun show today. Disappointed I didn\031t take this home. 2022-03-20
3/20 but it's kinda French 2022-03-20
Proud first time gun owner - CZ 612 Field 2022-03-20
Has anybody ever ordered anything from 2022-03-20
Anybody have any experience with Riton x5 1-6 Tactix? 2022-03-20
After Ferrari\031s 1-2 finish today, I had the perfect excuse to shoot my new Italian shotgun for the first time. Grazzi. 2022-03-20
Just picked this up, Watcha think? 2022-03-20
My 320 for 3/20 2022-03-20
Remlin 45-70 Lever Issue 2022-03-20
Is hoppes #9 safe to use on AR-15s? 2022-03-20
1953 CZ52 2022-03-20
Ultra Compact Swiss PDW 2022-03-20
Diversity 2022-03-20
3/20 running my P320. 2022-03-20
To follow up my flux post, here\031s my favorite aspect. In 5 minutes I can turn a very capable PCC back into a concealable duty handgun. 2022-03-20
should I label different brands of ammo? 2022-03-23
1301 tactical optic options 2022-03-23
TLDR: New FFL, missed out on some info, have a few questions on what to do. 2022-03-23
PLEASE HALP 2022-03-23
22 20/22 for 3/22/2022 2022-03-23
-20 moa Athlon mount? 2022-03-23
Decided to become a beta tester today 2022-03-23
Seeking help finding this 1911 2022-03-23
What kind of gun is this? 2022-03-23
Bought my first CZ 2022-03-23
Its that time of the month again 2022-03-23
How to load an M1 Garand without including your thumb... 2022-03-23
CZ 75b "Cold War Commemorative" Edition 2022-03-23
I\031m not asking for a versus, I\031m about to purchase a firearm and I am still torn between the Ruger PC nine and the Ruger mini 14. 2022-03-23
Silence is golden. 2022-03-23
My home made VZ58 2022-03-23
Three twentytwos for 3/22 2022-03-23
Geissele just slaps, just like the SSAE-X 2022-03-23
Trying to date a M91 Carcano 2022-03-23
3 Weeks Ago, I Rattlecanned my Staccato C2. This is how it looks now! 2022-03-23
CGW vs CZC, which would you EDC? 2022-03-22
Bought my first gun. What kind of shells does it use? 2022-03-22
Handguns with long slides and compact grips. 2022-03-22
Quiz time: Does this bayonet go to this rifle? If not, what does it go to? 2022-03-22
Can someone recommend a gunsmith who can do slide cuts on a p365? 2022-03-22
Got this baby sunday, way smoother than the glock. 2022-03-22
This better not awaken anything in me... 2022-03-22
Trying to ship a rifle to an FFL. How do i go about it? 2022-03-22
Pair of Turnbull Rugers 2022-03-22
Experience with ordering from 4Range 2022-03-22
first time buyer- quick question to ease my mind 2022-03-22
settling for glocks? 2022-03-22
Everyone needs a suppressed 22 2022-03-22
Anyone Try using a Sionyx nigh vision scope? Any good? 2022-03-22
2 different generations 2022-03-22
Question about magazines being removed on a shipped firearm 2022-03-22
2 Stamp Tuesday 2022-03-22
Peanut Butta 2022-03-22
New CZ Scorpion 2022-03-22
Built like a brick shithouse. 2022-03-22
Hadn't bought a gun in 29 months. New CSX who dis? 2022-03-22
The "Pandemic" Glock 2022-03-22
How many porpoises can I get with this? 2022-03-22
Recently almost got scammed on Gunbroker, guy stole an account with 2k+ feedback, anyway to safely pay? 2022-03-22
If guns are mass produced, how can they tell which gun shot a bullet? 2022-03-22
tmw a coworker wants toes 2022-03-22
The Lee Enfield I inherited 2022-03-22
Ruger M77 mkii 7mm mag inaccuracy 2022-03-22
Retro =\016 2022-03-22
The Night-Hike Glock 2022-03-22
Keepin it simple with the P-2 2022-03-22
Considering purchasing a firearm 2022-03-22
Mossberg 590 12 Gauge 2022-03-22
Just wanted to share a photo of the boys 2022-03-22
One hand on the clock 2022-03-22
Remington 700 or ??? 2022-03-22
Just my completely normal new 1911 carry gun. Nothing different about it at all. 2022-03-22
Rossi .22 rifle bolt. 2022-03-22
My solution to running a remote switch for my weapon light on my Steyr AUG. 2022-03-22
Training Tuesday 3/22/22 2022-03-22
Compact LPVO 2022-03-22
Thermal PS90 :) 2022-03-22
CZ SP01 Shadow with (worn) Lok Brass Grips 2022-03-22
What Makes A Trigger Good? 2022-03-22
Do you have any slack in your LAW Tactical Folder? 2022-03-22
Gun Talk Tuesday - 22 March 2022 2022-03-22
Got myself a new edc for work. 15 round mag hellcat, holster is on its way! 2022-03-22
Probably not the best Sig but I love it 2022-03-22
The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire 2022-03-22
Question: 2022-03-22
Issues with my new Maverick 88 12ga 2022-03-22
Help! How do I disassembled a V. Bernadelli PO10? 2022-03-22
FN FALO rear sight problems 2022-03-22
My In progress Aero Precision Build 2022-03-22
"I. AM. SPEED." -5.56 of a 20" AR 2022-03-22
how to unclear g3c barrel asap 2022-03-22
lets say you've got the funds but little time, what's the best sequence of classes you would recommend? 2022-03-22
A couple guns representing all the way from 1812 to present. Details below. 2022-03-22
Difference between 9mm FMJ and 9mm HP 2022-03-22
45/70 my uncle bought. 2022-03-22
I like having options 2022-03-22
May finally have to see a gunsmith because I\031m dumb. 2022-03-22
Feds aren't identifying me from my digital toe profile. 2022-03-22
Gewehr 98/K98K Bayonet Lug Size 2022-03-22
The muzzle blast dispersion from DT\031s Ratchet compensator 2022-03-22
First gun, a spring came loose and I don\031t know where it came from (details in the comments) 2022-03-22
Made some changes to my livestock guardian/truck gun 2022-03-22
Are lr-300s legal to have in the United States? 2022-03-22
Spotted at my lgs 2022-03-22
*vibe checks your plates 2022-03-22
Any ideas? From somewhere between 1780s and 1810s but no visible date 2022-03-22
Can I buy a stripped lower at 18 in the state of Tennessee? 2022-03-21
Browsing 12ga I just inherited. Anyone know anything about these? My grandpa purchased it in \03063 and I\031m trying to get some more info on it. 2022-03-21
First AR put together, feel free to roast 2022-03-21
Is this an acceptable way to store my shotgun? 2022-03-21
Cursed 5.56 from hell 2022-03-21
I bought something 2022-03-21
A Tec 9 that actually works 2022-03-21
Trying to ID this handgun 2022-03-21
FFL missing delivery, need advice? 2022-03-21
Scary black rifle lineup so far 2022-03-24
A pair of Bren 2s all dressed up. 2022-03-24
HK91/G3/PTR91/C308 Enhanced Heavy Buffer woes 2022-03-24
GSG STG-44 2022-03-24
So We're Doing Wood ARs Today? 2022-03-24
My trio 2022-03-24
FN Pistol 7m/.85 (I think) 2022-03-24
COMMANDO 2022-03-24
ATF Forced Reset Trigger Letter Containment Thread 2022-03-24
best .22 handgun 2022-03-24
What Cerakote Matches Anodized Aluminum Best? 2022-03-24
Best place to gift a holster? 2022-03-24
After years of procrastinating, my first purchase. Italian 92fs Inox. 2022-03-24
What is this? 2022-03-24
The atf hates this one trick 2022-03-24
New to gun collecting 2022-03-24
Found this pump-action Remington .22 (Model 12-A) in storage \024 still cherry. 2022-03-24
Abyone know what these markings mean? 1973 Colt Cobra. 2022-03-24
My first and last attempt and building an AR15 2022-03-24
S&W 610 with 40S&W 2022-03-24
Friends don\031t let friends buy a Winchester Wildcat 2022-03-24
Doggo not super impressed by tax return... 2022-03-24
How do we feel about wood ARs? 2022-03-24
Getting over a fear of guns 2022-03-24
Bought A lower receiver when I was 18 had it sent to the nearest FFL dealer and they said I can\031t pick it up till I turn 21 I am currently 20 about to turn 21 2022-03-24
How to convert stock .223 AR to .300 BLK 2022-03-24
Anyone know why 410 ammo is so hard to find? 2022-03-24
Conceal carry at work? Boss/coworkers not too pro 2A? 2022-03-24
Thickheaded Thursday 03/24/22 2022-03-24
Every good nightstand gun should have a =\xa1. 2022-03-24
Trash or treasure 2022-03-24
CZ Shadow 2 : user feedback 2022-03-24
Glock 20 slide & threaded barrel 2022-03-24
I know it's not super nice like most of the other builds on here, but im super stoked on how my first AR turned out! 2022-03-24
Bolt actions: sling studs vs QD cups 2022-03-24
I don't know shit about fuck. 2022-03-24
Painted lettering should come stock 2022-03-24
Anyone have experience with the Rossi RS 22? 2022-03-24
This Is My Shotgun. 2022-03-24
Love my old single shot H&R pardner, but I hate the seemingly cheap plastic parts. Anyone know if you can replace the plastic parts on the newer ones with metal parts? I'd love to make this one a project. 2022-03-24
Belongs to a friend, very fun to shoot. I know it's a CZ, but what model? I'd love to buy one for myself 2022-03-24
Government property. 2022-03-24
Anyone here thinks guns help you deal with the fear of snakes/other wild animals ? 2022-03-24
Mannlicher M1895 straight pull 2022-03-24
please like me 2022-03-24
She's not perfect, but she's mine. 2022-03-24
Has a 380ACP Battle Pack Ever Been Used In Battle? 2022-03-24
Are there reproducible problems with Un-pinned slide stop problems with the Canik Rivals or similar guns? More info in post. 2022-03-23
\034Yeah, but it makes sense to order at least three because of the discount\035 2022-03-23
Laugo Arms Alien 2022-03-23
Good Wood showed up 2022-03-23
Just inherited a few really nice firearms including some custom rifles and an Ed brown 1911 kobra not pictured here 2022-03-23
Backstop Project this summer 2022-03-23
2 sexy pistolas 2022-03-23
Private Sales in Virginia 2022-03-23
After a few drinks I decided to rattle can my EDC last night. I can\031t wait for the holster wear to kick in! 2022-03-23
Armory Craft Skeleton Slides? 2022-03-23
Estimated value of 1938 P.08 Mauser Luger 2022-03-23
Is this rust removable without damaging the firearm? 2022-03-23
1891 Argentinian Mauser carbine. Gun shop insisted it was safe to shoot and claimed their gunsmith had gone over it. Brass is weirdly deformed and scratched up, did this with three rounds before I decided against it. Gun shop says it's normal for brass to bulge out like that. Is it safe to shoot? 2022-03-23
Open Carry Michigan 2022-03-23
Looking for feedback 2022-03-23
Is Walther Wednesday a thing? This is my Walther PDP 4" compact in some rare Texas snow. Details in the first comment... 2022-03-23
I'm bored of going to the range... 2022-03-23
Does Optics Planet still take months to ship products? 2022-03-23
Is the beretta s686 essential any good? 2022-03-23
My first ar15 2022-03-23
Pass the Gabagool - (Wilson Combat Vertec Centurion) 2022-03-23
Does BAC work with a 1x prism? 2022-03-23
HOWA issuing me an RMA on a rifle because it came with a cross threaded Bolt Hole new. Is it worth the time and hassle vs. a helicoil? 2022-03-23
The best Mauser 98 variant... and a K98k. 2022-03-23
Does anyone have any experience with D&L Sports ? 2022-03-23
90s police gun aesthetic is best aesthetic 2022-03-23
Hump(back) Day 2022-03-23
16" AR15 Faux Dissipator and 20" AR-15A2 2022-03-23
Windham Weaponry 20" Government 2022-03-23
I\031m a man of class and sophistication& 2022-03-23
Seeking information on leather holster for Chiappa Rhino 30DS. 2022-03-23
3D Printed MP5 Build With The Binary=@ 2022-03-23
Bought my first CZ yesterday , a CZ 83 I don\031t think I did too bad for $220. It\031s also all matching numbers from what I can tell so that\031s a bonus. 2022-03-23
Zenith Z5P 2022-03-23
Got myself a new FNX Tactical. The weekend can't come fast enough 2022-03-23
just got a db15 ar 2022-03-23
First attempt at Sponge Camo, now I want to do more 2022-03-23
Small Iron for WGW 2022-03-23
Can AR's do everything? 2022-03-23
I\031m a sucker for projects 2022-03-23
MagPul Handstop Torque - Anything to Worry About 2022-03-23
Wheelgun Wednesday, first gun I ever got! Grandpa gave it to me years ago, he bought it from Sears in 1956. Ruger Single Six 22lr/22wmr 2022-03-23
Winchester Wednesday 2022-03-23
Official Politics Thread 03-23-2022 2022-03-23
how big of a difference is there in WW2 era machine guns and modern ones? 2022-03-23
A few months ago, I asked for advice on how to make my rule of cool a happen. Today, using some of the things I learned here and the r/gunsmithing... I made it a reality. 2022-03-23
Shipping a completed 80% lower 2022-03-23
In need of advice? 2022-03-23
Is the M&P 15-22 currently overpriced? 2022-03-23
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/23/22 2022-03-23
Hellion VHS2: LPVO or Dot/magnifier? 2022-03-23
Does anyone know what this pistol is? 2022-03-23
SVT40 2022-03-23
Inherited This Gewehr 98 - ID Help/Cleaning Help 2022-03-25
Are there any non-invasive tang sights for 1873 Winchesters? 2022-03-25
If you were me, what would you offer? 2022-03-25
870 vs 870 express 2022-03-25
My new edc 2022-03-25
You guys convinced me. 2022-03-25
410 Jammy Jam 2022-03-25
Am I doing this right? 2022-03-25
Safe&.Friday? 2022-03-25
Bullet doesn\031t eject after fired and dented casing after fire 2022-03-25
Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro 2022-03-25
What would I be looking at, in order to swap out both sights of a RIA 1911? 2022-03-25
<\x85<x<q<x<}<v <q<\x81<~ 2022-03-25
Hellcat Pro vs. P365 XL angst 2022-03-25
Carry Handle Gang 2022-03-25
Arsenal sam7sf-84e 2022-03-25
Added a stock to my Pardini pistol 2022-03-25
which is the best gauge shotgun for home defense? 2022-03-25
I know this is probably a stupid question, but is there a product that could use for firing/target practice? 2022-03-25
Question about shotgun chokes 2022-03-25
Is Liberty Tree Guns legit? 2022-03-25
All wood VZ-58 2022-03-25
Question about a holster 2022-03-25
Tinnitus 2022-03-25
help identify a round of 9mm for me? 2022-03-25
I put my M79 on a diet 2022-03-25
Picked up twins today& 2022-03-25
Is practicing with a .22 going to build bad habits if you eventually plan on owning a 9mm? 2022-03-25
My k31 collection : custom, original with diopter and a commemorative plaque, original with iron sights 2022-03-25
Well shit.. 2022-03-25
Steyr Aug elite concrete cerakote 2022-03-25
Safe distances for pistol caliber rifles on steel targets? 2022-03-25
G19 Attachment Recommendations 2022-03-25
Camping/hiking ammo: 9mm Xtreme penetrators, or 10mm? 2022-03-25
Best deal/value for a 5.56 AR? 2022-03-25
Some times I do glamor shots of guns 2022-03-25
(2011) My mom shooting my dad's PS90. 10 years ago today she lost her fight to brain cancer. R.I.P. mom. (02/23/68 - 03/25/12) 2022-03-25
First AR15 rifle 2022-03-25
My first build ever. what kind of cleaning/lubricating should I do? details below: 2022-03-25
I told myself I didn\031t want a SCAR, but that was a lie 2022-03-25
After 350 days of waiting she\031s done 2022-03-25
Holosun optic mounting plate for Picatinny rail 2022-03-25
Those who have a 300 Ham'r what is your opinion? 2022-03-25
1 full year of having my LTC 2022-03-25
Just picked up my Tp9SC\031s big sexy cousin Walther PPQ Q4 Tac! 2022-03-25
PSA for anyone else with a P-10: My slide lock spring fell out of place during a range sessions and would lock the slide after every shot. Seems like a poor design that would get you killed in a fight. 2022-03-25
How to clean and tune up a shotgun that hasn't been fired in almost 20 years? 2022-03-25
Official Politics Thread 03-25-2022 2022-03-25
.22 LR, .22 WMR, or .17 HMR? 2022-03-25
Help on ID an AR barrel 2022-03-25
Recently acquired what I think is a 23mm autocannon off a WWII Mig 2022-03-25
How do I fold this rear sight up? 2022-03-25
Left handed 30-06 2022-03-25
PSA AKP with Holosun 510c and cable damascus knife. 2022-03-25
Friday Buyday 03/25/22 2022-03-25
Enjoying the Wilde new safe door organizer 2022-03-25
My .22 pistol it's stupid and I love it. 2022-03-25
Today's find, MKE AP5-P... Got everything shown + 2 more mags for $1800! 2022-03-25
I won a raffle and came home with a pair of Girson mc1911sc. 2022-03-25
Why do people train with drop leg holsters? 2022-03-25
Received my first LPVO today. 2022-03-25
CZ 75D PCR slide is very hard to pull back 2022-03-25
need help 2022-03-25
The proper way to set up a 590 shockwave. 2022-03-25
Out with the old, in with the new (p365x arrived today, tac-pac gets relegated to its case) If you know you like it, why not? 2022-03-25
kitty x gun 2022-03-25
Was wondering if this would be a good cheap starter ar-15? 2022-03-25
KNJ Holsters? 2022-03-25
44 Mag Deagle vs 44 Rem Mag ammo? 2022-03-25
Ruined Lettering fill_Slide Ghost 2022-03-25
ATI DF12 helo 2022-03-25
Here piggy piggy piggy 2022-03-25
Is there such thing as a realistic shooting simulator for PC or console? Just for fun. 2022-03-25
I want to get the magpul ms4 qd sling for my sig m400 tread coil rifle. Do I have to buy an mlok adapter for it seperately? 2022-03-24
Finally started my own collection (on a budget). 2022-03-24
Question about specific safariland holsters 2022-03-24
Getting hooked to the rattled look <\xa8 2022-03-24
Thumper Thursday 2022-03-24
Need a new shotgun 2022-03-24
Buying a handgun in Texas with an out of state DL or passport and proof of residency. Is it possible? 2022-03-24
PSA GF3 AK-P 2022-03-24
Easiest parts kit? 2022-03-24
Chair Force Ar-15 set up? 2022-03-24
Mag stash photo. These are some of my Glock mags. 2022-03-24
The Smiths 2022-03-24
Any experiences with Monsoon Tactical? 2022-03-24
Is this rifle worth it? 2022-03-24
Advice about blank firing guns 2022-03-24
Dirty .30 Thursday 2022-03-24
BCM MCMR Handguard Question 2022-03-24
Colorado gun laws? 2022-03-24
Lower came in! 2022-03-24
Just got a TX 22 & looking for good ammo, any suggestions? 2022-03-24
Question 2022-03-24
The Staccato P is absolutely worth every penny 2022-03-24
Can someone help me identify this old musket? Some details on comments. 2022-03-24
recommendations for a gun belt 2022-03-24
SBR pathway and guardrails 2022-03-24
mlok? mlok who?\024Zastava ZPAP92 [OC] 2022-03-24
A-Team 2022-03-24
Will using my cleaning rod into barrel through muzzle end damage it? 2022-03-27
Where can I get a M1 Carbine receiver? 2022-03-27
30-DN 2022-03-27
Help for first home protection 2022-03-27
Handgun WML doctrine and technique. 2022-03-27
Range Day W/ The Kit 2022-03-27
Hammer Of Fudd 2022-03-27
staccato c vs nighthawk counselor? 2022-03-27
Benellis and Daniel 2022-03-27
Fresh paint. 2022-03-27
Did a dumb with my beretta 1915/17. Help please. 2022-03-27
Clone AK-103 mags - Kalashnikov USA vs Palmetto State Armory 2022-03-27
105 year old bling, my new 1903 Colt Pocket Hammerless 2022-03-27
Picked up a 10/22 Ruger from a buddy, it has flip up sights and red dot. Is the optic placement okay? 2022-03-27
SIG MPX Elite Concrete cerakote 2022-03-27
Tried my hand at a rattle can paint job. 2022-03-27
Recommended budget 9mm for an EDC? 2022-03-26
Help identifying 7mm mauser 2022-03-26
When she thinks you only own one rifle \034because they all look the same\035. 2022-03-26
I think I\031m set for a while. 2022-03-26
Help making a decision for future gun purchase 2022-03-26
Gunsmiff 2022-03-26
DSA SA58 and aimpoint comp m2 with Rhodesian Hawaiian brushstroke sling. 2022-03-26
10 Rounds was Enough! UK vz. 59 - Full Auto Belt Fed Machine Gun - 7.62x54R 2022-03-26
Building a mk12 clone 2022-03-26
My life is complete 2022-03-26
I\031m the Rattle Can Man 2022-03-26
A few newbie questions about ammo and laser sights 2022-03-26
Firearmsheaven Inc. 2022-03-26
Blazer 124 & 115 gr 9mm Luger 2022-03-26
XANCAM Holster from Red Balloon Industries 2022-03-26
Has anyone here shot an MP-40? 2022-03-26
Question about background check for purchasing a handgun 2022-03-26
Savage .22 Magnum, 60 meters =L 2022-03-26
My new little friend. Palmetto PA-15 5.56/2.23 2022-03-26
Looking for replacement screws for 10/22 takedown tactical edition receiver plate screws 2022-03-26
Aero buffer retainer&.buffer tube is captured in this position but can make several more turns& 2022-03-26
Mysterious Smith & Wesson Hard Case 2022-03-26
I miss the 80's... they were a better time. 2022-03-26
AR15 won't cycle the next round into the chamber 2022-03-26
AR9 - 6\035 w/ titanium shroud 2022-03-26
Finding places for spare parts 2022-03-26
Duty weapons 1970-2000 2022-03-26
Just traded for this. Smith and Wesson Model 17 (no dash) from 1959, 22lr 8 3/8\035 barrel. 2022-03-26
Modern Musket 2022-03-26
Nics delay 2022-03-26
Quick questions from a first time lever action owner. 2022-03-26
My 0 interest loan to the US government was paid back today, i think this is how they wanted me to spend it 2022-03-26
Going through old home reloads my grandfather did, anything to look for visually before I test the ammo? 2022-03-26
My buddy had never shot his only rifle (Remington 721) before, so I told him to bring it with us to the range. 300 H&H has a bit of a kick to it! 2022-03-26
Whiskey just wants to be a part of things, you know? 2022-03-26
My Freedom Ordinance fx-9 2022-03-26
PCC Madness! 2022-03-26
A small arms review 2022-03-26
How\031d I do? 2022-03-26
Well here goes nothing 2022-03-26
Lesson of The Day 2022-03-26
Freedom Munitions in 2021-2022? 2022-03-26
Almost Roland special 2022-03-26
Bringing backpack to the airport. 2022-03-26
Built my 1st AR15! 2022-03-26
Behold Australians, My Tactical Boomerang. American Ingenuity at its finest. 2022-03-26
Can I purchase a at-15 lower in Virginia 2022-03-26
Full auto handguns purposes? 2022-03-26
Semi auto Sten MKV 2022-03-26
Has anyone purchased from they have something I\031ve been hunting for a while and would like y\031all\031s opinion 2022-03-26
Is 5.7x28mm good for self defense? 2022-03-26
calling all Queensland shooters iv created a page for to discuss our sport. 2022-03-26
MIRROR FINISH. 2022-03-26
Loctite on Pic Rails? 2022-03-26
Is it true that real and quality 10mm is hard to come by? 2022-03-26
Is it still considered fashionably late to post my gun pairings? 2022-03-26
Inherited M1 Carbine. I Have a few questions. 2022-03-26
How it currently feels on my recent range trips& 2022-03-26
Pure violence and still classy as fuck. 2022-03-26
New to handguns: M&P shield 2.0 with 15 round to use the extension sleeves? 2022-03-26
a good cheap gun building kit 2022-03-26
Are diamond back AR-15\031s any good? 2022-03-26
FK Putin but& 2022-03-26
DMR 2022-03-26
A work in Progress, but it's technically a rifle! 2022-03-26
The internet gets weird, take this 2022-03-26
Remington Thunderbolt .22 2022-03-26
Just the tip 2022-03-26
My heavily abused EDC 2022-03-26
My favorite ak, My Molot Vepr 74. Currently has Zenitco sport 5 kit, Rp-3 extended charging handle, Pt-5 stock, and Hexagon Tactical side rail 2022-03-26
Is it possible to set up an adjustable gas block on an AR15 but still have the A2 front sight posts? 2022-03-26
Less smelly alternatives to Butch's Bore Shine? 2022-03-26
What do you think of my abomination? Scar 16s 2022-03-26
Recommendation for reliable drum mags. 2022-03-26
Who does ATF contact regarding form 4 2022-03-26
34 Guns Packed into a 24 Gun Safe 2022-03-26
Quick question for right handed shooters& 2022-03-26
handgun suggestions 2022-03-25
Just finished cleaning the old boom stick. Mosin-Nagant with all original parts, minus the rear sight, which some madman sadly removed to attach a rail before I got it. 2022-03-25
M&P 45 Compact 2022-03-25
Can I put a 11.5 inch complete upper on a ar15 complete lower 2022-03-25
What are the best night vision goggles and you can legally export? 2022-03-25
I shot my mothers LCP today and the firing pin struck me in the face. I disassembled it along with a YouTube video and noticed the roll pin is a lot shorter than theirs. What would you do in this situation? My stepfather wants to replace the pin but I think we should contact Ruger. 2022-03-25
My dad wants me to ship a handgun to him. Is that illegal and if not how can I ? 2022-03-25
With tiny ar15s and mcx/similar, where does a pcc fit in the arsenal now? 1647358844
I still don\031t feel like this is good enough. Ha. Anyone else this anal about this stuff? 1647356938
Best Home Defense Round in 5.56? 1647356882
5\0365*5/555&53 5\r50535.5"5- 1647355393
My suppressed 12.5 AR is the same size as my 14.5" AR 1647354013
Springfield Hellcat RDP with SilencerCo Omega 9k and Streamlight TLR-7. 1647353828
Does anyone know of any good firearms podcasts? 1647348419
Training Tuesday 3/15/22 1647347634
My .38 Special Amadeo Rossi Made in Brasil for home defense 1647346351
Are we doing scoped pistols now? 1647344325
Twenty Tuesday 1647342141
Gun Talk Tuesday - 15 March 2022 1647341968
RimFire scope advice 1647338355
Will 9mm kurz work on a 9mm? Specifically smith&wesson sd9ve? 1647329218
New Benelli M4 Bolt Carrier Release 1647329010
New grips who dis 1647325961
Couldn't get a hold of a stock adaptor, so I bubba'd one. 1647319731
Moving to the US from Canada. How can I bring my AR? 1647319196
Becoming a firearms instructor 1647318616
CETME charging handle pin no budge 1647317440
My Ruger MKIV Target w/RMR 1647314038
My new Palmetto State Armory ar pistol. I have some new parts I will post after I install them. 1647313836
Anybody else not get all the ammo you paid for? 1647311490
What is this rifle from "Cruel Gun Story?" 1647309850
please send help, I don't know what I'm doing with my saiga 308! 1647309556
Where could I get a replacement metal band for this arisaka, and would this band be universal between all arisaka models? I want to use it, but without the band, the barrel is bowed upwards and I'm not gonna risk damage (if a small bow can cause that). 1647309155
saw frt 1647309112
I'm finally becoming a Father. So papa needs to update his AR-15 game. 1647308265
NAA 22 Mag 1647307698
2nd RMR cut I've done in the books 1647306633
zastava ak47 1647306536
Anyone else seen issues having an easier time limp wristing with ammo from the last few years? 1647306069
Why is my scope so canted? Can it be fixed without buying new? 1647305601
Using your CCW or Home Defense Weapon 1647304214
Spanish CETME C Charger pin 1647303969
Groomsmen Gift? 1647303851
Parts shopping widget? 1647302325
Holster brands 1647302163
Desert Eagles and the nosey cat, 1647300428
I've got a couple of questions about my Verona SX 405-12ga shotgun. 1647298981
Juliet 3 micro issues 1647298079
HK clones 1647297169
I mean, five-five-six made by bad-ass Hebrews 1647296694
M&P Mondays 1647295803
Picked up this new Citori CX over the weekend, Ive got wood 1647295587
Anyone wanna take a road trip to Agua Fria? 1647294934
Little bit of old, little bit of new. Range day choices are hard. 1647294026
.450 Bushmaster Build. Ready to shoot! 1647293882
1968 BAR 1647292501
My KISS small game gitter. Chiappa Little Badger, 22lr 1647291844
Mounting a Red dot on a Scope 1647291671
Pretty good range day, as you can see 1647290948
FFL License question 1647290585
Looking to get my girlfriend and I PCCs. CZ Scorpion Evo 3, KUSA KP-9 or Aero EPC-9? 1647289478
Best office paperweights. 1647289450
Childhood dream fulfilled. 1647287570
I just finished my m1897 trenchgun build. My 3rd trenchgun build. 1647286896
Early production Belgian Sweet-Sixteen 1647286412
Brought my grandpa's Remington Model 34 back to life 1647286251
When your Zenitco furniture and RC2 get out of jail the same week. 1647285730
My first AR the SW Sport II, I bought in 2017 ran fine and served me well over the years. Decided to do a full send on Geissele Super Duty and see how it runs! 1647285340
Rifle chambered for .357 / .38 1647284499
Can anyone tell me what this is? 1647284386
If you haven't shot a scoped pistol, its an absolute blast 1647284255
Anyone else run some drills this weekend? Here is my worst of the day. 1647282863
C&R license 1647282232
Fun retro build 1647281037
AKS-74U, Modernized 1647280120
someone tell me about colt company after being bought out by Czech 1647279704
wood furniture 1647279239
Possibly stupid question. 1647279237
Barrett M107 at indoor range, see other post for video 1647278841
New gun user. My gun is very old, is there a maximum on the grain of the cartridges I use with it? 1647278756
Wood furniture is so aesthetically pleasing 1647278707
How important? 1647277828
Wake me up when 30-06 is affordable again 1647277353
The time for action is now. 1647276804
M1 Monday 1647276226
Big Bore Monday? 1647273744
Inherited this monstrosity from my late grandfather, any suggestions on how to best un-meme it? 1647273567
Has anyone had any experience with Central Florida Armament? 1647464411
Single shot autoloader? 1647463852
Are magazine fed shotguns generally unreliable? 1647463840
My first time shooting a fully automatic. MP5 was buttery smooth 1647463440
8 inches of pure, not my penis, that's my 2 inches of sheer laughter. 1647461974
Texas Views 1647460762
When your girl likes the new gun you bought, but decides it\031s hers now. 1647460474
My run-of-the-mill G19.3 1647459428
Look at this old mosin nagant my grandpa gave me before he died 1647459213
How fucked is my mosin? 1647458844
Lightweight build done 1647458242
Chef\031s kiss 1647457253
Any recommendations for a first focal plane hunting optic? 1647457103
Just installed a new Hogue hardwood monogrip on the Ruger GP100! 1647456954
My first wheelgun Wednesday. 1647454382
Canik TP9 SFX and cat 1647453484
Pre-War Commercial Broomhandle, all numbers matching 1647450909
My old wasr and my new m18. These make for a fun range combo. 1647449717
Looking for a Small, Lockable Hard Case for Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle - Ideas? 1647447493
Quesnel, BC, Canada: Winter Brutality Stages 4, 5 and 6 (Pictures and Designs) 1647447216
probably spend too much money on it, but it shoots like a dream. 1647445869
Diversity! 10mm, 10x25mm, & .40S&W Magnum 1647445789
Questions about Surplus rifles in Cosmoline in general and Mosin Nagant 1925 Izhevsk Mosin Nagant in cosmoline without escutcheons? 1647445597
running a pistol with a red dot with a suppressor ? 1647445175
Finally put together a pistol with a lower I\031ve had for 5 years or so 1647444862
Western Wednesday? It ain't much, but it's mine 1647444824
Polymer guns are sick. Complete with shit weapon lights cause I\031m a poor. 1647443018
Hearing Protection 1647441024
What's Wrong With My MP5? It's Making My Eyes Water and Ears Bleed. 1647440539
1908 Iver Johnson advertisement and .38 Safety Automatic Hammerless for Wheelgun Wednesday 1647440288
Slowmo SVD 1647439781
easily the nicest pistol I've ever shot 1647439348
New kid on the block here. This is my daily carry, 9mm Smith&Wesson 2.0 M&P shield. I carry it with the extended 8 round mag plus one in the chamber. I'm using hot point HJP self defense ammo. Extra details in the comment section if you care to read them. 1647437680
Muh Mosin with a dumpy =\x9a 1647433645
I found these two guns at a house I'm working on. I think they're Japanese WW2 rifles? 1647429634
"Hey Guys, is [site] a scam?" Or: The Magic 8 Ball guide on how to use your brain. 1647423927
speedloader/speed feed 1647422847
CZ Evo 3 S1 carbine trigger upgrade? 1647420839
How should I go about this from a legal perspective? 1647418022
Official Politics Thread 2022-03-16 1647407950
What is the proper way to reload a revolver from a shoulder holster? 1647407900
I just zeroed my rifle at 50 yards&.. then i saw i need to level the scope. Even if it\031s zeroed do i need to level it? How important is leveling it? 1647405768
Iron sights width question 1647404158
GWOT with a spot of tea <\xec<\xe7 1647403547
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/16/22 1647403200
Magpul really does excelle in polishing turds. 1647402277
Curious if this is even possible 1647400573
Over priced sks? 1647400048
Mmmm&. maple. 1647399531
Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion with upgrades saddle, much better than the old one, topped with a nice red dot and light upfront. Makes for a great "bump in the night" gun. 1647398670
Range Day with some friends 1647397625
Garage gun ideas 1647396597
First time thinking of buying and confused about FFLs. 1647396433
first time buying a non-surplus bolt gun for $900 1647396054
Sig RMR seal plate - Piece of shit 1647393152
My first time at the range! I think I did alright, was a lot of fun! 1647392987
My brand new Camdon Defense AR. (Yes I\031m from California) 1647392723
Saw this at a LGS and I couldn\031t pass it up. Now the question is do I leave it how it is or swap all the furniture out? 1647392312
Chilean Model 1912 Mauser short rifle, produced from Waffenfabrik Steyr in Austria 1647391148
Are there any belt fed 22s? 1647390832
Work EDC 1647390718
What gun is this? 1647390002
Finally picked up my first gun and I think I\031m in love 1647389493
Came home and found these two hanging out in the corner. Sketchy fellas. 1647388966
Revolver/Carbine combo 1647388230
Help me identify this gun 1647387477
If it seats, it yeets??? =, 1647387424
Slim Fit Holsters (Canik TP9 Elite SC) 1647386684
Does anyone else find USCCA YouTube channel a bit misleading ? 1647384558
Angstadt Arms UDP-9 OEM 15rd Glock mags won't fit 1647383487
CCW Question 1647381926
AR-15 Mod Legal Question 1647381429
Favorite pistol I own. 10.3\035 URGI. 1647380693
What the hell did I just pay $200 for? 1647380076
Picked up the latest Glock 19 today& 1647378996
Iron Sights vs Eyes 1647377895
Is there a fingerprint gun box that actually works 100% hours the time? 1647377877
The Salt Life is not for cheap Rugers apparently. 1647376935
30/06 To 7.7x58 Jap 1647376855
Deep cleaning your firearms 1647375040
1911 gi sights 1647373377
Current Mosin 91/30 prices? $480 too much? 440 round spam can included in the price 1647373123
Milled AKs > 1647372152
The sling really brings it all together 1647372028
Glock 45 9mm 1647371922
Got my first apartment, so my brother and I made a table that holds my shotgun. 1647370617
The MCX Spear at home 1647370501
.308 Winchester TrueVelocity images 1647370277
Going to gun range for the first time 1647369994
Serious question about the legality of my idea for my project. 1647369712
Oh Yeah, It\031s All Coming Together 1647369386
Radio Silence from Faxon Firearms Support 1647369119
Need opinion on the sights. Should I put irons on the AR or the pistol. The sight is on a riser on the rifle I can remove that for the pistol switch if needed. Thanks dudes. 1647368091
My favorite gun 1647366834
Found a briefcase full of ammo. Need help identifying 1647363638
Is Small Arms Review magazine worth subscribing too? 1647363233
Best best for shotgun barrel in this market? 1647362820
Moving my gun locker today. 1647362799
Don't talk to me, or my son ever again. 1647360280
Sig M17 vs M18 1647359630
458 SOCOM <q\017opper just got finished 1647564509
Best Hearing Protection? Double Up 1647564207
Attaching sling adapters on a Mossberg 500. Any ideas or tips? 1647563212
Help me identify this 870. It\031s a 21\035 fixed full choke barrel. I don\031t know how to post more pictures but it says special on the receiver. 1647561837
Went to the LGS to get my first AR15. Didn't go as planned. 1647561215
LGS options 1647560807
5 Rounds.. Sigh. 1647560077
new range toy, .300AAC 1647559795
Happy 50th birthday to this old boom stick 1647558124
XMk18E1 Mod 607 1647555209
New thang 1647554953
Picked up this Winchester 1300 (most underrated pump imo) looking to put a stock on it, what do you guys think of speedfeed stocks? 1647554290
Anyone know what brand of scope rings these are ? 1647553774
If your EDC doesn't feel right then try something else ! 1647553282
I bought this gun from an auction, what in the absolute brass tack hell is it? 1647552627
Zama strong enough for blank firing guns? 1647552516
Henry AR 7 Screw Replacement 1647552199
Just picked up my first shotgun! Pretty jazzed to try it out 1647552093
How bout a little green for my boy Saint Paddy eh? 1647550433
There's a little green in there, I swear 1647549950
Dragging myself kicking and screaming into the modern era with my 20 inch AR and M9A4. 1647549211
Firearm question 1647549065
Range Day Progress. 1647548865
Do you guys like my frog blanket? 1647546780
Show this cheap little bastard some love 1647546178
The Ruger 10/22 is America\031s rifle, change my mind 1647546016
Perfect pairings. We're all sommeliers but for old guns. 1647541987
Bear or PMC? 1647541588
Baby poop goes hard (this is not a political statement, plz don\031t disable my post) 1647540090
And now I have a battle rifle. 1647540010
St Patrick\031s Day Reppin 1647539338
Looking for advice on possibly trading my M203 40mm for a clip-on thermal. Details inside. 1647539136
Me Little Armalite 1647538649
Proud dad moment. Took my 12yo to the range with me for the first time. We had a blast! 1647534932
My pairs almost all make sense 1647534921
Some pairs of .22 1647534846
Everyone is Irish Today - Smith & Wesson 686+ and a Four Leaf Clover 1647534398
7.62 BCG 1647534356
Winchester model 70 in 7x57 Mauser 1647534117
Am i allowed to bring empty bullet casings on an airplane if i put it in my suitcase in canada? 1647533623
Some More Pairings You Might Enjoy 1647532691
Help me decide on a USA made light for my AR15 1647531989
Favorite Nighttime Steel Ringer! 1647530453
cross eye dominant shooters of reddit; looking for advice on AR optics. 1647530255
Kiss me I\031m Irish <\xee<\xea<@ 1647527684
Has anyone shot the standard manufacturing SP-12? 1647526883
My pistol/rifle pairings 1647526325
Carcano Snap Caps 1647524529
Kel-Tec SUB-2000 vs Ruger 10/22 Magpul Backpacker For Survival Gun 1647521465
Building a basement gun room. Let's talk about humidity control. 1647520439
PSA AK bad or something idk 1647519369
Want to convert caliber 1647515509
Steel case ammo question 1647513227
Happy St. Patrick\031s Day 1647512247
7.62x39 in AR platform 1647509695
Good luck finding one of these, Mossberg 500 roadblocker edition with ATI folding stock. Springfield XD .45 for scale 1647496369
12 gauge revolvers 1647495344
1939 Luger problem 1647493798
I guess we're doing fine wine pistol pairings tonight? 1647491441
458 socom AR15 help 1647491329
Thickheaded Thursday 03/17/22 1647489600
Ed Brown with red dot and threaded barrel 1647489388
When they tell you to not get a scary black AR15. So you get one in FDE. Help me welcome my first AR15! 1647489153
Fal Stg 58 parts kit value 1647489107
POSP T scope is moving around on my Zastava M70 1647489015
Glock 19 - Round blew up while firing today. What next? 1647488093
First time buying a firearm went to sportsman warehouse in PA. My background check is pending how long does this take? 1647485570
Looking for forums to source 13.2mm Mauser 1918 t-gewehr rounds 1647483227
The only Bush war I don\031t enjoy is in your moms pants 1647482207
My first gun purchase update 1647482046
Question: Was the IMI Galil ever used by insurgencies? 1647481410
Swiss k31 1647481061
Pistol pairings, like a fine wine. 1647480324
Can I have an AR pistol in my truck at 19? 1647480081
finally got to pick up my cmp 1911. 1647479873
\034Custom\035 1647479721
New (to me) Russian Capture K98 - Questions about stripper clips? 1647479287
Taylor and co. 1873 \034Gambler\035 .357 1647478944
Taylor Freelance for the win 1647478804
Quick question about iwi jericho 941 fs9 1647478553
Wheelgun Weds. 1908 New Colt 32 Police Positive 1647478538
Just bought my first gun ever and I am absolutely in love. Can\031t wait to take her out to the range. 1647476716
BuT iT DoEsNt FlOat 1647475795
Wheelgun Wednesday - Rosewood Snake Edition 1647475657
Wheel gun Wednesday post, Cimmeron 1872 Open Top in .45 LC. 1647475148
First Wheel Gun Wednesday post. Let\031s hear it. 1647474405
My new Arsenal SAM7R, w/ a MI T2 Optic mount 1647473822
My 6.5-06 Build 1647473480
FDE build 16" UwU 1647472834
Not so much a gun question, but an accessory question involving a wild dog and a goat. 1647471845
Good Day 1647471805
New Heritage just in time for Wheelgun Wednesday 1647470527
RKS USA Legit? 1647469944
Got this in a lot we bought,no markings or stamps what is this ? 1647469800
Converted a clothes closet into a gun closet for about $300 1647469480
Everything That was in My Safe 1647469247
Wheel Gun Wednesday with my Grandpa's old Model 48 in 22 magnum 1647466589
18\035 go-to barrel 1647465128
New Mombasa flashbacks intensify 1647464846
Today was a good day... 1647464533
The ones I actually carry 1647660985
My current AK build 1647660706
I just had a ND 1647660083
Advice on a new gun 1647659120
Best full size pistol for under $600 1647658145
The best of both worlds ;) . 1647657852
Finished my rifle for now (plus pistols bc wby not) 1647657318
New 20ga and .22 (ignore my creaky floor.) 1647655637
Can too much steel wool prevent wood from absorbing tung oil for finish? 1647654136
I'm sure the question has been asked before.. But as a woman, (with a violent stalker) what would you recommend?? 1647653956
Wondering how much it would cost to get my gun "anodized" 1647653422
Broke college student in search shotgun 1647652952
Diamondback DB15 - Is it any good? 1647652672
\034Yeah just grab a jacket out of the closet\035 1647651157
is it cursed? 1647650014
Double action revolver - how much energy is needed to spin the cylinder, and how much to cock the hammer? 1647644793
Can you tell the difference? Left is old one I bought from gun store. Right was a random eBay purchase. Which one of these is fake? Look at the streamlight logo Lol. Old one has a more yellow throw, the eBay one is bright white. 1647644198
My first AR15. SigM400 with Romeo-MSR red dot sight. 1647643951
10.5\035 pistol fully collapsed only slightly smaller than 18\035 Tavor. Mr920 Elite for scale (I don\031t have any bananas) 1647643432
Just picked up a new carry pistol. Anyone have any idea who did these lightening cuts? Thanks! 1647643258
Which 3 would you keep? 1647641686
Help to identify this gun? The photo is WW2, the only photo I can find of the gun. 1647641263
Another new gun owner! God bless the Second Amendment. Also, bullets are more expensive than I thought they were. 1647641070
I think I came. Should I play the lottery? My usual pawn shop came in clutch again. $600OTD. New. 1647640617
My new H&K USP 1647640499
POF P-415 Edge Upper w/ Binary Trigger Lower? 1647640351
Arts and Crafts Day for my Fudd Guns 1647640050
Can't decide which I like better, they're both great calibers 1647639754
Purchasing under circumstances 1647639398
Which 9mm laser trainer to go with? 1647638272
Diarrhea vitiligo SCAR-16 >) (toe tax paid) 1647638014
Solvent Traps 1647637362
Springfield 1903 1647636310
Why did the monthly challenges stop? 1647635992
FDE Folder Friday Flexin' 1647635951
I just hate having to share with idiots who don't know what "range is hot" means 1647635294
Firearms are always loaded 1647634814
First 50 with new 1911 1647634474
Fun .22 Rifle Suggestions 1647634326
Can I remove the thumb safety on my m&p 2.0 without the frame plugs? 1647634259
Not sure if anyone would know but my grandfather has since passed, so unfortunately I can\031t ask him. When he was on a sub in WWII it was standard issue to carry a sidearm when on patrol when docked. Trying to track down/figure out what he might have been carrying. Any ideas would be great, thanks! 1647634215
Vortex Viper Problems! 1647633507
Weird question, firearm adjacent&. Anyone know of a list of which Recoil magazines had what targets in them? 1647633469
Will the mck fit a smith and Wesson sd40ve? 1647632074
Gun Cabinet(like stackon) with Keypad Instead of Key 1647631843
Bet y\031all ain\031t ever seen a MK18 with a sandman before 1647630978
Building a suppressed SBR that will fit in a back pack? 1647630934
<L 1647630645
Finally decided to do it and this is coming home with me 1647630259
\017\017&!,DAY -AGIC\017\017 1647628478
My AR pistol is coming along 1647628189
Did these custom g43x\031s for a buddy - what do you guys think? 1647628100
Scored a 1941 Mauser K98K 1647626087
Latest .22 project 1647625975
UA Themed Walther PDP 1647625879
Folder Friday (but tbh I gotta ditch the brace) 1647624114
DD PDW with EXPS2 Green late St Patrick\031s Day post 1647623142
Sadly, the first gun I've ever owned and also sadly the first gun I'm going to shoot since getting out of the military 6 years ago. 1647622499
My edc, the titan .380 i love this little gun to death 1647620456
Reloading and primers 1647620385
Buying an ultrasonic cleaner, anything i should know before ordering one? 1647616676
Truso Armory, legit? 1647613119
I Showed You My Home Defense Setup Please Respond (Glock 45) 1647612402
b&t ghm45. whatcha think? 1647611494
Dumb dumb need answers 1647611127
DISTANCE SHOOTERS: I'm looking to get into a Semi .308 BR/DMR and I'm currently looking at the Fulton Armory M14 w/peerless or the POF Revolution. Gotta be a piston gun. Any others I should be looking at? Budget $5k. 1647611010
Seeing as it was St. Patrick's Day yesterday, I decided to pick up my first green rifle. My Sako TRG-42 in .338LM 1647609976
Summer carry / Winter carry 1647609545
Springfield Trapdoor Markings ID 1647609093
Happy FrIWIday yall 1647608879
Heirloom Pistol Box. Made for a Veteran father as a gift to his son's promotion to Major. 1647607432
Had some people asking how my 308 AR-15 shot 1647606308
12 gauge home defense ammo 1647604411
Official Politics Thread 3/18/22 1647601915
Retro Gang 1647600439
STNGR HWK Handguard + AA Piston Kit Compatibility 1647597681
Bolt action chambered in .44mag that ISNT a ruger 77/44? 1647585890
is .270 dead? 1647584005
I got the Clapp. 1647578173
Friday Buyday 03/18/22 1647576000
PTR-91 Advice 1647575583
Please clean up when shooting public land. My buddy and I shot 22lr and 9mm and we cleaned up 85 lbs of trash, most shotgun shells 1647575215
First time shooting a handgun. Can I get some advice? 1647575131
Does selling my gun to a store count as a PPT? 1647575057
Taran Tactical STI 2011 in John Wick 1647572221
gun vise recommendations 1647571239
Took my new AR out to the range today, and it jammed on the first shot&>r 1647570014
Price check on Ruger Red Label 1647568202
Trying to find a holster that will fit my handgun and a rail mounted flashlight 1647568126
9mm carbine advice: PSA AR-V 7" or STRIBOG SP9A1 1647567334
Looking for info on Winchester model 250/290 (more pics in comment) 1647567034
Ruger security 9 full size holster ? 1647566783
20 vs 12 for clay? 1647566596
St. Patrick\031s day Scout Rifle 1647566209
Tactical or something idk 1647566129
Took the ol\031 Kalashnikov on a sub-zero hiking trip the other day& 1647566032
St. Patrick's day post 1647565954
Savage axis cracks in Boyd\031s stock looking for advice 1647564057
Two-Tone-Thursdays from now on 1647565216
*Chef's Kiss* 1647564585
Look at what came today 1647797835
AESTHETIC 1647797450
Background Check With Carry Permit? 1647797440
My simple 320 submission. 1647797137
Mossberg 500 j.i.c 1647796103
Sundays are for 9x18 1647795689
Dan Wesson 1911 valor, jams a lot! 1647795285
I am setting up a Mosin-Nagant (I know, I know... not my first gun, I own a couple 10/22s already), with bedding, a trigger job, scope and a butt pad. 1647794162
Luger P08 1917 1647792449
My .320 on 3/20 1647791795
One of these things is not like the others 1647791043
My first AR 1647788296
19x almost done, just debating the newest Timney trigger, is it worth it on a carry piece? 1647781811
My full auto B&T APC300 (MG), B&T MP9-N (SMG), Glock 18 Gen3 (SMP) and Zastava M53 (LMG) 1647771059
Springfield Armory XD 9 1647758395
I was denied ammo in CA today and have no clue why. 1647755014
SS MR920 Elite Vs Glock 19 X 1647750220
Remington .22 key holing like crazy 1647749781
Got to try out a few of my newest firearms finally! 1647748547
Get out and enjoy firearms when you can. d\017 1647747760
Tried to use a heat knife to cut the foam. It came out ok but could use a bit more practice. Also my first ar15 build. 1647747760
Question about Benelli Shotguns 1647746515
I can see in the dark. 1647744200
Husqvarna M/40S - The Danish Police, Swedish Built, Finnish 9mm 1647742679
Best gun safe if you have kids? 1647742096
Sig sauer p226 extreme. 1647741200
What\031s everyone\031s EDC? 1647741111
Fitelite question 1647740637
Selling Firearms 1647739979
Good evening fellow enthusiasts& 1647739970
Private Seller Handgun Recommendation 1647739600
New addition 1647738600
UK vz. 59 Czechoslovakian LMG - Full Auto 50 Round Belt Dump w/ Slow Motion 1647738138
P320 Nitron Holster Recommendation 1647738051
PSA PA65 Gen 3 6.5 creedmoor extracting and ejecting issue, is this new? 1647736755
Elftman trigger pin help 1647736742
Peak 2000s carry? Rohrbaugh R9 1647735778
need some reference material Stat M28 1647735104
New to guns, and wanting to learn more. 1647733935
Behold, The Pimp Cane MkII 1647733235
Case made by a pelican for my guns 1647732575
Buying online vs Buying from local stores? 1647732226
I\031d say I feel comfortable with taking a break from buying any other pews for now. Now for ammo, training, and attachments. 1647732084
Second time out with the new Bergara B-14 HMR. 1647731724
Range day! First time firing my rifle and my new EDC. 1647731451
New build. 300 BLK 1647730440
It\031s not the \03003 I wanted but it\031s the \03003 I got 1647730203
Ass-end Aturday 1647729979
Happy Belated Birthday to Me! 1647728723
I love guns but all the different ammo types make my head spin. 1647727357
Thought y\031all my appreciate this ad from the 90\031s 1647727237
My new concealed carry has 10-12 round capacity for extra stealth in concealed actions 1647726995
Considering the idea of shoulder holster CCW - Feedback on options on gun 1647726382
James River Galil 5.56 1647726128
I dont think India wanted this rifle to ride shiny and chrome 1647725964
Howa Trade? 1647725578
First suppressor, Liberty Constitution 1647724356
12\035 VS 16\035 barrel on lever rifle? 1647723395
Grandpa is bequeathing his unused High Standard .22 since he\031s getting old, never held a more beautiful gun 1647722716
Gun restoration 1647722363
Help with Types of HK45 Adjuatable Sight 1647720558
SecureIt Safes and/or Storage racks.... seem well like utter Garbage? 1647720361
My guns and my brothers guns. Guess which state we live in :( 1647719408
Dream gun aquired: FN FNC 1647719263
I\031m an idiot. Stuck slide on reassembly. Help! 1647719173
Questions about USPSA Production Division 1647718959
My most questionable gun purchase of the year... so far. Two AMT Hardballer Longslides. 1647717860
Gangster fun in the sun 1647717632
FMJ V.S. Hollow Point 1647717610
Green and Black is a Vibe 1647716959
Extended magazine for SW9VE? 1647716769
Decisions, decisions... 1647714714
Grand Power P1 Ultra. Kinda funky, kinda awesome. 1647714673
I've grown quite affectionate to this beauty 1647713718
Behold: Peak EDC 1647711305
First Gun - Thinking about a PCC - Tell me why I'm wrong or unreasonable 1647710474
"Spitfield" - Does anybody knows something about this? 1647710235
Is financing a firearm as dumb as it sounds? 1647708872
New M1A Owner With Some Questions in Comments. 1647708627
I purchased my 1st S&W M&P Sport 2 AR-15 with FDE MAGPUL CTR Stock, MOE+ Pistol Grip, M-Lok MVG Vertical Grip, Holosun 510c and Streamlight HLX&I will probably swap out the charging handle next =\016 1647707600
Just turned 21, no greater birthday present to myself than my first firearm. (S&W TRR8) 1647707178
It's the simple things in life 1647706493
Can anyone suggest some good holster for an FNX 45? I do want to put a light on it eventually 1647703850
Steyr AUG with Trijicon Acog 1647703819
SLR106CR Pre-Chop 1647701271
Advice on what suppressor to get for my first? 1647700957
Help identifying inherited rifle 1647700211
Love to hate it, or hate to love it? 1647700177
only the bear essentials 1647697071
Right way to repaint a gun? 1647696878
Preserving guns w/ Ballistol or Hoppes 1647694926
Suggestions for my first AR-15 please! 1647691417
I have a strange blank in my vocabulary that I want to square away 1647691080
My British girlfriend, who "doesn't like guns" shooting a P90 for the first time. 1647690284
would parts from a martini henry fit on a martini enfield? 1647672924
Torture test of the second worst handgun Remington ever made. Honestly I am impressed for a gun with its reputation. 1647671567
Picked me up a new EDC. Diamondback Firearms DB9 Gen IV. Any particular ammo anyone have good luck running in these? I've noticed it doesn't like to rack with a full mag of +p rounds. Regular rounds are tight, but it will rack. So far no jams between the Blazer and IMI ammo. 1647670892
Since Pest forgot to post it, I will fill in, granted a day late. 1647667319
Sport king carbine a-102 1647661963
.450 BushMaster vs .50 Beowulf? 1647661093
Is there a wall mount for guns that uses nails to attach to the wall? 1647899924
space cowboy 1647899467
Winchester 1873 \034The Gun that Won the West\035 1647897266
Cleaning up after a good day. 1647896137
Swiss k31 w/ Diopter sights. 1647895997
Mock18 Questions 1647895063
Armed robbery of a store, and the grey areas of gun laws. 1647893813
Henry 22 Jamming 1647892296
Birchwood Casey Lead Remover on Blued Barrel 1647890671
The quintessential 80's action gun... UZI (Full Auto on a Form 4) 1647889926
My most interesting pistol, The Wilkinson Sherry .22 1647888720
Checking out some .22 LR tracers. 1647887789
Heard y\031all like Scars 1647887076
How to measure a slide tube? 1647885106
Need advice on re-coating an Atlas 1647884989
Finished my first AR-15 1647884623
<\xec<\xe7 L119A2 (15.7") and L119A1 (10.0") 1647884551
M118LR vs. IMI 7.62 175 gr Match 1647883752
First AR-15 and first SBR finally coming together. This thing slaps. New to firearms and the AR platform. 1647883092
Rust Removal Question 1647881708
Non Refundable Deposit 1647881662
They took back the \03003, got a 1917 instead 1647880732
Confused by date/age of Ruger Mark II 1647880199
im looking for some info 1647879951
Sighting in my Henry Big Boy .357 1647879441
Standard in Excellence: The Colt Single Action Army 1647879224
Ruger Mini-14 question. Outside of the round size is there any other major difference in the Mini-14 Ranch and the Mini-14 Mini Thirty? 1647877638
Found in late member's gun safe, seems to be Russian influenced but not sure what exactly it is. Please help identify 1647877629
It\031s Monday& 1647876599
Moving from Maine to Tenessee - help 1647876572
EAA Witness Match carbon buildup on Wonder Finish 1647874831
Hey there BB ;) 1647874772
Mauser Monday with two Mausers and a DWM Luger added for spice 1647873401
Grandma shoots AK at the range. 1647873299
Extended mag for Beretta APX A1 carry? 1647873106
Should I bother fixing this E9? 1647870997
25 yard with AR from a standing position? 1647870637
Savage 1917 1647870590
Fresh diamonds on a 16 gauge 1647867997
CAR-15 1647866210
Quick AR question 1647864035
Official Politics Thread 03-21-2022 1647860352
California Dreamin\031& 1647856984
Lets go back around 10 guns to my very first handgun; the M9 Beretta! How much life is left I wonder? =\\ 1647853977
compatible models. 1647843978
Is there a website I can use to see when my M1 Carbine was manufactured? It\031s only identifying markings say \034U.S. Carbine Cal.30 MI. Inland Div following the serial numbers. 1647839726
Is this normal round 3 lol 1647835305
Moronic Monday 03/21/22 1647835201
M1 Carbine 1647834979
Trying out the new pistol builds! 1647834746
How can I mount this? missing mounting hardware for sight 1647827054
I miss the days when I was excited by a $500 AR. 1647825549
Ordering online 1647825357
Saw a PP Posted Earlier: Vintage EDC Night? 1647824798
Brass Holes? 1647823844
Vintage Inspired 300BLK 1647821835
first time shooting a desert eagle, .50AE of course. 1647821035
Opinions on 350 Legend as a cheap, short-med distance goat/pig hunting round where I don't have straight-wall calibre restrictions. 1647820027
Enjoying Sunday in the range 1647819773
Multi Gun Prism Scopes Recommendations 1647818477
AR-15 Puzzle: Failure to Eject 1647817761
Happy 3/20, Chiefs 1647817562
Jewish rifle, German handgun 1647816593
Found another smokin deal. Got all this for 350. 1647816589
Small but annoying problem on 1873 cattleman: ejector rod head flops down. 1647816546
Frankie gsp 22lr 1647816243
Sig Sauer MK25 1647815360
Few Questions 1647814851
Does anybody actually know the power difference between pistols and SMG or pistol carbines? 1647814588
Went for Ammo, Left With This. 1647814527
Psak-47 furniture opinions wanted. 1647813714
Heritage arms... 1647812798
What are your favorite color combos for sights? I\031m getting ready to throw on a fresh set and am thinking green in the rear and red up front. What do you run? 1647812669
Good gun YouTube channels for learning? 1647812481
New impulse purchase today, Intratec Tec DC9 1647812206
LPVO recommendations around $1k 1647811931
Did marlin change the spring receiver in the model 60 1647810560
Finally Achieved A Bakelite Mag For 30$ 1647809779
Carcano(I think) Marking ID 1647809499
Vanlife Home Defense in CA 1647809070
How to pick a LPVO 1647807842
Finally put a thermal on one of my AR15 builds. 1647807806
A Wild SKS Appeared! 1647807172
Checking in. 1647807114
This Gun's Got Seoul 1647806114
Went to Gun show today. Disappointed I didn\031t take this home. 1647805950
3/20 but it's kinda French 1647805675
Proud first time gun owner - CZ 612 Field 1647805085
Has anybody ever ordered anything from 1647804650
Anybody have any experience with Riton x5 1-6 Tactix? 1647804437
After Ferrari\031s 1-2 finish today, I had the perfect excuse to shoot my new Italian shotgun for the first time. Grazzi. 1647804222
Just picked this up, Watcha think? 1647803881
My 320 for 3/20 1647803833
Remlin 45-70 Lever Issue 1647802378
Is hoppes #9 safe to use on AR-15s? 1647799983
1953 CZ52 1647799564
Ultra Compact Swiss PDW 1647799013
Diversity 1647798681
3/20 running my P320. 1647798243
To follow up my flux post, here\031s my favorite aspect. In 5 minutes I can turn a very capable PCC back into a concealable duty handgun. 1647798064
should I label different brands of ammo? 1648004565
1301 tactical optic options 1648003744
TLDR: New FFL, missed out on some info, have a few questions on what to do. 1648003343
PLEASE HALP 1648002641
22 20/22 for 3/22/2022 1648001970
-20 moa Athlon mount? 1648001521
Decided to become a beta tester today 1647999852
Seeking help finding this 1911 1647999578
What kind of gun is this? 1647998939
Bought my first CZ 1647997678
Its that time of the month again 1647997621
How to load an M1 Garand without including your thumb... 1647996811
CZ 75b "Cold War Commemorative" Edition 1647996207
I\031m not asking for a versus, I\031m about to purchase a firearm and I am still torn between the Ruger PC nine and the Ruger mini 14. 1647996089
Silence is golden. 1647995968
My home made VZ58 1647995214
Three twentytwos for 3/22 1647994716
Geissele just slaps, just like the SSAE-X 1647994438
Trying to date a M91 Carcano 1647994186
3 Weeks Ago, I Rattlecanned my Staccato C2. This is how it looks now! 1647994007
CGW vs CZC, which would you EDC? 1647993142
Bought my first gun. What kind of shells does it use? 1647988651
Handguns with long slides and compact grips. 1647988552
Quiz time: Does this bayonet go to this rifle? If not, what does it go to? 1647987058
Can someone recommend a gunsmith who can do slide cuts on a p365? 1647986949
Got this baby sunday, way smoother than the glock. 1647985587
This better not awaken anything in me... 1647985211
Trying to ship a rifle to an FFL. How do i go about it? 1647985057
Pair of Turnbull Rugers 1647984422
Experience with ordering from 4Range 1647984369
first time buyer- quick question to ease my mind 1647984137
settling for glocks? 1647984116
Everyone needs a suppressed 22 1647984050
Anyone Try using a Sionyx nigh vision scope? Any good? 1647980879
2 different generations 1647980616
Question about magazines being removed on a shipped firearm 1647979591
2 Stamp Tuesday 1647979487
Peanut Butta 1647978817
New CZ Scorpion 1647978060
Built like a brick shithouse. 1647977577
Hadn't bought a gun in 29 months. New CSX who dis? 1647977045
The "Pandemic" Glock 1647976822
How many porpoises can I get with this? 1647972636
Recently almost got scammed on Gunbroker, guy stole an account with 2k+ feedback, anyway to safely pay? 1647971483
If guns are mass produced, how can they tell which gun shot a bullet? 1647970544
tmw a coworker wants toes 1647969673
The Lee Enfield I inherited 1647969007
Ruger M77 mkii 7mm mag inaccuracy 1647968852
Retro =\016 1647966781
The Night-Hike Glock 1647966314
Keepin it simple with the P-2 1647966215
Considering purchasing a firearm 1647965683
Mossberg 590 12 Gauge 1647963503
Just wanted to share a photo of the boys 1647963075
One hand on the clock 1647961902
Remington 700 or ??? 1647961735
Just my completely normal new 1911 carry gun. Nothing different about it at all. 1647960417
Rossi .22 rifle bolt. 1647959255
My solution to running a remote switch for my weapon light on my Steyr AUG. 1647958942
Training Tuesday 3/22/22 1647958743
Compact LPVO 1647957945
Thermal PS90 :) 1647957730
CZ SP01 Shadow with (worn) Lok Brass Grips 1647957255
What Makes A Trigger Good? 1647953502
Do you have any slack in your LAW Tactical Folder? 1647950601
Gun Talk Tuesday - 22 March 2022 1647947417
Got myself a new edc for work. 15 round mag hellcat, holster is on its way! 1647942652
Probably not the best Sig but I love it 1647930939
The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire 1647927272
Question: 1647927025
Issues with my new Maverick 88 12ga 1647925333
Help! How do I disassembled a V. Bernadelli PO10? 1647920180
FN FALO rear sight problems 1647918759
My In progress Aero Precision Build 1647917385
"I. AM. SPEED." -5.56 of a 20" AR 1647917182
how to unclear g3c barrel asap 1647916327
lets say you've got the funds but little time, what's the best sequence of classes you would recommend? 1647914147
A couple guns representing all the way from 1812 to present. Details below. 1647913650
Difference between 9mm FMJ and 9mm HP 1647913033
45/70 my uncle bought. 1647912726
I like having options 1647911269
May finally have to see a gunsmith because I\031m dumb. 1647910914
Feds aren't identifying me from my digital toe profile. 1647910834
Gewehr 98/K98K Bayonet Lug Size 1647910630
The muzzle blast dispersion from DT\031s Ratchet compensator 1647910088
First gun, a spring came loose and I don\031t know where it came from (details in the comments) 1647910064
Made some changes to my livestock guardian/truck gun 1647909858
Are lr-300s legal to have in the United States? 1647909310
Spotted at my lgs 1647909086
*vibe checks your plates 1647907959
Any ideas? From somewhere between 1780s and 1810s but no visible date 1647907858
Can I buy a stripped lower at 18 in the state of Tennessee? 1647906726
Browsing 12ga I just inherited. Anyone know anything about these? My grandpa purchased it in \03063 and I\031m trying to get some more info on it. 1647904293
First AR put together, feel free to roast 1647901964
Is this an acceptable way to store my shotgun? 1647901729
Cursed 5.56 from hell 1647901480
I bought something 1647901289
A Tec 9 that actually works 1647901140
Trying to ID this handgun 1647900842
FFL missing delivery, need advice? 1647900573
Scary black rifle lineup so far 1648148300
A pair of Bren 2s all dressed up. 1648147931
HK91/G3/PTR91/C308 Enhanced Heavy Buffer woes 1648147411
GSG STG-44 1648147102
So We're Doing Wood ARs Today? 1648146002
My trio 1648145828
FN Pistol 7m/.85 (I think) 1648145591
COMMANDO 1648144808
ATF Forced Reset Trigger Letter Containment Thread 1648144606
best .22 handgun 1648144126
What Cerakote Matches Anodized Aluminum Best? 1648142923
Best place to gift a holster? 1648140514
After years of procrastinating, my first purchase. Italian 92fs Inox. 1648136464
What is this? 1648136276
The atf hates this one trick 1648132516
New to gun collecting 1648132485
Found this pump-action Remington .22 (Model 12-A) in storage \024 still cherry. 1648131925
Abyone know what these markings mean? 1973 Colt Cobra. 1648131866
My first and last attempt and building an AR15 1648131598
S&W 610 with 40S&W 1648128880
Friends don\031t let friends buy a Winchester Wildcat 1648128542
Doggo not super impressed by tax return... 1648128199
How do we feel about wood ARs? 1648127356
Getting over a fear of guns 1648102386
Bought A lower receiver when I was 18 had it sent to the nearest FFL dealer and they said I can\031t pick it up till I turn 21 I am currently 20 about to turn 21 1648102301
How to convert stock .223 AR to .300 BLK 1648097862
Anyone know why 410 ammo is so hard to find? 1648096380
Conceal carry at work? Boss/coworkers not too pro 2A? 1648095495
Thickheaded Thursday 03/24/22 1648094401
Every good nightstand gun should have a =\xa1. 1648093572
Trash or treasure 1648092859
CZ Shadow 2 : user feedback 1648092408
Glock 20 slide & threaded barrel 1648092388
I know it's not super nice like most of the other builds on here, but im super stoked on how my first AR turned out! 1648091672
Bolt actions: sling studs vs QD cups 1648091010
I don't know shit about fuck. 1648090404
Painted lettering should come stock 1648089214
Anyone have experience with the Rossi RS 22? 1648088471
This Is My Shotgun. 1648086573
Love my old single shot H&R pardner, but I hate the seemingly cheap plastic parts. Anyone know if you can replace the plastic parts on the newer ones with metal parts? I'd love to make this one a project. 1648086375
Belongs to a friend, very fun to shoot. I know it's a CZ, but what model? I'd love to buy one for myself 1648086214
Government property. 1648084160
Anyone here thinks guns help you deal with the fear of snakes/other wild animals ? 1648081559
Mannlicher M1895 straight pull 1648081357
please like me 1648080657
She's not perfect, but she's mine. 1648080311
Has a 380ACP Battle Pack Ever Been Used In Battle? 1648080234
Are there reproducible problems with Un-pinned slide stop problems with the Canik Rivals or similar guns? More info in post. 1648079601
\034Yeah, but it makes sense to order at least three because of the discount\035 1648079125
Laugo Arms Alien 1648078076
Good Wood showed up 1648077523
Just inherited a few really nice firearms including some custom rifles and an Ed brown 1911 kobra not pictured here 1648074756
Backstop Project this summer 1648074284
2 sexy pistolas 1648073500
Private Sales in Virginia 1648073067
After a few drinks I decided to rattle can my EDC last night. I can\031t wait for the holster wear to kick in! 1648072541
Armory Craft Skeleton Slides? 1648071596
Estimated value of 1938 P.08 Mauser Luger 1648070379
Is this rust removable without damaging the firearm? 1648068961
1891 Argentinian Mauser carbine. Gun shop insisted it was safe to shoot and claimed their gunsmith had gone over it. Brass is weirdly deformed and scratched up, did this with three rounds before I decided against it. Gun shop says it's normal for brass to bulge out like that. Is it safe to shoot? 1648068728
Open Carry Michigan 1648068378
Looking for feedback 1648067094
Is Walther Wednesday a thing? This is my Walther PDP 4" compact in some rare Texas snow. Details in the first comment... 1648066993
I'm bored of going to the range... 1648066959
Does Optics Planet still take months to ship products? 1648066851
Is the beretta s686 essential any good? 1648064076
My first ar15 1648062397
Pass the Gabagool - (Wilson Combat Vertec Centurion) 1648061492
Does BAC work with a 1x prism? 1648060884
HOWA issuing me an RMA on a rifle because it came with a cross threaded Bolt Hole new. Is it worth the time and hassle vs. a helicoil? 1648060415
The best Mauser 98 variant... and a K98k. 1648059819
Does anyone have any experience with D&L Sports ? 1648058849
90s police gun aesthetic is best aesthetic 1648055923
Hump(back) Day 1648055591
16" AR15 Faux Dissipator and 20" AR-15A2 1648055048
Windham Weaponry 20" Government 1648055019
I\031m a man of class and sophistication& 1648054890
Seeking information on leather holster for Chiappa Rhino 30DS. 1648047033
3D Printed MP5 Build With The Binary=@ 1648046356
Bought my first CZ yesterday , a CZ 83 I don\031t think I did too bad for $220. It\031s also all matching numbers from what I can tell so that\031s a bonus. 1648046250
Zenith Z5P 1648046034
Got myself a new FNX Tactical. The weekend can't come fast enough 1648045079
just got a db15 ar 1648044772
First attempt at Sponge Camo, now I want to do more 1648044192
Small Iron for WGW 1648042875
Can AR's do everything? 1648042812
I\031m a sucker for projects 1648042355
MagPul Handstop Torque - Anything to Worry About 1648042262
Wheelgun Wednesday, first gun I ever got! Grandpa gave it to me years ago, he bought it from Sears in 1956. Ruger Single Six 22lr/22wmr 1648041329
Winchester Wednesday 1648038071
Official Politics Thread 03-23-2022 1648032316
how big of a difference is there in WW2 era machine guns and modern ones? 1648026358
A few months ago, I asked for advice on how to make my rule of cool a happen. Today, using some of the things I learned here and the r/gunsmithing... I made it a reality. 1648021932
Shipping a completed 80% lower 1648021303
In need of advice? 1648020647
Is the M&P 15-22 currently overpriced? 1648010288
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/23/22 1648008000
Hellion VHS2: LPVO or Dot/magnifier? 1648007960
Does anyone know what this pistol is? 1648007804
SVT40 1648007650
Inherited This Gewehr 98 - ID Help/Cleaning Help 1648248107
Are there any non-invasive tang sights for 1873 Winchesters? 1648246857
If you were me, what would you offer? 1648245281
870 vs 870 express 1648244459
My new edc 1648243101
You guys convinced me. 1648242266
410 Jammy Jam 1648240894
Am I doing this right? 1648240680
Safe&.Friday? 1648240578
Bullet doesn\031t eject after fired and dented casing after fire 1648240061
Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro 1648240055
What would I be looking at, in order to swap out both sights of a RIA 1911? 1648239915
<\x85<x<q<x<}<v <q<\x81<~ 1648239912
Hellcat Pro vs. P365 XL angst 1648239077
Carry Handle Gang 1648238344
Arsenal sam7sf-84e 1648234450
Added a stock to my Pardini pistol 1648234175
which is the best gauge shotgun for home defense? 1648233304
I know this is probably a stupid question, but is there a product that could use for firing/target practice? 1648231224
Question about shotgun chokes 1648230993
Is Liberty Tree Guns legit? 1648230937
All wood VZ-58 1648230700
Question about a holster 1648230588
Tinnitus 1648229100
help identify a round of 9mm for me? 1648228549
I put my M79 on a diet 1648227942
Picked up twins today& 1648226887
Is practicing with a .22 going to build bad habits if you eventually plan on owning a 9mm? 1648225991
My k31 collection : custom, original with diopter and a commemorative plaque, original with iron sights 1648224749
Well shit.. 1648224622
Steyr Aug elite concrete cerakote 1648223116
Safe distances for pistol caliber rifles on steel targets? 1648222300
G19 Attachment Recommendations 1648222081
Camping/hiking ammo: 9mm Xtreme penetrators, or 10mm? 1648221594
Best deal/value for a 5.56 AR? 1648221179
Some times I do glamor shots of guns 1648221115
(2011) My mom shooting my dad's PS90. 10 years ago today she lost her fight to brain cancer. R.I.P. mom. (02/23/68 - 03/25/12) 1648220367
First AR15 rifle 1648220082
My first build ever. what kind of cleaning/lubricating should I do? details below: 1648218940
I told myself I didn\031t want a SCAR, but that was a lie 1648217495
After 350 days of waiting she\031s done 1648217294
Holosun optic mounting plate for Picatinny rail 1648214372
Those who have a 300 Ham'r what is your opinion? 1648213924
1 full year of having my LTC 1648213429
Just picked up my Tp9SC\031s big sexy cousin Walther PPQ Q4 Tac! 1648211852
PSA for anyone else with a P-10: My slide lock spring fell out of place during a range sessions and would lock the slide after every shot. Seems like a poor design that would get you killed in a fight. 1648210086
How to clean and tune up a shotgun that hasn't been fired in almost 20 years? 1648205728
Official Politics Thread 03-25-2022 1648204464
.22 LR, .22 WMR, or .17 HMR? 1648188024
Help on ID an AR barrel 1648187180
Recently acquired what I think is a 23mm autocannon off a WWII Mig 1648182456
How do I fold this rear sight up? 1648182302
Left handed 30-06 1648182161
PSA AKP with Holosun 510c and cable damascus knife. 1648181978
Friday Buyday 03/25/22 1648180800
Enjoying the Wilde new safe door organizer 1648179458
My .22 pistol it's stupid and I love it. 1648178868
Today's find, MKE AP5-P... Got everything shown + 2 more mags for $1800! 1648177966
I won a raffle and came home with a pair of Girson mc1911sc. 1648176976
Why do people train with drop leg holsters? 1648176584
Received my first LPVO today. 1648176245
CZ 75D PCR slide is very hard to pull back 1648176177
need help 1648175387
The proper way to set up a 590 shockwave. 1648172505
Out with the old, in with the new (p365x arrived today, tac-pac gets relegated to its case) If you know you like it, why not? 1648172325
kitty x gun 1648172212
Was wondering if this would be a good cheap starter ar-15? 1648171211
KNJ Holsters? 1648171009
44 Mag Deagle vs 44 Rem Mag ammo? 1648170245
Ruined Lettering fill_Slide Ghost 1648168675
ATI DF12 helo 1648168101
Here piggy piggy piggy 1648167996
Is there such thing as a realistic shooting simulator for PC or console? Just for fun. 1648167897
I want to get the magpul ms4 qd sling for my sig m400 tread coil rifle. Do I have to buy an mlok adapter for it seperately? 1648165756
Finally started my own collection (on a budget). 1648165582
Question about specific safariland holsters 1648165404
Getting hooked to the rattled look <\xa8 1648163929
Thumper Thursday 1648163419
Need a new shotgun 1648162810
Buying a handgun in Texas with an out of state DL or passport and proof of residency. Is it possible? 1648162198
PSA GF3 AK-P 1648161378
Easiest parts kit? 1648160992
Chair Force Ar-15 set up? 1648160646
Mag stash photo. These are some of my Glock mags. 1648160584
The Smiths 1648160100
Any experiences with Monsoon Tactical? 1648157021
Is this rifle worth it? 1648156258
Advice about blank firing guns 1648155963
Dirty .30 Thursday 1648154378
BCM MCMR Handguard Question 1648154300
Colorado gun laws? 1648154093
Lower came in! 1648153841
Just got a TX 22 & looking for good ammo, any suggestions? 1648152987
Question 1648151407
The Staccato P is absolutely worth every penny 1648150964
Can someone help me identify this old musket? Some details on comments. 1648150587
recommendations for a gun belt 1648150069
SBR pathway and guardrails 1648149351
mlok? mlok who?\024Zastava ZPAP92 [OC] 1648149235
A-Team 1648148527
Will using my cleaning rod into barrel through muzzle end damage it? 1648349111
Where can I get a M1 Carbine receiver? 1648348755
30-DN 1648346983
Help for first home protection 1648346947
Handgun WML doctrine and technique. 1648345640
Range Day W/ The Kit 1648344524
Hammer Of Fudd 1648343903
staccato c vs nighthawk counselor? 1648341796
Benellis and Daniel 1648341404
Fresh paint. 1648341048
Did a dumb with my beretta 1915/17. Help please. 1648340806
Clone AK-103 mags - Kalashnikov USA vs Palmetto State Armory 1648340129
105 year old bling, my new 1903 Colt Pocket Hammerless 1648340059
Picked up a 10/22 Ruger from a buddy, it has flip up sights and red dot. Is the optic placement okay? 1648339752
SIG MPX Elite Concrete cerakote 1648339539
Tried my hand at a rattle can paint job. 1648339310
Recommended budget 9mm for an EDC? 1648338738
Help identifying 7mm mauser 1648338372
When she thinks you only own one rifle \034because they all look the same\035. 1648338243
I think I\031m set for a while. 1648336641
Help making a decision for future gun purchase 1648336374
Gunsmiff 1648335790
DSA SA58 and aimpoint comp m2 with Rhodesian Hawaiian brushstroke sling. 1648335701
10 Rounds was Enough! UK vz. 59 - Full Auto Belt Fed Machine Gun - 7.62x54R 1648335556
Building a mk12 clone 1648335128
My life is complete 1648334888
I\031m the Rattle Can Man 1648334363
A few newbie questions about ammo and laser sights 1648333799
Firearmsheaven Inc. 1648333057
Blazer 124 & 115 gr 9mm Luger 1648331816
XANCAM Holster from Red Balloon Industries 1648331468
Has anyone here shot an MP-40? 1648331344
Question about background check for purchasing a handgun 1648331067
Savage .22 Magnum, 60 meters =L 1648330994
My new little friend. Palmetto PA-15 5.56/2.23 1648330522
Looking for replacement screws for 10/22 takedown tactical edition receiver plate screws 1648329555
Aero buffer retainer&.buffer tube is captured in this position but can make several more turns& 1648327050
Mysterious Smith & Wesson Hard Case 1648325105
I miss the 80's... they were a better time. 1648323413
AR15 won't cycle the next round into the chamber 1648323074
AR9 - 6\035 w/ titanium shroud 1648322624
Finding places for spare parts 1648322265
Duty weapons 1970-2000 1648321996
Just traded for this. Smith and Wesson Model 17 (no dash) from 1959, 22lr 8 3/8\035 barrel. 1648321767
Modern Musket 1648320070
Nics delay 1648319768
Quick questions from a first time lever action owner. 1648317586
My 0 interest loan to the US government was paid back today, i think this is how they wanted me to spend it 1648317237
Going through old home reloads my grandfather did, anything to look for visually before I test the ammo? 1648317008
My buddy had never shot his only rifle (Remington 721) before, so I told him to bring it with us to the range. 300 H&H has a bit of a kick to it! 1648316968
Whiskey just wants to be a part of things, you know? 1648316328
My Freedom Ordinance fx-9 1648316023
PCC Madness! 1648315768
A small arms review 1648314228
How\031d I do? 1648313533
Well here goes nothing 1648313373
Lesson of The Day 1648313176
Freedom Munitions in 2021-2022? 1648311721
Almost Roland special 1648309636
Bringing backpack to the airport. 1648309037
Built my 1st AR15! 1648307328
Behold Australians, My Tactical Boomerang. American Ingenuity at its finest. 1648305470
Can I purchase a at-15 lower in Virginia 1648305145
Full auto handguns purposes? 1648303244
Semi auto Sten MKV 1648298105
Has anyone purchased from they have something I\031ve been hunting for a while and would like y\031all\031s opinion 1648296305
Is 5.7x28mm good for self defense? 1648294775
calling all Queensland shooters iv created a page for to discuss our sport. 1648292763
MIRROR FINISH. 1648288867
Loctite on Pic Rails? 1648284130
Is it true that real and quality 10mm is hard to come by? 1648282859
Is it still considered fashionably late to post my gun pairings? 1648280879
Inherited M1 Carbine. I Have a few questions. 1648277783
How it currently feels on my recent range trips& 1648268386
Pure violence and still classy as fuck. 1648268050
New to handguns: M&P shield 2.0 with 15 round to use the extension sleeves? 1648267269
a good cheap gun building kit 1648265585
Are diamond back AR-15\031s any good? 1648262655
FK Putin but& 1648260749
DMR 1648260239
A work in Progress, but it's technically a rifle! 1648259634
The internet gets weird, take this 1648258978
Remington Thunderbolt .22 1648258378
Just the tip 1648258350
My heavily abused EDC 1648258300
My favorite ak, My Molot Vepr 74. Currently has Zenitco sport 5 kit, Rp-3 extended charging handle, Pt-5 stock, and Hexagon Tactical side rail 1648256886
Is it possible to set up an adjustable gas block on an AR15 but still have the A2 front sight posts? 1648255116
Less smelly alternatives to Butch's Bore Shine? 1648254716
What do you think of my abomination? Scar 16s 1648254666
Recommendation for reliable drum mags. 1648254333
Who does ATF contact regarding form 4 1648254116
34 Guns Packed into a 24 Gun Safe 1648253975
Quick question for right handed shooters& 1648253899
handgun suggestions 1648252352
Just finished cleaning the old boom stick. Mosin-Nagant with all original parts, minus the rear sight, which some madman sadly removed to attach a rail before I got it. 1648251426
M&P 45 Compact 1648250293
Can I put a 11.5 inch complete upper on a ar15 complete lower 1648249852
What are the best night vision goggles and you can legally export? 1648249302
I shot my mothers LCP today and the firing pin struck me in the face. I disassembled it along with a YouTube video and noticed the roll pin is a lot shorter than theirs. What would you do in this situation? My stepfather wants to replace the pin but I think we should contact Ruger. 1648248721
My dad wants me to ship a handgun to him. Is that illegal and if not how can I ? 1648248414
With tiny ar15s and mcx/similar, where does a pcc fit in the arsenal now? With tiny ar15s and mcx/similar, where does a pcc fit in the arsenal now?
I still don\031t feel like this is good enough. Ha. Anyone else this anal about this stuff? I still don\031t feel like this is good enough. Ha. Anyone else this anal about this stuff?
Best Home Defense Round in 5.56? Best Home Defense Round in 5.56?
5\0365*5/555&53 5\r50535.5"5- 5\0365*5/555&53 5\r50535.5"5-
My suppressed 12.5 AR is the same size as my 14.5" AR My suppressed 12.5 AR is the same size as my 14.5" AR
Springfield Hellcat RDP with SilencerCo Omega 9k and Streamlight TLR-7. Springfield Hellcat RDP with SilencerCo Omega 9k and Streamlight TLR-7.
Does anyone know of any good firearms podcasts? Does anyone know of any good firearms podcasts?
Training Tuesday 3/15/22 Training Tuesday 3/15/22
My .38 Special Amadeo Rossi Made in Brasil for home defense My .38 Special Amadeo Rossi Made in Brasil for home defense
Are we doing scoped pistols now? Are we doing scoped pistols now?
Twenty Tuesday Twenty Tuesday
Gun Talk Tuesday - 15 March 2022 Gun Talk Tuesday - 15 March 2022
RimFire scope advice RimFire scope advice
Will 9mm kurz work on a 9mm? Specifically smith&wesson sd9ve? Will 9mm kurz work on a 9mm? Specifically smith&wesson sd9ve?
New Benelli M4 Bolt Carrier Release New Benelli M4 Bolt Carrier Release
New grips who dis New grips who dis
Couldn't get a hold of a stock adaptor, so I bubba'd one. Couldn't get a hold of a stock adaptor, so I bubba'd one.
Moving to the US from Canada. How can I bring my AR? Moving to the US from Canada. How can I bring my AR?
Becoming a firearms instructor Becoming a firearms instructor
CETME charging handle pin no budge CETME charging handle pin no budge
My Ruger MKIV Target w/RMR My Ruger MKIV Target w/RMR
My new Palmetto State Armory ar pistol. I have some new parts I will post after I install them. My new Palmetto State Armory ar pistol. I have some new parts I will post after I install them.
Anybody else not get all the ammo you paid for? Anybody else not get all the ammo you paid for?
What is this rifle from "Cruel Gun Story?" What is this rifle from "Cruel Gun Story?"
please send help, I don't know what I'm doing with my saiga 308! please send help, I don't know what I'm doing with my saiga 308!
Where could I get a replacement metal band for this arisaka, and would this band be universal between all arisaka models? I want to use it, but without the band, the barrel is bowed upwards and I'm not gonna risk damage (if a small bow can cause that). Where could I get a replacement metal band for this arisaka, and would this band be universal between all arisaka models? I want to use it, but without the band, the barrel is bowed upwards and I'm not gonna risk damage (if a small bow can cause that).
saw frt saw frt
I'm finally becoming a Father. So papa needs to update his AR-15 game. I'm finally becoming a Father. So papa needs to update his AR-15 game.
NAA 22 Mag NAA 22 Mag
2nd RMR cut I've done in the books 2nd RMR cut I've done in the books
zastava ak47 zastava ak47
Anyone else seen issues having an easier time limp wristing with ammo from the last few years? Anyone else seen issues having an easier time limp wristing with ammo from the last few years?
Why is my scope so canted? Can it be fixed without buying new? Why is my scope so canted? Can it be fixed without buying new?
Using your CCW or Home Defense Weapon Using your CCW or Home Defense Weapon
Spanish CETME C Charger pin Spanish CETME C Charger pin
Groomsmen Gift? Groomsmen Gift?
Parts shopping widget? Parts shopping widget?
Holster brands Holster brands
Desert Eagles and the nosey cat, Desert Eagles and the nosey cat,
I've got a couple of questions about my Verona SX 405-12ga shotgun. I've got a couple of questions about my Verona SX 405-12ga shotgun.
Juliet 3 micro issues Juliet 3 micro issues
HK clones HK clones
I mean, five-five-six made by bad-ass Hebrews I mean, five-five-six made by bad-ass Hebrews
M&P Mondays M&P Mondays
Picked up this new Citori CX over the weekend, Ive got wood Picked up this new Citori CX over the weekend, Ive got wood
Anyone wanna take a road trip to Agua Fria? Anyone wanna take a road trip to Agua Fria?
Little bit of old, little bit of new. Range day choices are hard. Little bit of old, little bit of new. Range day choices are hard.
.450 Bushmaster Build. Ready to shoot! .450 Bushmaster Build. Ready to shoot!
1968 BAR 1968 BAR
My KISS small game gitter. Chiappa Little Badger, 22lr My KISS small game gitter. Chiappa Little Badger, 22lr
Mounting a Red dot on a Scope Mounting a Red dot on a Scope
Pretty good range day, as you can see Pretty good range day, as you can see
FFL License question FFL License question
Looking to get my girlfriend and I PCCs. CZ Scorpion Evo 3, KUSA KP-9 or Aero EPC-9? Looking to get my girlfriend and I PCCs. CZ Scorpion Evo 3, KUSA KP-9 or Aero EPC-9?
Best office paperweights. Best office paperweights.
Childhood dream fulfilled. Childhood dream fulfilled.
I just finished my m1897 trenchgun build. My 3rd trenchgun build. I just finished my m1897 trenchgun build. My 3rd trenchgun build.
Early production Belgian Sweet-Sixteen Early production Belgian Sweet-Sixteen
Brought my grandpa's Remington Model 34 back to life Brought my grandpa's Remington Model 34 back to life
When your Zenitco furniture and RC2 get out of jail the same week. When your Zenitco furniture and RC2 get out of jail the same week.
My first AR the SW Sport II, I bought in 2017 ran fine and served me well over the years. Decided to do a full send on Geissele Super Duty and see how it runs! My first AR the SW Sport II, I bought in 2017 ran fine and served me well over the years. Decided to do a full send on Geissele Super Duty and see how it runs!
Rifle chambered for .357 / .38 Rifle chambered for .357 / .38
Can anyone tell me what this is? Can anyone tell me what this is?
If you haven't shot a scoped pistol, its an absolute blast If you haven't shot a scoped pistol, its an absolute blast
Anyone else run some drills this weekend? Here is my worst of the day. Anyone else run some drills this weekend? Here is my worst of the day.
C&R license C&R license
Fun retro build Fun retro build
AKS-74U, Modernized AKS-74U, Modernized
someone tell me about colt company after being bought out by Czech someone tell me about colt company after being bought out by Czech
wood furniture wood furniture
Possibly stupid question. Possibly stupid question.
Barrett M107 at indoor range, see other post for video Barrett M107 at indoor range, see other post for video
New gun user. My gun is very old, is there a maximum on the grain of the cartridges I use with it? New gun user. My gun is very old, is there a maximum on the grain of the cartridges I use with it?
Wood furniture is so aesthetically pleasing Wood furniture is so aesthetically pleasing
How important? How important?
Wake me up when 30-06 is affordable again Wake me up when 30-06 is affordable again
The time for action is now. The time for action is now.
M1 Monday M1 Monday
Big Bore Monday? Big Bore Monday?
Inherited this monstrosity from my late grandfather, any suggestions on how to best un-meme it? Inherited this monstrosity from my late grandfather, any suggestions on how to best un-meme it?
Has anyone had any experience with Central Florida Armament? Has anyone had any experience with Central Florida Armament?
Single shot autoloader? Single shot autoloader?
Are magazine fed shotguns generally unreliable? Are magazine fed shotguns generally unreliable?
My first time shooting a fully automatic. MP5 was buttery smooth My first time shooting a fully automatic. MP5 was buttery smooth
8 inches of pure, not my penis, that's my 2 inches of sheer laughter. 8 inches of pure, not my penis, that's my 2 inches of sheer laughter.
Texas Views Texas Views
When your girl likes the new gun you bought, but decides it\031s hers now. When your girl likes the new gun you bought, but decides it\031s hers now.
My run-of-the-mill G19.3 My run-of-the-mill G19.3
Look at this old mosin nagant my grandpa gave me before he died Look at this old mosin nagant my grandpa gave me before he died
How fucked is my mosin? How fucked is my mosin?
Lightweight build done Lightweight build done
Chef\031s kiss Chef\031s kiss
Any recommendations for a first focal plane hunting optic? Any recommendations for a first focal plane hunting optic?
Just installed a new Hogue hardwood monogrip on the Ruger GP100! Just installed a new Hogue hardwood monogrip on the Ruger GP100!
My first wheelgun Wednesday. My first wheelgun Wednesday.
Canik TP9 SFX and cat Canik TP9 SFX and cat
Pre-War Commercial Broomhandle, all numbers matching Pre-War Commercial Broomhandle, all numbers matching
My old wasr and my new m18. These make for a fun range combo. My old wasr and my new m18. These make for a fun range combo.
Looking for a Small, Lockable Hard Case for Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle - Ideas? Looking for a Small, Lockable Hard Case for Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle - Ideas?
Quesnel, BC, Canada: Winter Brutality Stages 4, 5 and 6 (Pictures and Designs) Quesnel, BC, Canada: Winter Brutality Stages 4, 5 and 6 (Pictures and Designs)
probably spend too much money on it, but it shoots like a dream. probably spend too much money on it, but it shoots like a dream.
Diversity! 10mm, 10x25mm, & .40S&W Magnum Diversity! 10mm, 10x25mm, & .40S&W Magnum
Questions about Surplus rifles in Cosmoline in general and Mosin Nagant 1925 Izhevsk Mosin Nagant in cosmoline without escutcheons? Questions about Surplus rifles in Cosmoline in general and Mosin Nagant 1925 Izhevsk Mosin Nagant in cosmoline without escutcheons?
running a pistol with a red dot with a suppressor ? running a pistol with a red dot with a suppressor ?
Finally put together a pistol with a lower I\031ve had for 5 years or so Finally put together a pistol with a lower I\031ve had for 5 years or so
Western Wednesday? It ain't much, but it's mine Western Wednesday? It ain't much, but it's mine
Polymer guns are sick. Complete with shit weapon lights cause I\031m a poor. Polymer guns are sick. Complete with shit weapon lights cause I\031m a poor.
Hearing Protection Hearing Protection
What's Wrong With My MP5? It's Making My Eyes Water and Ears Bleed. What's Wrong With My MP5? It's Making My Eyes Water and Ears Bleed.
1908 Iver Johnson advertisement and .38 Safety Automatic Hammerless for Wheelgun Wednesday 1908 Iver Johnson advertisement and .38 Safety Automatic Hammerless for Wheelgun Wednesday
Slowmo SVD Slowmo SVD
easily the nicest pistol I've ever shot easily the nicest pistol I've ever shot
New kid on the block here. This is my daily carry, 9mm Smith&Wesson 2.0 M&P shield. I carry it with the extended 8 round mag plus one in the chamber. I'm using hot point HJP self defense ammo. Extra details in the comment section if you care to read them. New kid on the block here. This is my daily carry, 9mm Smith&Wesson 2.0 M&P shield. I carry it with the extended 8 round mag plus one in the chamber. I'm using hot point HJP self defense ammo. Extra details in the comment section if you care to read them.
Muh Mosin with a dumpy =\x9a Muh Mosin with a dumpy =\u009a
I found these two guns at a house I'm working on. I think they're Japanese WW2 rifles? I found these two guns at a house I'm working on. I think they're Japanese WW2 rifles?
"Hey Guys, is [site] a scam?" Or: The Magic 8 Ball guide on how to use your brain. "Hey Guys, is [site] a scam?" Or: The Magic 8 Ball guide on how to use your brain.
speedloader/speed feed speedloader/speed feed
CZ Evo 3 S1 carbine trigger upgrade? CZ Evo 3 S1 carbine trigger upgrade?
How should I go about this from a legal perspective? How should I go about this from a legal perspective?
Official Politics Thread 2022-03-16 Official Politics Thread 2022-03-16
What is the proper way to reload a revolver from a shoulder holster? What is the proper way to reload a revolver from a shoulder holster?
I just zeroed my rifle at 50 yards&.. then i saw i need to level the scope. Even if it\031s zeroed do i need to level it? How important is leveling it? I just zeroed my rifle at 50 yards&.. then i saw i need to level the scope. Even if it\031s zeroed do i need to level it? How important is leveling it?
Iron sights width question Iron sights width question
GWOT with a spot of tea <\xec<\xe7 GWOT with a spot of tea <ì<ç
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/16/22 What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/16/22
Magpul really does excelle in polishing turds. Magpul really does excelle in polishing turds.
Curious if this is even possible Curious if this is even possible
Over priced sks? Over priced sks?
Mmmm&. maple. Mmmm&. maple.
Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion with upgrades saddle, much better than the old one, topped with a nice red dot and light upfront. Makes for a great "bump in the night" gun. Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion with upgrades saddle, much better than the old one, topped with a nice red dot and light upfront. Makes for a great "bump in the night" gun.
Range Day with some friends Range Day with some friends
Garage gun ideas Garage gun ideas
First time thinking of buying and confused about FFLs. First time thinking of buying and confused about FFLs.
first time buying a non-surplus bolt gun for $900 first time buying a non-surplus bolt gun for $900
Sig RMR seal plate - Piece of shit Sig RMR seal plate - Piece of shit
My first time at the range! I think I did alright, was a lot of fun! My first time at the range! I think I did alright, was a lot of fun!
My brand new Camdon Defense AR. (Yes I\031m from California) My brand new Camdon Defense AR. (Yes I\031m from California)
Saw this at a LGS and I couldn\031t pass it up. Now the question is do I leave it how it is or swap all the furniture out? Saw this at a LGS and I couldn\031t pass it up. Now the question is do I leave it how it is or swap all the furniture out?
Chilean Model 1912 Mauser short rifle, produced from Waffenfabrik Steyr in Austria Chilean Model 1912 Mauser short rifle, produced from Waffenfabrik Steyr in Austria
Are there any belt fed 22s? Are there any belt fed 22s?
Work EDC Work EDC
What gun is this? What gun is this?
Finally picked up my first gun and I think I\031m in love Finally picked up my first gun and I think I\031m in love
Came home and found these two hanging out in the corner. Sketchy fellas. Came home and found these two hanging out in the corner. Sketchy fellas.
Revolver/Carbine combo Revolver/Carbine combo
Help me identify this gun Help me identify this gun
If it seats, it yeets??? =, If it seats, it yeets??? =,
Slim Fit Holsters (Canik TP9 Elite SC) Slim Fit Holsters (Canik TP9 Elite SC)
Does anyone else find USCCA YouTube channel a bit misleading ? Does anyone else find USCCA YouTube channel a bit misleading ?
Angstadt Arms UDP-9 OEM 15rd Glock mags won't fit Angstadt Arms UDP-9 OEM 15rd Glock mags won't fit
CCW Question CCW Question
AR-15 Mod Legal Question AR-15 Mod Legal Question
Favorite pistol I own. 10.3\035 URGI. Favorite pistol I own. 10.3\035 URGI.
What the hell did I just pay $200 for? What the hell did I just pay $200 for?
Picked up the latest Glock 19 today& Picked up the latest Glock 19 today&
Iron Sights vs Eyes Iron Sights vs Eyes
Is there a fingerprint gun box that actually works 100% hours the time? Is there a fingerprint gun box that actually works 100% hours the time?
The Salt Life is not for cheap Rugers apparently. The Salt Life is not for cheap Rugers apparently.
30/06 To 7.7x58 Jap 30/06 To 7.7x58 Jap
Deep cleaning your firearms Deep cleaning your firearms
1911 gi sights 1911 gi sights
Current Mosin 91/30 prices? $480 too much? 440 round spam can included in the price Current Mosin 91/30 prices? $480 too much? 440 round spam can included in the price
Milled AKs > Milled AKs >
The sling really brings it all together The sling really brings it all together
Glock 45 9mm Glock 45 9mm
Got my first apartment, so my brother and I made a table that holds my shotgun. Got my first apartment, so my brother and I made a table that holds my shotgun.
The MCX Spear at home The MCX Spear at home
.308 Winchester TrueVelocity images .308 Winchester TrueVelocity images
Going to gun range for the first time Going to gun range for the first time
Serious question about the legality of my idea for my project. Serious question about the legality of my idea for my project.
Oh Yeah, It\031s All Coming Together Oh Yeah, It\031s All Coming Together
Radio Silence from Faxon Firearms Support Radio Silence from Faxon Firearms Support
Need opinion on the sights. Should I put irons on the AR or the pistol. The sight is on a riser on the rifle I can remove that for the pistol switch if needed. Thanks dudes. Need opinion on the sights. Should I put irons on the AR or the pistol. The sight is on a riser on the rifle I can remove that for the pistol switch if needed. Thanks dudes.
My favorite gun My favorite gun
Found a briefcase full of ammo. Need help identifying Found a briefcase full of ammo. Need help identifying
Is Small Arms Review magazine worth subscribing too? Is Small Arms Review magazine worth subscribing too?
Best best for shotgun barrel in this market? Best best for shotgun barrel in this market?
Moving my gun locker today. Moving my gun locker today.
Don't talk to me, or my son ever again. Don't talk to me, or my son ever again.
Sig M17 vs M18 Sig M17 vs M18
458 SOCOM <q\017opper just got finished 458 SOCOM <q\017opper just got finished
Best Hearing Protection? Double Up Best Hearing Protection? Double Up
Attaching sling adapters on a Mossberg 500. Any ideas or tips? Attaching sling adapters on a Mossberg 500. Any ideas or tips?
Help me identify this 870. It\031s a 21\035 fixed full choke barrel. I don\031t know how to post more pictures but it says special on the receiver. Help me identify this 870. It\031s a 21\035 fixed full choke barrel. I don\031t know how to post more pictures but it says special on the receiver.
Went to the LGS to get my first AR15. Didn't go as planned. Went to the LGS to get my first AR15. Didn't go as planned.
LGS options LGS options
5 Rounds.. Sigh. 5 Rounds.. Sigh.
new range toy, .300AAC new range toy, .300AAC
Happy 50th birthday to this old boom stick Happy 50th birthday to this old boom stick
XMk18E1 Mod 607 XMk18E1 Mod 607
New thang New thang
Picked up this Winchester 1300 (most underrated pump imo) looking to put a stock on it, what do you guys think of speedfeed stocks? Picked up this Winchester 1300 (most underrated pump imo) looking to put a stock on it, what do you guys think of speedfeed stocks?
Anyone know what brand of scope rings these are ? Anyone know what brand of scope rings these are ?
If your EDC doesn't feel right then try something else ! If your EDC doesn't feel right then try something else !
I bought this gun from an auction, what in the absolute brass tack hell is it? I bought this gun from an auction, what in the absolute brass tack hell is it?
Zama strong enough for blank firing guns? Zama strong enough for blank firing guns?
Henry AR 7 Screw Replacement Henry AR 7 Screw Replacement
Just picked up my first shotgun! Pretty jazzed to try it out Just picked up my first shotgun! Pretty jazzed to try it out
How bout a little green for my boy Saint Paddy eh? How bout a little green for my boy Saint Paddy eh?
There's a little green in there, I swear There's a little green in there, I swear
Dragging myself kicking and screaming into the modern era with my 20 inch AR and M9A4. Dragging myself kicking and screaming into the modern era with my 20 inch AR and M9A4.
Firearm question Firearm question
Range Day Progress. Range Day Progress.
Do you guys like my frog blanket? Do you guys like my frog blanket?
Show this cheap little bastard some love Show this cheap little bastard some love
The Ruger 10/22 is America\031s rifle, change my mind The Ruger 10/22 is America\031s rifle, change my mind
Perfect pairings. We're all sommeliers but for old guns. Perfect pairings. We're all sommeliers but for old guns.
Bear or PMC? Bear or PMC?
Baby poop goes hard (this is not a political statement, plz don\031t disable my post) Baby poop goes hard (this is not a political statement, plz don\031t disable my post)
And now I have a battle rifle. And now I have a battle rifle.
St Patrick\031s Day Reppin St Patrick\031s Day Reppin
Looking for advice on possibly trading my M203 40mm for a clip-on thermal. Details inside. Looking for advice on possibly trading my M203 40mm for a clip-on thermal. Details inside.
Me Little Armalite Me Little Armalite
Proud dad moment. Took my 12yo to the range with me for the first time. We had a blast! Proud dad moment. Took my 12yo to the range with me for the first time. We had a blast!
My pairs almost all make sense My pairs almost all make sense
Some pairs of .22 Some pairs of .22
Everyone is Irish Today - Smith & Wesson 686+ and a Four Leaf Clover Everyone is Irish Today - Smith & Wesson 686+ and a Four Leaf Clover
7.62 BCG 7.62 BCG
Winchester model 70 in 7x57 Mauser Winchester model 70 in 7x57 Mauser
Am i allowed to bring empty bullet casings on an airplane if i put it in my suitcase in canada? Am i allowed to bring empty bullet casings on an airplane if i put it in my suitcase in canada?
Some More Pairings You Might Enjoy Some More Pairings You Might Enjoy
Help me decide on a USA made light for my AR15 Help me decide on a USA made light for my AR15
Favorite Nighttime Steel Ringer! Favorite Nighttime Steel Ringer!
cross eye dominant shooters of reddit; looking for advice on AR optics. cross eye dominant shooters of reddit; looking for advice on AR optics.
Kiss me I\031m Irish <\xee<\xea<@ Kiss me I\031m Irish <î<ê<@
Has anyone shot the standard manufacturing SP-12? Has anyone shot the standard manufacturing SP-12?
My pistol/rifle pairings My pistol/rifle pairings
Carcano Snap Caps Carcano Snap Caps
Kel-Tec SUB-2000 vs Ruger 10/22 Magpul Backpacker For Survival Gun Kel-Tec SUB-2000 vs Ruger 10/22 Magpul Backpacker For Survival Gun
Building a basement gun room. Let's talk about humidity control. Building a basement gun room. Let's talk about humidity control.
PSA AK bad or something idk PSA AK bad or something idk
Want to convert caliber Want to convert caliber
Steel case ammo question Steel case ammo question
Happy St. Patrick\031s Day Happy St. Patrick\031s Day
7.62x39 in AR platform 7.62x39 in AR platform
Good luck finding one of these, Mossberg 500 roadblocker edition with ATI folding stock. Springfield XD .45 for scale Good luck finding one of these, Mossberg 500 roadblocker edition with ATI folding stock. Springfield XD .45 for scale
12 gauge revolvers 12 gauge revolvers
1939 Luger problem 1939 Luger problem
I guess we're doing fine wine pistol pairings tonight? I guess we're doing fine wine pistol pairings tonight?
458 socom AR15 help 458 socom AR15 help
Thickheaded Thursday 03/17/22 Thickheaded Thursday 03/17/22
Ed Brown with red dot and threaded barrel Ed Brown with red dot and threaded barrel
When they tell you to not get a scary black AR15. So you get one in FDE. Help me welcome my first AR15! When they tell you to not get a scary black AR15. So you get one in FDE. Help me welcome my first AR15!
Fal Stg 58 parts kit value Fal Stg 58 parts kit value
POSP T scope is moving around on my Zastava M70 POSP T scope is moving around on my Zastava M70
Glock 19 - Round blew up while firing today. What next? Glock 19 - Round blew up while firing today. What next?
First time buying a firearm went to sportsman warehouse in PA. My background check is pending how long does this take? First time buying a firearm went to sportsman warehouse in PA. My background check is pending how long does this take?
Looking for forums to source 13.2mm Mauser 1918 t-gewehr rounds Looking for forums to source 13.2mm Mauser 1918 t-gewehr rounds
The only Bush war I don\031t enjoy is in your moms pants The only Bush war I don\031t enjoy is in your moms pants
My first gun purchase update My first gun purchase update
Question: Was the IMI Galil ever used by insurgencies? Question: Was the IMI Galil ever used by insurgencies?
Swiss k31 Swiss k31
Pistol pairings, like a fine wine. Pistol pairings, like a fine wine.
Can I have an AR pistol in my truck at 19? Can I have an AR pistol in my truck at 19?
finally got to pick up my cmp 1911. finally got to pick up my cmp 1911.
\034Custom\035 \034Custom\035
New (to me) Russian Capture K98 - Questions about stripper clips? New (to me) Russian Capture K98 - Questions about stripper clips?
Taylor and co. 1873 \034Gambler\035 .357 Taylor and co. 1873 \034Gambler\035 .357
Taylor Freelance for the win Taylor Freelance for the win
Quick question about iwi jericho 941 fs9 Quick question about iwi jericho 941 fs9
Wheelgun Weds. 1908 New Colt 32 Police Positive Wheelgun Weds. 1908 New Colt 32 Police Positive
Just bought my first gun ever and I am absolutely in love. Can\031t wait to take her out to the range. Just bought my first gun ever and I am absolutely in love. Can\031t wait to take her out to the range.
BuT iT DoEsNt FlOat BuT iT DoEsNt FlOat
Wheelgun Wednesday - Rosewood Snake Edition Wheelgun Wednesday - Rosewood Snake Edition
Wheel gun Wednesday post, Cimmeron 1872 Open Top in .45 LC. Wheel gun Wednesday post, Cimmeron 1872 Open Top in .45 LC.
First Wheel Gun Wednesday post. Let\031s hear it. First Wheel Gun Wednesday post. Let\031s hear it.
My new Arsenal SAM7R, w/ a MI T2 Optic mount My new Arsenal SAM7R, w/ a MI T2 Optic mount
My 6.5-06 Build My 6.5-06 Build
FDE build 16" UwU FDE build 16" UwU
Not so much a gun question, but an accessory question involving a wild dog and a goat. Not so much a gun question, but an accessory question involving a wild dog and a goat.
Good Day Good Day
New Heritage just in time for Wheelgun Wednesday New Heritage just in time for Wheelgun Wednesday
RKS USA Legit? RKS USA Legit?
Got this in a lot we bought,no markings or stamps what is this ? Got this in a lot we bought,no markings or stamps what is this ?
Converted a clothes closet into a gun closet for about $300 Converted a clothes closet into a gun closet for about $300
Everything That was in My Safe Everything That was in My Safe
Wheel Gun Wednesday with my Grandpa's old Model 48 in 22 magnum Wheel Gun Wednesday with my Grandpa's old Model 48 in 22 magnum
18\035 go-to barrel 18\035 go-to barrel
New Mombasa flashbacks intensify New Mombasa flashbacks intensify
Today was a good day... Today was a good day...
The ones I actually carry The ones I actually carry
My current AK build My current AK build
I just had a ND I just had a ND
Advice on a new gun Advice on a new gun
Best full size pistol for under $600 Best full size pistol for under $600
The best of both worlds ;) . The best of both worlds ;) .
Finished my rifle for now (plus pistols bc wby not) Finished my rifle for now (plus pistols bc wby not)
New 20ga and .22 (ignore my creaky floor.) New 20ga and .22 (ignore my creaky floor.)
Can too much steel wool prevent wood from absorbing tung oil for finish? Can too much steel wool prevent wood from absorbing tung oil for finish?
I'm sure the question has been asked before.. But as a woman, (with a violent stalker) what would you recommend?? I'm sure the question has been asked before.. But as a woman, (with a violent stalker) what would you recommend??
Wondering how much it would cost to get my gun "anodized" Wondering how much it would cost to get my gun "anodized"
Broke college student in search shotgun Broke college student in search shotgun
Diamondback DB15 - Is it any good? Diamondback DB15 - Is it any good?
\034Yeah just grab a jacket out of the closet\035 \034Yeah just grab a jacket out of the closet\035
is it cursed? is it cursed?
Double action revolver - how much energy is needed to spin the cylinder, and how much to cock the hammer? Double action revolver - how much energy is needed to spin the cylinder, and how much to cock the hammer?
Can you tell the difference? Left is old one I bought from gun store. Right was a random eBay purchase. Which one of these is fake? Look at the streamlight logo Lol. Old one has a more yellow throw, the eBay one is bright white. Can you tell the difference? Left is old one I bought from gun store. Right was a random eBay purchase. Which one of these is fake? Look at the streamlight logo Lol. Old one has a more yellow throw, the eBay one is bright white.
My first AR15. SigM400 with Romeo-MSR red dot sight. My first AR15. SigM400 with Romeo-MSR red dot sight.
10.5\035 pistol fully collapsed only slightly smaller than 18\035 Tavor. Mr920 Elite for scale (I don\031t have any bananas) 10.5\035 pistol fully collapsed only slightly smaller than 18\035 Tavor. Mr920 Elite for scale (I don\031t have any bananas)
Just picked up a new carry pistol. Anyone have any idea who did these lightening cuts? Thanks! Just picked up a new carry pistol. Anyone have any idea who did these lightening cuts? Thanks!
Which 3 would you keep? Which 3 would you keep?
Help to identify this gun? The photo is WW2, the only photo I can find of the gun. Help to identify this gun? The photo is WW2, the only photo I can find of the gun.
Another new gun owner! God bless the Second Amendment. Also, bullets are more expensive than I thought they were. Another new gun owner! God bless the Second Amendment. Also, bullets are more expensive than I thought they were.
I think I came. Should I play the lottery? My usual pawn shop came in clutch again. $600OTD. New. I think I came. Should I play the lottery? My usual pawn shop came in clutch again. $600OTD. New.
My new H&K USP My new H&K USP
POF P-415 Edge Upper w/ Binary Trigger Lower? POF P-415 Edge Upper w/ Binary Trigger Lower?
Arts and Crafts Day for my Fudd Guns Arts and Crafts Day for my Fudd Guns
Can't decide which I like better, they're both great calibers Can't decide which I like better, they're both great calibers
Purchasing under circumstances Purchasing under circumstances
Which 9mm laser trainer to go with? Which 9mm laser trainer to go with?
Diarrhea vitiligo SCAR-16 >) (toe tax paid) Diarrhea vitiligo SCAR-16 >) (toe tax paid)
Solvent Traps Solvent Traps
Springfield 1903 Springfield 1903
Why did the monthly challenges stop? Why did the monthly challenges stop?
FDE Folder Friday Flexin' FDE Folder Friday Flexin'
I just hate having to share with idiots who don't know what "range is hot" means I just hate having to share with idiots who don't know what "range is hot" means
Firearms are always loaded Firearms are always loaded
First 50 with new 1911 First 50 with new 1911
Fun .22 Rifle Suggestions Fun .22 Rifle Suggestions
Can I remove the thumb safety on my m&p 2.0 without the frame plugs? Can I remove the thumb safety on my m&p 2.0 without the frame plugs?
Not sure if anyone would know but my grandfather has since passed, so unfortunately I can\031t ask him. When he was on a sub in WWII it was standard issue to carry a sidearm when on patrol when docked. Trying to track down/figure out what he might have been carrying. Any ideas would be great, thanks! Not sure if anyone would know but my grandfather has since passed, so unfortunately I can\031t ask him. When he was on a sub in WWII it was standard issue to carry a sidearm when on patrol when docked. Trying to track down/figure out what he might have been carrying. Any ideas would be great, thanks!
Vortex Viper Problems! Vortex Viper Problems!
Weird question, firearm adjacent&. Anyone know of a list of which Recoil magazines had what targets in them? Weird question, firearm adjacent&. Anyone know of a list of which Recoil magazines had what targets in them?
Will the mck fit a smith and Wesson sd40ve? Will the mck fit a smith and Wesson sd40ve?
Gun Cabinet(like stackon) with Keypad Instead of Key Gun Cabinet(like stackon) with Keypad Instead of Key
Bet y\031all ain\031t ever seen a MK18 with a sandman before Bet y\031all ain\031t ever seen a MK18 with a sandman before
Building a suppressed SBR that will fit in a back pack? Building a suppressed SBR that will fit in a back pack?
<L <L
Finally decided to do it and this is coming home with me Finally decided to do it and this is coming home with me
\017\017&!,DAY -AGIC\017\017 \017\017&!,DAY -AGIC\017\017
My AR pistol is coming along My AR pistol is coming along
Did these custom g43x\031s for a buddy - what do you guys think? Did these custom g43x\031s for a buddy - what do you guys think?
Scored a 1941 Mauser K98K Scored a 1941 Mauser K98K
Latest .22 project Latest .22 project
UA Themed Walther PDP UA Themed Walther PDP
Folder Friday (but tbh I gotta ditch the brace) Folder Friday (but tbh I gotta ditch the brace)
DD PDW with EXPS2 Green late St Patrick\031s Day post DD PDW with EXPS2 Green late St Patrick\031s Day post
Sadly, the first gun I've ever owned and also sadly the first gun I'm going to shoot since getting out of the military 6 years ago. Sadly, the first gun I've ever owned and also sadly the first gun I'm going to shoot since getting out of the military 6 years ago.
My edc, the titan .380 i love this little gun to death My edc, the titan .380 i love this little gun to death
Reloading and primers Reloading and primers
Buying an ultrasonic cleaner, anything i should know before ordering one? Buying an ultrasonic cleaner, anything i should know before ordering one?
Truso Armory, legit? Truso Armory, legit?
I Showed You My Home Defense Setup Please Respond (Glock 45) I Showed You My Home Defense Setup Please Respond (Glock 45)
b&t ghm45. whatcha think? b&t ghm45. whatcha think?
Dumb dumb need answers Dumb dumb need answers
DISTANCE SHOOTERS: I'm looking to get into a Semi .308 BR/DMR and I'm currently looking at the Fulton Armory M14 w/peerless or the POF Revolution. Gotta be a piston gun. Any others I should be looking at? Budget $5k. DISTANCE SHOOTERS: I'm looking to get into a Semi .308 BR/DMR and I'm currently looking at the Fulton Armory M14 w/peerless or the POF Revolution. Gotta be a piston gun. Any others I should be looking at? Budget $5k.
Seeing as it was St. Patrick's Day yesterday, I decided to pick up my first green rifle. My Sako TRG-42 in .338LM Seeing as it was St. Patrick's Day yesterday, I decided to pick up my first green rifle. My Sako TRG-42 in .338LM
Summer carry / Winter carry Summer carry / Winter carry
Springfield Trapdoor Markings ID Springfield Trapdoor Markings ID
Happy FrIWIday yall Happy FrIWIday yall
Heirloom Pistol Box. Made for a Veteran father as a gift to his son's promotion to Major. Heirloom Pistol Box. Made for a Veteran father as a gift to his son's promotion to Major.
Had some people asking how my 308 AR-15 shot Had some people asking how my 308 AR-15 shot
12 gauge home defense ammo 12 gauge home defense ammo
Official Politics Thread 3/18/22 Official Politics Thread 3/18/22
Retro Gang Retro Gang
STNGR HWK Handguard + AA Piston Kit Compatibility STNGR HWK Handguard + AA Piston Kit Compatibility
Bolt action chambered in .44mag that ISNT a ruger 77/44? Bolt action chambered in .44mag that ISNT a ruger 77/44?
is .270 dead? is .270 dead?
I got the Clapp. I got the Clapp.
Friday Buyday 03/18/22 Friday Buyday 03/18/22
PTR-91 Advice PTR-91 Advice
Please clean up when shooting public land. My buddy and I shot 22lr and 9mm and we cleaned up 85 lbs of trash, most shotgun shells Please clean up when shooting public land. My buddy and I shot 22lr and 9mm and we cleaned up 85 lbs of trash, most shotgun shells
First time shooting a handgun. Can I get some advice? First time shooting a handgun. Can I get some advice?
Does selling my gun to a store count as a PPT? Does selling my gun to a store count as a PPT?
Taran Tactical STI 2011 in John Wick Taran Tactical STI 2011 in John Wick
gun vise recommendations gun vise recommendations
Took my new AR out to the range today, and it jammed on the first shot&>r Took my new AR out to the range today, and it jammed on the first shot&>r
Price check on Ruger Red Label Price check on Ruger Red Label
Trying to find a holster that will fit my handgun and a rail mounted flashlight Trying to find a holster that will fit my handgun and a rail mounted flashlight
9mm carbine advice: PSA AR-V 7" or STRIBOG SP9A1 9mm carbine advice: PSA AR-V 7" or STRIBOG SP9A1
Looking for info on Winchester model 250/290 (more pics in comment) Looking for info on Winchester model 250/290 (more pics in comment)
Ruger security 9 full size holster ? Ruger security 9 full size holster ?
20 vs 12 for clay? 20 vs 12 for clay?
St. Patrick\031s day Scout Rifle St. Patrick\031s day Scout Rifle
Tactical or something idk Tactical or something idk
Took the ol\031 Kalashnikov on a sub-zero hiking trip the other day& Took the ol\031 Kalashnikov on a sub-zero hiking trip the other day&
St. Patrick's day post St. Patrick's day post
Savage axis cracks in Boyd\031s stock looking for advice Savage axis cracks in Boyd\031s stock looking for advice
Two-Tone-Thursdays from now on Two-Tone-Thursdays from now on
*Chef's Kiss* *Chef's Kiss*
Look at what came today Look at what came today
Background Check With Carry Permit? Background Check With Carry Permit?
My simple 320 submission. My simple 320 submission.
Mossberg 500 j.i.c Mossberg 500 j.i.c
Sundays are for 9x18 Sundays are for 9x18
Dan Wesson 1911 valor, jams a lot! Dan Wesson 1911 valor, jams a lot!
I am setting up a Mosin-Nagant (I know, I know... not my first gun, I own a couple 10/22s already), with bedding, a trigger job, scope and a butt pad. I am setting up a Mosin-Nagant (I know, I know... not my first gun, I own a couple 10/22s already), with bedding, a trigger job, scope and a butt pad.
Luger P08 1917 Luger P08 1917
My .320 on 3/20 My .320 on 3/20
One of these things is not like the others One of these things is not like the others
My first AR My first AR
19x almost done, just debating the newest Timney trigger, is it worth it on a carry piece? 19x almost done, just debating the newest Timney trigger, is it worth it on a carry piece?
My full auto B&T APC300 (MG), B&T MP9-N (SMG), Glock 18 Gen3 (SMP) and Zastava M53 (LMG) My full auto B&T APC300 (MG), B&T MP9-N (SMG), Glock 18 Gen3 (SMP) and Zastava M53 (LMG)
Springfield Armory XD 9 Springfield Armory XD 9
I was denied ammo in CA today and have no clue why. I was denied ammo in CA today and have no clue why.
SS MR920 Elite Vs Glock 19 X SS MR920 Elite Vs Glock 19 X
Remington .22 key holing like crazy Remington .22 key holing like crazy
Got to try out a few of my newest firearms finally! Got to try out a few of my newest firearms finally!
Get out and enjoy firearms when you can. d\017 Get out and enjoy firearms when you can. d\017
Tried to use a heat knife to cut the foam. It came out ok but could use a bit more practice. Also my first ar15 build. Tried to use a heat knife to cut the foam. It came out ok but could use a bit more practice. Also my first ar15 build.
Question about Benelli Shotguns Question about Benelli Shotguns
I can see in the dark. I can see in the dark.
Husqvarna M/40S - The Danish Police, Swedish Built, Finnish 9mm Husqvarna M/40S - The Danish Police, Swedish Built, Finnish 9mm
Best gun safe if you have kids? Best gun safe if you have kids?
Sig sauer p226 extreme. Sig sauer p226 extreme.
What\031s everyone\031s EDC? What\031s everyone\031s EDC?
Fitelite question Fitelite question
Selling Firearms Selling Firearms
Good evening fellow enthusiasts& Good evening fellow enthusiasts&
Private Seller Handgun Recommendation Private Seller Handgun Recommendation
New addition New addition
UK vz. 59 Czechoslovakian LMG - Full Auto 50 Round Belt Dump w/ Slow Motion UK vz. 59 Czechoslovakian LMG - Full Auto 50 Round Belt Dump w/ Slow Motion
P320 Nitron Holster Recommendation P320 Nitron Holster Recommendation
PSA PA65 Gen 3 6.5 creedmoor extracting and ejecting issue, is this new? PSA PA65 Gen 3 6.5 creedmoor extracting and ejecting issue, is this new?
Elftman trigger pin help Elftman trigger pin help
Peak 2000s carry? Rohrbaugh R9 Peak 2000s carry? Rohrbaugh R9
need some reference material Stat M28 need some reference material Stat M28
New to guns, and wanting to learn more. New to guns, and wanting to learn more.
Behold, The Pimp Cane MkII Behold, The Pimp Cane MkII
Case made by a pelican for my guns Case made by a pelican for my guns
Buying online vs Buying from local stores? Buying online vs Buying from local stores?
I\031d say I feel comfortable with taking a break from buying any other pews for now. Now for ammo, training, and attachments. I\031d say I feel comfortable with taking a break from buying any other pews for now. Now for ammo, training, and attachments.
Second time out with the new Bergara B-14 HMR. Second time out with the new Bergara B-14 HMR.
Range day! First time firing my rifle and my new EDC. Range day! First time firing my rifle and my new EDC.
New build. 300 BLK New build. 300 BLK
It\031s not the \03003 I wanted but it\031s the \03003 I got It\031s not the \03003 I wanted but it\031s the \03003 I got
Ass-end Aturday Ass-end Aturday
Happy Belated Birthday to Me! Happy Belated Birthday to Me!
I love guns but all the different ammo types make my head spin. I love guns but all the different ammo types make my head spin.
Thought y\031all my appreciate this ad from the 90\031s Thought y\031all my appreciate this ad from the 90\031s
My new concealed carry has 10-12 round capacity for extra stealth in concealed actions My new concealed carry has 10-12 round capacity for extra stealth in concealed actions
Considering the idea of shoulder holster CCW - Feedback on options on gun Considering the idea of shoulder holster CCW - Feedback on options on gun
James River Galil 5.56 James River Galil 5.56
I dont think India wanted this rifle to ride shiny and chrome I dont think India wanted this rifle to ride shiny and chrome
Howa Trade? Howa Trade?
First suppressor, Liberty Constitution First suppressor, Liberty Constitution
12\035 VS 16\035 barrel on lever rifle? 12\035 VS 16\035 barrel on lever rifle?
Grandpa is bequeathing his unused High Standard .22 since he\031s getting old, never held a more beautiful gun Grandpa is bequeathing his unused High Standard .22 since he\031s getting old, never held a more beautiful gun
Gun restoration Gun restoration
Help with Types of HK45 Adjuatable Sight Help with Types of HK45 Adjuatable Sight
SecureIt Safes and/or Storage racks.... seem well like utter Garbage? SecureIt Safes and/or Storage racks.... seem well like utter Garbage?
My guns and my brothers guns. Guess which state we live in :( My guns and my brothers guns. Guess which state we live in :(
Dream gun aquired: FN FNC Dream gun aquired: FN FNC
I\031m an idiot. Stuck slide on reassembly. Help! I\031m an idiot. Stuck slide on reassembly. Help!
Questions about USPSA Production Division Questions about USPSA Production Division
My most questionable gun purchase of the year... so far. Two AMT Hardballer Longslides. My most questionable gun purchase of the year... so far. Two AMT Hardballer Longslides.
Gangster fun in the sun Gangster fun in the sun
FMJ V.S. Hollow Point FMJ V.S. Hollow Point
Green and Black is a Vibe Green and Black is a Vibe
Extended magazine for SW9VE? Extended magazine for SW9VE?
Decisions, decisions... Decisions, decisions...
Grand Power P1 Ultra. Kinda funky, kinda awesome. Grand Power P1 Ultra. Kinda funky, kinda awesome.
I've grown quite affectionate to this beauty I've grown quite affectionate to this beauty
Behold: Peak EDC Behold: Peak EDC
First Gun - Thinking about a PCC - Tell me why I'm wrong or unreasonable First Gun - Thinking about a PCC - Tell me why I'm wrong or unreasonable
"Spitfield" - Does anybody knows something about this? "Spitfield" - Does anybody knows something about this?
Is financing a firearm as dumb as it sounds? Is financing a firearm as dumb as it sounds?
New M1A Owner With Some Questions in Comments. New M1A Owner With Some Questions in Comments.
I purchased my 1st S&W M&P Sport 2 AR-15 with FDE MAGPUL CTR Stock, MOE+ Pistol Grip, M-Lok MVG Vertical Grip, Holosun 510c and Streamlight HLX&I will probably swap out the charging handle next =\016 I purchased my 1st S&W M&P Sport 2 AR-15 with FDE MAGPUL CTR Stock, MOE+ Pistol Grip, M-Lok MVG Vertical Grip, Holosun 510c and Streamlight HLX&I will probably swap out the charging handle next =\016
Just turned 21, no greater birthday present to myself than my first firearm. (S&W TRR8) Just turned 21, no greater birthday present to myself than my first firearm. (S&W TRR8)
It's the simple things in life It's the simple things in life
Can anyone suggest some good holster for an FNX 45? I do want to put a light on it eventually Can anyone suggest some good holster for an FNX 45? I do want to put a light on it eventually
Steyr AUG with Trijicon Acog Steyr AUG with Trijicon Acog
SLR106CR Pre-Chop SLR106CR Pre-Chop
Advice on what suppressor to get for my first? Advice on what suppressor to get for my first?
Help identifying inherited rifle Help identifying inherited rifle
Love to hate it, or hate to love it? Love to hate it, or hate to love it?
only the bear essentials only the bear essentials
Right way to repaint a gun? Right way to repaint a gun?
Preserving guns w/ Ballistol or Hoppes Preserving guns w/ Ballistol or Hoppes
Suggestions for my first AR-15 please! Suggestions for my first AR-15 please!
I have a strange blank in my vocabulary that I want to square away I have a strange blank in my vocabulary that I want to square away
My British girlfriend, who "doesn't like guns" shooting a P90 for the first time. My British girlfriend, who "doesn't like guns" shooting a P90 for the first time.
would parts from a martini henry fit on a martini enfield? would parts from a martini henry fit on a martini enfield?
Torture test of the second worst handgun Remington ever made. Honestly I am impressed for a gun with its reputation. Torture test of the second worst handgun Remington ever made. Honestly I am impressed for a gun with its reputation.
Picked me up a new EDC. Diamondback Firearms DB9 Gen IV. Any particular ammo anyone have good luck running in these? I've noticed it doesn't like to rack with a full mag of +p rounds. Regular rounds are tight, but it will rack. So far no jams between the Blazer and IMI ammo. Picked me up a new EDC. Diamondback Firearms DB9 Gen IV. Any particular ammo anyone have good luck running in these? I've noticed it doesn't like to rack with a full mag of +p rounds. Regular rounds are tight, but it will rack. So far no jams between the Blazer and IMI ammo.
Since Pest forgot to post it, I will fill in, granted a day late. Since Pest forgot to post it, I will fill in, granted a day late.
Sport king carbine a-102 Sport king carbine a-102
.450 BushMaster vs .50 Beowulf? .450 BushMaster vs .50 Beowulf?
Is there a wall mount for guns that uses nails to attach to the wall? Is there a wall mount for guns that uses nails to attach to the wall?
space cowboy space cowboy
Winchester 1873 \034The Gun that Won the West\035 Winchester 1873 \034The Gun that Won the West\035
Cleaning up after a good day. Cleaning up after a good day.
Swiss k31 w/ Diopter sights. Swiss k31 w/ Diopter sights.
Mock18 Questions Mock18 Questions
Armed robbery of a store, and the grey areas of gun laws. Armed robbery of a store, and the grey areas of gun laws.
Henry 22 Jamming Henry 22 Jamming
Birchwood Casey Lead Remover on Blued Barrel Birchwood Casey Lead Remover on Blued Barrel
The quintessential 80's action gun... UZI (Full Auto on a Form 4) The quintessential 80's action gun... UZI (Full Auto on a Form 4)
My most interesting pistol, The Wilkinson Sherry .22 My most interesting pistol, The Wilkinson Sherry .22
Checking out some .22 LR tracers. Checking out some .22 LR tracers.
Heard y\031all like Scars Heard y\031all like Scars
How to measure a slide tube? How to measure a slide tube?
Need advice on re-coating an Atlas Need advice on re-coating an Atlas
Finished my first AR-15 Finished my first AR-15
<\xec<\xe7 L119A2 (15.7") and L119A1 (10.0") <ì<ç L119A2 (15.7") and L119A1 (10.0")
M118LR vs. IMI 7.62 175 gr Match M118LR vs. IMI 7.62 175 gr Match
First AR-15 and first SBR finally coming together. This thing slaps. New to firearms and the AR platform. First AR-15 and first SBR finally coming together. This thing slaps. New to firearms and the AR platform.
Rust Removal Question Rust Removal Question
Non Refundable Deposit Non Refundable Deposit
They took back the \03003, got a 1917 instead They took back the \03003, got a 1917 instead
Confused by date/age of Ruger Mark II Confused by date/age of Ruger Mark II
im looking for some info im looking for some info
Sighting in my Henry Big Boy .357 Sighting in my Henry Big Boy .357
Standard in Excellence: The Colt Single Action Army Standard in Excellence: The Colt Single Action Army
Ruger Mini-14 question. Outside of the round size is there any other major difference in the Mini-14 Ranch and the Mini-14 Mini Thirty? Ruger Mini-14 question. Outside of the round size is there any other major difference in the Mini-14 Ranch and the Mini-14 Mini Thirty?
Found in late member's gun safe, seems to be Russian influenced but not sure what exactly it is. Please help identify Found in late member's gun safe, seems to be Russian influenced but not sure what exactly it is. Please help identify
It\031s Monday& It\031s Monday&
Moving from Maine to Tenessee - help Moving from Maine to Tenessee - help
EAA Witness Match carbon buildup on Wonder Finish EAA Witness Match carbon buildup on Wonder Finish
Hey there BB ;) Hey there BB ;)
Mauser Monday with two Mausers and a DWM Luger added for spice Mauser Monday with two Mausers and a DWM Luger added for spice
Grandma shoots AK at the range. Grandma shoots AK at the range.
Extended mag for Beretta APX A1 carry? Extended mag for Beretta APX A1 carry?
Should I bother fixing this E9? Should I bother fixing this E9?
25 yard with AR from a standing position? 25 yard with AR from a standing position?
Savage 1917 Savage 1917
Fresh diamonds on a 16 gauge Fresh diamonds on a 16 gauge
CAR-15 CAR-15
Quick AR question Quick AR question
Official Politics Thread 03-21-2022 Official Politics Thread 03-21-2022
California Dreamin\031& California Dreamin\031&
Lets go back around 10 guns to my very first handgun; the M9 Beretta! How much life is left I wonder? =\\ Lets go back around 10 guns to my very first handgun; the M9 Beretta! How much life is left I wonder? =\\
compatible models. compatible models.
Is there a website I can use to see when my M1 Carbine was manufactured? It\031s only identifying markings say \034U.S. Carbine Cal.30 MI. Inland Div following the serial numbers. Is there a website I can use to see when my M1 Carbine was manufactured? It\031s only identifying markings say \034U.S. Carbine Cal.30 MI. Inland Div following the serial numbers.
Is this normal round 3 lol Is this normal round 3 lol
Moronic Monday 03/21/22 Moronic Monday 03/21/22
M1 Carbine M1 Carbine
Trying out the new pistol builds! Trying out the new pistol builds!
How can I mount this? missing mounting hardware for sight How can I mount this? missing mounting hardware for sight
I miss the days when I was excited by a $500 AR. I miss the days when I was excited by a $500 AR.
Ordering online Ordering online
Saw a PP Posted Earlier: Vintage EDC Night? Saw a PP Posted Earlier: Vintage EDC Night?
Brass Holes? Brass Holes?
Vintage Inspired 300BLK Vintage Inspired 300BLK
first time shooting a desert eagle, .50AE of course. first time shooting a desert eagle, .50AE of course.
Opinions on 350 Legend as a cheap, short-med distance goat/pig hunting round where I don't have straight-wall calibre restrictions. Opinions on 350 Legend as a cheap, short-med distance goat/pig hunting round where I don't have straight-wall calibre restrictions.
Enjoying Sunday in the range Enjoying Sunday in the range
Multi Gun Prism Scopes Recommendations Multi Gun Prism Scopes Recommendations
AR-15 Puzzle: Failure to Eject AR-15 Puzzle: Failure to Eject
Happy 3/20, Chiefs Happy 3/20, Chiefs
Jewish rifle, German handgun Jewish rifle, German handgun
Found another smokin deal. Got all this for 350. Found another smokin deal. Got all this for 350.
Small but annoying problem on 1873 cattleman: ejector rod head flops down. Small but annoying problem on 1873 cattleman: ejector rod head flops down.
Frankie gsp 22lr Frankie gsp 22lr
Sig Sauer MK25 Sig Sauer MK25
Few Questions Few Questions
Does anybody actually know the power difference between pistols and SMG or pistol carbines? Does anybody actually know the power difference between pistols and SMG or pistol carbines?
Went for Ammo, Left With This. Went for Ammo, Left With This.
Psak-47 furniture opinions wanted. Psak-47 furniture opinions wanted.
Heritage arms... Heritage arms...
What are your favorite color combos for sights? I\031m getting ready to throw on a fresh set and am thinking green in the rear and red up front. What do you run? What are your favorite color combos for sights? I\031m getting ready to throw on a fresh set and am thinking green in the rear and red up front. What do you run?
Good gun YouTube channels for learning? Good gun YouTube channels for learning?
New impulse purchase today, Intratec Tec DC9 New impulse purchase today, Intratec Tec DC9
LPVO recommendations around $1k LPVO recommendations around $1k
Did marlin change the spring receiver in the model 60 Did marlin change the spring receiver in the model 60
Finally Achieved A Bakelite Mag For 30$ Finally Achieved A Bakelite Mag For 30$
Carcano(I think) Marking ID Carcano(I think) Marking ID
Vanlife Home Defense in CA Vanlife Home Defense in CA
How to pick a LPVO How to pick a LPVO
Finally put a thermal on one of my AR15 builds. Finally put a thermal on one of my AR15 builds.
A Wild SKS Appeared! A Wild SKS Appeared!
Checking in. Checking in.
This Gun's Got Seoul This Gun's Got Seoul
Went to Gun show today. Disappointed I didn\031t take this home. Went to Gun show today. Disappointed I didn\031t take this home.
3/20 but it's kinda French 3/20 but it's kinda French
Proud first time gun owner - CZ 612 Field Proud first time gun owner - CZ 612 Field
Has anybody ever ordered anything from Has anybody ever ordered anything from
Anybody have any experience with Riton x5 1-6 Tactix? Anybody have any experience with Riton x5 1-6 Tactix?
After Ferrari\031s 1-2 finish today, I had the perfect excuse to shoot my new Italian shotgun for the first time. Grazzi. After Ferrari\031s 1-2 finish today, I had the perfect excuse to shoot my new Italian shotgun for the first time. Grazzi.
Just picked this up, Watcha think? Just picked this up, Watcha think?
My 320 for 3/20 My 320 for 3/20
Remlin 45-70 Lever Issue Remlin 45-70 Lever Issue
Is hoppes #9 safe to use on AR-15s? Is hoppes #9 safe to use on AR-15s?
1953 CZ52 1953 CZ52
Ultra Compact Swiss PDW Ultra Compact Swiss PDW
Diversity Diversity
3/20 running my P320. 3/20 running my P320.
To follow up my flux post, here\031s my favorite aspect. In 5 minutes I can turn a very capable PCC back into a concealable duty handgun. To follow up my flux post, here\031s my favorite aspect. In 5 minutes I can turn a very capable PCC back into a concealable duty handgun.
should I label different brands of ammo? should I label different brands of ammo?
1301 tactical optic options 1301 tactical optic options
TLDR: New FFL, missed out on some info, have a few questions on what to do. TLDR: New FFL, missed out on some info, have a few questions on what to do.
22 20/22 for 3/22/2022 22 20/22 for 3/22/2022
-20 moa Athlon mount? -20 moa Athlon mount?
Decided to become a beta tester today Decided to become a beta tester today
Seeking help finding this 1911 Seeking help finding this 1911
What kind of gun is this? What kind of gun is this?
Bought my first CZ Bought my first CZ
Its that time of the month again Its that time of the month again
How to load an M1 Garand without including your thumb... How to load an M1 Garand without including your thumb...
CZ 75b "Cold War Commemorative" Edition CZ 75b "Cold War Commemorative" Edition
I\031m not asking for a versus, I\031m about to purchase a firearm and I am still torn between the Ruger PC nine and the Ruger mini 14. I\031m not asking for a versus, I\031m about to purchase a firearm and I am still torn between the Ruger PC nine and the Ruger mini 14.
Silence is golden. Silence is golden.
My home made VZ58 My home made VZ58
Three twentytwos for 3/22 Three twentytwos for 3/22
Geissele just slaps, just like the SSAE-X Geissele just slaps, just like the SSAE-X
Trying to date a M91 Carcano Trying to date a M91 Carcano
3 Weeks Ago, I Rattlecanned my Staccato C2. This is how it looks now! 3 Weeks Ago, I Rattlecanned my Staccato C2. This is how it looks now!
CGW vs CZC, which would you EDC? CGW vs CZC, which would you EDC?
Bought my first gun. What kind of shells does it use? Bought my first gun. What kind of shells does it use?
Handguns with long slides and compact grips. Handguns with long slides and compact grips.
Quiz time: Does this bayonet go to this rifle? If not, what does it go to? Quiz time: Does this bayonet go to this rifle? If not, what does it go to?
Can someone recommend a gunsmith who can do slide cuts on a p365? Can someone recommend a gunsmith who can do slide cuts on a p365?
Got this baby sunday, way smoother than the glock. Got this baby sunday, way smoother than the glock.
This better not awaken anything in me... This better not awaken anything in me...
Trying to ship a rifle to an FFL. How do i go about it? Trying to ship a rifle to an FFL. How do i go about it?
Pair of Turnbull Rugers Pair of Turnbull Rugers
Experience with ordering from 4Range Experience with ordering from 4Range
first time buyer- quick question to ease my mind first time buyer- quick question to ease my mind
settling for glocks? settling for glocks?
Everyone needs a suppressed 22 Everyone needs a suppressed 22
Anyone Try using a Sionyx nigh vision scope? Any good? Anyone Try using a Sionyx nigh vision scope? Any good?
2 different generations 2 different generations
Question about magazines being removed on a shipped firearm Question about magazines being removed on a shipped firearm
2 Stamp Tuesday 2 Stamp Tuesday
Peanut Butta Peanut Butta
New CZ Scorpion New CZ Scorpion
Built like a brick shithouse. Built like a brick shithouse.
Hadn't bought a gun in 29 months. New CSX who dis? Hadn't bought a gun in 29 months. New CSX who dis?
The "Pandemic" Glock The "Pandemic" Glock
How many porpoises can I get with this? How many porpoises can I get with this?
Recently almost got scammed on Gunbroker, guy stole an account with 2k+ feedback, anyway to safely pay? Recently almost got scammed on Gunbroker, guy stole an account with 2k+ feedback, anyway to safely pay?
If guns are mass produced, how can they tell which gun shot a bullet? If guns are mass produced, how can they tell which gun shot a bullet?
tmw a coworker wants toes tmw a coworker wants toes
The Lee Enfield I inherited The Lee Enfield I inherited
Ruger M77 mkii 7mm mag inaccuracy Ruger M77 mkii 7mm mag inaccuracy
Retro =\016 Retro =\016
The Night-Hike Glock The Night-Hike Glock
Keepin it simple with the P-2 Keepin it simple with the P-2
Considering purchasing a firearm Considering purchasing a firearm
Mossberg 590 12 Gauge Mossberg 590 12 Gauge
Just wanted to share a photo of the boys Just wanted to share a photo of the boys
One hand on the clock One hand on the clock
Remington 700 or ??? Remington 700 or ???
Just my completely normal new 1911 carry gun. Nothing different about it at all. Just my completely normal new 1911 carry gun. Nothing different about it at all.
Rossi .22 rifle bolt. Rossi .22 rifle bolt.
My solution to running a remote switch for my weapon light on my Steyr AUG. My solution to running a remote switch for my weapon light on my Steyr AUG.
Training Tuesday 3/22/22 Training Tuesday 3/22/22
Compact LPVO Compact LPVO
Thermal PS90 :) Thermal PS90 :)
CZ SP01 Shadow with (worn) Lok Brass Grips CZ SP01 Shadow with (worn) Lok Brass Grips
What Makes A Trigger Good? What Makes A Trigger Good?
Do you have any slack in your LAW Tactical Folder? Do you have any slack in your LAW Tactical Folder?
Gun Talk Tuesday - 22 March 2022 Gun Talk Tuesday - 22 March 2022
Got myself a new edc for work. 15 round mag hellcat, holster is on its way! Got myself a new edc for work. 15 round mag hellcat, holster is on its way!
Probably not the best Sig but I love it Probably not the best Sig but I love it
The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire
Question: Question:
Issues with my new Maverick 88 12ga Issues with my new Maverick 88 12ga
Help! How do I disassembled a V. Bernadelli PO10? Help! How do I disassembled a V. Bernadelli PO10?
FN FALO rear sight problems FN FALO rear sight problems
My In progress Aero Precision Build My In progress Aero Precision Build
"I. AM. SPEED." -5.56 of a 20" AR "I. AM. SPEED." -5.56 of a 20" AR
how to unclear g3c barrel asap how to unclear g3c barrel asap
lets say you've got the funds but little time, what's the best sequence of classes you would recommend? lets say you've got the funds but little time, what's the best sequence of classes you would recommend?
A couple guns representing all the way from 1812 to present. Details below. A couple guns representing all the way from 1812 to present. Details below.
Difference between 9mm FMJ and 9mm HP Difference between 9mm FMJ and 9mm HP
45/70 my uncle bought. 45/70 my uncle bought.
I like having options I like having options
May finally have to see a gunsmith because I\031m dumb. May finally have to see a gunsmith because I\031m dumb.
Feds aren't identifying me from my digital toe profile. Feds aren't identifying me from my digital toe profile.
Gewehr 98/K98K Bayonet Lug Size Gewehr 98/K98K Bayonet Lug Size
The muzzle blast dispersion from DT\031s Ratchet compensator The muzzle blast dispersion from DT\031s Ratchet compensator
First gun, a spring came loose and I don\031t know where it came from (details in the comments) First gun, a spring came loose and I don\031t know where it came from (details in the comments)
Made some changes to my livestock guardian/truck gun Made some changes to my livestock guardian/truck gun
Are lr-300s legal to have in the United States? Are lr-300s legal to have in the United States?
Spotted at my lgs Spotted at my lgs
*vibe checks your plates *vibe checks your plates
Any ideas? From somewhere between 1780s and 1810s but no visible date Any ideas? From somewhere between 1780s and 1810s but no visible date
Can I buy a stripped lower at 18 in the state of Tennessee? Can I buy a stripped lower at 18 in the state of Tennessee?
Browsing 12ga I just inherited. Anyone know anything about these? My grandpa purchased it in \03063 and I\031m trying to get some more info on it. Browsing 12ga I just inherited. Anyone know anything about these? My grandpa purchased it in \03063 and I\031m trying to get some more info on it.
First AR put together, feel free to roast First AR put together, feel free to roast
Is this an acceptable way to store my shotgun? Is this an acceptable way to store my shotgun?
Cursed 5.56 from hell Cursed 5.56 from hell
I bought something I bought something
A Tec 9 that actually works A Tec 9 that actually works
Trying to ID this handgun Trying to ID this handgun
FFL missing delivery, need advice? FFL missing delivery, need advice?
Scary black rifle lineup so far Scary black rifle lineup so far
A pair of Bren 2s all dressed up. A pair of Bren 2s all dressed up.
HK91/G3/PTR91/C308 Enhanced Heavy Buffer woes HK91/G3/PTR91/C308 Enhanced Heavy Buffer woes
So We're Doing Wood ARs Today? So We're Doing Wood ARs Today?
My trio My trio
FN Pistol 7m/.85 (I think) FN Pistol 7m/.85 (I think)
ATF Forced Reset Trigger Letter Containment Thread ATF Forced Reset Trigger Letter Containment Thread
best .22 handgun best .22 handgun
What Cerakote Matches Anodized Aluminum Best? What Cerakote Matches Anodized Aluminum Best?
Best place to gift a holster? Best place to gift a holster?
After years of procrastinating, my first purchase. Italian 92fs Inox. After years of procrastinating, my first purchase. Italian 92fs Inox.
What is this? What is this?
The atf hates this one trick The atf hates this one trick
New to gun collecting New to gun collecting
Found this pump-action Remington .22 (Model 12-A) in storage \024 still cherry. Found this pump-action Remington .22 (Model 12-A) in storage \024 still cherry.
Abyone know what these markings mean? 1973 Colt Cobra. Abyone know what these markings mean? 1973 Colt Cobra.
My first and last attempt and building an AR15 My first and last attempt and building an AR15
S&W 610 with 40S&W S&W 610 with 40S&W
Friends don\031t let friends buy a Winchester Wildcat Friends don\031t let friends buy a Winchester Wildcat
Doggo not super impressed by tax return... Doggo not super impressed by tax return...
How do we feel about wood ARs? How do we feel about wood ARs?
Getting over a fear of guns Getting over a fear of guns
Bought A lower receiver when I was 18 had it sent to the nearest FFL dealer and they said I can\031t pick it up till I turn 21 I am currently 20 about to turn 21 Bought A lower receiver when I was 18 had it sent to the nearest FFL dealer and they said I can\031t pick it up till I turn 21 I am currently 20 about to turn 21
How to convert stock .223 AR to .300 BLK How to convert stock .223 AR to .300 BLK
Anyone know why 410 ammo is so hard to find? Anyone know why 410 ammo is so hard to find?
Conceal carry at work? Boss/coworkers not too pro 2A? Conceal carry at work? Boss/coworkers not too pro 2A?
Thickheaded Thursday 03/24/22 Thickheaded Thursday 03/24/22
Every good nightstand gun should have a =\xa1. Every good nightstand gun should have a =¡.
Trash or treasure Trash or treasure
CZ Shadow 2 : user feedback CZ Shadow 2 : user feedback
Glock 20 slide & threaded barrel Glock 20 slide & threaded barrel
I know it's not super nice like most of the other builds on here, but im super stoked on how my first AR turned out! I know it's not super nice like most of the other builds on here, but im super stoked on how my first AR turned out!
Bolt actions: sling studs vs QD cups Bolt actions: sling studs vs QD cups
I don't know shit about fuck. I don't know shit about fuck.
Painted lettering should come stock Painted lettering should come stock
Anyone have experience with the Rossi RS 22? Anyone have experience with the Rossi RS 22?
This Is My Shotgun. This Is My Shotgun.
Love my old single shot H&R pardner, but I hate the seemingly cheap plastic parts. Anyone know if you can replace the plastic parts on the newer ones with metal parts? I'd love to make this one a project. Love my old single shot H&R pardner, but I hate the seemingly cheap plastic parts. Anyone know if you can replace the plastic parts on the newer ones with metal parts? I'd love to make this one a project.
Belongs to a friend, very fun to shoot. I know it's a CZ, but what model? I'd love to buy one for myself Belongs to a friend, very fun to shoot. I know it's a CZ, but what model? I'd love to buy one for myself
Government property. Government property.
Anyone here thinks guns help you deal with the fear of snakes/other wild animals ? Anyone here thinks guns help you deal with the fear of snakes/other wild animals ?
Mannlicher M1895 straight pull Mannlicher M1895 straight pull
please like me please like me
She's not perfect, but she's mine. She's not perfect, but she's mine.
Has a 380ACP Battle Pack Ever Been Used In Battle? Has a 380ACP Battle Pack Ever Been Used In Battle?
Are there reproducible problems with Un-pinned slide stop problems with the Canik Rivals or similar guns? More info in post. Are there reproducible problems with Un-pinned slide stop problems with the Canik Rivals or similar guns? More info in post.
\034Yeah, but it makes sense to order at least three because of the discount\035 \034Yeah, but it makes sense to order at least three because of the discount\035
Laugo Arms Alien Laugo Arms Alien
Good Wood showed up Good Wood showed up
Just inherited a few really nice firearms including some custom rifles and an Ed brown 1911 kobra not pictured here Just inherited a few really nice firearms including some custom rifles and an Ed brown 1911 kobra not pictured here
Backstop Project this summer Backstop Project this summer
2 sexy pistolas 2 sexy pistolas
Private Sales in Virginia Private Sales in Virginia
After a few drinks I decided to rattle can my EDC last night. I can\031t wait for the holster wear to kick in! After a few drinks I decided to rattle can my EDC last night. I can\031t wait for the holster wear to kick in!
Armory Craft Skeleton Slides? Armory Craft Skeleton Slides?
Estimated value of 1938 P.08 Mauser Luger Estimated value of 1938 P.08 Mauser Luger
Is this rust removable without damaging the firearm? Is this rust removable without damaging the firearm?
1891 Argentinian Mauser carbine. Gun shop insisted it was safe to shoot and claimed their gunsmith had gone over it. Brass is weirdly deformed and scratched up, did this with three rounds before I decided against it. Gun shop says it's normal for brass to bulge out like that. Is it safe to shoot? 1891 Argentinian Mauser carbine. Gun shop insisted it was safe to shoot and claimed their gunsmith had gone over it. Brass is weirdly deformed and scratched up, did this with three rounds before I decided against it. Gun shop says it's normal for brass to bulge out like that. Is it safe to shoot?
Open Carry Michigan Open Carry Michigan
Looking for feedback Looking for feedback
Is Walther Wednesday a thing? This is my Walther PDP 4" compact in some rare Texas snow. Details in the first comment... Is Walther Wednesday a thing? This is my Walther PDP 4" compact in some rare Texas snow. Details in the first comment...
I'm bored of going to the range... I'm bored of going to the range...
Does Optics Planet still take months to ship products? Does Optics Planet still take months to ship products?
Is the beretta s686 essential any good? Is the beretta s686 essential any good?
My first ar15 My first ar15
Pass the Gabagool - (Wilson Combat Vertec Centurion) Pass the Gabagool - (Wilson Combat Vertec Centurion)
Does BAC work with a 1x prism? Does BAC work with a 1x prism?
HOWA issuing me an RMA on a rifle because it came with a cross threaded Bolt Hole new. Is it worth the time and hassle vs. a helicoil? HOWA issuing me an RMA on a rifle because it came with a cross threaded Bolt Hole new. Is it worth the time and hassle vs. a helicoil?
The best Mauser 98 variant... and a K98k. The best Mauser 98 variant... and a K98k.
Does anyone have any experience with D&L Sports ? Does anyone have any experience with D&L Sports ?
90s police gun aesthetic is best aesthetic 90s police gun aesthetic is best aesthetic
Hump(back) Day Hump(back) Day
16" AR15 Faux Dissipator and 20" AR-15A2 16" AR15 Faux Dissipator and 20" AR-15A2
Windham Weaponry 20" Government Windham Weaponry 20" Government
I\031m a man of class and sophistication& I\031m a man of class and sophistication&
Seeking information on leather holster for Chiappa Rhino 30DS. Seeking information on leather holster for Chiappa Rhino 30DS.
3D Printed MP5 Build With The Binary=@ 3D Printed MP5 Build With The Binary=@
Bought my first CZ yesterday , a CZ 83 I don\031t think I did too bad for $220. It\031s also all matching numbers from what I can tell so that\031s a bonus. Bought my first CZ yesterday , a CZ 83 I don\031t think I did too bad for $220. It\031s also all matching numbers from what I can tell so that\031s a bonus.
Zenith Z5P Zenith Z5P
Got myself a new FNX Tactical. The weekend can't come fast enough Got myself a new FNX Tactical. The weekend can't come fast enough
just got a db15 ar just got a db15 ar
First attempt at Sponge Camo, now I want to do more First attempt at Sponge Camo, now I want to do more
Small Iron for WGW Small Iron for WGW
Can AR's do everything? Can AR's do everything?
I\031m a sucker for projects I\031m a sucker for projects
MagPul Handstop Torque - Anything to Worry About MagPul Handstop Torque - Anything to Worry About
Wheelgun Wednesday, first gun I ever got! Grandpa gave it to me years ago, he bought it from Sears in 1956. Ruger Single Six 22lr/22wmr Wheelgun Wednesday, first gun I ever got! Grandpa gave it to me years ago, he bought it from Sears in 1956. Ruger Single Six 22lr/22wmr
Winchester Wednesday Winchester Wednesday
Official Politics Thread 03-23-2022 Official Politics Thread 03-23-2022
how big of a difference is there in WW2 era machine guns and modern ones? how big of a difference is there in WW2 era machine guns and modern ones?
A few months ago, I asked for advice on how to make my rule of cool a happen. Today, using some of the things I learned here and the r/gunsmithing... I made it a reality. A few months ago, I asked for advice on how to make my rule of cool a happen. Today, using some of the things I learned here and the r/gunsmithing... I made it a reality.
Shipping a completed 80% lower Shipping a completed 80% lower
In need of advice? In need of advice?
Is the M&P 15-22 currently overpriced? Is the M&P 15-22 currently overpriced?
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/23/22 What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/23/22
Hellion VHS2: LPVO or Dot/magnifier? Hellion VHS2: LPVO or Dot/magnifier?
Does anyone know what this pistol is? Does anyone know what this pistol is?
Inherited This Gewehr 98 - ID Help/Cleaning Help Inherited This Gewehr 98 - ID Help/Cleaning Help
Are there any non-invasive tang sights for 1873 Winchesters? Are there any non-invasive tang sights for 1873 Winchesters?
If you were me, what would you offer? If you were me, what would you offer?
870 vs 870 express 870 vs 870 express
My new edc My new edc
You guys convinced me. You guys convinced me.
410 Jammy Jam 410 Jammy Jam
Am I doing this right? Am I doing this right?
Safe&.Friday? Safe&.Friday?
Bullet doesn\031t eject after fired and dented casing after fire Bullet doesn\031t eject after fired and dented casing after fire
Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro
What would I be looking at, in order to swap out both sights of a RIA 1911? What would I be looking at, in order to swap out both sights of a RIA 1911?
<\x85<x<q<x<}<v <q<\x81<~ <\u0085<x<q<x<}<v <q<\u0081<~
Hellcat Pro vs. P365 XL angst Hellcat Pro vs. P365 XL angst
Carry Handle Gang Carry Handle Gang
Arsenal sam7sf-84e Arsenal sam7sf-84e
Added a stock to my Pardini pistol Added a stock to my Pardini pistol
which is the best gauge shotgun for home defense? which is the best gauge shotgun for home defense?
I know this is probably a stupid question, but is there a product that could use for firing/target practice? I know this is probably a stupid question, but is there a product that could use for firing/target practice?
Question about shotgun chokes Question about shotgun chokes
Is Liberty Tree Guns legit? Is Liberty Tree Guns legit?
All wood VZ-58 All wood VZ-58
Question about a holster Question about a holster
Tinnitus Tinnitus
help identify a round of 9mm for me? help identify a round of 9mm for me?
I put my M79 on a diet I put my M79 on a diet
Picked up twins today& Picked up twins today&
Is practicing with a .22 going to build bad habits if you eventually plan on owning a 9mm? Is practicing with a .22 going to build bad habits if you eventually plan on owning a 9mm?
My k31 collection : custom, original with diopter and a commemorative plaque, original with iron sights My k31 collection : custom, original with diopter and a commemorative plaque, original with iron sights
Well shit.. Well shit..
Steyr Aug elite concrete cerakote Steyr Aug elite concrete cerakote
Safe distances for pistol caliber rifles on steel targets? Safe distances for pistol caliber rifles on steel targets?
G19 Attachment Recommendations G19 Attachment Recommendations
Camping/hiking ammo: 9mm Xtreme penetrators, or 10mm? Camping/hiking ammo: 9mm Xtreme penetrators, or 10mm?
Best deal/value for a 5.56 AR? Best deal/value for a 5.56 AR?
Some times I do glamor shots of guns Some times I do glamor shots of guns
(2011) My mom shooting my dad's PS90. 10 years ago today she lost her fight to brain cancer. R.I.P. mom. (02/23/68 - 03/25/12) (2011) My mom shooting my dad's PS90. 10 years ago today she lost her fight to brain cancer. R.I.P. mom. (02/23/68 - 03/25/12)
First AR15 rifle First AR15 rifle
My first build ever. what kind of cleaning/lubricating should I do? details below: My first build ever. what kind of cleaning/lubricating should I do? details below:
I told myself I didn\031t want a SCAR, but that was a lie I told myself I didn\031t want a SCAR, but that was a lie
After 350 days of waiting she\031s done After 350 days of waiting she\031s done
Holosun optic mounting plate for Picatinny rail Holosun optic mounting plate for Picatinny rail
Those who have a 300 Ham'r what is your opinion? Those who have a 300 Ham'r what is your opinion?
1 full year of having my LTC 1 full year of having my LTC
Just picked up my Tp9SC\031s big sexy cousin Walther PPQ Q4 Tac! Just picked up my Tp9SC\031s big sexy cousin Walther PPQ Q4 Tac!
PSA for anyone else with a P-10: My slide lock spring fell out of place during a range sessions and would lock the slide after every shot. Seems like a poor design that would get you killed in a fight. PSA for anyone else with a P-10: My slide lock spring fell out of place during a range sessions and would lock the slide after every shot. Seems like a poor design that would get you killed in a fight.
How to clean and tune up a shotgun that hasn't been fired in almost 20 years? How to clean and tune up a shotgun that hasn't been fired in almost 20 years?
Official Politics Thread 03-25-2022 Official Politics Thread 03-25-2022
.22 LR, .22 WMR, or .17 HMR? .22 LR, .22 WMR, or .17 HMR?
Help on ID an AR barrel Help on ID an AR barrel
Recently acquired what I think is a 23mm autocannon off a WWII Mig Recently acquired what I think is a 23mm autocannon off a WWII Mig
How do I fold this rear sight up? How do I fold this rear sight up?
Left handed 30-06 Left handed 30-06
PSA AKP with Holosun 510c and cable damascus knife. PSA AKP with Holosun 510c and cable damascus knife.
Friday Buyday 03/25/22 Friday Buyday 03/25/22
Enjoying the Wilde new safe door organizer Enjoying the Wilde new safe door organizer
My .22 pistol it's stupid and I love it. My .22 pistol it's stupid and I love it.
Today's find, MKE AP5-P... Got everything shown + 2 more mags for $1800! Today's find, MKE AP5-P... Got everything shown + 2 more mags for $1800!
I won a raffle and came home with a pair of Girson mc1911sc. I won a raffle and came home with a pair of Girson mc1911sc.
Why do people train with drop leg holsters? Why do people train with drop leg holsters?
Received my first LPVO today. Received my first LPVO today.
CZ 75D PCR slide is very hard to pull back CZ 75D PCR slide is very hard to pull back
need help need help
The proper way to set up a 590 shockwave. The proper way to set up a 590 shockwave.
Out with the old, in with the new (p365x arrived today, tac-pac gets relegated to its case) If you know you like it, why not? Out with the old, in with the new (p365x arrived today, tac-pac gets relegated to its case) If you know you like it, why not?
kitty x gun kitty x gun
Was wondering if this would be a good cheap starter ar-15? Was wondering if this would be a good cheap starter ar-15?
KNJ Holsters? KNJ Holsters?
44 Mag Deagle vs 44 Rem Mag ammo? 44 Mag Deagle vs 44 Rem Mag ammo?
Ruined Lettering fill_Slide Ghost Ruined Lettering fill_Slide Ghost
ATI DF12 helo ATI DF12 helo
Here piggy piggy piggy Here piggy piggy piggy
Is there such thing as a realistic shooting simulator for PC or console? Just for fun. Is there such thing as a realistic shooting simulator for PC or console? Just for fun.
I want to get the magpul ms4 qd sling for my sig m400 tread coil rifle. Do I have to buy an mlok adapter for it seperately? I want to get the magpul ms4 qd sling for my sig m400 tread coil rifle. Do I have to buy an mlok adapter for it seperately?
Finally started my own collection (on a budget). Finally started my own collection (on a budget).
Question about specific safariland holsters Question about specific safariland holsters
Getting hooked to the rattled look <\xa8 Getting hooked to the rattled look <¨
Thumper Thursday Thumper Thursday
Need a new shotgun Need a new shotgun
Buying a handgun in Texas with an out of state DL or passport and proof of residency. Is it possible? Buying a handgun in Texas with an out of state DL or passport and proof of residency. Is it possible?
Easiest parts kit? Easiest parts kit?
Chair Force Ar-15 set up? Chair Force Ar-15 set up?
Mag stash photo. These are some of my Glock mags. Mag stash photo. These are some of my Glock mags.
The Smiths The Smiths
Any experiences with Monsoon Tactical? Any experiences with Monsoon Tactical?
Is this rifle worth it? Is this rifle worth it?
Advice about blank firing guns Advice about blank firing guns
Dirty .30 Thursday Dirty .30 Thursday
BCM MCMR Handguard Question BCM MCMR Handguard Question
Colorado gun laws? Colorado gun laws?
Lower came in! Lower came in!
Just got a TX 22 & looking for good ammo, any suggestions? Just got a TX 22 & looking for good ammo, any suggestions?
Question Question
The Staccato P is absolutely worth every penny The Staccato P is absolutely worth every penny
Can someone help me identify this old musket? Some details on comments. Can someone help me identify this old musket? Some details on comments.
recommendations for a gun belt recommendations for a gun belt
SBR pathway and guardrails SBR pathway and guardrails
mlok? mlok who?\024Zastava ZPAP92 [OC] mlok? mlok who?\024Zastava ZPAP92 [OC]
A-Team A-Team
Will using my cleaning rod into barrel through muzzle end damage it? Will using my cleaning rod into barrel through muzzle end damage it?
Where can I get a M1 Carbine receiver? Where can I get a M1 Carbine receiver?
30-DN 30-DN
Help for first home protection Help for first home protection
Handgun WML doctrine and technique. Handgun WML doctrine and technique.
Range Day W/ The Kit Range Day W/ The Kit
Hammer Of Fudd Hammer Of Fudd
staccato c vs nighthawk counselor? staccato c vs nighthawk counselor?
Benellis and Daniel Benellis and Daniel
Fresh paint. Fresh paint.
Did a dumb with my beretta 1915/17. Help please. Did a dumb with my beretta 1915/17. Help please.
Clone AK-103 mags - Kalashnikov USA vs Palmetto State Armory Clone AK-103 mags - Kalashnikov USA vs Palmetto State Armory
105 year old bling, my new 1903 Colt Pocket Hammerless 105 year old bling, my new 1903 Colt Pocket Hammerless
Picked up a 10/22 Ruger from a buddy, it has flip up sights and red dot. Is the optic placement okay? Picked up a 10/22 Ruger from a buddy, it has flip up sights and red dot. Is the optic placement okay?
SIG MPX Elite Concrete cerakote SIG MPX Elite Concrete cerakote
Tried my hand at a rattle can paint job. Tried my hand at a rattle can paint job.
Recommended budget 9mm for an EDC? Recommended budget 9mm for an EDC?
Help identifying 7mm mauser Help identifying 7mm mauser
When she thinks you only own one rifle \034because they all look the same\035. When she thinks you only own one rifle \034because they all look the same\035.
I think I\031m set for a while. I think I\031m set for a while.
Help making a decision for future gun purchase Help making a decision for future gun purchase
Gunsmiff Gunsmiff
DSA SA58 and aimpoint comp m2 with Rhodesian Hawaiian brushstroke sling. DSA SA58 and aimpoint comp m2 with Rhodesian Hawaiian brushstroke sling.
10 Rounds was Enough! UK vz. 59 - Full Auto Belt Fed Machine Gun - 7.62x54R 10 Rounds was Enough! UK vz. 59 - Full Auto Belt Fed Machine Gun - 7.62x54R
Building a mk12 clone Building a mk12 clone
My life is complete My life is complete
I\031m the Rattle Can Man I\031m the Rattle Can Man
A few newbie questions about ammo and laser sights A few newbie questions about ammo and laser sights
Firearmsheaven Inc. Firearmsheaven Inc.
Blazer 124 & 115 gr 9mm Luger Blazer 124 & 115 gr 9mm Luger
XANCAM Holster from Red Balloon Industries XANCAM Holster from Red Balloon Industries
Has anyone here shot an MP-40? Has anyone here shot an MP-40?
Question about background check for purchasing a handgun Question about background check for purchasing a handgun
Savage .22 Magnum, 60 meters =L Savage .22 Magnum, 60 meters =L
My new little friend. Palmetto PA-15 5.56/2.23 My new little friend. Palmetto PA-15 5.56/2.23
Looking for replacement screws for 10/22 takedown tactical edition receiver plate screws Looking for replacement screws for 10/22 takedown tactical edition receiver plate screws
Aero buffer retainer&.buffer tube is captured in this position but can make several more turns& Aero buffer retainer&.buffer tube is captured in this position but can make several more turns&
Mysterious Smith & Wesson Hard Case Mysterious Smith & Wesson Hard Case
I miss the 80's... they were a better time. I miss the 80's... they were a better time.
AR15 won't cycle the next round into the chamber AR15 won't cycle the next round into the chamber
AR9 - 6\035 w/ titanium shroud AR9 - 6\035 w/ titanium shroud
Finding places for spare parts Finding places for spare parts
Duty weapons 1970-2000 Duty weapons 1970-2000
Just traded for this. Smith and Wesson Model 17 (no dash) from 1959, 22lr 8 3/8\035 barrel. Just traded for this. Smith and Wesson Model 17 (no dash) from 1959, 22lr 8 3/8\035 barrel.
Modern Musket Modern Musket
Nics delay Nics delay
Quick questions from a first time lever action owner. Quick questions from a first time lever action owner.
My 0 interest loan to the US government was paid back today, i think this is how they wanted me to spend it My 0 interest loan to the US government was paid back today, i think this is how they wanted me to spend it
Going through old home reloads my grandfather did, anything to look for visually before I test the ammo? Going through old home reloads my grandfather did, anything to look for visually before I test the ammo?
My buddy had never shot his only rifle (Remington 721) before, so I told him to bring it with us to the range. 300 H&H has a bit of a kick to it! My buddy had never shot his only rifle (Remington 721) before, so I told him to bring it with us to the range. 300 H&H has a bit of a kick to it!
Whiskey just wants to be a part of things, you know? Whiskey just wants to be a part of things, you know?
My Freedom Ordinance fx-9 My Freedom Ordinance fx-9
PCC Madness! PCC Madness!
A small arms review A small arms review
How\031d I do? How\031d I do?
Well here goes nothing Well here goes nothing
Lesson of The Day Lesson of The Day
Freedom Munitions in 2021-2022? Freedom Munitions in 2021-2022?
Almost Roland special Almost Roland special
Bringing backpack to the airport. Bringing backpack to the airport.
Built my 1st AR15! Built my 1st AR15!
Behold Australians, My Tactical Boomerang. American Ingenuity at its finest. Behold Australians, My Tactical Boomerang. American Ingenuity at its finest.
Can I purchase a at-15 lower in Virginia Can I purchase a at-15 lower in Virginia
Full auto handguns purposes? Full auto handguns purposes?
Semi auto Sten MKV Semi auto Sten MKV
Has anyone purchased from they have something I\031ve been hunting for a while and would like y\031all\031s opinion Has anyone purchased from they have something I\031ve been hunting for a while and would like y\031all\031s opinion
Is 5.7x28mm good for self defense? Is 5.7x28mm good for self defense?
calling all Queensland shooters iv created a page for to discuss our sport. calling all Queensland shooters iv created a page for to discuss our sport.
Loctite on Pic Rails? Loctite on Pic Rails?
Is it true that real and quality 10mm is hard to come by? Is it true that real and quality 10mm is hard to come by?
Is it still considered fashionably late to post my gun pairings? Is it still considered fashionably late to post my gun pairings?
Inherited M1 Carbine. I Have a few questions. Inherited M1 Carbine. I Have a few questions.
How it currently feels on my recent range trips& How it currently feels on my recent range trips&
Pure violence and still classy as fuck. Pure violence and still classy as fuck.
New to handguns: M&P shield 2.0 with 15 round to use the extension sleeves? New to handguns: M&P shield 2.0 with 15 round to use the extension sleeves?
a good cheap gun building kit a good cheap gun building kit
Are diamond back AR-15\031s any good? Are diamond back AR-15\031s any good?
FK Putin but& FK Putin but&
A work in Progress, but it's technically a rifle! A work in Progress, but it's technically a rifle!
The internet gets weird, take this The internet gets weird, take this
Remington Thunderbolt .22 Remington Thunderbolt .22
Just the tip Just the tip
My heavily abused EDC My heavily abused EDC
My favorite ak, My Molot Vepr 74. Currently has Zenitco sport 5 kit, Rp-3 extended charging handle, Pt-5 stock, and Hexagon Tactical side rail My favorite ak, My Molot Vepr 74. Currently has Zenitco sport 5 kit, Rp-3 extended charging handle, Pt-5 stock, and Hexagon Tactical side rail
Is it possible to set up an adjustable gas block on an AR15 but still have the A2 front sight posts? Is it possible to set up an adjustable gas block on an AR15 but still have the A2 front sight posts?
Less smelly alternatives to Butch's Bore Shine? Less smelly alternatives to Butch's Bore Shine?
What do you think of my abomination? Scar 16s What do you think of my abomination? Scar 16s
Recommendation for reliable drum mags. Recommendation for reliable drum mags.
Who does ATF contact regarding form 4 Who does ATF contact regarding form 4
34 Guns Packed into a 24 Gun Safe 34 Guns Packed into a 24 Gun Safe
Quick question for right handed shooters& Quick question for right handed shooters&
handgun suggestions handgun suggestions
Just finished cleaning the old boom stick. Mosin-Nagant with all original parts, minus the rear sight, which some madman sadly removed to attach a rail before I got it. Just finished cleaning the old boom stick. Mosin-Nagant with all original parts, minus the rear sight, which some madman sadly removed to attach a rail before I got it.
M&P 45 Compact M&P 45 Compact
Can I put a 11.5 inch complete upper on a ar15 complete lower Can I put a 11.5 inch complete upper on a ar15 complete lower
What are the best night vision goggles and you can legally export? What are the best night vision goggles and you can legally export?
I shot my mothers LCP today and the firing pin struck me in the face. I disassembled it along with a YouTube video and noticed the roll pin is a lot shorter than theirs. What would you do in this situation? My stepfather wants to replace the pin but I think we should contact Ruger. I shot my mothers LCP today and the firing pin struck me in the face. I disassembled it along with a YouTube video and noticed the roll pin is a lot shorter than theirs. What would you do in this situation? My stepfather wants to replace the pin but I think we should contact Ruger.
My dad wants me to ship a handgun to him. Is that illegal and if not how can I ? My dad wants me to ship a handgun to him. Is that illegal and if not how can I ?
With tiny ar15s and mcx/similar, where does a pcc fit in the arsenal now? With the advent of small ar15s and similar foldy boys like the mcx, where does the pcc fit in now?\n\nSeems that something like an mcx rattler or a ddm4pdw would be pretty much overall better than something like a mp5 or any 9mm pcc in a similar size....other than ammo cost.\n\nAm I missing something? Does the 9mm pcc still have a place for anything besides a "fun" gun?\n\nI have an apc9k I'm using as the home defense gun right now but only because my only ar15 right now is a 14.5" with a can and in the tight corners of my house it's impossible to use the ar15.\n\nWas thinking of selling the apc9k and getting a ddm4pdw or building a small 5.56 for HD instead since I have an unused 30cal can just sitting around.\n\nAm I overthinking? Are pccs still great for really close in "fighting"? Or are they just a fun piece to keep around?\n\nMy apc9k when I first got it because everyone likes pictures...yes I spent all my money on the gun and put a $90 optic on it till I got an aimpoint.\n\n
I still don\031t feel like this is good enough. Ha. Anyone else this anal about this stuff?
Best Home Defense Round in 5.56? I'm looking for some defensive rounds for my AR-15 that are reliable. Lately I've been shooting 55 Grain XTac green tips, and know how dumb it would be to fire one in a house.
5\0365*5/555&53 5\r50535.5"5-
My suppressed 12.5 AR is the same size as my 14.5" AR
Springfield Hellcat RDP with SilencerCo Omega 9k and Streamlight TLR-7.
Does anyone know of any good firearms podcasts? I\031m looking for a podcast similar to what the Forgotten Weapons YouTube channel does. \n\nFor those that don\031t know: Forgotten weapons gives a more in depth look at firearms from a technical and historical standpoint without getting into current politics. \n\nThanks!
Training Tuesday 3/15/22 What are you doing this week to improve your shooting?
My .38 Special Amadeo Rossi Made in Brasil for home defense
Are we doing scoped pistols now?
Twenty Tuesday
Gun Talk Tuesday - 15 March 2022 Tuesday catch-all post for all the questions, comments, rants, *et cetera* that don\031t belong in their own thread or the [designated Politics thread]( Keep the /r/guns rules in mind.\n\n\034Beware the Ides of March\035 edition\n\nWhat do you use for a range bag and what\031s in your range bag? What\031s your range tip or trick? Feel free to shout out your favorite range.
RimFire scope advice So I\031ve got a .22lr bolty coming at me down the road and would like to get an optic for it. I\031ve only ever stuck with irons in the past. \n\nI\031m considering the Hawk 2-7x32 or the Vortex 2-7x32. I\031d really love to get a Leupold 2-7x32.\n\nMy question is, is it worth the extra $200? I\031ve heard good things about the Hawk and Vortex, but I\031d really like to try and avoid anything Chinese made, which at that price point I realize is not possible.
Will 9mm kurz work on a 9mm? Specifically smith&wesson sd9ve? Came across some 9mm kurz or .380 auto and just wondering if I can use it in my sd9ve.
New Benelli M4 Bolt Carrier Release Purchased a new Benelli M4 about 30 days ago. Assembled it recently and noticed that the bolt carrier release button is extremely hard to press in to release the bolt carrier. In some cases I had to use the butt of my KBar knife to release it. Also you have to pull the bolt carrier group pretty fast and hard by the charging handle to get the button to depress on the Carrier Release, otherwise a normal pull of the charging handle will for some reason cause the bolt release button to get stuck or caught up. I cant really understand what is causing this. I am going back to Cabelas tomorrow for them to look at it and possibly send it back to the manufacturer, but honestly, Im not to keen on that. I would rather have them swap it out for another one, but their policy is pretty strict on returning guns. So we shall see tomorrow what the outcome is, sucks to spend 1999.99 and tax on a firearm only to have it not work to expectations. The other concern about them shipping it. Who know if they will make sure the contents dont get damaged or scratched. Any feedback would be kindly appreciated. Thanks!
New grips who dis
Couldn't get a hold of a stock adaptor, so I bubba'd one.
Moving to the US from Canada. How can I bring my AR? Im a US citizen moving to michigan and would like to bring my AR with me. Barrel is 16 inches and is a S&W m&p sport ii. I realize that importing an AR is tough, but what about bringing in everything but the lower? Could I bring it in as \034parts\035?\n\nAre there any other possible ways to do this without a hefty cost?
Becoming a firearms instructor Hey guys, just wanted some general advice. Has anyone here ever got into firearms instructing? \n\nA little background on myself. I am a former Marine with overseas and combat experience. I was also a Marksmanship instructor for the final years of my career and grew a passion for teaching and passing down knowledge. During my time as an instructor I was also met with plenty of accolades and I was complimented by many for being one of the best instructor in our group and need less to say, my ego was boosted which drove my passion even further. I also tapped into law enforcement before moving to Arizona and would give private lessons to my fellow academy mates on the weekends and took beginner shooters and made them experts by the end. \n\nWith all that being said, I\031m going to school now and have plenty of free time and I really want to start teaching again. I just don\031t know we\031re to start. I\031ve looked into NRA courses but many seem to say that they are useless. I\031ve also gone to my local shooting ranges offering my help even as an intern but all they want to offer is cashier positions or RSO spots. \n\nI think every day of opening up my own business and starting my own courses but I\031m not sure how legal that is to take people shooting without any certifications. \n\nHas anyone ever got into this business? Any advice on getting started? Thank you.
CETME charging handle pin no budge So I'm doing a CETME build with a c308 barreled receiver I purchased and ran into a problem. I can't get the cocking handle off my cetme kit to replace the missing one of my rifle. The pin won't budge at all from anything I've tried and I don't have any machinery other than a vice to try to put more force. A pin should not be this hard to get out. Any help? Or should I just bite the bullet and buy a new charging handle and pin
My Ruger MKIV Target w/RMR
My new Palmetto State Armory ar pistol. I have some new parts I will post after I install them.
Anybody else not get all the ammo you paid for? Today on my lunch break I went down to the local academy and bought a 200 round pack of Winchester 5.56. I loaded up a few mags when I got home which took up 150 rounds. After mags were loaded I counted out the rest and only had 49... one round might not seem like much but I can't help but feel slighted.
What is this rifle from "Cruel Gun Story?"
please send help, I don't know what I'm doing with my saiga 308!
Where could I get a replacement metal band for this arisaka, and would this band be universal between all arisaka models? I want to use it, but without the band, the barrel is bowed upwards and I'm not gonna risk damage (if a small bow can cause that).
saw frt Would an frt style trigger be possible for the m249 platform?
I'm finally becoming a Father. So papa needs to update his AR-15 game.
NAA 22 Mag Anyone have one of these? Worth it?
2nd RMR cut I've done in the books
zastava ak47 My local gun shop just got one of these in today and I've been wanting an ak for many years now but the catch is the price tag of $ it even worth that much?
Anyone else seen issues having an easier time limp wristing with ammo from the last few years? Took my girlfriend shooting today for the first time in awhile and she was having alot of issues with two new guns, a glock 19 and 19x. When I fired both no issues she was having issues getting through a mag without a jam though. I\031ve heard issues with Covid ammo and was wondering if their was any truth to that. Also worth adding she\031s never had an issue limp wristing in the past but it has been awhile since she\031s shot.
Why is my scope so canted? Can it be fixed without buying new?
Using your CCW or Home Defense Weapon Have any of you ever been in the situation where you had to use your ccw or home defense gun? If so, how did you handle the situation and what came of it?
Spanish CETME C Charger pin Trying to get the charger pin knocked out of the handle and cant seem to get it. Also cant seem to find a video for the same firearm. Currently trying to hammer it out from the the bottom but not even a nudge. Anyone know if there's something we can try or if its a lost cause?
Groomsmen Gift? Trying to figure out what to get my 6 groomsmen. I\031m thinking either a Ruger Wrangler 22 or Heritage Rough Rider, or a Citizen Eco Drive watch. The 22 is a bit more unique but the watch would likely be used more. I\031m torn though. Any input appreciated.
Parts shopping widget? Is there such an app or website that finds you the lowest price on a gun part? For example I need an aero enhanced buffer kit for an AR308&.at least five places carry the exact same kit but they range in price +\\~ $20 and it gets even more difficult considering some sites are free shipping and some not. I spend a ton of time looking to save money where possible, any ideas to save the headache?
Holster brands I asked this question on CCW but for some reason I got no responses. I turned 21 last week and want to start carrying my Glock 48. I need holster recommendations. I work in sales and have a slim build so I\031m going to try appendix carry with ulti clips so it\031s not as noticeable with a tucked shirt. I\031m looking at the tier one but looking for any high end holster you guys might have good experiences with.
Desert Eagles and the nosey cat,
I've got a couple of questions about my Verona SX 405-12ga shotgun. I was at a pawn shop today and saw a Verona SX 405-12 for sale for only $200, so obviously I picked it up. I tried doing some research on it but honestly there isn't really a whole lot about it online. I've found a couple of forums about it saying it's Turkish and that the company may have went out of business but overall not a whole lot. Really my biggest question is purchasing parts for it. \n\nThe buttstock says Sarzimal on it and I found this gun here: . I can tell they're not identical but I wonder if the parts are swappable. \n\nI also found the Silver Eagle Sporter here: . That website has a ton of parts on it, though most are out of stock, but the thing I really want is a wooden stock and fore end.\n\nHere's a couple of pictures of mine.\n\n\nInterested in what you're guy's thoughts are!
Juliet 3 micro issues Elevation adjustment knob worked fine out of the box and is now stuck. It will only go one click in either direction.
HK clones
I mean, five-five-six made by bad-ass Hebrews
M&P Mondays
Picked up this new Citori CX over the weekend, Ive got wood
Anyone wanna take a road trip to Agua Fria?
Little bit of old, little bit of new. Range day choices are hard.
.450 Bushmaster Build. Ready to shoot!
1968 BAR I've got a 1968 BAR in .243 win, (not a Browning machine gun) and I haven't been able to find any prices online. Not even a previous auction.\n\nCould someone tell me how much these go for?
My KISS small game gitter. Chiappa Little Badger, 22lr
Mounting a Red dot on a Scope Hello, I would like to put a holographic red dot sight on the optic of my hunting rifle to shoot at fast moving targets at 10-30m. Which red dot and which mount would you advise me to use?\n\nThe scope I am currently using is the[Kahles Helia 3 3-10×50i](
Pretty good range day, as you can see
FFL License question If I am to build my own guns and sell them, do I need both type 1 and 7 FFL? Or just one or the other? And if so which do I need? I can\031t find an answer to this anywhere. Type 7 lets me build them but says nothing about selling. Type 1 says selling but no building. So it only makes sense to need both correct??\n\nThanks in advance!
Looking to get my girlfriend and I PCCs. CZ Scorpion Evo 3, KUSA KP-9 or Aero EPC-9? Trying to decide on which one to buy, which one would you choose and why?
Best office paperweights.
Childhood dream fulfilled.
I just finished my m1897 trenchgun build. My 3rd trenchgun build.
Early production Belgian Sweet-Sixteen
Brought my grandpa's Remington Model 34 back to life
When your Zenitco furniture and RC2 get out of jail the same week.
My first AR the SW Sport II, I bought in 2017 ran fine and served me well over the years. Decided to do a full send on Geissele Super Duty and see how it runs!
Rifle chambered for .357 / .38 Currently have a Ruger GP100. My wife is looking at rifles and wants one that will shoot the same ammo (.357/.38).\n\nI guess it would be considered a carbine if chambered for pistol caliber? Either way, anyone have suggestions on what I should look at?\n\nMainly would be used for sport / range (we don't hunt) so just looking for something fun to shoot.
Can anyone tell me what this is?
If you haven't shot a scoped pistol, its an absolute blast
Anyone else run some drills this weekend? Here is my worst of the day.
C&R license Out of curiosity, what happens to pre-existing firearms you own before they grant your C&R license? \n\nHow would you go about a C&R long gun coming in to a dealer on a 4473 and not on your C&R license? My state allows C&R for in state use only (New Jersey) with no direct shipment allowed, so all of my firearms would still go through a dealer.\n\nDo you not log them in to the C&R book? Make a note for those guns?\n\nThanks
Fun retro build
AKS-74U, Modernized
someone tell me about colt company after being bought out by Czech Are their rifles still reliable. The new models? Has anyone compared the newer produced rifles. I know colt use to be one of the most strongest, reliable rifles that can take field damage. But i can't find any updated information about them besides blogs of people trying to push their product. I want actual non bias information. \nUltimately I have a windham 6.5 creedmor and some smaller fire arms but I want to buy a rifle that will hold up in the field of something were to go down. Daniel defense seems to be very liked and reliable but also double the price.\nAnd I cannot get BCM recce 16 kmr a lw anywhere.
wood furniture
Possibly stupid question. Can I load both FMJ and Hollow Point rounds into the same magazine, particularly for a 9mm hangun, without an issue occurring in the operation cycle (feeding, chambering, etc)?
Barrett M107 at indoor range, see other post for video
New gun user. My gun is very old, is there a maximum on the grain of the cartridges I use with it? The firearm is a Birmingham Small Arms Co long rifle chambered for 22LR rounds from around 1910. \n\nI was looking at getting some ammo, but I see a lot of variation in the grain and wonder if the age of my rifle would limit the maximum grain of a round I put through it, either in terms of putting excessive wear on the gun or putting myself and those around me in danger due to a structural failure of the gun.
Wood furniture is so aesthetically pleasing
How important? So I went to a gun shop today to hand hold some pistols that I\031d like to purchase as a concealed carry weapon for work. I narrowed down my search to the following\n\nSmith and Wesson M&P Shield 9mm\nSmith and Wesson M&P Shield Plus 9mm\n\nI love the grip of the Shield as it feels so much better since it\031s a thinner grip but I hate the trigger. It\031s spongey if you will\n\nI love the trigger of the Shield Plus since it feels more mechanical. But the grip is slightly fatter and although comfortable not as comfortable as the standard Shield\n\nMy question, what would be considered more important? Grip, size of grip and feel or trigger feel?
Wake me up when 30-06 is affordable again
The time for action is now. As /r/guns newest moderator, I wanted to accept my newly bestowed power with a gesture that reflects my understanding of the average user from my years of being amongst your ranks. I also want this gesture to prove my near drunk-with-power devotion to making this a better place. \n\nThis sub is dedicated to guns and has always enforced a serious anti-politics policy on the user base. However, with the spark of ongoing international conflict currently underway, I think it's safe to say that many of us are seeing a war that for the first time in our lifetimes can see spilling over the edge directly into our daily lives. It is because of this that I believe there is no greater time for sanctions of our own. \n\nIn the dead of the night on Sunday, March 13th, 2022, myself and the other moderators of this subreddit convened to discuss a possible sub-wide plan of action. After brief discussion, it was unanimously decided that the shitposting was too grave a threat to the livelihood of our subreddit and justice must be dealt. As of 5:00PM PST, the war criminal known "fcatstaples" has been banned from the sub for an introductory period of 30 days. \n\nThis penalty is subject to amendment at our discretion; but for the moment you may all rest knowing his war of propaganda and misinformation is in a state of hibernation. Let this also serve as a warning for all other shit posters out there. We will not go quietly into the night. \n\nThank you for participating in our subreddit
M1 Monday
Big Bore Monday?
Inherited this monstrosity from my late grandfather, any suggestions on how to best un-meme it?
Has anyone had any experience with Central Florida Armament? Link to the store in question:\n\nSaw they would let you back order a girsan mc p35, but I\031ve never heard of them. Want to see if they\031re legit or not.
Single shot autoloader? Ok so, I was wondering if there is a device that can speed up single shot fire. Like It autoloads (with a spring) a shell when I crack the barrel of my single shot shotgun. I was just thinking about how nice it would be, and I feel like it would be relatively easy to make.
Are magazine fed shotguns generally unreliable? I heard (from the YouTuber nutnfancy) that usual plastic used in shot shells (being apparently soft plastic) tends to bend/warp when left in a shotgun magazine, which can cause feeding/jamming issues. Is that really the case? Anyone experience this themselves?
My first time shooting a fully automatic. MP5 was buttery smooth
8 inches of pure, not my penis, that's my 2 inches of sheer laughter.
Texas Views
When your girl likes the new gun you bought, but decides it\031s hers now.
My run-of-the-mill G19.3
Look at this old mosin nagant my grandpa gave me before he died
How fucked is my mosin? Lol hello. When I was 14, my dad and I found a Mosin at Cabela's for like $180 and bought it. Shot it a few times, maybe 200 rounds through it. Now I'm 22, and I have my house and got a new safe. Dad wants me to take the Mosin. Sure. \n\nI ran a 30 caliber boresnake through it, and when the end came out, a bunch of cinnamon looking powder came out with it. Is my bore rusted out? Is it safe to shoot?
Lightweight build done
Chef\031s kiss
Any recommendations for a first focal plane hunting optic? I'm looking to upgrade my 30 yr old Bushnell 3-8x inherited scope. A 1x LPVO isn't necessary, but I want it to go up to at least 10x. The first focal plane is the specific quality I'm shopping for.
Just installed a new Hogue hardwood monogrip on the Ruger GP100!
My first wheelgun Wednesday.
Canik TP9 SFX and cat
Pre-War Commercial Broomhandle, all numbers matching
My old wasr and my new m18. These make for a fun range combo.
Looking for a Small, Lockable Hard Case for Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle - Ideas? Basically, I'm looking for a hard case that can be locked to fit my Henry AR-7 rifle in its fully-stored form, plus maybe 100-200 rounds of .22LR.\n\n\n\nThe perfect dimensions would be about 17.5"x6.5"x2.5" (LxWxH). I've really struggled to find something here. I've looked at pistol cases, Ruger 10/22 cases, PDW cases, tool boxes, musical instrument name it.\n\n\n\nReally hoping somebody can show up and say "Oh yeah! The ABC bass oboe case is a PERFECT fit for the AR-7!" or something to that effect, but I'm not hopeful.\n\n\n\nLooking to spend no more than $80 or so, otherwise I'll just compromise and get a bigger case and suck it up.\n\n\n\nThank you!
Quesnel, BC, Canada: Winter Brutality Stages 4, 5 and 6 (Pictures and Designs)
probably spend too much money on it, but it shoots like a dream.
Diversity! 10mm, 10x25mm, & .40S&W Magnum
Questions about Surplus rifles in Cosmoline in general and Mosin Nagant 1925 Izhevsk Mosin Nagant in cosmoline without escutcheons? I recently bought a dirt cheap matching mosin Nagant. I dont know too much about surplus rifles.\n\nOne thing peculiar about is that despite being a pre WWII year on the barrel, the stock lacks escutcheons in the strap slots, its just bare wood, this is more typical of late war mosins.\n\nMy question is, have guns in cosmoline seen action and been placed back in cosmoline storage? Or does it indicate the gun has never been fired and has been sitting in storage its entire life.\n\nMy suspicion is that this guns barrel might be from 1925, but the stock is from another sifferent late wwii era mosin nagant.\n\nCan anyone elaborate?
running a pistol with a red dot with a suppressor ? Hello! I have a couple of suppressors, and suppressor ready pistols. I would like to get some red dots as well for them. One has a cut slide already, and some don't. What do I need to know to make sure the red dot works with the pistol without being messed with by the suppressor? Pistol is a Glock 17.
Finally put together a pistol with a lower I\031ve had for 5 years or so
Western Wednesday? It ain't much, but it's mine
Polymer guns are sick. Complete with shit weapon lights cause I\031m a poor.
Hearing Protection Will someone recommend AirPod style hearing protection to me no more than $150 ? I\031ll be shooting a Glock 17 Gen 5 9mm and a S&W M&P AR-15 Sport 2 5.56&
What's Wrong With My MP5? It's Making My Eyes Water and Ears Bleed.
1908 Iver Johnson advertisement and .38 Safety Automatic Hammerless for Wheelgun Wednesday
Slowmo SVD
easily the nicest pistol I've ever shot
New kid on the block here. This is my daily carry, 9mm Smith&Wesson 2.0 M&P shield. I carry it with the extended 8 round mag plus one in the chamber. I'm using hot point HJP self defense ammo. Extra details in the comment section if you care to read them.
Muh Mosin with a dumpy =\x9a
I found these two guns at a house I'm working on. I think they're Japanese WW2 rifles? I think these are Japanese rifles from World War 2, but I can't figure out what their model # is.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAny help? Are they even worth anything?
"Hey Guys, is [site] a scam?" Or: The Magic 8 Ball guide on how to use your brain. You've just found the gun of your dreams. It's in stock. It's a good price. But the site is a little sketch. \nWhat's the first thing you do? \n~~Immediately go to /r/guns and ask if it's a scam.~~ \nNo you dingus. You think. You use your head. You look at the clues you are given. \n \n&nbsp; \n \nI've got screenshots here from two sites that have been asked about in less than an hour of each other recently, and another site that I found while writing this up. \n \n[Images from Site A]( \n[Site B]( \n[And Site C]( \n \n[Edit: Had an individual with a fresh scam reddit account post a link to their scam gunshop. While gathering more screenshots it ultimately linked me to another **three scam sites**.] \n[Site D]( \n[Site E]( \n[Site F]( \n[and Site G]( \n \n&nbsp; \n \nTake a look at those images. Before or after reading this, it doesn't matter. Those **images show better than I tell.** \n \n&nbsp; \n \n[Note: **The following is not completely comprehensive.** There are legit looking scam sites and scammy looking legit sites. Use your head. Personally, I'd much rather spend an extra 5% on a known good site than lose 100% to a scam.] \n \n&nbsp; \n \n# Payment method. \n \n* Don't take cards? Scam. \n* **Bitcoin? Scam.** \n* Venmo, Zelle, Cashapp? Scam. \n* Paypal? If they deal in firearms, ~~it's a scam~~ it *might* be a scam. If they only offer accessories, then *maybe* not. \n* Wire transfer? Possible scam. I've ordered stuff from Europe and WT was the easiest. If they're US based, likely scam. \n* Walmart store-to-store, Western union, Odd Asian-centric secure payment methods (UnionPay, Maestro, etc.). Scam. \n* Whatsapp, Kik, Wickr - for communication and payment. Scam.\n \n&nbsp; \n \n# Contact Us/About Us/Privacy Policy \n \n* Google their email address. If it returns anything about India, pharmaceuticals, \034is this a scam?\035, weird writing in a language you don't speak? Likely a scam. \n* Look at where they're located. \n Address says they're in Podunk Alabama but they've got a New York phone number? Scam. \n* Does the site have a picture of their storefront? \n Site A supposedly does, but the phone # on the image is for CA, but contact phone #'s area code is for Georgia. \n* Do they give a full address? \n Google map and streetview that shit. \n Industrial park on the outskirts of town but doesn't give a suite number? Scam likely. \n Long established retail establishment unrelated to firearms? Scam. (I've seen a scam site address point to some small towns city hall.) \n Gun shop, but different name than the site? Google that shop. They likely have their own site. Scam. \n* Do they list a vague address? A gunshop is first and foremost a shop. They want people to find them. If they don't give a full address, likely scam. \n* Does the \034About us\035 or \034privacy policy\035 mention a different website? Scam. \n Site B's \034about us\035 mentions San Francisco, but is supposedly based elsewhere in CA. \n And their privacy policy is also lifted from Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore. \n Site A's \034about us\035 mentions Glocks Center (which I'm pretty sure is another scam site. I couldn't get the site to load.) \n* If the phone number has the international code in front of it (+1), it is a yellow flag. Most scam sites have it, but some legit sites do too. \n \n&nbsp; \n \n# Products \n \n* Is everything in stock? Scam. \n* Are they the only site that has something highly sought after? Likely scam. \n* **Are the majority of their prices even? ($69.00, $420.00, $3.50) Scam.** \n* Is their product title formatting consistent? If something is all caps, then the next is the product code, then the next is all lowercase gibberish? Likely scam. \n* Are the prices too good to be true? Scam. Site A has a $400 \034Russian Ak\035 that has the third pin. \n* Do the descriptions make sense? The \034Silver Ak's\035 on Site A has the product description lifted straight from Atlantic Firearms. \n* Are the images consistent? I've seen a half dozen scam sites that use the images from Atlantic Firearms. Most of the time poorly cropped, but not always. \n* Do their products have an excessive amount of tags? Site B and C have products with thirty or forty vaguely related tags to try and get better SEO (Search engine optimization). \n* Product image doesn't match name. See the "9mm Sig Sauer" under Site A. \n* If the site allows you to order multiples of a unique item. Scam *OR* poorly coded e-commerce site. Still a red flag. \n* Inconsistent images (yes I'm mentioning it again). These scam sites [scrape images and text]( from other sites and mash it together. \n \n&nbsp; \n \n# Miscellaneous \n \n* One of the sites never had an option to make an account or login. The others had login's but no where to create an account. \n* If the site makes no mention of an FFL *anywhere*. Scam. Site C was sneaky and was the only one to mention an FFL. \n* Odd blurbs. The words are English, but it doesn't sound right? Looks like a poor translation? Very likely a scam. \n* International shipping. If they offer this for firearms with no mention of import/export regulations. Scam. \n* If the site explicitly mentions "Dark web", "Dark market", or straight up "non-legal" (Site D). It's a Scam. \n \n* If they say they can ship a firearm internationally or **straight to your house. It's a SCAM.** \n \n&nbsp; \n \n# User input \n \n\\*If you feel like I missed something, or just have something you want to add. Let me know, and I'll try and throw it on here. \n \n* Fake pop-ups of "Nick B. from Florida just bought X product." Possible scam. If there are multiples of "just bought Louis XIV one of a kind flintlock". Scam. \n* Address for company with hundreds of products that points to suburban home. Likely scam. \n* Sketchy "Gray market" solvent traps, threaded flashlight tubes, and chinesium drop-in autosears. Likely scam. \n* A monkey .jpg is not a valid form of payment. Scam. \n* If there\031s a phone number and you\031re unsure if it\031s a scam, call the number. Usually scammers don\031t give real numbers or answer, but sometimes they do. Ask questions they should know the answer to. \n* Check if your credit card offers virtual/single use numbers. If they don't, then use for limited use cards. \n* If someone sends you an FFL or lists their FFL, use this to check the validity of it: \n* If they offer to ship a firearm straight to your house. SCAM. \n* If the domain is recently created and/or has a private registration instead of an actual LLC or parent company you can google them that would also be a good indicator - \n Also verify host country. If outside the US, then it's a red flag. \n* Credit cards. Use one. They're more secure for you as an end user, and charge backs exist. \n \n**Slow down and really look at what you\031re dealing with.**
speedloader/speed feed I've got several guns and I've had multiple speed feeds, right now the one I use is 3D printed, it's pretty cheap and overall shitty. \nI want your BEST suggestion for a 9mm speed feed/ Ez loader (preferably pocket sized). I'm specifically looking for one to work good with my taurus pt111. But a universal is even better. \nPlease leave a link if you gave a suggestion. Thanks in advance!!
CZ Evo 3 S1 carbine trigger upgrade? I see a lot of reviews for HB industries trigger springs, any one have opinions beyond what I can read from their review pages = mostly 4+ years ago? Or other recs from other companies?
How should I go about this from a legal perspective? I'm 20 and with a lot of my hobbies like computers or mountain biking I tend to flip gear for profit to make the hobby pay for itself. To sell firearms as a business I'd have to get an FFL, unfortunately I can't because its restricted to 21 to apply. My real question is around how can I do it legally and if I can sell a firearm to support my hobby but not as business but purely a hobbyist. I also used to own a legally registered cad and additive manufacturing business. I no longer operate it but I always wondered if because in Texas you can private sale p80 builds without a serial as long as it wasn't made to sell, if while I used a business machine to make my lower but it was not for my business and for a personal build that wasn't made to sell could I have sold it (I didn't) when I was done using it. I was to sketched out because my business wasn't for that I didn't want to end up being accused my business of being an unlicensed manufacturer of firearms.\n\nTLDR: how do I legally flip guns at 20 and what steps do I need to take to cover my ass just in case
Official Politics Thread 2022-03-16 S. 623 Sunshine Protection Act edition
What is the proper way to reload a revolver from a shoulder holster?
I just zeroed my rifle at 50 yards&.. then i saw i need to level the scope. Even if it\031s zeroed do i need to level it? How important is leveling it? then i saw i need to level the scope. Even if it\031s zeroed do i need to level it? How important is leveling it?
Iron sights width question I'm getting some sights from Dawson and got a question before I buy; front sight is .125" wide and rear has a notch width of .125". Do I need to get skinnier front sights (.100")? or is that set up fine?
GWOT with a spot of tea <\xec<\xe7
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/16/22 [XM-3 Sniper Rifle]( edition
Magpul really does excelle in polishing turds.
Curious if this is even possible Saw this article - old one but figured relevant topic. \nOn top of suspecting propaganda BS & and that the video is cut without actually showing the shot &.\nThe question I have - I suspect this isn\031t even possible. \nAt 21-25 yards - pistols - even the 5.8x25 they use (which is somewhat heavier but similar to a 5.7 round) &. Cannot do 1\035 groups at that distance. Not reliably at least. And anything bigger than 1\035 &. Well I suspect they lose more soldiers than apples &. \nOr am I just wrong? \n\n
Over priced sks? I understand guns are up in price right now \n\nBut is a shitty spray painted SKS with a built in mag, and spray paint all over the BCG worth $495 now a days? (I\031ve never seen a more beat up sks)\n\nJust curious If I was an asshole asking the worker if they would come down in price. Thanks
Mmmm&. maple.
Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion with upgrades saddle, much better than the old one, topped with a nice red dot and light upfront. Makes for a great "bump in the night" gun.
Range Day with some friends
Garage gun ideas Hey y\031all, looking for ideas for a garage gun. \n\nSomewhere hidden but quickly accessible. Kids are not a concern, but neighborhood kids and/or thieves. \n\nToolbox is a no-go, too easy if I\031m doing lawn work. On my person won\031t work, half the time I\031m in basketball shorts doing yard work or smacking, errr playing with the kids. \n\nMy backup gun has been lonely since I stopped traveling 2 years ago.
First time thinking of buying and confused about FFLs. I went to an online shop to pick up a pistol (Hi-point c-9) since it was a good deal and im supposed to select an FFL to ship it to but the FFL locations its showing me are houses? I was expecting to ship to a shop not someones house. Is this normal?
first time buying a non-surplus bolt gun for $900
Sig RMR seal plate - Piece of shit
My first time at the range! I think I did alright, was a lot of fun!
My brand new Camdon Defense AR. (Yes I\031m from California)
Saw this at a LGS and I couldn\031t pass it up. Now the question is do I leave it how it is or swap all the furniture out?
Chilean Model 1912 Mauser short rifle, produced from Waffenfabrik Steyr in Austria
Are there any belt fed 22s? Belt fed guns r dope but way too much $$ I was wondering if there were any that shoot 22.
Work EDC
What gun is this?
Finally picked up my first gun and I think I\031m in love
Came home and found these two hanging out in the corner. Sketchy fellas.
Revolver/Carbine combo I could\031ve sworn there was a manufacturer/shop out there selling SA revolvers and lever actions as a match set for cowboy action shooting. Now that I\031m looking again I can\031t find it anywhere. Anybody have any knowledge on this?
Help me identify this gun
If it seats, it yeets??? =,
Slim Fit Holsters (Canik TP9 Elite SC) So I just ordered a custom IWB Guard holster from Slim Fit Holsters with a fomi clip and modwing (light bearing for holster and modwing)\n\nCost about $80 altogether with S&H& shopping around this seems to be about the going average (maybe a little lower on SFH\031s end)\n\nMy question is& what is y\031all\031s experience with SFH\031s? Gimme the good, the bad, and the ugly (please be gentle)! Hahaha!
Does anyone else find USCCA YouTube channel a bit misleading ? Correct me if I am wrong .\n\nThough they make some good informative videos, I feel like most of their videos are only designed to sell insurance to more people (which I understand, is the goal of doing business)\n\nMany videos have this format :\n\nBlah blah blah...blah blah get the insurance now and save yourself from millions of dollars of trouble. \n\nI was wondering that if this becomes are very big company due to its successful YouTube efforts , they might become so rich that they could lobby to push for stricter gun laws in 2A friendly states , just so that they could sell the cure to us (I could be wrong here , correct me if I made a mistake , this is just my guess , and my idea could be wrong due to my inexperience )\n\nAnd finally , they always mention about a gun give away which "ends soon!! " since the last 5 years....I'm guessing there is really no end date for it. \n\n\nPlease share your thoughts and I am willing to change my thoughts if I am wrong due to my inexperience (I'm a newer gun owner of 1 year )
Angstadt Arms UDP-9 OEM 15rd Glock mags won't fit Has anyone had any issues with the angstadt arms udp-9 Glock magazines staying seated? I bought some new mags 17rd and 15rd. It seats just fine with a full mag with the 17rd but It won't seat a full mag (Or even 13rds) with the 15rd I'm hoping it's just cause the mags are new and have to be broken in. but has anyone else had this issue?
CCW Question I've checked high and low, however haven't found what I was looking for. I realize I am asking for a lot, however he it goes:\n\nLooking for a shoulder carry bag, which has a compartment for a Sig P365XL with extended magazines and Holosun Site. I also need to fit an 11" Ipad with a case and, of course, room for other things such as a wallet, glasses and blah.\n\nIf anyone has some good recommendations, I am all ears.
AR-15 Mod Legal Question I understand that I can't just put a < 16" barrel on my lower because it has a stock attached to it. However, can I put a pistol brace on it in lieu of a stock (not even sure I can do that, correct me if wrong) to make the shorter barrel legal? Or do I need a completely new lower receiver? The point is that I want to get a 300 blackout upper to use with a suppressor. I just don't want to put a suppressor on a 16" barrel.
Favorite pistol I own. 10.3\035 URGI.
What the hell did I just pay $200 for?
Picked up the latest Glock 19 today&
Iron Sights vs Eyes I am only 37 myself, and I feel I am starting to really struggle using iron sights, anything beyond 25 yards quickly becomes a blur. I had an eye appointment and mentioned this and upon checking out my eyes he says that my only issue is astigmatism which I have had pretty much my whole life.\n\nAnother issue I have is that I am cross eye dominate. I am right handed but left eye dominate. I cant shoot left handed at all, nor do I want to learn at this point. I just deal with this by shooting right handed with my left eye being closed.\n\nAny advice? I am getting ready to sell off everything I own that doesn't have or accept an optic.
Is there a fingerprint gun box that actually works 100% hours the time? Is there a code/fingerprint gun box that actually works right? Thx.
The Salt Life is not for cheap Rugers apparently.
30/06 To 7.7x58 Jap So I recently picked up a Series 5 type 99 Arisaka that's chambered in 7.7x58 Jap, and with price per round being so high and seeing a lot of people resizing 30/06 to 7.7 figured that would be a cheaper alternative. But I don't know where to begin, what kind of die or dies do I need to resize 30/06 to 7.7? What are the processes to resize? And lastly, if it is a matter of just using a die to resize does Hornady make one, or is there one compatible with the Hornady lock-and-load?
Deep cleaning your firearms I\031m just wanting to see, how often do you guys \034deep clean\035 your firearms? If so, do you guys pay someone to do it like someone that has an ultrasonic cleaner?
1911 gi sights Hey folks,\n\nI have a 1911 gi fs from RIA and for some reason the sights just don't gel well with me for a little while I thought it may just be my shooting ability but with other guns its not a problem I have and I can shoot decent groups even with a micro compact. Do y'all have any tips for how to use the sights on a go 1911 better and further is there any easy modifications(I've seen painting the front sight may help)? And lastly would it be worth it or possible to replace the sights or the slide with something more modern or just to save up for another gun?
Current Mosin 91/30 prices? $480 too much? 440 round spam can included in the price So I\031m on a whim buying yet another dumb impulse buy from local classifieds. Stock is the nice orange color but the finish is toast.\n\nSend or no send? I can\031t really find pricing on these since it varies all over.
Milled AKs >
The sling really brings it all together
Glock 45 9mm
Got my first apartment, so my brother and I made a table that holds my shotgun.
The MCX Spear at home
.308 Winchester TrueVelocity images\n\nGot these for the wife\031s PRS rifle. We not likely to get more as to the price of them. But they sure look pretty. Took pics.
Going to gun range for the first time My first time going to a gun range and want to know what guns to start with. I was thinking about a colt 45 but idk.
Serious question about the legality of my idea for my project. Hello, Im currently working on a project about the ATF and the issues/BS of it. As part of the rubric, it requires the information to be presented in a 3 dimensional manner. The \\*\\*\\*THEORETICAL IDEA\\*\\*\\* i have is to create something that resembles an auto sear, or modify a CAD file to make it unusable, and then print it. The purpose of this is to show how a stupid piece of plastic can land you in jail for 10 years. The question is, is there any precautions i should take? is it a bad idea? Is it legal?
Oh Yeah, It\031s All Coming Together
Radio Silence from Faxon Firearms Support Edit: Thanks to u/rcombs94 who works for Faxon and got me squared away!\n\nAnyone else getting radio silence from Faxon Firearms support? Anyone know a reason?\n\nI returned a barrel to Faxon for warranty work about 2.5 months ago (needed some minor finish machining that they had missed). On February 1 I got an email saying my barrel would be worked on that week, and then returned to me. Since then I've heard nothing, and haven't received my barrel back. After a few weeks of radio silence, I sent a followup message on the original ticket but heard nothing back. A couple weeks later, I created a new ticket, but got no response there either. A week ago I left a voicemail for support (they don't have live humans you can talk to) which they say they'll respond to within a business day or so, but never heard back.\n\nUp until this, they were super responsive and helpful. It's like their entire support staff just dropped off the face of the earth, stranding my barrel at Faxon, which is not reassuring. Until now I've recommended Faxon to people because, even though their QA isn't the best, they've always had outstanding support; I'm seriously reassessing that now. Anyone else encountering this?
Need opinion on the sights. Should I put irons on the AR or the pistol. The sight is on a riser on the rifle I can remove that for the pistol switch if needed. Thanks dudes.
My favorite gun
Found a briefcase full of ammo. Need help identifying
Is Small Arms Review magazine worth subscribing too? Other than the near-worthless NRA magazine I get every month, I haven't subscribed to a gun-related publication in over a decade. Heard about [Small Arms Review]( recently and it looks like it may be pretty good. Do any of you subscribe to it, and if so, do you think it's worth it? Pretty much just trying to spend less time online and newspapers/magazines help me with that.
Best best for shotgun barrel in this market? I picked up a Mossberg 500 retrograde 12 gauge, and it came with an 18.5" barrel. I'm looking for a 24" or 26" barrel but having no luck anywhere online. Am I looking in the wrong places? Any advice?
Moving my gun locker today.
Don't talk to me, or my son ever again.
Sig M17 vs M18 Hello y'all, today I am going to a store to purchase either the M17 or the M18 from Sig and I can't decide which one I should buy. I have never owned my own handgun before (just turned 21 which is the legal age in Louisiana) but I have shot plenty. I was wondering if anyone could help me decide which to purchase. I know that the compact version would be much more ideal for concealed carry, but as far as performance goes does the longer barrel on the M17 really make a difference? I am not planning to concealed carry myself so I was leaning more towards the M17. Does anyone have experience with these handguns and could maybe help me out?
458 SOCOM <q\017opper just got finished
Best Hearing Protection? Double Up Basically, I'm about to purchase my first firearm, and I want to make sure I have really good hearing protection. From what I read, it's best to double up (earmuffs and earplugs) when indoors. I will be shooting outdoors but want to double up just in case.\n\n- My approximate budget is 600-700$ for ear protection\n- From my research, it seems like [Sordin Supreme PRO X]( and the [Walker's Razor Slim]( are top choices. \n- For earplugs, I heard that cheap ones do the trick? And they are even rated higher than earmuffs? Why is that? [So something like this]( Wouldn't getting dedicated earplugs for shooting be better like [Silencer BT 2.0 by Walker](\n\nThanks for the help
Attaching sling adapters on a Mossberg 500. Any ideas or tips? Can\031t seem to find anything for synthetic stock. Ideas?
Help me identify this 870. It\031s a 21\035 fixed full choke barrel. I don\031t know how to post more pictures but it says special on the receiver.
Went to the LGS to get my first AR15. Didn't go as planned.
LGS options Nearby LGS has used p226 for 900 and used m9 for 650(?). Almost put a deposit on them, but hesitated (it was also closing time so I didn't want to take you much of their time). Are those prices OK based on current market and demand?
5 Rounds.. Sigh.
new range toy, .300AAC
Happy 50th birthday to this old boom stick
XMk18E1 Mod 607
New thang
Picked up this Winchester 1300 (most underrated pump imo) looking to put a stock on it, what do you guys think of speedfeed stocks?
Anyone know what brand of scope rings these are ?
If your EDC doesn't feel right then try something else !
I bought this gun from an auction, what in the absolute brass tack hell is it?
Zama strong enough for blank firing guns? I have a movie prop gun made by Bruni that only fires blanks. A buddy told me he had a prop crack in his hands. It was made of Zamac (not sure if this is the same alloy as Zama). Should I be concerned that the thing is going to take my fingers off at some point?
Henry AR 7 Screw Replacement I\031ve had my AR 7 about two years ago, and recently the takedown screw came apart. Not sure when or where. If I buy a new one, are the designed in a way where I can take the screw apart from the twist piece. It won\031t fit in the gun otherwise.
Just picked up my first shotgun! Pretty jazzed to try it out
How bout a little green for my boy Saint Paddy eh?
There's a little green in there, I swear
Dragging myself kicking and screaming into the modern era with my 20 inch AR and M9A4.
Firearm question So my friends want to go shooting at a range this weekend. My father has some handguns I would like to bring. I\031m 21, am I allowed to take them from his house and to the range? I\031m in Ohio as well.
Range Day Progress.
Do you guys like my frog blanket?
Show this cheap little bastard some love
The Ruger 10/22 is America\031s rifle, change my mind
Perfect pairings. We're all sommeliers but for old guns.
Bear or PMC?
Baby poop goes hard (this is not a political statement, plz don\031t disable my post)
And now I have a battle rifle.
St Patrick\031s Day Reppin
Looking for advice on possibly trading my M203 40mm for a clip-on thermal. Details inside. So I have an LMT M203 Classic receiver with an AirTronics gov contract 12in 40mm barrel and a KAC M4 front mount bracket. I purchased it right before the ATF changed their ruling on 40mm rounds. Ever since it's just sat in my safe unfired. Yes I know you can get chalk rounds on GunBroker, buy surplus 40mm brass cases, buy a 3D printer and print the cups, and load your own. It really just doesn't interest me enough to go through the effort and only shoot chalk rounds. When I was researching buying the 203 there used to be a couple places that made and sold bangs/smokes/etc. Now that those have dried up with that ruling and I really just don't feel like there's a point to keeping the 203 outside as a collector. And I really would rather have something I can use instead of just sit in the safe. I really want some Pvs-15/31s or a clip-on unit and have been trying to find a trade for a while now.\n\nNow to the part I'm looking for advice. My LGS is a dealer of AGMs and I have talked with him about doing a straight trade for a clip on thermal unit for the 203. Does anyone have any experience with AGM products? Would this be a fair trade or should I trade for something else (the other option was trade it for a Nightforce). Does anyone here have an estimate on fair value for the 203 is at the moment? I was thinking around 2,500 for the M203 receiver and around 800 for the barrel? Thoughts?
Me Little Armalite
Proud dad moment. Took my 12yo to the range with me for the first time. We had a blast!
My pairs almost all make sense
Some pairs of .22
Everyone is Irish Today - Smith & Wesson 686+ and a Four Leaf Clover
7.62 BCG Is there a difference in the the 7.62x39 BCG and the 7.62x51 BCG? Are they interchangeable? Or are they BCG\031s different lengths?\n\nThanks!
Winchester model 70 in 7x57 Mauser
Am i allowed to bring empty bullet casings on an airplane if i put it in my suitcase in canada? I went on a trip and went to a shooting range and they let me keep some empty casings and i was wondering if im alliwed to bring them home
Some More Pairings You Might Enjoy
Help me decide on a USA made light for my AR15 I'm looking for an American made white light for my AR with a tape switch, CR123 batteries, good lighting, and good battery life. My budget is around 300 but not much over. I've been looking my myself for awhile and have decided I'm priced out on a Surefire because by the time you have the light, switch, and mount, your in for well over 400. I've looked at the Arisaka 600, but 30 minutes of run time with 123s seems short unless 30 minutes is a conservative time. I've also looked at the Elzetta Bravo which has good specs with 850 lumes, 90 minutes of rum time and between priced around 200-250 with a tape switch depending on where you can find it. I can't seem to find many reviews about Elzetta and wanted to see if anyone had experience with them. Thanks in advance for your advice.
Favorite Nighttime Steel Ringer!
cross eye dominant shooters of reddit; looking for advice on AR optics. I am **extremely** cross eye dominant. I'm legally blind in my right eye, have been since birth, so my perspective has literally always skewed slightly to the left. for all intents and purposes my right eye may as well not be there.\n\nOf course, this causes some problems with being a right handed shooter; I shoot pistols fine but rifles have always given me problems. Recently I finished a few AR builds. and I'm looking for advice on what to do about optics.\n\nMy AR pistol, the one I plan on using for self defense as an example; I bought a holosun red dot and I've yet to find any good choices for it. I asked the guys at my local gun store and they suggested just off-setting the optic. I tried that, but if I just use an optic off-set, it doesn't line up with my eye, at all. I have to use a picatinny rail riser to bring the optic up about 1.5-2 inches. if I do this, it creates a problem where its just, absolutely fucking impossible to zero the optic.\n\nSo, I'm curious what people here recommend. What are some tips or suggestions ya'll have for shooting righty being left-eye dominant. Or should I just say fuck it and shoot lefty? My biggest concern shooting lefty is taking brass to the face, TBH.
Kiss me I\031m Irish <\xee<\xea<@
Has anyone shot the standard manufacturing SP-12? How is it? Any complaints?
My pistol/rifle pairings
Carcano Snap Caps I've been having the hardest time finding snap caps for a 6.5 Carcano. Online stores look to out of stock or a scam from the only one I've seen. I mostly want a few just to disengage the bolt for storage, but would also like to test out operations too with then if possible. I have a two ideas though:\n\n->My friend is looking to print out some plastic ones for me, but I don't expect those to be durable. \n->6.5x50 Japanese is 2mm shorter and a touch smaller round in diameter. Since it's for snap cap purposes, by theory it should fit and work for disengaging the bolt. Plus I've seen them available online.\n->Create some snap caps with the empty Carcano Brass shells I have. I don't have a reloading press though, so I'll have to improvise.\n\nAny thoughts?
Kel-Tec SUB-2000 vs Ruger 10/22 Magpul Backpacker For Survival Gun Hey y\031all,\n\nFuture first time rifle owner here \024 I\031ve been around firearms a fair bit in these past few years, but yet to own anything myself. I\031m an avid backpacker that tends to like to go deep in the backcountry to spend a handful of days. \n\nOver the past month or so I\031ve been doing a ton of research on a good, reliable, \034light\035 rifle for the hypothetical chance of needing it in a survival situation (small game), personal defense (wildlife, combatant) on the go, etc.\n\nI\031ve gone down the rabbit hole of the Henry AR7 rifle and Marlin Papoose, while those are contenders, there\031s something about the Keltec SUB 2000 and the 10/22 Ruger Backpacker that really draw me in. Ive read about everything I could about the two and am having a very tough decision. The unloaded weights are generally the same, they both pack done very compact for backpack use and both generally seemed to be favored by whoever purchases them. The only debate I could find between the two online was the weight difference of packing 9mm ammo vs 22lr ammo. \n\n(I have seen some people speak poorly on keltec in general - if anyone would like to go into detail about their experience, please do!)\n\nTL;DR: I\031m looking to make a purchase of reliability, durability, ease of use (cleaning, etc) as well as a fun range weapon with aftermarket support for years to come.
Building a basement gun room. Let's talk about humidity control. I have a room in my basement that I want to convert to essentially a walk-in gun safe. It's a room under my front porch so it's all concrete walls (all 4), concrete ceiling, concrete floor, about the size of a medium-large walk in closet with a normal closet size door. The plan is to convert it to a secure walk-in gun room/safe/storm shelter/safe room with a secure metal door and seal the walls, floor and ceiling with a paint-on sealer. The problem is there is no ventilation in this room and I'm looking for a low-maintenance way to control the humidity so my stuff doesn't rust.\n\nI will probably add vent louvers to the door, but I also want to have some kind of humidity control in the room itself as I want it to be as dry as possible. I don't want to do the chemical dehumidifiers as I really just don't want to have to change them every couple of weeks. I'm considering an electric dehumidifier. The problem is, all of the dehumidifiers I've seen that pump themselves out are 70 quarts or larger which is way overkill for the space.\n\nAny thoughts or genius ideas?
PSA AK bad or something idk
Want to convert caliber I inherited a Tanfoglio tz75 in 41 AE caliber, small frame. Can this be easily converted to a caliber that\031s not obsolete? The pistol is super nice and has obvious sentimental value. Thanks in advance for the help.
Steel case ammo question Before I start I\031m going to say this isn\031t about the whole will lacquer or polymer gum up my chamber question that gets asked over and over. I recently bought a g3c and was wondering if anyone\031s ever had this issue with their pistol. I had some monarch steel case 9mm that\031s ran good through my g2c but whenever I try to rack the 3c it jams with the chamber partially open. Brand new out of the box. The range safety officer cleared it after it jammed and told me that it is too large that it isn\031t chambering properly. That I need to switch to brass case for that pistol. Anyone have any thoughts?
Happy St. Patrick\031s Day
7.62x39 in AR platform So I got in a hurry due to a sale for gun parts. The barrel happened to be chambered in 7.62x39 I can see why now. When it shoots sometimes the bolt gets caught on the back end of the mag. I tried looking in to the PSA and CMMG 47 lowers neither are compatible with my upper sadly. Does anyone else have an idea on how to get this to stop from happening?
Good luck finding one of these, Mossberg 500 roadblocker edition with ATI folding stock. Springfield XD .45 for scale
12 gauge revolvers
1939 Luger problem I just got a 1939 Luger, and it came with a 1940 mag , the mag take a lot of force to go in, almost like it\031s to big, any ideas?
I guess we're doing fine wine pistol pairings tonight?
458 socom AR15 help I\031ve put together a 458 socom AR and after trying it out a little, I found it couldn\031t cycle properly. It ejects spent casings fine but can\031t push the next round all the way into the chamber. This only seems to happen when actually firing it. Is there anyone with experience who knows what the cause might be? I was thinking it was my buffer spring or maybe the buffer itself.\n\nEDIT: I checked some more and found that it doesn\031t matter which of my magazines I use. When I manually pull back the charging handle it works but only 7/10 times or so. The rounds I used when testing were 350 grain.
Thickheaded Thursday 03/17/22 CZ Scorpion 3+ edition
Ed Brown with red dot and threaded barrel
When they tell you to not get a scary black AR15. So you get one in FDE. Help me welcome my first AR15!
Fal Stg 58 parts kit value
POSP T scope is moving around on my Zastava M70 Ive tightened the scope but it still is able to move back and forth on the mount and if i try and tighten it anymore it wont fit on the mount. Maybe im doing it wrong or perhaps the instructions were miss translated, can anyone help me?
Glock 19 - Round blew up while firing today. What next? Hi, pretty new to shooting. Purchased a Glock 19 new couple weeks ago, have been shooting it quite a lot last few days (couple thousand rounds). Today was at range, round blew up as a fired. Lots of powder, etc came backwards towards me, slide locked back a bit, bullet went through barrel & casing came out properly. Thankfully nothing else 'blew up' and actually the gun stayed together (but now barrel stuck). Stripped the mag, had to use the iron sights on a nearby table to get the slide to rack finally. Ensured was clear, then field stripped it after visually inspecting (not a super deep inspection, just basics) and reassembled - slide now works and gun \\*appears\\* be usable.\n\nAfter talking to the employees that ran the range, I had brought my own ammo (all new factory) and bought some of their ammo (which I thought was new factory). Turns out the ammo I bought at the range was commercial reloaded. Obviously with Glock's there's the whole 'dont use reloaded, etc unless you know what you're doing' and it voids the warranty. So, mistake on my part as my intention was explicitly \\*not\\* to use reloaded but purchased it by mistake (I read the box and it didn't say reloaded; I asked the attendant before purchasing if it was new factory, they said yes - but that was all verbal so obviously not binding).\n\nSo, sorry, long-winded context, but couple questions from the above:\n\n\\- I'm about to go do a deep clean and full disassemble on the gun to inspect & clean it; having now had the round blow up in it, even if I don't find any (to me) visible signs of damage, should I still avoid shooting it? If I miss some small indentation or crack that could affect structural integrity, another blow up could happen with a worse outcome. Is this generally not an issue, or should I have it inspected by a professional (is that expensive?)?\n\n\\- Should I just send it to Glock and have them look at it? I imagine I've voided the warranty since I fired a commercial reload through it (even though I wasn't aware or intending to), so would they even accept it to inspect/repair it in the first place?\n\n\\- Lastly, are there any other 'tells' when looking at ammo that would confirm whether it's new or reloaded, etc? As I mentioned, the box I grabbed didn't say reloaded and looked just like the factory new boxes I had (though different brand(s)); I trusted it because the range was selling it (they weren't pushing any ammo on me, btw, I just needed to grab more and that was what was there). Even the attendant/employee seemed to confirm it was new factory, so maybe the box is just misleading. Any red flags to look for in future purchases (like specific words that mean not-obvious things, or other terms for 'reloaded' ammo)? I didn't mean to use reloads this time and obviously don't want to next time.\n\nIf I screwed up here and I'm out the cost of the gun, so be it, but would make me really sad. Have really enjoyed the gun so far and have tried to take good care of it (incl cleaning after every session, etc). Would be a big bummer. Mostly just looking for general advice / tips to avoid something like this in future.\n\nEdit: formatting, sorry. I don't ever post.
First time buying a firearm went to sportsman warehouse in PA. My background check is pending how long does this take? Still pending after 15 mins so I left. They\031ll contact me when it clears. How long does this process usually take? It\031s a rifle and PA so I believe it\031s the fbi from what he said. I know I have a clean record and firearm sales are up because of Ukrainian so maybe they are bogged down? Just kinda wish I could walk out with that Ruger Precision 6.5 creedmoor that day
Looking for forums to source 13.2mm Mauser 1918 t-gewehr rounds What the title says, I'm trying to find a few rounds, no Yes, they will be expensive
The only Bush war I don\031t enjoy is in your moms pants
My first gun purchase update
Question: Was the IMI Galil ever used by insurgencies? Follow-up Question: Where can I find reliable reports about the weapons that were used by insurgencies?
Swiss k31 I\031ve recently received my grandfathers swiss k31 and i don\031t know too much about it or guns in general. Can anyone tell me anything about it. It shoots 7.5 55mm ammo, and I have never even heard of this. Please and thank you to all who help inform me about this gun
Pistol pairings, like a fine wine.
Can I have an AR pistol in my truck at 19? I\031m 19 and have had an AR pistol for a while and have it in my truck going to and from my grandparents house (in another state) on the weekends. Is this legal?\n\nEdit: Going between SC and GA.
finally got to pick up my cmp 1911.
New (to me) Russian Capture K98 - Questions about stripper clips? Howdy all,\n\nI recently acquired a Russian Capture German K98. Overall, I think the rifle is in great shape, but is missing the cleaning rod and front sight hood which is common with Russian capture's (or so I've read). The manufacturer appears to be Steyr (Bnz) manufactured in 1941.\n\nHere is the question - I recently purchased what was marked as 8MM Mauser K98 stripper clips on eBay. I received them today to find out there is **no way** that they fit in the stripper clip guide in the rear of the receiver. It appears that these clips have two lugs on the side.\n\nCan anyone help identify what these clips are, and what clips I need to buy to ensure that they actually fit my rifle? I've been googling it for a few hours, and always seem to find conflicting information.\n\nIt seems to me like the problem is that the clips have squared sides and the stripper clip guide in the receiver has rounded sides? I should note that they fit 5 rounds of new production PPU 8MM Mauser perfectly.\n\n&#x200B;\n\n[Pictures of the K98's reciever](\n\n[Pictures of the clips](\n\n[Video of me attempting to insert the clips](\n\n[Mosin for scale](\n\nEdit: fixed links
Taylor and co. 1873 \034Gambler\035 .357
Taylor Freelance for the win
Quick question about iwi jericho 941 fs9 From what i've read and researched the normal iwi jericho fs9 fits 16 rounds in a magazine... but the one i bought today, used, can fit 17 in both mags. Are these not stock mags or what?
Wheelgun Weds. 1908 New Colt 32 Police Positive
Just bought my first gun ever and I am absolutely in love. Can\031t wait to take her out to the range.
BuT iT DoEsNt FlOat
Wheelgun Wednesday - Rosewood Snake Edition
Wheel gun Wednesday post, Cimmeron 1872 Open Top in .45 LC.
First Wheel Gun Wednesday post. Let\031s hear it.
My new Arsenal SAM7R, w/ a MI T2 Optic mount
My 6.5-06 Build
FDE build 16" UwU
Not so much a gun question, but an accessory question involving a wild dog and a goat. Over the past 3 years I've spent $2500ish on streamlight lights. All styles, many handhelds, various tlr pistol lights and a rifle light, none of which work. The most recent TLR8A would have got me killed in a real defense situation, a wild dog got in my goat pen and was tearing one up when, I could barely see so i thought "hell yeah ill draw the glock, light up the situation and put the dog down." That didn't happen as I planned, I drew and the light just barely flickered while my poor goat I could barely see was getting eviscerated. I bought that light 2 months ago and no new fresh batteries make no change, so why do I keep giving them my money? Idk. What are other good lighting options that aren't quite surefire price that I could actually depend on in a worse scenario?
Good Day
New Heritage just in time for Wheelgun Wednesday
RKS USA Legit? So I was thinking of getting a Daniel Defense Barrel from RKS USA. I heard mixed reviews about them. Is their shipping/customer service good? Thanks
Got this in a lot we bought,no markings or stamps what is this ?
Converted a clothes closet into a gun closet for about $300
Everything That was in My Safe
Wheel Gun Wednesday with my Grandpa's old Model 48 in 22 magnum
18\035 go-to barrel Building an 18\035 in 5.56 and i just wanna know what yalls barrel preference is. I know that barrel and bolt is heart of the rifle so i dont wanna cheap out. Looking for sub moa and accurate to 600 yards or so. Ive got a 308 for further distances. Thanks
New Mombasa flashbacks intensify
Today was a good day...
The ones I actually carry
My current AK build
I just had a ND To start, I\031m a 23yo college student still living with my parents and younger brother. I have been a gun owner for 3 months now and really dove into the hobby. I even went so far as to take a safety class at my dad\031s insistence.\n\nLet me set the scene. I had recently returned home from picking up my new p365 tacpac that I got a great deal on it for only $486. This gun was to be my new concealed carry weapon, replacing my security 9. Obviously I had to dry fire it a few times to get a feel for it, so I retreat to my bedroom, clearly a very responsible place to be handling a firearm. I don\031t know what made me think it was a good idea to load a magazine. I already have a loaded gun that I treat with the utmost respect at all times. It stands to reason that a new gun should be no exception, but this wasn\031t the case. I had already dry fired a few times and wanted to feel the weight of the gun while it had a loaded magazine for some stupid reason, so I put one in. After holding it for a while, I dropped the mag without checking to clear the chamber and went back to \034dry\035 firing while watching a video on my phone. A second later there\031s a hole in my wall, I can\031t hear anything, and my dad bursts into my room both terrified I had shot myself and angry that my gun had gone off. This was two hours ago. My dad has already gone to bed and forgiven me after a sound scolding and making sure I was alright. I wanted to sleep it off, but I can\031t fall asleep. I feel scared, shaken, and ashamed that I let such a thing happen. The only safe thing I did was point it somewhere it couldn\031t hurt someone. Every other rule I just learned was completely disregarded, like a fool. I just wanted to be able to protect myself and my family after someone had robbed the store I work at twice at gunpoint and maybe pick up a fun new hobby to blow off steam, but now I don\031t know if I should even hold a gun again. Worse still I don\031t know how I\031ll ever be able to look my dad in the eye knowing that had I not been pointing the gun at an outside wall, I could have shot myself, him, or even my dog. I feel like I shouldn\031t drive a car, let alone a gun, something made with the intent to kill. I don\031t know what I expect with this post, but I just want to share to a community that at knows a thing or two about firearms.
Advice on a new gun So I'm thinking of being a new handgun and I was wondering what everyone thought about the Iver Johnson 1911 and Eagle 1911
Best full size pistol for under $600 I\031m about to go buy a new duty gun. In the past I\031ve been issued a Glock and while I appreciate the reliability am not a fan of the trigger and general ergonomics. What would y\031all\031s recommendations be as far as good starting points?\n\nFollow up: went today and looked. After some range time I decided on a sig 320. Thanks everybody!
The best of both worlds ;) .
Finished my rifle for now (plus pistols bc wby not)
New 20ga and .22 (ignore my creaky floor.)
Can too much steel wool prevent wood from absorbing tung oil for finish? Ok gun community take it easy on me if these are dumb questions. I recently picked up an old wooden stock for one of my rifles. It was covered in guck and grime. Decided to take 0000 steel wool and some mineral spirits to clean it. It sure as hell cleaned the gunk off because now I clearly see the grain of the wood. It\031s also much lighter now, due to the fact I probably removed the finish. I\031m not going to stain it; just plan on putting tung oil for a finish. But it\031s also super smooth. Did I fill in the pores too much for the tung to be absorbed?
I'm sure the question has been asked before.. But as a woman, (with a violent stalker) what would you recommend?? I work out so I can lift about 40-50 lbs without hurting myself, (I weigh 120lbs) but any recommendations would be welcome! Anything with low recoil
Wondering how much it would cost to get my gun "anodized" I know, anodizing is for aluminum, but I don't really know the term for changing the finish of steel. \nI bought a Cimarron SAA today, and I like it overall, but I would like to get the handle and frame redone from black (handle) and case hardened (frame) to silver, as well as getting the hammer (C/H) to black. So then I'd have a black barrel, cylinder, trigger, and hammer, and a silver handle and frame with walnut grips. \n\n\nSo anyway, anyone have any idea how much it would cost to do this? Might wanna get it engraved later too, but that's another issue on its own.
Broke college student in search shotgun Im broke (college student) and I wanna buy my first pump action shotgun and I hesitate between a maverick 88 or wait a little longer and get myself a 590 (sorry for my bad English it\031s not my first language)
Diamondback DB15 - Is it any good? I have an opportunity to get a brand new one for fairly cheap, below msrp, and was wondering what sort of stuff y'all have put it through and if it is worth picking up.\n\n[Here is the exact one I have the opportunity to buy listed on their website](
\034Yeah just grab a jacket out of the closet\035
is it cursed?
Double action revolver - how much energy is needed to spin the cylinder, and how much to cock the hammer? I know the two are mechanically connected but I'm just wondering what percentage of the trigger pull, if we assume firing takes no energy, goes towards spinning the cylinder, and what percentage towards pulling the hammer back?
Can you tell the difference? Left is old one I bought from gun store. Right was a random eBay purchase. Which one of these is fake? Look at the streamlight logo Lol. Old one has a more yellow throw, the eBay one is bright white.
My first AR15. SigM400 with Romeo-MSR red dot sight.
10.5\035 pistol fully collapsed only slightly smaller than 18\035 Tavor. Mr920 Elite for scale (I don\031t have any bananas)
Just picked up a new carry pistol. Anyone have any idea who did these lightening cuts? Thanks!
Which 3 would you keep?
Help to identify this gun? The photo is WW2, the only photo I can find of the gun.
Another new gun owner! God bless the Second Amendment. Also, bullets are more expensive than I thought they were.
I think I came. Should I play the lottery? My usual pawn shop came in clutch again. $600OTD. New.
My new H&K USP
POF P-415 Edge Upper w/ Binary Trigger Lower? Is there any reason the P-415 Edge Upper won't work with a Franklin Armory 2031 BFSIII Equipped M4 Lower? The BFSIII mainly requires that a BCG be rated for Full Auto, which the P-415 is.\n\n\n\n\n\nI want to run rapid fire suppressed with a piston-driven system. I already have the Lower.\n\nThanks for reading.
Arts and Crafts Day for my Fudd Guns
Can't decide which I like better, they're both great calibers
Purchasing under circumstances Hello all. I have a question. So my and a friend are in a disagreement. Both of us have mental issues. We've been 51/50'd before. But in California there saying you cannot own a gun for 10 and it stacks for each time. My understanding is 3 years and don't stack. Can anyone here clear this per California laws?
Which 9mm laser trainer to go with? So this year I wanted to focus on improving my striker fire pistol skills. Mainly on my Sig M18. I wanted to get some opinions on which laser system to go with. Budget is around $200 but not really a big issue for a great system. \n\nI know range time is the best but getting out to shoot steel is hard to find time for. Also punching paper indoors surrounded by yahoos is just the worst. So figure I would get some effective dry fire time in. \n\nI appreciate any suggestions or opinions.
Diarrhea vitiligo SCAR-16 >) (toe tax paid)
Solvent Traps Have any of y\031all bought/used solvent traps? I see that it\031s a much cheaper alternative for a suppressor & I have access to all of the machinery needed to make them. I just want to see how they compare to high dollar suppressors
Springfield 1903
Why did the monthly challenges stop? I've been away from the sub for a while and I was looking forward to participating in the monthly target challenges but it looks like they haven't been running for a few years. What gives?
FDE Folder Friday Flexin'
I just hate having to share with idiots who don't know what "range is hot" means
Firearms are always loaded So to preface this, I\031m running off of very little sleep this past week from a mix of seasonal allergies/a breakup/possibly a cold. I probably would\031ve had better judgement/more clarity otherwise, but that\031s just where I\031m at right at this moment. \n\nI went skeet shooting with some friends yesterday. I don\031t clean my guns after every range trip, but I do wipe them down with an oily rag before sticking them in the safe. \n\nI pulled my Saiga 12 out of the case and started wiping it down. I was wiping the trigger guard not paying attention, and heard the hammer drop. My heart sank into my stomach as I realized I never fucking cleared it. \n\nI clear my guns whenever I\031m finished up at the range religiously and I only leave one handgun loaded at home, but that still doesn\031t mean I shouldn\031t have cycled it and checked to make sure it wasn\031t loaded before handling it at home. The worst part is that the gun was double feeding at the end of our trip and I was not the last person to shoot it, due to my lack of sleep and focus on other things, I can\031t recall if I cleared it before I put it in the case after the other person shot it. \n\nI\031m an idiot and I feel unbelievably stupid, but I am extremely lucky the gun wasn\031t loaded. This is nothing more than a reminder to everyone to always practice proper firearm safety. Don\031t be stupid like me.
First 50 with new 1911
Fun .22 Rifle Suggestions Hey y'all, been thinking about getting a rifle just to mess around on the range when I bring family. Leaning towards a .22 just because their cheap. Don't have any other rifles just a few handguns, so open to anything. Don't wanna break the bank but not ruling out other calibers. Any suggestions/recommendations?\n\nP.S. I live in the compliant state of NJ unfortunately if that makes a difference
Can I remove the thumb safety on my m&p 2.0 without the frame plugs? I\031m not sure if they are just for looks, or if they actually block gasses.
Not sure if anyone would know but my grandfather has since passed, so unfortunately I can\031t ask him. When he was on a sub in WWII it was standard issue to carry a sidearm when on patrol when docked. Trying to track down/figure out what he might have been carrying. Any ideas would be great, thanks!
Vortex Viper Problems! Being the stubborn POS I am I bought my first Red Dot and was trying to zero it in close to my front sights long story short I somehow ended up playing with the adjustment screws way too much now I cannot get the reddot back to center because the adjustment screws are maxed out??? Is it fixable or did I just trash $270 lol?
Weird question, firearm adjacent&. Anyone know of a list of which Recoil magazines had what targets in them? So, I have a pile of Recoil mags and I\031m going to sell them.\n\nBut, I pulled all the targets out, and since I know a good bit of their value to some people is the targets&. I need to put the proper target with magazine it came with.\n\nAnyone know of a list of which Recoil magazines had what targets in them?\n\nThanks in advance!
Will the mck fit a smith and Wesson sd40ve? Saw one that fits a M&p 2.0 and they are almost the same Dimensions.
Gun Cabinet(like stackon) with Keypad Instead of Key Basically title. Any company that makes a cabinet with keypad? Need something light but would like quicker access to the cabinet than fumbling with a key.
Bet y\031all ain\031t ever seen a MK18 with a sandman before
Building a suppressed SBR that will fit in a back pack? So my neighbor wants a suppressed sig rattler in 300 BLK. We have had many conversations about it. I told him I would search around for other options because I enjoy doing that. He doesn't want a .223/556 because the wants subsonic but 300 BLK can get expensive to shoot even though he has the cash. I told him that you might as well find another caliber that you don't have to spend a dollar+ per trigger pull. Any thoughts on a build or another rifle purchase for a backpack gun with a foldable stock. He's more than happy to wait for tax stamps and such. Thanks for the Convo!!
Finally decided to do it and this is coming home with me
\017\017&!,DAY -AGIC\017\017
My AR pistol is coming along
Did these custom g43x\031s for a buddy - what do you guys think?
Scored a 1941 Mauser K98K
Latest .22 project
UA Themed Walther PDP
Folder Friday (but tbh I gotta ditch the brace)
DD PDW with EXPS2 Green late St Patrick\031s Day post
Sadly, the first gun I've ever owned and also sadly the first gun I'm going to shoot since getting out of the military 6 years ago.
My edc, the titan .380 i love this little gun to death
Reloading and primers I am getting into reloading and primers are very hard to come by. Where would you all recommend I look for primers? A local gun store only has 1000 military grade large rifle primers, will those work for .243 and 8mm mauser for hunting/recreational shooting? Any other tips about reloading would greatly be appreciated as well! I have ordered a non electric single stage reloader kit with some other essentials. Thank you for any information anyone can provide.
Buying an ultrasonic cleaner, anything i should know before ordering one? After finally buying a Desert Eagle for my bday, i swore to clean it thoroughly after each shooting session. Now several months later I'm getting pretty tired of this. This thing just gets RIDICULOUSLY dirty after even 20 rounds. \n\nWhat are some pro tips when getting an ultrasonic cleaner for gun cleaning? Do you just get one that will fit the longest part of the gun or is there more to it? What kind of cleaning solution do you add that's good for cleaning guns?
Truso Armory, legit? Went looking for an MPX charging handle at []( and teh site just didn't feel legit. I can't find any reviews on it, so I came here to see if anyone has had any experiences with them. Thanks.
I Showed You My Home Defense Setup Please Respond (Glock 45)
b&t ghm45. whatcha think?
Dumb dumb need answers Okay, so this has been a question I\031ve had on my mind ever since I got my pistol slide milled for a red dot sight& if you wanted to switch to a different optic that has a different footprint, can you get the slide re-milled for the new red dot? It\031s a dumb question for sure, but one that I need the answer to. Thanks in advance y\031all!
DISTANCE SHOOTERS: I'm looking to get into a Semi .308 BR/DMR and I'm currently looking at the Fulton Armory M14 w/peerless or the POF Revolution. Gotta be a piston gun. Any others I should be looking at? Budget $5k. Thanks in advance!
Seeing as it was St. Patrick's Day yesterday, I decided to pick up my first green rifle. My Sako TRG-42 in .338LM
Summer carry / Winter carry
Springfield Trapdoor Markings ID I recently acquired a model 1888 Springfield trapdoor that has the markings \034I24\035 (I = i) stamped across the wrist of the stock. I was wondering what this means? I\031m assuming a rack number but I can\031t find any information. Serial range is 549xxx. I can\031t get a good enough photo of the faint stamp so I apologize. \n\nThanks for any help :)
Happy FrIWIday yall
Heirloom Pistol Box. Made for a Veteran father as a gift to his son's promotion to Major.
Had some people asking how my 308 AR-15 shot
12 gauge home defense ammo I\031ve seen different suggestions for the type of ammo for the shotty. I specifically keep it for home defense. Any advice on what would be best ? I want to stop the person but not do too much drywall repair.\n\nEdit - obviously I\031m not talking about a bullet bit penetrating the wall. I\031m talking localization of the shot while still giving a solid spread just in case it\031s dark and my aim is off.
Official Politics Thread 3/18/22 No comment.
Retro Gang
STNGR HWK Handguard + AA Piston Kit Compatibility Will the STNGR HWK 13.5" Free Float Handguard work with this Adams Arms Piston Conversion Kit? \n\n \n\n\n\nIt looks like it should, with a 1.35" Inside Diameter and 1.70" Outside with a Gas Tube Channel. I mainly wonder about the Barrel Nut compatibility? If STNGR's Barrel Nut is incompatible, can it be modified, or can a Mil-spec Barrel Nut be fitted to the Handguard? Or what might need doing to make these two pieces work together?\n\nThanks for the help.\n\n**Edit:** Official STNGR USA Response to HWK + AA Piston Kit compatibility
Bolt action chambered in .44mag that ISNT a ruger 77/44? What the title says. Is there any other bolt actions: \n\nA) chambered in .44 and doesn\031t take the rotary ruger mag\nB) a conversion to an existing action\nC) a way to use something other than the rotary mag that comes with the 77/44? \n\nThis is for a dastardly stupid project I\031m dreaming up so I know it\031s dumb, humor me.
is .270 dead? Hello all title pretty much says it all, I have a remington 700 chambered in 270. I'd love to shoot it alot more than I do but I can hardly find any 270 in stock online or in stores. This has me wondering if 270 was still an available cartridge or if its faded into obscurity? I think the last time I've been able to find any ammo for it was 2019 at a gun show. Any discussion or advice would be great! Thanks in advance.
I got the Clapp.
Friday Buyday 03/18/22 [Remington strikes back]( edition
PTR-91 Advice Hey gang, about two years ago I got a PTR 91 for a great price new in box. I took it home and played around with it and realized that the charging handle was insanely heavy. I thought to myself okay maybe that's just how this gun is and then realized that the charging handle was highly inconsistent and sometimes would take two hands to pull back with the gun braced against my thigh. Looking at videos on YouTube of people using theirs, I would see dudes using one finger to easily charge their rifle. I'm convinced something is wrong with mine. I sent it in to PTR with an explanation of my issue and they sent me a shipping slip and paid to have it sent to them. Cool. It comes back and feels exactly the same. I message the customer service dude back about a month later and tell him the problem is still there. He says send it back in we will see what we can do. Send it in and get it back and they tell me they test fired it and everything was fine (gun had no problem prior functioning beyond the charging handle issue). Gun comes back to me and it still required two hands to charge it usually, though sometimes I can do it with one if I'm willing to hurt my hand. This was all roughly two years ago and the gun has basically just been a range toy since then. I feel uncomfortable selling the gun because it has a limited lifetime warranty and if I sell the gun to someone then they have zero warranty coverage and I know the gun has an issue. Should I just call PTR back up and send it back in a third time? I wish I was more savvy and could just fix it myself but I don't want to damage anything. If anyone has any thoughts on what could be wrong and something I could try at home I would love to hear any advice. Thanks in advance.
Please clean up when shooting public land. My buddy and I shot 22lr and 9mm and we cleaned up 85 lbs of trash, most shotgun shells
First time shooting a handgun. Can I get some advice?
Does selling my gun to a store count as a PPT? So I\031ve sold two guns in two different transactions (didn\031t care for them, and needed space in the safe for other things) but to the actual gun store and not an actual private person (ex: Turners Outdoorsman) Does that go against my 5 PPT\031s a year? As in I\031ve used up 2 of my 5 transactions? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I really want to know, because I may have other guns I may want to get rid of and don\031t want the DOJ knocking on my front door unknowingly going over the PPT selling limit..
Taran Tactical STI 2011 in John Wick Hi all,\n\nThe country where I'm from doesn't allow citizens to own guns, so apologize for my ignorance.\n\nI love the movie John Wick and the guns appeared in the movie especially 2011.\n\nI'm curious the relationship between Staccato and Taran Tactical.\n\nDoes Staccato make the gun or TT? \n\nThanks!
gun vise recommendations Anyone have any recommendations on a good gun vise? I was looking at the tipton ones but I dont like that they are mainly made of plastic. I just bought a m1 garand and I was looking for something to help with maintaining the firearm. Any help is appreciated.
Took my new AR out to the range today, and it jammed on the first shot&>r
Price check on Ruger Red Label I\031m in the process of possible selling one of my shotguns and looking to get a fair price on it. It\031s a Ruger Red Label 28ga in pretty much like new condition. I\031ve seen things vary online ranging from $1k-$2.5k and trying to get a feel of what to ask. I\031ll put a link to a pic below. \n\nAny insight?! \n\n
Trying to find a holster that will fit my handgun and a rail mounted flashlight Hey , been looking all over for a clue where to find a holster for my ruger security 9 do i just find a cheap one that i would have to cut ?
9mm carbine advice: PSA AR-V 7" or STRIBOG SP9A1 Hello, \nI'm fairly new to guns and looking to get a home defense 9mm carbine that I can eventually mount a silencer on. \nI'm looking for something compact around \\~800USD with decent space for attachments and have narrowed it down between the PSA AR-V 7"([$850]( and STRIBOG SP9A1([$680]( I know there are probably way better options if willing to spend 1k+ but I'm trying to not do that. \nWondering which do you recommend, are there any big differences between the two or anything I should consider. I'm leaning towards the SP9A1 because of more space for mounting attachments. Thanks!
Looking for info on Winchester model 250/290 (more pics in comment)
Ruger security 9 full size holster ? Currently wondering what holsters others are using to ccw with a flashlight with the ruger security 9. Do i just clip it to me or use a holster ?
20 vs 12 for clay? Shotguns are pretty much the only shooting discipline I haven\031t gotten into, and was curious if the differences you see personally. I\031ve seen that 12 gauge has more spread (because it\031s bigger and has more pellets). However I\031m worried about recoil. I have a 30-06 and while I can control it, after about 15 rounds of 170ish grain it hurts. And if I\031m out there doing skeet for a few hours, I want to be comfortable. And if I have to use something that makes it harder, so be it. Thoughts?\n\nBtw, I\031m probably gonna get the stoeger condor field, an o/u
St. Patrick\031s day Scout Rifle
Tactical or something idk
Took the ol\031 Kalashnikov on a sub-zero hiking trip the other day&
St. Patrick's day post
Savage axis cracks in Boyd\031s stock looking for advice
Two-Tone-Thursdays from now on
*Chef's Kiss*
Look at what came today
Background Check With Carry Permit? I was under the impression that you didn\031t need to get/pay for a background check if you have a valid carry permit. However a shop just told me they will charge me a $5 fee even if I have my permit. Do I have this wrong?\n\nEdit: I\031m in Florida and would be buying a pistol online from Alabama for them to handle the transfer.\n\nEdit 2: there is a $25 transfer fee plus the $5 background check cost
My simple 320 submission.
Mossberg 500 j.i.c I was wondering if you could change the barrel to a field barrel for shooting ducks like any other Mossberg 500.
Sundays are for 9x18
Dan Wesson 1911 valor, jams a lot! I have bought it used, nearly mint, check mate magazines are the suspect because it also double feed sometimes
I am setting up a Mosin-Nagant (I know, I know... not my first gun, I own a couple 10/22s already), with bedding, a trigger job, scope and a butt pad. Mosin-Nagant [(I know, I know...)](\n\n\nIt's for hunting hogs. Have Russian milsurp ammo. Can I remove the bullet from the steel case, turn it around to make a 'sort of' hollow point, and recrimp it with my reloading gear? Or is the steel case too stiff for that ?\n\n\n\nI have the idea the bullet would travel about as far going in reverse but turn more of the kinetic energy into shock on arrival... or nah ?\n\nWould that reduce penetration by too much, we're talking hogs here.\n\nThis guy says the [steel casing is not reloadable](\n\nbut if I'm just removing the bullet and reinstalling it, without firing the round first, maybe I'm not 'reloading' the steel case like some people think of reloading, but... I'm not an armorer (obviously, so take it easy if I've just said something stupid).
Luger P08 1917
My .320 on 3/20
One of these things is not like the others
My first AR
19x almost done, just debating the newest Timney trigger, is it worth it on a carry piece?
My full auto B&T APC300 (MG), B&T MP9-N (SMG), Glock 18 Gen3 (SMP) and Zastava M53 (LMG)
Springfield Armory XD 9 I'm looking to get a 9mm for home defense and maybe to carry when I go out. The SA XD9 seems to be pretty reliable and a good choice. I was wondering if anyone has anyone experienced with the Springfield Armory XD 9 service pistol?
I was denied ammo in CA today and have no clue why. As I\031m sure many of you know, as of July 2019, CA requires a bg check at point of sale to buy ammo. \n\nI checked my credit card transactions and the last time I purchased ammo was January of 2021. I don\031t remember if they ran the check but I figure they must have. \n\nToday, I went to the range for the first time in a while and put 200 rounds through my pistol. They don\031t do the check when you buy ammo for the range but they expect you to use it at the range. \n\nOn the way out I figured I\031d buy some more and they swiped my DL and told me it came back denied. \n\nI\031ve never been in legal trouble or anything like that especially in the past year since the last time I bought ammo. Hell, I barely leave the house since I work from home. \n\nAny ideas why this could have been denied? I chatted with my friend and he thinks it\031s because I was at a different address when I bought my pistol in 2013 but then I wouldn\031t have been able to buy ammo last year.
SS MR920 Elite Vs Glock 19 X This is going to be my first carry gun and also my SHTF sidearm. I like the MR920 elite because it is optics ready but I wasnt sure if it was as reliable as a standard g19x. If I got a g19x the only thing I would do is a red dot and a flash light same with MR920. I\031m not really sure what the reliability is like on the MR920 apart from what seem like mostly paid reviews. Any advice is appreciated. I\031m open to all open to all opinions (money isn\031t a factor)
Remington .22 key holing like crazy
Got to try out a few of my newest firearms finally!
Get out and enjoy firearms when you can. d\017
Tried to use a heat knife to cut the foam. It came out ok but could use a bit more practice. Also my first ar15 build.
Question about Benelli Shotguns Recently, I've been looking into getting a Benelli shotgun. I've been looking at the M4 and M1014 online and was wondering if there are any models that can hold 7 + 1 instead of 5 + 1.\n\nI'm confused about it because my Remington 870 has the same barrel length (18.5"), and its mag tube goes all the way to the end of the barrel, just like the images of the above-mentioned Benellis. They all look like the mag tube is long enough to hold more, and I can't figure out what the piece on the end of the mag tube is if it isn't an extender for 2 more shells.\n\nI've only ever had experience with Remingtons, so I don't know anything about the Benelli brand. Thanks in advance.
I can see in the dark.
Husqvarna M/40S - The Danish Police, Swedish Built, Finnish 9mm
Best gun safe if you have kids? I recently got into shooting and currently have two handguns in a small fort knox pistol box. I have a 2 year old so I just keep it up high and it's not an issue now but I'd like to get a rifle at some point and also secure the hand guns better when he's older. I've read a lot about the cheaper gun safes being easy to break into. I really don't want something that you can get into in 5 mins with an angle grinder. Is there anything out there that is actually secure? I wouldn't mind spending a few thousand dollars if it'll give me more peace or mind but if you can break into those just as easy anyways its probably pointless.
Sig sauer p226 extreme. I\031m in California, I just bought a 226 extreme for 1395 sale price. People say I overpaid but I think it was worth it. Thoughts?
What\031s everyone\031s EDC?
Fitelite question Anyone here have personal experience with fitelite MCR beltfes uppers? Worth the money?
Selling Firearms So I was gifted a ruger precision rifle and I have an AR-15 upper that I am wanting to get rid of. I know, probably shouldn\031t sell your guns, but I need some money due to family reasons and those two items are of the least value to me. I was going to sell them at my local pawnshop because I\031m in a small town and they are notorious for giving fair prices for guns. The problem is that my grandpa was the one who gifted me the rifle so he was the one who purchased it. Is there going to be a problem at the pawn shop because of that? Just trying to avoid a situation I don\031t really want to be in
Good evening fellow enthusiasts& As many do, I am reaching out with a question. I recently purchased a Sig 716i, which happens to be chambered for 7.62x51. My understanding is that I should not shoot 308 out of it. Now being that 7.62x51 147ish grain fmj is what I\031ve found to be most plentiful, is it any good for long range? I need an optic for it (preferably Vortex) and curious if I should go with a 1-6x vs a 4-14x because of round selection. Any suggestions would be helpful
Private Seller Handgun Recommendation I (19M) am in the military and would like to purchase a handgun for me and my girlfriend to use. I have fired them in the past and enjoy both the recreational and home defense aspect of pistols. I currently own a 20 gage shotgun which is fun to take to the range with my girlfriend, and while it definitely packs a punch for home defense, unlocking and loading it takes a little bit longer than I would like for her sake.\n\nAt the gun store where I purchased my shotgun, I was informed that there were only three ways for me to acquire a handgun legally. The options being, wait until i\031m 21, have a family member gift one to me, or to find a private seller to purchase from. I\031ve looked at websites and the possibility of a gun show in my area, but neither of these options are looking probable. My question is, how would I go about finding a private seller, and upon meeting one, how should I go about making sure the weapon was legally purchased in the first place?\n\nEDIT: I am in South Carolina and after carefully examining the laws it is perfectly legal for me to own a handgun as long as I\031m 18 or older. I feel that in the world of private sellers, knowing i\031m in the military might improve my chances of completing a sale but then again I am very new to this. The only gun shows here are about 3 hours from me and won\031t happen until august so I would like to find a way to purchase before then. My family members are all residents of California too so gifting a hand gun is almost entirely out of the question. Does anyone have advice for websites that I could use to find someone who sells privately or a place I could go to find someone who knows/is a seller?
New addition
UK vz. 59 Czechoslovakian LMG - Full Auto 50 Round Belt Dump w/ Slow Motion
P320 Nitron Holster Recommendation Pretty sure it\031s self explanatory, looking for your recommendations&ready go!
PSA PA65 Gen 3 6.5 creedmoor extracting and ejecting issue, is this new? I bought a PSA PA65 Gen3 brand spanking new and already 40 rounds in it has jammed 4 times now, with two times being in a row because the casing did not extract from the chamber... and therefore eject, which of course meant the next round didn't feed and caused the jam. Some threads online talk about this not being a new issue, but they are from 4 years ago.. so new sorta? \n\nIt's a tool craft BCG they stick in it, and when I looked up the toolcraft it has pretty stellar reviews. The adjustable gas block I can't imagine is the issue because it's not short stroking and I didn't change anything. it's pretty standard ammo. \n\nIt's brand new, so dirty parts is unlikely, but I have not taken apart the BCG because everything else is spotless, I can't imagine that is randomly dirty. \n\n&#x200B;\n\nAnyone else have previous dealings or ideas?
Elftman trigger pin help So i just bought an Elftman SE straight trigger and i was wondering what king of pins or screws i need to actually use on it. I saw that some used some sort of screw whilst others used pins to hold the trigger in place. Any help is appreciated
Peak 2000s carry? Rohrbaugh R9
need some reference material Stat M28 Hello,\n\n I believe I have an earlier style star model M28 and I'm looking for how to take the safety and extractor out. Does anyone have a good source for this info? I've been to and they don't have any instructions on how to take apart the slide.
New to guns, and wanting to learn more. Newer to guns, and I want to learn more, but a question I keep asking myself is "With the overwhelming amount of kinds and brands out there, what sets apart, for example, a pistol with the same length of barrel and calibur from another with the same?"
Behold, The Pimp Cane MkII
Case made by a pelican for my guns
Buying online vs Buying from local stores? As the title says, is it safer, or in a sense better to buy from your local gun stores, pawn shops etc? Or like everything else in modern society is buying a gun online also a reliable outlet to purchase firearms? Or do you usually have the hit or miss like amazon, where you purchase something online, and it ends up being a cheap knock off brand that breaks in a week?
I\031d say I feel comfortable with taking a break from buying any other pews for now. Now for ammo, training, and attachments.
Second time out with the new Bergara B-14 HMR.
Range day! First time firing my rifle and my new EDC.
New build. 300 BLK
It\031s not the \03003 I wanted but it\031s the \03003 I got
Ass-end Aturday
Happy Belated Birthday to Me!
I love guns but all the different ammo types make my head spin. I obviously know about 9mm, 45 acp, 22lr, and a couple of others but then there are rifle rounds which are impossible for me to remember like 7.62 x 39mm. Maybe it\031s just me and this is stupid post but can someone explain or link me something to understand?
Thought y\031all my appreciate this ad from the 90\031s
My new concealed carry has 10-12 round capacity for extra stealth in concealed actions
Considering the idea of shoulder holster CCW - Feedback on options on gun Here's what I've thought of already and looking to see if there any other considerations Reddit Guns can Bring my way. Purpose would be double duty CCW and home defense. I know the weight of the options and IWB or shoulder holster seems the best option to me. This would be a step from my Ruger MK 2 (range only). Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but I don't really believe in safe queens.\n\nFor the shoulder holster, I understand Galco is the way to go, though open to opinions here. I saw a video of an Alienware shoulder holster.\n\nI'm a huge fan of the stainless steel and wood aesthetic. I prefer stainless also because of no holster wear on bluing. These seem to be discontinued sadly in current lineups.\n\nDeciding between SA 1911 9mm (RO or target, or whatever is available) and a SIG Sauer P226/9 in 9mm. I'm open to 40SW but ammo is a bit more expensive. I have average size hands\n\nI like the visual aspect of a hammer for safety (rules out striker fire vs hammer fired) \nThe SIG is crazy expensive due to its scarcity--if you can find one... \nI haven't and will likely not be able to try either pistol before buying. \nI've seen some folks seem to like the 1911 format and have an easier time shooting.\n\nWhat else should I consider? What should I watch out for?
James River Galil 5.56
I dont think India wanted this rifle to ride shiny and chrome
Howa Trade?
First suppressor, Liberty Constitution
12\035 VS 16\035 barrel on lever rifle? Does anyone know how much long range accuracy will be affected on a 12 inch barrel vs 16? Looking at various lever rifles in .357 - we have 12 inch barrel options here in my location but worried about performance / balance.
Grandpa is bequeathing his unused High Standard .22 since he\031s getting old, never held a more beautiful gun
Gun restoration How would you safely remove the rust of a WW1 era pistol??
Help with Types of HK45 Adjuatable Sight The HK45's suppressor-height sights seem to come in two models. One is more squared off in profile with blacked out adjustable rear and tritium front sight (first link), the other has more of a swept shape front and rear. Both look to be available online but I'd like to decide between the two for eventual purchase.\n\nLinks: \n\n\n\n\n\nSome questions:\n\n1. Which type is current?\n2. What's the difference between them besides shape? \n3. Are both adjustable?\n4. What is the dot configuration of the second style?\n\nThanks!
SecureIt Safes and/or Storage racks.... seem well like utter Garbage? Hey Guys,\n\nHoping someone has some experience with these. This is my first "storage" type safe item from SecureIT the Agile 52 Pro. Supposedly one of their best entries for the price.\n\nTotal was about 1k to the door and I was super excited to get it. Then it came in today...\n\nImmediately upon opening it up, I knew it was a bad decision. After removing the front panel with the attached door assembly, I noticed at least two or three of their "spot weld's to help keep the thing squared we\031re broken. Looking around the actually assembly some more, things just felt cheap and VERY chinese esque. After reading around for a long time about the best options in the industry, I constantly was hit in the face with this model like its the second coming of Jesus. Wow, I really wonder how much these guys were paid...\n\nHonestly, the metal work and thickness reminded me those Stack-On $99 special "security Cabinets". For a thousand dollars, this thing is downright laughable. I can literally see the owners laughing their asses off that people buy this crap that they've had some Chinese company make for 50 bucks and another 50 to ship it to America.\n\nSo, what are we paying for? The idea of gun decentralization? Their modular System? I could have bought 5 stack on's and been left with 500 dollars to build a module system in them probably for true decentralization. Maybe were paying for that modular system???...... Nope........ Nope\n\nThat looks to be either designed or licensed by Akrobin, which are the bins ironically that ship with their units.\n\n[](\n\nJust take a look at Akro's and compare to SecureIT's. Notice anything? Its the same. If you're in the same boat as me, do yourself a favor, buy a couple stack on security cabinets, buy some AcroBin metal backing, some bins and you will more or less have the same product and probably for a way less amount of money. Get something like a quality Rhinosafe or one of the other great USA safe making companies if you want something that\031s not junk. I thought about emailing them for options on their safes without the \034fire proofing\035 that has been said to cause corrosion. I\031m sure it\031s something that\031s doable. You will be a lot happier.\n\nSecureIT hasn't revolutionized anything here, except for a new way to extract money from people's wallets. And while selling them an idea, they didn't really even create from the looks of it.\n\nI wouldn\031t expect this thing to keep our some dude with a harbor freight saw special. Hell, where the joke of a welds are, some of the work is already done for him&
My guns and my brothers guns. Guess which state we live in :(
Dream gun aquired: FN FNC
I\031m an idiot. Stuck slide on reassembly. Help!
Questions about USPSA Production Division I have a Glock 17 Gen 3 that I have shaved down the finger grooves and part of the trigger guard. I have installed a strike industries larger mag release. There is some hockey tape on the grip. Would this be a legal gun to shoot in production division or does it have to be bone stock? Also do I need to have 10rd magazines or can I run regular capacity loaded to 10?
My most questionable gun purchase of the year... so far. Two AMT Hardballer Longslides.
Gangster fun in the sun
FMJ V.S. Hollow Point I heard Mike Glover (Green Beret) say in a livestream he would take FMJ over hollow point. He did not go into any reasoning but I assume it would be due to penetration ballistics? It is possible for a 9MM FMJ to go through a car door but I am guessing a HP would not have the same success rate; so I assume reasons like that is why FMJ is preferred. Just wondering what everyone thinks.
Green and Black is a Vibe
Extended magazine for SW9VE? So I\031ve recently bought a S&W SW9VE and I can\031t find any type of extended magazine for it. I\031ve seen one for the SD9 but not mine, does anyone know if that will fit the SW9VE or know where I can get one for mine?
Decisions, decisions...
Grand Power P1 Ultra. Kinda funky, kinda awesome.
I've grown quite affectionate to this beauty
Behold: Peak EDC
First Gun - Thinking about a PCC - Tell me why I'm wrong or unreasonable Ok, I've been shooting a bow for some years now, but I've been thinking about getting my first firearm. I'm a lefty and I shoot my bow left-handed, otherwise I think this would be a lot easier.\n\nI like the idea of getting a short rifle and pistol that use the same ammo and magazines. I was inspired by a modern take on the Winchester 73 "The Gun that Won the West". Primary purposes are to get comfortable shooting, learn marksmanship, home defense and SHTF emergency shorter range hunting in that order. If I get comfortable and move on to something else in the future, that's fine. Remember first purpose is to get used to shooting. If I can be relatively accurate at 50 yards, I'll call that quite acceptable. (Side notes: wife is supportive, and I am quite clear that I'll need to spend at least an extra $500-1000 on magazines, ammo, lessons, and safe storage)\n\nHere's the wishlist I've assembled. Tell me why it's a unicorn or super expensive (over $1000 for the gun itself). (And is an AR-15 platform my only option?)\n\n* Left ejection - The one time I shot a pistol in recent history, a cartridge ejected and caught on my neck. Not a happy experience.\n* Left-handed friendly controls\n* 9MM ammo - relatively ubiquitous and available.\n* Glock magazines - a common magazine format, interchangeable with lefty-friendly handguns (glock 19 gen 5?)\n* Accepts suppressors - I like my hearing (I know I'll still need hearing protection)\n* Carbine - short and maneuverable rifle, but not so short as to look like an uzi.\n* Semi-auto - life's too short for bolt-action\n* (nice to have) I'd rather it look more "hunting rifle" than "assault rifle" to have a less scary perception to others.\n\nIf I can't get there without spending way more than I'd like (say, over $1500), is there a way that I can get most of what I want, stay in budget and have an upgrade path for the future?
"Spitfield" - Does anybody knows something about this? My grandfather said he owns a "Spitfield". I can't find any informations about it? Can anyone give me some help?
Is financing a firearm as dumb as it sounds? Title is pretty self explanatory. Financing rather than buying seems reckless and like an all in all bad move from where I\031m sitting, but there\031s always that one gun that\031s JUST SO COOL. Have people done this and how\031d it go?
New M1A Owner With Some Questions in Comments.
I purchased my 1st S&W M&P Sport 2 AR-15 with FDE MAGPUL CTR Stock, MOE+ Pistol Grip, M-Lok MVG Vertical Grip, Holosun 510c and Streamlight HLX&I will probably swap out the charging handle next =\016
Just turned 21, no greater birthday present to myself than my first firearm. (S&W TRR8)
It's the simple things in life
Can anyone suggest some good holster for an FNX 45? I do want to put a light on it eventually
Steyr AUG with Trijicon Acog
SLR106CR Pre-Chop
Advice on what suppressor to get for my first? Hey guys, I'm hoping someone could give me advice in regards to my first suppressor purchase. I have plenty of guns and experience with them, however I've never had a suppressor or shot a suppressed gun. I'm looking for a good can that will work well with my Glock 19 as well as my AR9. Preferably it would be easy to quickly swap between the two guns as well. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated!
Help identifying inherited rifle About 20-25 years ago I inherited a 20ga bolt action from my Great Grandfather. I've shot it several times, but it's been in my dad's gun safe for the last 15 years. There's no markings or serial numbers on the rifle anywhere. I'm not sure if it is a custom made rifle or what. \n\n\n\n\nAny help is appreciated. Gonna break it down and clean it some time soon.
Love to hate it, or hate to love it?
only the bear essentials
Right way to repaint a gun? So a little backstory here. My 11 year old son wants to get into trap shooting. He's not quite ready for a 12 gauge (especially not my trap gun that kicks like a mule even compared to other 12 gauges I've owned) so I went in search of a 20 gauge for him. I didn't want to spend much because this thing's going to get used for 2 or 3 years at most and then collect dust in a gun cabinet probably until I have grand kids.\n\nAnd that's how I ended up with an old single shot shotgun with a truly crappy camo paint job inexpertly done by someone clearly somewhat unfamiliar with spray paint.\n\nI'll probably end up just sanding the stock and forearm down and refinishing the wood, no problem there. But what's the right way to go about repainting the rest of this thing back to black? Do I need to sand the camo off the metal first or can I just paint over it? And is there any specific paint I should use?
Preserving guns w/ Ballistol or Hoppes So I have a couple guns that I don\031t want them to rust. Most notably a Barrett M82, and I\031d probably cry if it started to rust.\n\nMy routine for the Barrett is to spray a rag with Ballistol and wipe down all surfaces, barrel, brake, exterior and interior, reapplying Ballistol as it dries up. Then I\031ll take a dry rag and wipe up excess, while leaving a thin layer. I do this every time I clean it. Is this ok? Am I doing it too much? And when it comes to Ballistol vs. Hoppes lubricating oil, is one better or worse for preventing rust?\n\nI don\031t live in a particularly humid or salty environment, but still want to do as much as I can. Any insight would be appreciated =M<û
Suggestions for my first AR-15 please! So I'm about to buy my first ar-15 and I really have no idea what is the best option for my budget. I can spend about 800 + tax and I know that's not much, but at a store where I live, I get a police discount on ALL firearms. I told the guy behind the counter what my budget was and that I am eligible for the "blue line" discount and he recommended the Springfield saint victor 5.56 for my first AR. It was actually below my price range at about 700 but I've heard mixed review on it. Some people love it and have no issues, and some people have lots of issues but seemingly only with .223. Anyway, that's the gun I'm leaning towards but I'd like to hear opinions on this rifle and suggestions of other rifles you think are better for this price. Thank you!
I have a strange blank in my vocabulary that I want to square away So you pump/rack a shotgun and cock a pistol. What exactly is that action called when talking about bolt-action and lever-action rifles? I genuinely cannot remember the term for it\n\nEdit: Cycle. It's called cycling
My British girlfriend, who "doesn't like guns" shooting a P90 for the first time.
would parts from a martini henry fit on a martini enfield? Hello, I am thinking about building a martini enfield back together. I have the receiver and was wondering if parts from the older martini henry rifles would work on the martini enfield. Would the barrel fit on the receiver or would the breech block fit as well? I know that the martini enfields were converted from the martini henerys,But still a bit confused. I don't intend to every fire the rifle and would just like to have it for display purposes
Torture test of the second worst handgun Remington ever made. Honestly I am impressed for a gun with its reputation.
Picked me up a new EDC. Diamondback Firearms DB9 Gen IV. Any particular ammo anyone have good luck running in these? I've noticed it doesn't like to rack with a full mag of +p rounds. Regular rounds are tight, but it will rack. So far no jams between the Blazer and IMI ammo.
Since Pest forgot to post it, I will fill in, granted a day late.
Sport king carbine a-102 Anyone know anything about this rifle? Was left one by a buddy of mine but I already have a small safe full of .22 rifles. Was wondering if it\031s worth hanging onto or taking into my local ffl. Can\031t find much information online.
.450 BushMaster vs .50 Beowulf? Does anyone have first hand experience with either or both of these cartridges? I would like to have a big bore AR but I can't seem to make up my mind and like to hear from experience.\n\nAmmo availability isn't an issue in this case either. I can easily source either round from my local outdoors store and have the capability to handload if need be.
Is there a wall mount for guns that uses nails to attach to the wall? I live in an apartment and am looking for something that would attach to the walls using nails. My thought is a screw might make to big of a hole. \n\nIt only needs to support 6.5 pounds for my USC gun.
space cowboy
Winchester 1873 \034The Gun that Won the West\035
Cleaning up after a good day.
Swiss k31 w/ Diopter sights.
Mock18 Questions
Armed robbery of a store, and the grey areas of gun laws. A store down the road from me was robbed at gun point earlier leading to a shootout and police chase. As someone saving for my first gun I was curious about how the laws work for this sort of thing. If I was a customer there at the time, and was carrying, am I within my rights to shoot an armed robber waving a gun at the cashier, and/or other customers? Putting aside that this could be a bad idea leading to them shooting me or someone else, or not knowing if they have another person nearby possibly with another gun. Line of thinking being they already have a firearm pointed at people, meaning their lives are in immediate danger. \n\nIs there anything else I would have to keep in mind in this situation? Stipulations involving when you can legally discharge a firearm etc. \n\nI'm in Ohio if that helps. References to actual laws would be appreciated, but I'd still find a professional like a lawyer to ask to be sure before I start carrying of course.
Henry 22 Jamming So just 2 days ago I bought a Henry 22 from my local Cabela's. As soon as I got home I put some snap caps through it but was jamming. After cleaning it I put the snap caps through it again and began cycling. It still jams and I want to ask you guys why it might be jamming and what I should do to fix this. Attached is a picture of the jam. The bullet is faced down into the magazine and has only partially traveled onto the carrier. \n\n
Birchwood Casey Lead Remover on Blued Barrel Hello r/guns. Was trying to remove some light rust on an old blued shotgun. I figured my Birchwood Casey lead remover wipes I use on my stainless steel revolver might do the trick. It did take off some rust but I read too late this will remove the blueing too? I didn't see this officially recommended and my gun's blueing looks fine as well. Any insight on this?
The quintessential 80's action gun... UZI (Full Auto on a Form 4)
My most interesting pistol, The Wilkinson Sherry .22
Checking out some .22 LR tracers.
Heard y\031all like Scars
How to measure a slide tube? Hey y'all, probably a stupid question. I'm looking to replace the forend on my Ithaca 37 with the classic ring tail "corncob" forend, anyways, I emailed Ithaca asking if it'd be compatible with my model, and they told me as long as I had a 3" slide tube. And if I didn't I needed to purchase one in order for the forend to fit properly. My shotgun is chambered in 2 3/4. Does this tell me I need a 3" slide tube? Thanks.
Need advice on re-coating an Atlas Hey all! I'll keep this brief. I have a line on an Atlas Hyperion in DLC but it has significant holster wear, as well as a good amount of wear to the grip and mag well from being used in competitions. The seller said Atlas charges $500 to bring it back to a factory new finish. Does anyone have any experience with this? I can't seem to find it online. I'm looking to get a realistic idea of how much I'd be looking to spend to fix it back up before I buy it. I'm open to other avenues other than Atlas as well if anyone has any reputable suggestions for refinishing.\n\nWhile I have you all here, how crazy would I be to not buy it for $2900? I know it's a good deal but I need emotional support before I drop that much money. Someone please tell me I'm making the right decision here lol. Anyone have any cons/negatives for this pistol I should consider?\n\nThanks y'all!
Finished my first AR-15
<\xec<\xe7 L119A2 (15.7") and L119A1 (10.0")
M118LR vs. IMI 7.62 175 gr Match
First AR-15 and first SBR finally coming together. This thing slaps. New to firearms and the AR platform.
Rust Removal Question Hi r/guns! I've got myself an old Savage/Fox Model B 12 gauge double barrel. Overall the gun feels solid nothing is loose or shaky. I did a breakdown/deep clean just to get a better sense of its condition. I noticed some spotty rust along the blued barrel along with what appears to be scuffs or scratches inside the barrel. I let the whole thing soak in ballistol, took a brush to it, swabbed the barrel down good, and wiped the whole piece down a few times. \n\nThe rusty spots are still there along with the few barrel scuffs. I have some pics attached if that helps. Any insights or tips on this? The gun is kind of a hand me down so I'd hate if it was done for.\n\n\n\n\n\n
Non Refundable Deposit This is my first attempt to everytown a firearm. I went to a gun shop to purchase a basic handgun and shotgun... nothing special just something they had at their location purchased as is.\n\nThey had me put a 75$ deposit down for each weapon... and then my background check came back undetermined and they told me I'm not going to be refunded my 150$.\n\nWhen I agreed to pay the deposit I'm going to assume there was something subtle on one of the payment screens that the deposit was non refundable (this was done in person at the store). Assuming that... do I have any recourse here? I don't even have a misdemeanor or anything on my record... no involuntary commits or anything like that... I'm certain that I am someone who should be legally allowed to own a firearm.\n\nEDIT: My state is PA.
They took back the \03003, got a 1917 instead
Confused by date/age of Ruger Mark II I\031m a little confused by the date/age of a Ruger Mark II I recently purchased, and I\031m hoping someone has some insight to share.\n\nI purchased the gun used from a gun shop via Gunbroker. The serial number, 212-7XXXX places the manufacture date in 1986, according to the Ruger website (the Mark II was discontinued in 2005 and replaced with the Mark III).\n\nThe gun arrived in excellent condition. I confirmed it\031s a Ruger Mark II, both by marking and by function (it doesn\031t have the Mark III features). However, the box also looks brand new, and while labeled with the correct serial number, it\031s dated 2020. And when I enter the serial number into Ruger websites serial number lookup, it also says \034Shipped in 2020.\035\n\nWhat gives? How could a gun manufactured in 1986 have been shipped in 2020? Does Ruger do factory reconditioning and re-ship old guns for retail sale?\n\nThanks
im looking for some info Hi, last night i went with my friends to do some exploring. we went to some abandoned warehouses, that were supposed to be some old industrial buildings, but when we went isnide there was like this wooden course with broken doors, bullet casins laying arround, gauze packs, there were like these shooting range posters( with people on them with marks body parts and points), some shotgun shells and these weird green packs with white stickers on them that said st starter 30m.\n\nwe are curious what was this place used for, was it like a training course or something. I d like as many info as i can get. thanks in advance\n\nimgur link: [](
Sighting in my Henry Big Boy .357 Just bought a Henry in .357 magnum. I have my scope and mounts ordered.\n\nJust wondering if I can sight in with .38 special and still be close once I switch over to the .357? The .357 rounds a kind of hard to find right now and about double the price. \n\nThanks in advance!
Standard in Excellence: The Colt Single Action Army
Ruger Mini-14 question. Outside of the round size is there any other major difference in the Mini-14 Ranch and the Mini-14 Mini Thirty? I\031ve always wanted the mini-14 Ranch but it (visibly) looks about the same as the Mini-14 Mini Thirty
Found in late member's gun safe, seems to be Russian influenced but not sure what exactly it is. Please help identify
It\031s Monday&
Moving from Maine to Tenessee - help Hello! Here for some advice on moving with firearms. \n\nWhat I have: Ruger ar556, Ruger American 308, Ruger PC charger, S&W ar in .22, Mossberg 12g, Sig p320 & Colt 1911 .45.\n\nAm I able to just pack them up and go, or do I need any paperwork? Mostly concerned with traveling through Massachusetts and New York. Both Maine and Tenessee seem pretty relaxed with firearms compared to some of the states I'll have to travel through.\n\nMy current plan is to unload everything, put them in cases and lock them. Is that enough?
EAA Witness Match carbon buildup on Wonder Finish I have a ported EAA Witness Match with the "Wonder Finish" that I inherited from my father when he passed and it has some hard carbon deposits on the front site that I cannot get cleaned. I've used Hoppe's No. 9 all my life but it isn't cutting it for this at all. Any help would be appreciated.
Hey there BB ;)
Mauser Monday with two Mausers and a DWM Luger added for spice
Grandma shoots AK at the range.
Extended mag for Beretta APX A1 carry? Hello,\n\nI'm in the market for buying my first gun and I was really interested in getting the APX carry. I shot a couple of rounds and it's a great gun for the size in my opinion. The recoil is acceptable for the size, the grip is amazing it fits comfortably in my hand ( I tend to sweat a little in my hands when shooting and I didn't have to adjust my grip with this gun), racking the slide is fine as well because of the serrations (an important feature for me- i have a weaker grip and looking for easier slides), and the price is within my budget. The only thing that's not making me buy it is the capacity... only 6 and 8 rounds. It wouldn't be the end of the world I would just buy more 8 rounds but wanted to know if anyone knows of an extended magazine for this gun. I heard that people have put the magazine from the nano into this gun but that the same capacity. If not, are there any other carry guns that would be suggested with more rounds in beretta (at least 10 rounds)?
Should I bother fixing this E9? Hi... I have an ole Kahr E9 that my father in law gave me. I fired it last weekend and at random times it just wouldn't fire until I jacked with it a bit (pop the mag out and back in, re-load the chamber, etc.). Then it would fire great. \n\n&#x200B;\n\nMy question is -- should I bother taking this to a gunsmith or would it end up costing more than the gun is worth? From what I gather, you could probably pick one of these up for a couple hundred bucks.\n\n&#x200B;\n\nThanks!
25 yard with AR from a standing position?
Savage 1917
Fresh diamonds on a 16 gauge
Quick AR question I recently got a radical RF15 in 7.62x39, and I like it, but there is a little bit of wobble between the upper and lower. It\031s barely noticeable, and doesn\031t change functionality, but I\031d feel better if it didn\031t. Any advice how to fix this?
Official Politics Thread 03-21-2022 It's too early for this... Edition
California Dreamin\031&
Lets go back around 10 guns to my very first handgun; the M9 Beretta! How much life is left I wonder? =\\ Around 10 years later, and 12,000 rounds, I bought my very first handgun which was this M9. In all the rounds she has shot from professional to aluminum trash... It has never jammed. Living in a nice and cold state it has served very well and comfortably as a concealed carry (big coats ya know?), and a glovebox gun. And being so left hand friendly its certainly served its functionality well for me. \n\n\nThat all being said, she's really starting to show her age. And I was curious, anybody else out there got a handle on its reliable life expectancy? I give it plenty of maintenance. Recoil spring has been replaced a few times... probably due for another. Full spring replacements once before... Only thing I learned, very late, was that the locking block should be replaced every five thousand rounds........ well damn. I have NEVER replaced it. Albeit its hard to buy now. And the one in there looks remarkable and un-cracked. Though the barrel, or rather the top of the chamber that slams back into the slide is starting to bulge... But a barrel replacement wouldn't be the end of the world.\n\nAnywho happy shooting shooters!\n\n\n\n\n\n
compatible models. My grandpa's brother gave me what I think is a mass arms 1900 and I was wondering if the stocks and forgrips for shotguns like this are interchangeable with other brands of that age and what companies/models are compatible. Because I couldn't find anything online for parts. Thanks!
Is there a website I can use to see when my M1 Carbine was manufactured? It\031s only identifying markings say \034U.S. Carbine Cal.30 MI. Inland Div following the serial numbers. This is by far my favorite gun in my collection that was a gift and actually my first ever firearm to own when I was 13. It\031s in outstanding condition with all original parts and such and I would love it if y\031all knew any way I could learn more about it\031s origins.
Is this normal round 3 lol
Moronic Monday 03/21/22 Busted brackets edition
M1 Carbine My great grandpa\031s type writer factory was converted to a gun manufacturing plant in ww2, and he acquired an m1 carbine for my grandpa. My grandpa has never fired a round out of this gun and it is still in an oil skin in his safe. Is this rare and if so how rare.
Trying out the new pistol builds!
How can I mount this? missing mounting hardware for sight I found a used red dot for $10 at a gun show but it had no way to mount it, I didn't notice until I got home. Anyone know what can I use to mount it to a picatinny rail? First link are pics of the sight. Second link is a pic from the manual showing the hardware, manual calls it a dual-purpose mount for 5/8 weaver and 3/8 tip-off.\n\n[](\n\n[](
I miss the days when I was excited by a $500 AR.
Ordering online Sorry if this is a dumb question but ive never ordered a firearm online before and am wondering what the process is like.
Saw a PP Posted Earlier: Vintage EDC Night?
Brass Holes?
Vintage Inspired 300BLK
first time shooting a desert eagle, .50AE of course.
Opinions on 350 Legend as a cheap, short-med distance goat/pig hunting round where I don't have straight-wall calibre restrictions. I live in Australia, where we don't have straight-wall hunting restrictions. We don't have semi-autos either. Every rifle basically is bolt/lever/straight pull for civilians.\n\nThe impression I get from a lot of gun enthusiasts is that the only reason 350 Legend exists is for those states where straight wall hunting is mandatory, and if you live somewhere where no such restrictions exist, it's an irrelevant round.\n\nHowever, for whatever weird market force reasons, 350 Legend here is relatively cheap, less than half the price of 300 blackout and 308 Win, and about the same as 223. I have 300 BLK and 308W rifles, but to save on ammo costs, as well as just enjoying collecting less common calibres, I'm keen on a 350 Legend to shoot feral goats/pigs within about 200-300 yards. Will it do the job well?\n\nI'm also hoping at some stage they will release a 350 Legend lever action rifle. The round nose and straight walls would seem to suit that well.\n\nThanks.
Enjoying Sunday in the range
Multi Gun Prism Scopes Recommendations I'm looking at prism scopes because I have an astigmatism. Most have a fixed magnification of 1x, 3x or 5x. Wonder if I could get some feedback that fit my needs?\n\nThe requirements are \n\n* Some precision between 25-100yds. I think 5x would be too powerful 25yrds and under, so leaning towards 3x. \n* I can use on an AR15 or 10/22 within those ranges \n* For the AR15 the purpose is rifle classes (CQB), but 100yds flexibility for hunting \n* For the 10/22 the purpose is small game out to 100yrd \n\nTop 2 on my list \n\n* Primary Arms SLX 3x32mm Gen III - ACSS (like reticle)\n* Sig Sauer Bravo3 Battle Sight, 3X24mm (better FOV)
AR-15 Puzzle: Failure to Eject [Solved we think - going to swap in an H2 instead of C buffer; if that doesn\031t work I\031ll upgrade my extractor; confidant buffer will be most of the fix if not all. Thanks team!]\n\nOk folks. Here is a mystery let\031s see if we can solve it together. Please and thank you.\n\nI built an AR. Link [here]( The build list is in the comments.\n\nIt eats PMC 55gr 223 all day. Zero problems. Good stuff. Fun day for everyone.\n\nWhen I load 55gr 5.56 (M193). VERY frequently it fails to eject and I get a stovepipe or similar. As often as once every 5 rounds, sometimes 1 in 30. \n\nI was at a course the past two days at Sig, shot about 800 rounds, got really good at clearing ejections, and the instructors told me the ejection pattern was irregular. I generally eject around 1-2pm, but sometimes they\031d be strong and sometimes they\031d just sort of \034dribble out.\034\n\nI have spoken to a few experts (at Sig pro shop, instructor) and each had their own opinions for clues. I\031ll keep them concealed for now to now bias any thinking. I\031ll add their thoughts with an edit if/when I get some comments going and we can start brainstorming.\n\nSo. Any ideas?\n\nReminder, all details for components are in link above. \n\nThanks for the help!
Happy 3/20, Chiefs
Jewish rifle, German handgun
Found another smokin deal. Got all this for 350.
Small but annoying problem on 1873 cattleman: ejector rod head flops down.
Frankie gsp 22lr
Sig Sauer MK25
Few Questions TLDR; what exactly should i use for a long range/medium range rifle.\n\nRight so I might sound completely stupid so don\031t clown on me for that but I\031ve always liked the idea of a marksman rifle but when it comes down to the specifics i never know exactly what to research so i\031ve turned to the great site of reddit. Okay so to lay some things out, my idea of the perfect rifle for me is firstly a semi automatic rifle that i can pick up and use like any normal 556 or 762 but if i needed i could put it on a tripod and do some good long distance. If this sounds stupid or impossible tell me but if this could be possible what kind of caliber would be the best? 308? 65 creedmoor? I\031d be happy to answer any more questions.
Does anybody actually know the power difference between pistols and SMG or pistol carbines? For example I have been thinking about getting the Beretta CX4 Storm. And obviously its mags are compatible with my M9 Beretta. But it got me wondering... That little 9mm cartridge having to shove a bullet down a much longer barrel... does it lose power compared to its m9 brother or does it gain power? I know both loss and gain of power is completely based on the cartridge and length of the barrel. And I am sure there is an equation for it. But generally speaking what would you expect out of an SMG or pistol caliber carbine?
Went for Ammo, Left With This.
Psak-47 furniture opinions wanted. I want a nice Serbian red but the PSA one looks dull. Where could I find a nicer set or should I say screw it and go fakelite? Since it is underfold I *could* get a dongle but I'm not sure i like how it looks. Posting here as my post on r/Ak-47 don't seem to be seen.
Heritage arms...
What are your favorite color combos for sights? I\031m getting ready to throw on a fresh set and am thinking green in the rear and red up front. What do you run?
Good gun YouTube channels for learning? I watch the AK guy, demolition ranch, garand thumb, classic firearms, TFB TV and the royal armories channel. Looking for more chill people who love to teach.
New impulse purchase today, Intratec Tec DC9
LPVO recommendations around $1k So I\031m looking to replace some budget glass on an 16\035 AR with something a little more upscale. Priorities are illumination, a horseshoe/ACSS-style reticle, and weight.\n\nI know everyone recommends the Viper PST and Razor HD, but I have an astigmatism and they seem to use the same LED reflector illumination as a standard RDS, so they would probably give me the same smearing/starburst issues as an Aimpoint.\n\nI\031ve used LPVOs with horseshoe-style reticles and those look perfect, but I haven\031t found too many aside from the upcoming Leupold Patrol 6 and Sig Tango6T, but the Sig has a common complaint of poor illumination.\n\nAnyone have any suggestions for what would fit the bill?
Did marlin change the spring receiver in the model 60 I\031m putting together a marlin model 60 cause a spring came out and when ever I\031m looking at photos or videos of how to put it back together I\031m noticing differences and I\031m curious did they change it or are there some parts missing
Finally Achieved A Bakelite Mag For 30$
Carcano(I think) Marking ID
Vanlife Home Defense in CA Hi, currently planning to move back to California for College. Prior Military. With Rent being absurd, I was planning on living out of a stealth RV. Ideas as to a preferred method of protection? I was considering a conceal carry pistol/revolver for when I\031m out and about but a short shotgun for when I\031m in my RV
How to pick a LPVO Okay I\031m very overwhelmed with scopes/Optics as I don\031t have a big understanding of them. I\031ve been looking at trijicon Accupower/point 1-6 but also the vortex viper pst newest gen. They are all around the same price point I\031m looking for higher end but it doesn\031t need to be the best as I\031m still learning to use the LPVOs. Also what\031s the opinion on the red dot and magnifier vs the lpvo? I have a few Eotechs so I\031ve looked at 3X and 5X magnifiers but they are basically the same cost or a little less than the LPVO. Any guidance or even reference to helpful resources would be greatly appreciated!
Finally put a thermal on one of my AR15 builds.
A Wild SKS Appeared!
Checking in.
This Gun's Got Seoul
Went to Gun show today. Disappointed I didn\031t take this home.
3/20 but it's kinda French
Proud first time gun owner - CZ 612 Field
Has anybody ever ordered anything from I\031ve been looking for a factory replacement Winchester model 70 stock and they seem to have the goods for reasonable prices. Just wondering if any of you guys have dealt with them before so I know if this place is good 2 go or not.
Anybody have any experience with Riton x5 1-6 Tactix? I\031m trying to compare to Vortex PST gen 2 1-6 and see if it\031s worth straying away from vortex. I found both online for around 475. I know the Riton is FFP and Vortex is SFP but looking for other pros/cons. Thanks!
After Ferrari\031s 1-2 finish today, I had the perfect excuse to shoot my new Italian shotgun for the first time. Grazzi.
Just picked this up, Watcha think?
My 320 for 3/20
Remlin 45-70 Lever Issue I am lucky that all my leverguns are JM Marlins, EXCEPT, my 45-70 big loop.\n\nWas looking and looking for one and a shop I was in had one but it was a Remlin.\n\nFit and finish on it was, well it was great, so I bought it.\n\nWhen new, the lever would close and "lock" closed, but after firing many rounds through it, the lever closes but will not lock...\n\nClose the lever now and when you let go it will drop down a little.\n\nI have looked at everything on it and I don't see anything causing it to not lock closed.\n\nThe little spring and ratchet that locks the lever closed all seems ok, so I am stumped...\n\nAny tips on what the fix is?\n\nAny tips on a good levergun gunsmith?\n\nThanks!
Is hoppes #9 safe to use on AR-15s? \\*This post was removed from r/ar15. I dont know why but Ill try here instead.\\*\n\n&#x200B;\n\n Long time gun guy here, but only recently dipped my toes into the AR world.\n\nMy gun cleaning regimen has always been the classic hoppes #9 we all grew up with, followed by break free CLP to lube.\n\nThen I heard someone say hoppes can damage aluminum and a even chrome? People seem to universally agree it can damage nickel, but I\031m seeing a lot of different opinions for other surfaces. Some people say only use it on your BCG and barrel, others say don\031t use it in the barrel if it\031s chrome lined.\n\nConsidering that AR frames are anodized this all seemed far fetched to me but I have found surprisingly few/mixed google results when I tried to dig deeper.\n\nTo make things even more confusing there is a specific product made by hoppes called \030Hoppes 9 synthetic blend\031 that supposedly is designed for ARs. The product description even says:\n\n\034 Hoppe's® No.9 Synthetic Blend Modern Firearm Gun Bore Cleaner 5oz, 904GP. Hoppe's No. 9 Synthetic Blend bore cleaner is especially designed for the modern firearm and is built on the great tradition started by Frank Hoppe in 1903. Superior removal of carbon, lead and copper fouling. Safe on adonized aluminum, titanium, steel, chrome, nickel, plastic, polycarbonate and rubber. Same great traditional Hoppe's smell. Biodegradable / Non-flammable.\035\n\nIt doesn\031t appear that hoppes even sells this anymore on their website (at least I couldn\031t find it) but you can still buy it elsewhere. Like here:\n\n[](\n\nWhy does this product exist? It specifically mentions being safe on anodized aluminum and chrome. Is regular old hoppes not safe?\n\nThoughts?
1953 CZ52
Ultra Compact Swiss PDW
3/20 running my P320.
To follow up my flux post, here\031s my favorite aspect. In 5 minutes I can turn a very capable PCC back into a concealable duty handgun.
should I label different brands of ammo? I just recently bought a Russian tuna can of Branaul 7.62x39 and transfered it to my ammo can. I already had a few stripper clips loaded of some wolf ammo should I label them for future use or just fuck it?
1301 tactical optic options I\031m wanting to get an optic for my 1301 tactical, would a primary arms SLx microprism 1x be a Bible option?
TLDR: New FFL, missed out on some info, have a few questions on what to do. New FFL 7, just wanting to clarify something, still waiting on license in mail. Field agent jumped around and skipped certain things and before I knew it, was out the door.\n\n1: I know for NFA items you form 2 them, but then what do I do from there for both normal and NFA manufactured guns? I\031m 76% sure I just put them in the A&D book and under manufacturer I put myself etc, of course after marking them. \n\n2: Does the format of the A&D matter, as long as it has the required info? The field officer gave me an example that had both the A&D combined on 1 page saying he prefers I do it that way, but looking online all premade logs have the A&D on separate pages. So I was just gonna print my own and 3 hole punch them. \n\n3: As far as I\031ve researched, as of March 9th 2020, ITAR no longer monitors manufacturing domestically. So as long as I\031m not exporting, I do not have to register/pay it, correct?
PLEASE HALP I recently purchased an HK/Umarex MP5. It\031s chambered in 22LR and has a faux suppressor on it. The faux suppressor looks alright and everything but if I move around I can hear something in there moving around and for the life of me I cannot get it out. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions.
22 20/22 for 3/22/2022
-20 moa Athlon mount?
Decided to become a beta tester today
Seeking help finding this 1911 I\031m currently in the market for a colt 1911. Specifically the government model in a bright stainless steel finish and rosewood grips. I\031ve been looking for a few weeks and figured I\031d give reddit a shot to see if any one had one for sale or knows someone who does. SKU is COLT-O1070BSTS. Thanks!
What kind of gun is this? I was wondering if anyone could give me more information on this gun I acquired. Don\031t have any info to work off unfortunately. \n
Bought my first CZ
Its that time of the month again
How to load an M1 Garand without including your thumb... Got tired of seeing all the wrong videos and misinformation when its often also very dependent on what kind of ammo your using... So here we are...\n\n[\\_loU&feature=share](
CZ 75b "Cold War Commemorative" Edition
I\031m not asking for a versus, I\031m about to purchase a firearm and I am still torn between the Ruger PC nine and the Ruger mini 14. Mostly for fun, also to keep in the closet for bumps in the night. \n\nI have a 9 mm pistol and no 556 rifle at the moment, I know both guns pretty well, like I said I\031m not asking for the pros and cons. I just don\031t know which I want more!\n\nGah! What do I do?
Silence is golden.
My home made VZ58
Three twentytwos for 3/22
Geissele just slaps, just like the SSAE-X
Trying to date a M91 Carcano I recently bought a 6.5x52 M91 Carcano and am trying to date it. At first I figured it was 1947 as its stamped on the stock and on the barrel but a little research told me they weren't in production by then. I also read that the roman numerals meant the years after Mussolini took over witch would place it in 1936. Hoping some expert out there could help me pin point my new gun's date.\n\n\n\n\n\n
3 Weeks Ago, I Rattlecanned my Staccato C2. This is how it looks now!
CGW vs CZC, which would you EDC?
Bought my first gun. What kind of shells does it use?
Handguns with long slides and compact grips. I'm in the market fort a new carry gun and I've been eyeing the MR920L from shadow systems. I like the idea of having a duty sized slide/barrel for the slightly better ballistics/ sight radius/ shootability but I also want a compact grip with H 15 round mags to conceal better. I already got a holster for the mr929l on the way but I'm hesitating spending USP money on a gucci Glock clone. I know you can build a p80 with a similar setup for cheaper but I'm looking for a production pistol.\n\nTLDR; What are some reliable handguns with a g19 sized grip and g17 sized slide?
Quiz time: Does this bayonet go to this rifle? If not, what does it go to?
Can someone recommend a gunsmith who can do slide cuts on a p365? I have already gotten it milled for my red dot. Any companies that can do a cut pattern on the front of the slide to expose the barrel more? Since I've already gotten it milled for my optic I am not interested in buying a new slide that is already cut. I want my existing slide cut. Thanks
Got this baby sunday, way smoother than the glock.
This better not awaken anything in me...
Trying to ship a rifle to an FFL. How do i go about it? UPS said they wouldn't do it.\n\nHave yet to ask USPS.\n\nFedex said they would but they won't print the label and I have to find someone to make a label specifically for shipping a firearm. I have a copy of my DL and a copy of the FFL. How do you guys ship your stuff?
Pair of Turnbull Rugers
Experience with ordering from 4Range As the title said, I found them online. They have an SB brace for the MPX I want and it\031s cheaper than anywhere local. Anyone have any experience with ordering from them?
first time buyer- quick question to ease my mind Buying my first gun soon, remington 870 express magnum\n\nI'm a little confused over what length shells it can use, I've heard a few different answers. I mainly plan on using 2 3/4 shells but I like the option of 3 inch shells, hence why I am getting the magnum\n\nMy question is- how short of shells can it use from the tube? I've heard multiple answers and am wondering what experiences any one you guys have had with your 870 magnums?
settling for glocks? I want to preface this by saying im not /shitting/ on Glocks and I absolutely understand their utility. That being said...I recently got a Walther PPQ for about what one would pay for a used Gen 4 G19. Afterwards, i started doing research and watching reviews about it and other guns in a similar ballpark by some pretty prjominent reviewers (Garand Thumb, MAC, Honest Outlaw, S00tch, etc) and after hearing what they have to say about the PPQ and comparing it and other guns (CZ P10, Walther PDP) to their Glock 19s (because of course they all have one)....I feel as though...people are settling for Glocks. I just keep hearing comparisons to the trigger, and sights, and mag release, and grip angle, etc...and I cant help but think that i totally lucked out with my purchase and that i dont see anything at all why Glocks are so special or preferred over things like the PPQ/PDP, CZ P10, Smith & Wesson M&P...can someone please help me out here?
Everyone needs a suppressed 22
Anyone Try using a Sionyx nigh vision scope? Any good? My friend picked up a monocular for night boating, and I see you can mount it on a picatinny rail. Are they at all accurate? Would it be ok for a poor man's ECH03?
2 different generations
Question about magazines being removed on a shipped firearm I purchased a firearm online that was supposed to come with 3 17rd mags. The company who sold me the firearm believes it's illegal to send to me (it's legally fine, but they believe it isn't).\n\nMy issue isn't the legality of sending the mags, but rather them taking them out of the box and sending me the firearm by itself. They charged me full price but pulled the mags out of the box. It took some digging, but they've now told me that supposedly they send these mags back to the manufacturer. \n\nSo I payed for something, didn't get it, and now it goes back to the manufacturer? How is that right in any way? I was shocked they didn't simply block my order from going through, or cancel it when they went to ship it to a place they thought was restricted. \n\nMy question to this sub is - Is this normal? Am I just screwed here out of $150 worth of mags? I'm still trying to work with them to get this resolved.\n\nEDIT: Adding some info that was requested. I'm in IL (I know everyone will groan about that. lol). And worse, in Cook County. But far outside Chicago. My township specifically _does_ allow these mags. And what's even more confusing about this is that just last week I went to a shop in Cook county and purchased a 17rd mag for this gun. So it's legal to own, sell, and purchase here. \n\nI'm trying to ask this question without calling out the site I went through, but if it's more helpful for me to provide that I will. I appreciate any advice you folks have.
2 Stamp Tuesday
Peanut Butta
New CZ Scorpion
Built like a brick shithouse.
Hadn't bought a gun in 29 months. New CSX who dis?
The "Pandemic" Glock
How many porpoises can I get with this?
Recently almost got scammed on Gunbroker, guy stole an account with 2k+ feedback, anyway to safely pay? Long story short the wording of the auction was odd so I asked the guy for a picture of the gun next to his user name and he couldn\031t provide it, in the end everything ended up being fake and Gunbroker told me the account password was stolen, other than credit cards is there any safe way to pay since feedback apparently has no merit anymore? Is a certified check able to be tracked in anyway? I know money order can basically be cashed with nothing
If guns are mass produced, how can they tell which gun shot a bullet? Wouldn't the lands and grooves be identical for any particular make of gun?
tmw a coworker wants toes
The Lee Enfield I inherited
Ruger M77 mkii 7mm mag inaccuracy I had this rifle given to me by my grandfather. Lightly used and in great condition. I put a vortex diamond back 3.5-10x 50. Seems to be a great gun and I like it a lot but I\031ve taken it out twice now and it\031s not very accurate. 4-5 inch grouping at 100yds. Does anyone here have any experience with this firearm being inaccurate? Any suggestions for fixing it?
Retro =\016
The Night-Hike Glock
Keepin it simple with the P-2
Considering purchasing a firearm Hello all,\n\nI (20 y/o, located in Atlanta, GA) am considering purchasing a firearm (handgun/pistol) when I turn 21 in 2 months. I feel as having a concealed carry weapon in case of any emergency would be extremely helpful as I live right in the city. However, I know nothing about firearms, what are the first steps I should take in order to learn about different pistols, firearm safety, the requirements to even purchase a firearm, and any other advice you all may have. I live by myself but would like to educate myself to the fullest capacity before making a big decision like this.\n\nAll answers appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Mossberg 590 12 Gauge
Just wanted to share a photo of the boys
One hand on the clock
Remington 700 or ??? Curious what folks who do long range get precision shooting think about Remington 700 vs other rifles. I've read many articles praising Remington and others saying that the model 700 isn't what it used to be. Would like some hivemind input as I continue to research rifles as I lean into yet another expensive hobby.
Just my completely normal new 1911 carry gun. Nothing different about it at all.
Rossi .22 rifle bolt. I bought it yesterday along with a Sig 2022. Is the Rossi a good buy for $429? Will it retain its value? And it\031s a tan color. I don\031t know. Having second thoughts.
My solution to running a remote switch for my weapon light on my Steyr AUG.
Training Tuesday 3/22/22 What are you doing this week to improve your shooting?
Compact LPVO I\031m looking to get an LPVO with at least 6x but would prefer 8x. I like the nx8 since it\031s 8.75\035 long but it\031s pretty pricey. Anyone know of any other LPVOs that are compact or similarities size?
Thermal PS90 :)
CZ SP01 Shadow with (worn) Lok Brass Grips
What Makes A Trigger Good? Hi everyone, \n\nI\031m a new shooter and I\031ve heard a lot of people talk about good vs bad triggers. I hear a lot about resets and weight but I don\031t fully understand what the advantage of having a clean reset and break is. What exactly makes a trigger good and what are the advantages of aftermarket trigger upgrades?
Do you have any slack in your LAW Tactical Folder?
Gun Talk Tuesday - 22 March 2022 Tuesday catch-all post for all the questions, comments, rants, *et cetera* that don\031t belong in their own thread or the [designated Politics thread]( Keep the /r/guns rules in mind.\n\nWhat gun(s) are you eyeing to purchase next? What was your last purchase?\n\nWhat was your last build or project?
Got myself a new edc for work. 15 round mag hellcat, holster is on its way!
Probably not the best Sig but I love it
The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire
Question: So I was disassembling my AR-10 bolt from Aero from out of the blue and happened upon something. This might be a newbie question, but I found two gaskets around the extractor spring, not one like I am used to on basically every other AR bcg I have ever disassembled. Is that normal for them, or did Aero fuck up their QC?
Issues with my new Maverick 88 12ga Magazine tube is supposed to hold 5 shells&I can only cram in two and when I try to put in the third shell it will go about halfway in and stop. I\031ve tried forcing it but it just stops dead&any suggestions?\n\nProblem solved thanks guys sorry for the dumb question
Help! How do I disassembled a V. Bernadelli PO10? Hi everyone! I\031ve been searching online for a schematic, owners manual, or just general information but can\031t find anything that helps. Trying to take down a Vincenzo Bernadelli model PO10 and after depressing the slide catch, the slide only lifts off about halfway, which makes me think there is some other mechanism I am missing. \n\nAny help is truly appreciated!
FN FALO rear sight problems
My In progress Aero Precision Build
"I. AM. SPEED." -5.56 of a 20" AR
how to unclear g3c barrel asap
lets say you've got the funds but little time, what's the best sequence of classes you would recommend? TLDR: who are the best trainers with bookable classes right now?\n\nSo, I have moderate to basic range skills, ie :\n\n* I can handle weapons in a safe manner\n* I have a CCW for some time (even got one in CA!)\n* can shoot basically OK sloooowly (\\~1 inch of a bench with a rifle, maybe 2 inches at 15 feet(!) with a pistol)\n* Understand most of the fundamentals of body position, recoil management, trigger actions\n* understand weapons well enough to have "made" a few (AK, VZ58, FAL)\n* reload ammo\n* \\^done all off this over years and fired 1000s of rounds but truth be told in a more plinking manner.\n\nI have no actual real life practical shooting skills though, no speed, no holster work, no dynamic shoot and move.\n\nI would like to improve this \\^\\^\\^\n\nWhat I **don't have** is a lot of time...(work/family/work-travel)\n\nWhat I do have :\n\n* suitable firearms\n* a pleasant and curious disposition\n* an ability to travel for long weekends every other month or so\n* funds\n* in shape -very good cardio\n\nSo reading all that, I'd like to set up a plan of several 1-3 day classes over the next 6-12 months that would cover\n\n* Pistol work for accuracy. speed, tactical awareness/moving and shooting\n* \\^Same but for rifle\n* conceal carry beyond the fundamentals\n* handling physical altercation, de-escalation or continuity of force and when to switch\n\nI might start with Thunder ranch, I heard Gunsite is fantastic, but also heard its a bit MLM.\n\nSig Sauer Academy also presents well. but, well I don't really shoot sigs...\n\n&#x200B;\n\nI'd really appreciate any pointers here
A couple guns representing all the way from 1812 to present. Details below.
Difference between 9mm FMJ and 9mm HP
45/70 my uncle bought.
I like having options
May finally have to see a gunsmith because I\031m dumb.
Feds aren't identifying me from my digital toe profile.
Gewehr 98/K98K Bayonet Lug Size Hello guys!With a friend we're trying to 3D print a mauser bayonet lug to be placed on a airsoft STG 44 to convert it into a MKB 42(H).\n\n\n\nI'm wondering if anyone who owns a Gewehr 98 or any of it's grandchildren is able to measure the size of the bayonet lug itself? Being in the UK a real example isn't very easy for me to come by, so I was wondering if anyone has one and would be able to measure the width of the lug itself, and of the slot for the bayonet? Through online research I know the lug is 4.5cm(450mm) but can't find any information on the width of it. \nI'd be very grateful for any help anyone can provide!
The muzzle blast dispersion from DT\031s Ratchet compensator
First gun, a spring came loose and I don\031t know where it came from (details in the comments)
Made some changes to my livestock guardian/truck gun
Are lr-300s legal to have in the United States? So I play rust and I really like the look of the lr-300 and was wondering if I could get one for myself is it legal I couldn\031t find it online
Spotted at my lgs
*vibe checks your plates
Any ideas? From somewhere between 1780s and 1810s but no visible date
Can I buy a stripped lower at 18 in the state of Tennessee? I turn 18 in a couple of months, and I want to build a rifle as soon as I turn 18. I'm going to buy all of the parts except for the lower right now (just because of shortages and if prices go up again). My plan was to assemble the upper and then wait till I turn 18 to buy the stripped lower and finish assembling the rifle. However I did a little bit more looking, and it looks like according to federal law I have to be 21 to buy a lower because it can be turned into an AR pistol or an SBR. But according to my friend you can buy a stripped lower in Tennessee. I also found this thread that is discussing the purchasing of a lower in TN below the age of 21, but I can't find this specific question anywhere. [\\_a\\_lower\\_receiver\\_while\\_out\\_of\\_state/](
Browsing 12ga I just inherited. Anyone know anything about these? My grandpa purchased it in \03063 and I\031m trying to get some more info on it.
First AR put together, feel free to roast
Is this an acceptable way to store my shotgun?
Cursed 5.56 from hell
I bought something
A Tec 9 that actually works
Trying to ID this handgun
FFL missing delivery, need advice? Local small time FFL just missed my delivery for the second time from UPS. Both days they said they would be there for the delivery, and now they are claiming they will be there for the third attempt. I contacted them and asked if they take online orders before I bought the gun. What is the best course of action on this?
Scary black rifle lineup so far
A pair of Bren 2s all dressed up.
HK91/G3/PTR91/C308 Enhanced Heavy Buffer woes Has anybody else here bought the HK enhanced heavy buffer for the HK91/PTR91/C308 and had bad experience? \n\nI spent the 130 or so bucks on it and felt absolutely no improvement whatsoever. When I disassembled after shooting I noticed that the bolt carrier bottoms out and smacks the plate that the buffer sits in, causing a shiny area where it impacts. \n\nThe impact shook the screws holding the stock together loose, and and loosened the end cap holding the springs in the buffer to the point where it was easily removed by hand.\n\nDid I get a dud? Did I do something wrong?\n\nPics here:
GSG STG-44 Anyone know if they still make the STGs in 22LR? Every website I have seen says they are sold out.
So We're Doing Wood ARs Today?
My trio
FN Pistol 7m/.85 (I think)
ATF Forced Reset Trigger Letter Containment Thread I've already removed three copies of the fucking thing, so just in case a few of you are still using a browser and also paying attention, here you go.
best .22 handgun choosing a gun for a loved one isn\031t easy\ni\031m looking for a gun for my gf who has shot very little and isn\031t very big. i\031ve been looking at a few .22lr pistols for her and narrowed it down to the Taurus TX22 or the new sig p322 \nwhat\031s y\031all\031s thoughts? (also any rec for ammo to run as ik .22 can be finicky)
What Cerakote Matches Anodized Aluminum Best? I have a Glock slide that was milled and cerakoted in Graphite Black. However, it looks a little shiny to me. I previously had my Mossberg cerakoted Graphite Black and that is flat black and that more closely resembles anodized aluminum.\n\nIf I want my Glock slide to match the Matte Black Trijicon RMR Type 2, what color should I choose? Likewise, should I ask for a specific ratio to get it to match?
Best place to gift a holster? Friend is graduating from the police academy and mentioned that he was looking for a holster. I figured I could give her a gift card to a good holster company as a gift so she can get one that she likes. Any suggestions as to which companies are good quality but won't break the bank (and have gift cards, of course)?\n\nEdit: I am referring to an off-duty holster. \n\nTIA!!
After years of procrastinating, my first purchase. Italian 92fs Inox.
What is this?
The atf hates this one trick
New to gun collecting I am new to gun collecting. My father recently passed and he had Quite the collection that has now been passed on to me. I\031m also younger so I\031ve not had a whole lot of experience with them and I\031m trying to educate myself here. So Colt offers The M4 Trooper 5.56 with a 16 inch barrel So it has the specifications of an AR 15 but it is labeled and M4. Now I know the M4 there\031s a military rifle and for a civilian rifle needed to have a barrel length of at least 16 inches The Colt also offers another M4 that has a 14 inch barrel that is available for sale so I am a bit confused on the difference here i\031m looking for an explanation if anyone would be willing to help.
Found this pump-action Remington .22 (Model 12-A) in storage \024 still cherry.
Abyone know what these markings mean? 1973 Colt Cobra.
My first and last attempt and building an AR15
S&W 610 with 40S&W I want to get a revolver. Was originally looking at getting a 357 mag, but looking at the prices of ammo I think it might make more sense to get a 10mm revolver that can also shoot 40S&W. Anyone here have the 610 and shoot a lot of 40S&W from it? How is the accuracy compared to 10mm? I know the 40 head spaces off the moon clip whereas the 10mm does off the rim. Any issues shooting a lot of 40 then switching back to the 10?
Friends don\031t let friends buy a Winchester Wildcat Now I already know what you\031re thinking. Why in the world would anyone buy that? It\031s obviously a trash gun. There are sooo many better options. \n\nWell, I didn\031t buy it. My young brother bought it without asking the family firearms professional(me), and what a foolish mistake that was. For starters the whole thing including the upper receiver are plastic. It\031s impossible to discuss accuracy because there isn\031t any. It\031ll hold roughly MOA of moose at 50 yards with any ammo. \n\nWithin 250 rounds there was a spring that broke in the trigger mechanism leaving the gun completely inoperable. So I called in and asked to be sent the spring. That\031s where the real problem started. Winchester/browning has no parts diagram available for the gun, and will not send any parts out. The only option is to send it in. So I sent it into browning service department. This was in January. \n\nI assumed this was as simple of a repair as one could be. One, tiny broken spring in the firing mechanism. Well I haven\031t heard anything and it\031s been two months. I called and the firearm is on indefinite hold for backordered parts. One spring. Could go and grab it from a production gun and get me up and running but no they don\031t do that. \n\nThis \034gun\035 is widely sold though big chain stores so I\031m hoping someone out there heeds this message and avoids the utter disappointment that is the Wildcat. \n\nHappy shooting.
Doggo not super impressed by tax return...
How do we feel about wood ARs?
Getting over a fear of guns Hey, I am horribly afraid of guns but I want to get into hunting. I am slowly working up to more and more powerful guns. I am very comfortable around paint guns but what would be the next step up? Would that be an air soft gun or something else. Thank guys
Bought A lower receiver when I was 18 had it sent to the nearest FFL dealer and they said I can\031t pick it up till I turn 21 I am currently 20 about to turn 21 So when I was 18 I was building my first 308 ar 10 rifle I helped my dad build his AR 15 when I was 17 we misunderstood the law and thought we could buy A lower receiver at 18 so the day of my 18th birthday I purchased a lower receiver of Brownell\030s and within two weeks it shipped to my nearest FFL dealer they called me and let me know it was in so I headed to the store when I went inside and was filling out paperwork they asked me my age and I said 18 they let me know very quickly that I could not pick up the lower receiver till I turn 21 instead of sending it back I decided to wait till I was 21 now it\031s coming up in two months and I\031ve already started buying the parts to put it together I was wondering if anyone knows would they still have it three years later or can they legally sell it after so long to other people
How to convert stock .223 AR to .300 BLK Just got curious, was wondering how you guys would go about doing it. I assume you\031d have to replace the barrel and upper. \n\nThanks in advance!
Anyone know why 410 ammo is so hard to find? I bought a single shot rifle a few weeks ago and haven\031t even fired a SINGLE SHOT. Are manufacturers concentrating on 12 gauge and other more popular ammo?
Conceal carry at work? Boss/coworkers not too pro 2A? Curious what you all think.
Thickheaded Thursday 03/24/22 Ten round magazine edition
Every good nightstand gun should have a =\xa1.
Trash or treasure
CZ Shadow 2 : user feedback Hi there,\n\nLooking for feedback on the CZ shadow 2 (bonus if it's the Canadian version).\n\nTell me your thoughts on it, the good, the bad, the ugly.\n\nThinking of replacing the rear sight with a red dot. Is it possible?\n\nThanks in advance.
Glock 20 slide & threaded barrel I picked up a Glock 20 (Gen3) about 8 years ago and was thinking about putting a threaded barrel & compensator and a slide with better serrations on it. Any suggestions?
I know it's not super nice like most of the other builds on here, but im super stoked on how my first AR turned out!
Bolt actions: sling studs vs QD cups My AR pattern rifles are so comfortable to carry. My bolt actions with the bottom facing sling studs& I just can\031t anymore. The are edges on the bottom of the stock dig into my back when Ive transitioned into hiking/climbing. I have a wood stock CZ 527 and I\031m tempted to set some mlok QD mounts to the left side of the forend and the right rear side of the stock via screws and adhesive. Is there a less bubba way to go about this?
I don't know shit about fuck.
Painted lettering should come stock
Anyone have experience with the Rossi RS 22? For the price it seems like a great buy but I\031d like to hear from someone who\031s owned one about its reliability before I go ahead and buy it.
This Is My Shotgun.
Love my old single shot H&R pardner, but I hate the seemingly cheap plastic parts. Anyone know if you can replace the plastic parts on the newer ones with metal parts? I'd love to make this one a project.
Belongs to a friend, very fun to shoot. I know it's a CZ, but what model? I'd love to buy one for myself
Government property.
Anyone here thinks guns help you deal with the fear of snakes/other wild animals ? Newer gun owner and a victim of armed robbery here. \nBut looking back , for some reason , that incident doesn't bother me much. Like , I haven't worried / don't worry too much about self defense against human attackers at the moment. \nBut it's the fear of wild animals , particularly snakes , which drives me to buy guns. I feel lot better these days to go out into the woods now because I believe this tool can save me from snakes. \nI was wondering if any of you here are on similar page and would like to hear your experience on how having a gun made u safe/made you feel safe from wild animals.
Mannlicher M1895 straight pull
please like me
She's not perfect, but she's mine.
Has a 380ACP Battle Pack Ever Been Used In Battle? &#x200B;\n\n\n\n...I love the cartridge, but it probably wouldn't be my first choice for battle.
Are there reproducible problems with Un-pinned slide stop problems with the Canik Rivals or similar guns? More info in post. Was browsing gundeals and on a listing for a Canik Rival saw [this comment]( regarding the non-pinned slide stop on the Canik series. \n\nComment text:\n\n>\tthe slide stop lever on these is not pinned. It\031s sloppy. You can pull it away from the frame so the mag follower doesn\031t engage the slide stop.\n\n>\tThink I\031m full of shit, go fuck with one at a LGS. Any ambi slide stop that isn\031t pinned is a huge design flaw. I drilled and pinned my Mete so it\031s identical to the Elite Combat. Any play/sloppiness. in a slide stop lever is unacceptable. Especially on a $600 pistol.\n\nYour opinions? Personally I've seen plenty of videos such as Honest Outlaw running several different types of ammo and they all locked the slide on empty fine. Not sure if this could be a long-term issue though.
\034Yeah, but it makes sense to order at least three because of the discount\035
Laugo Arms Alien
Good Wood showed up
Just inherited a few really nice firearms including some custom rifles and an Ed brown 1911 kobra not pictured here
Backstop Project this summer I want to get some input on a backstop idea I had. We shoot on our property all the time but it's not big, it's just 7 acres with a nice spot maybe 200 yards where we can set up and shoot. We have always just had a big pile of dirt and stumps set there to mount targets on but that's not ideal. Behind that is landlocked wooded private property but the thought of just the slightest chance of a round finding a mean free path longer than a few yards into the trees and doing something unintentional has made me shy away from shooting there anymore.\n\nI have this idea to bury 6x6 posts and sandwich them between plywood, close off the bottom and fill the entire void with sand, all treated lumber for longevity, even painted or stained to minimize weather and element damage.\n\nI don't think the sand is enough to completely stop something like 5.56, but even if it was we also have high powered rifles that we would love to be able to get out again like a .300 winmag. \n\nSo after the backstop is up and secured I would invest in ar500 plate steel to cut targets out of. This won't be cheap but I'd like to make it happen.\n\nDo you think this is a reliable and safe backstop for private property or is this still careless to do? I don't plan on covering the entire backstop with steel, just minding to shoot only at the steel targets. They would be made to hang and swing freely to reduce splashback of lead also.\n\nLet me know what you guys think about this idea, or if any of you have done something different on smaller pieces of property like mine.
2 sexy pistolas
Private Sales in Virginia So with Armslist going pay to participate a while back, I've sort of just started stockpiling guns I would normally use as trade fodder or outright sell. Does anyone know of a way to safely put my blasters out there for sale? Am located in Virginia if it changes anything.
After a few drinks I decided to rattle can my EDC last night. I can\031t wait for the holster wear to kick in!
Armory Craft Skeleton Slides? Looking for someone who has used one of the Armory Craft Skeleton Slides for p365/p320. I'm wondering if these will change holster compatibility at all, interested in ordering one but im having trouble finding this information online and they didnt give me a real answer when I asked them. Would love to talk to someone who has one as to what their experience has been like. Thanks in advance!
Estimated value of 1938 P.08 Mauser Luger I have no pictures yet but I'd love to get a rough estimated value of my gun. it's a 1938 Luger marked S/42 with all matching parts (except for mag), in excellent condition with no pitting or chips. its been paired with a p38 holster for decades. I've checked each marking to validate its authenticity, referenced with mauser factory data. It fires perfectly. \n\nThis was among the firearms i inherited from my father, who owned it for around 45 years. All of the guns are pretty rare and i have no need or desire to keep them all so im trying to figure out which to sell and which to keep. i would not question keeping this luger if it werent fully matching parts. a collector would be much happier with a gun of this rarity than i would. but only if the price is right. \n\nthoughts?
Is this rust removable without damaging the firearm?
1891 Argentinian Mauser carbine. Gun shop insisted it was safe to shoot and claimed their gunsmith had gone over it. Brass is weirdly deformed and scratched up, did this with three rounds before I decided against it. Gun shop says it's normal for brass to bulge out like that. Is it safe to shoot?
Open Carry Michigan If i have an unloaded ar 15 in my trunk while driving. When i park can i load it and have it on my lap for protection.
Looking for feedback I'm trying to decide between the 4 inch sheild plus and a shadow systems mr920. Once the cost of milling is factored in, either can be had for about the same price. Too many choices.
Is Walther Wednesday a thing? This is my Walther PDP 4" compact in some rare Texas snow. Details in the first comment...
I'm bored of going to the range... I live in N Florida and I'm looking for some where I can run and gun and shoot steel but I can't find anything. Any one know where I can find something like that or what to search for?
Does Optics Planet still take months to ship products? I was burned a year or so ago. They said the scope I wanted was in stock. Fast forward two months and several phone calls later and it still hadn't shipped. I talked to quite a few people at the time that had the same experience so I haven't shopped there since. Just wondering if they have changed since then.
Is the beretta s686 essential any good? I recently picked one up And I was wondering if it was any good.I just bought it because i liked the way it looked and it was affordable.
My first ar15
Pass the Gabagool - (Wilson Combat Vertec Centurion)
Does BAC work with a 1x prism? I dont have access to a 1x prism but I want to get one, but before I do that I was wondering if BAC and shooting both eyes open works even if the battery is dead, so you only have a "black red dot". Does it work and if so, how well? Is it acceptable, better than expected or not usable at all. Im asking this of course because I want to know that if I do drills with illumination, whether they will go completely out of the window when the battery dies. (I know they wont go "completely" to waste but you know what I mean)
HOWA issuing me an RMA on a rifle because it came with a cross threaded Bolt Hole new. Is it worth the time and hassle vs. a helicoil?
The best Mauser 98 variant... and a K98k.
Does anyone have any experience with D&L Sports ? They make custom firearms. I\031m mainly interested in their rifles. They seem to have somewhat of a legendary reputation online and I\031m not sure of how much truth there is to the info.
90s police gun aesthetic is best aesthetic
Hump(back) Day Where the humpback fans at?\n\n1928 12 gauge Auto 5 passed down through multiple generations and would be a good candidate for a conservation.\n\nNovember \03049 Remington 81 Woodsmaster in .300 Savage I won on gunbroker and picked up yesterday afternoon. \n\n[pics](
16" AR15 Faux Dissipator and 20" AR-15A2
Windham Weaponry 20" Government
I\031m a man of class and sophistication&
Seeking information on leather holster for Chiappa Rhino 30DS. I just recently bought myself one and love it. But I had no idea finding anything related to this gun would be so difficult. I'm looking for a IWB style leather holster for my gun but no one seems to make any. So I'm reaching out for any information on if anyone sells such a holster or a good leatherworker who can make one from scratch. Price won't be a problem.
3D Printed MP5 Build With The Binary=@
Bought my first CZ yesterday , a CZ 83 I don\031t think I did too bad for $220. It\031s also all matching numbers from what I can tell so that\031s a bonus.
Zenith Z5P Does anyone know where you can buy a Z5P? I see on Zenith's website you can pre-order the ZF5, but I've had no luck finding the ZF5P.
Got myself a new FNX Tactical. The weekend can't come fast enough
just got a db15 ar I just got a db15 ar and it doesnt have a rail on the bottom section of the gun does that mean i cant put a forgrip on it ?
First attempt at Sponge Camo, now I want to do more
Small Iron for WGW
Can AR's do everything?
I\031m a sucker for projects
MagPul Handstop Torque - Anything to Worry About Hey all, so I recently got a MagPul Mlok handstop/angled foregrip. There is a warning on a paper inside the box about the amount of torque used to install the grip and that it is best to have a gunsmith install. However, no torque guidance was given on the paper and I don\031t know much about the amount of force you should use when installing Mlok attachments. \n\nAny suggestions? Also any tips are welcomed as well. I know how to install Mlok stuff, but this is my first time actually installing
Wheelgun Wednesday, first gun I ever got! Grandpa gave it to me years ago, he bought it from Sears in 1956. Ruger Single Six 22lr/22wmr
Winchester Wednesday
Official Politics Thread 03-23-2022 I Think I Did It Right This Time, Edition
how big of a difference is there in WW2 era machine guns and modern ones? I'm not really into guns so I thought I'd ask you guys. I'm seeing people make fun of Russians for using WW2 era machine guns on their technicals, which is a little funny, but how much of a difference does it actually make? I'm assuming range, accuracy and reliability is a bit better on modern weaponry but I can't imagine that matters too much when your bouncing around in a trailer anyways.
A few months ago, I asked for advice on how to make my rule of cool a happen. Today, using some of the things I learned here and the r/gunsmithing... I made it a reality.
Shipping a completed 80% lower I recently moved across country and left my firearms with family back home. One of those was an 80% lower that I already finished milling and was just waiting to get the upper and LPK to finish it but moved before I could. \n\nSince the lower is finished and now a firearm but isn't serialized or registered, can it be shipped via post? Or, if that's not possible, next time I'm back home can I fly back with it as long as I declare and transport it like any other firearm?
In need of advice? Honestly I think I speak for everyone when I say we will all eventually obtain every firearm we currently want and will want. However, being new to the world of firearms I was wondering if there is a certain route that would make the most sense in my situation? I currently have a gen 3 Glock 17 with the light, rdo, etc. I am now looking at multiple options for a second firearm. I was thinking about getting either a Mossberg 590s for a better home defense option should the need arise (you can never be too prepared), a Remington 700 tactical to get into the long range scene, or a Kimber Stainless Raptor II 1911? Honestly with the builds I had planned for the Mossberg and Remington including cases I don\031t have for them yet they roughly even out with the cost of the Raptor.
Is the M&P 15-22 currently overpriced? I want the 15-22 because .22 ammo is affordable and it's an AR copy.\n\nWhat is a fair price for the 15-22?\n\n$450 with 3 mags + a carry case:\n\n$490 with 1 mag + an optic:\n\nI've seen people say that they're around $300... so $450 seems very expensive even with additional magazines.\n\nIs the optic valuable at all? I have basic knowledge of firearms but not prices.
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/23/22 Sig Sauer P322 edition
Hellion VHS2: LPVO or Dot/magnifier? What's everyone's opinions on this?\n\nI'd say dot and magnifier since it'd work super well as a CQB weapon primarily.
Does anyone know what this pistol is?
Inherited This Gewehr 98 - ID Help/Cleaning Help
Are there any non-invasive tang sights for 1873 Winchesters? I would like to get taylor&co 1873 winchester and add a tang sight but i do not want to have to drill an ugly hole in the tang. Is there anything on the market that uses the same screw holes that are on the gun? Thanks
If you were me, what would you offer?
870 vs 870 express [EDIT: he FaceTimed me when he went to look at it and we compared barrels. They appeared interchangeable. It also turns out it was an 870 wing master.] Buddy of mine is looking at buying one second hand and it\031s not an express. He is wondering if the express and non express barrels are interchangeable as the gun he is looking at buying only has a slug barrel.
My new edc
You guys convinced me.
410 Jammy Jam So I just bought a S&W Governor and was at my first range test. Ran through some ACP and Colt fine. Friggin accurate and fun. Got to some 410 000, 2.5 inch, and it jammed on the third round. The plastic casing on the cartridge expanded into the barrel which had to be cut away to extract which was decidedly not fun. Is this a common problem or just an issue with the brand of ammo I purchased? Range master said that the manufacturer will curl the extra plastic under. Has anyone had any better luck with a specific brand? Brand I shot was Lellier&Bellot. Thanks in advance. (Yes, yes, yes, I understand your misgivings about shooting 410 out of a handgun, but please suspend your disdain for a moment on this beautiful Friday afternoon.)
Am I doing this right?
Bullet doesn\031t eject after fired and dented casing after fire
Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro
What would I be looking at, in order to swap out both sights of a RIA 1911? I'm talking in terms of technical skill/how easy it is. This is my first pistol, so any suggestions would be welcome!
<\x85<x<q<x<}<v <q<\x81<~
Hellcat Pro vs. P365 XL angst Looking for a new carry gun, and really can't decide. Here's the perceived pro's and con's of each to me, want some insight from some owners:\n\nP365 XL:\n+ Much more market support so far\n+ Optics footprint, I want to pair it with a 507K.\n+ Apparently is softer shooting and less snappy than the hellcats (haven't shot a hellcat pro)\n- Lose the rear sight with an optic\n- Less capacity\n\nHellcat Pro\n-snappier\n-less market support\n+better capacity\n+Don't lose rear sight\n-annoying optics cut, have to modify the slide or use a plate (I'd modify it, not using a plate)\n\nI haven't been able to rent a Hellcat Pro since it's so new so I haven't been able to feel the difference. I know in the end both would serve me well, but I'm undecided. I've heard complaints about the controls and ergos of both, mostly based on differing hand size, I have small hands and slender, long, womanly fingers lol so I think really either would work for me. \n\nThoughts?
Carry Handle Gang
Arsenal sam7sf-84e
Added a stock to my Pardini pistol
which is the best gauge shotgun for home defense? Hey everyone. Very new to this site. Let me know if this violates the rule against open ended questions. I'm looking to purchase a pump action shotgun very soon and intend to have it for home defense. Looking for 18" barrel, as it's the shortest my state will allow. My question is do I want 12 gauge or 20? I've had multiple cases made for either size so I'm still a little unsure. I've shot a 12 gauge before, so I know what to expect for recoil. How's the price and availability of 20 vs 12? Any insight would be much appreciated!\n\nEdit: I ended up going with the 12 gauge. Thanks for the recommendations.
I know this is probably a stupid question, but is there a product that could use for firing/target practice? like- is there a class of pellet gun that specifically aims to replicate target practice to some degree? \nis there any value to practicing with a pellet gun, or is it counter-productive?
Question about shotgun chokes
Is Liberty Tree Guns legit? I want to buy a green Steyr AUG from them but I could only find one old review on them.
All wood VZ-58
Question about a holster Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I was wondering if a Springfield 1911 operator would fit in an m45 holster? I just ordered one and have a USMC issue m45 holster that I acquired during my time in the Marines. I don\031t just wanna put it in there when I get it and have it get stuck or something but I figure the designs will be pretty much the same right? Thanks for any answers
Tinnitus \n\n Hello everyone, good morning, first I know that I was irresponsible and I would like to ask for tips from people who have gone through this. About 36 hours ago I fired 5 shots with a 556 shotgun and about 5 with a 9mm pistol (both without ear protection). I have had tinnitus in my left ear for 36 hours, I would like to ask anyone who has experienced it, if it is a temporary thing (I am 18 years old and I have never had any problems in the region) and what actions should I take? Thank you all and next time I will use ear protection.
help identify a round of 9mm for me? Hey /guns. I was digging through my gun stuff and found a bullet a friend gave me, he has passed away so I can't ask him what it is exactly. So I turn to you, the hive of knowledge. I know it's a 9mm JHP but there is a little ring of metal(I believe) at the base of the bullet.\n\nImages below. Any help is appreciated.\n\n\n\n
I put my M79 on a diet
Picked up twins today&
Is practicing with a .22 going to build bad habits if you eventually plan on owning a 9mm? So I've shot a few times in the past couple of months and have nearly managed to eliminate my biggest problem when shooting 9mm - recoil anticipation. I'd like to get into the groove of shooting at least once a month, but for financial reasons I can't run a couple hundred rounds of 9mm everytime I'm at the range, so I bought a taurus tx-22 and split my time up 50% shooting a rented 9mm (glock, m&p, etc) and 50% shooting on the taurus tx-22. Is this going to build bad habits, should I just stick with the rented 9mm till I have enough $ to buy a 9mm and fund the ammo?
My k31 collection : custom, original with diopter and a commemorative plaque, original with iron sights
Well shit..
Steyr Aug elite concrete cerakote
Safe distances for pistol caliber rifles on steel targets? I know safe distance with pistol on steel target is 15 yards, but i was wondering if the same applies to 16\035 carbines. Specifically 45acp. \n\nAdditionally, if you use frangible ammo can you shoot steel targets at <15 yards with pistol and 5.56 rifle?
G19 Attachment Recommendations ust got my first G19 9mm yesterday! Super excited to go to the range and practice. Any recommendations for a beam that\031s decent quality and won\031t break the bank? Not looking for a beam/flashlight combo but feel free to drop flash light recommendations as well.\nAll answers appreciated. TiA!
Camping/hiking ammo: 9mm Xtreme penetrators, or 10mm? Curious to everyone's thoughts on this. Say I'm taking a pistol with me on a long hike for defense against predators in the North East. \n\nWould the extra capacity of 9mm be a good choice, or would something bigger bore be better for large animals, possibly bears? I've heard that Xtreme Penetrators will kill sizable animals but I haven't seem much footage or data of them in action.
Best deal/value for a 5.56 AR? I can pick up a S&W M&P Sport II for about $650, but I was wondering if there's better values than even that out there? \n\nI been looking at ATI Omni hybrids, Radical SOCOMs, Del-Tons, Andersons, etc for like $450-$500 but I'm not super familiar with the quality of those manufacturers so I figured I'd ask. So far I've just been watching YouTube reviews and all and it SEEMS like these brands are ok, but I'm always open to recommendations.\n\nI'm not looking for a gun to go to war with or compete with. Just something I can plink with and maybe hunt on occasion with the right accessories.\n\nSpeaking of accessories, I'm not the biggest fan of A-frame iron sights and old plastic M16 hand guards. Personally I'd much rather have just a bare barrel (or maybe a metal hand guard) with a lot of rail space for accessories and sights.
Some times I do glamor shots of guns
(2011) My mom shooting my dad's PS90. 10 years ago today she lost her fight to brain cancer. R.I.P. mom. (02/23/68 - 03/25/12)
First AR15 rifle
My first build ever. what kind of cleaning/lubricating should I do? details below:
I told myself I didn\031t want a SCAR, but that was a lie
After 350 days of waiting she\031s done
Holosun optic mounting plate for Picatinny rail So I just picked up a Holosun HE509T-X2 for my Scorpion EVO bullpup, which is awesome.\n\nHowever, out of the box, the Holosun doesn\031t mount directly to the Picatinny rail on the Scorpion. \n\nDoes anyone know what sort of mounting plate is needed to make that happen? \n\nThanks for the help!
Those who have a 300 Ham'r what is your opinion? So I am looking at rebarreling my 9x39 to 300 Ham'r since I can't find ammo and the components are terribly high. Looking at 11.3" Wilson Combat barrel and have tons of 30cal projectiles. My questions: is it actually a good accurate round? Has anyone tried heavier projectiles in the 190gr+?
1 full year of having my LTC
Just picked up my Tp9SC\031s big sexy cousin Walther PPQ Q4 Tac!
PSA for anyone else with a P-10: My slide lock spring fell out of place during a range sessions and would lock the slide after every shot. Seems like a poor design that would get you killed in a fight.
How to clean and tune up a shotgun that hasn't been fired in almost 20 years? Hello,\n\nLong ago my dad bought me a Beretta 20 gauge shotgun so I could go duck hunting with him. Never got into hunting, but I still have the gun, and as you can probably imagine, I haven't gotten much use out of it. In my adult life, I've acquired an interest in shooting, and I figure if I have it, I might as well get good at using it. So how would one go about getting a gun that's been sitting in a closet ready to fire? Is it simply a case of cleaning and oiling or should I go to some sort of specialist?\n\nEDIT: Thanks everyone for the advice! I guess I have a trip to my local gun shop ahead of me. Also you can take solace in the fact that he taught me proper gun safety, so I promise I won't be an idiot lol.
Official Politics Thread 03-25-2022 The Mods' Blindspot Edition
.22 LR, .22 WMR, or .17 HMR? Hey everyone, so my father wants a Henry lever action for his birthday or Christmas. He asked for a .22LR to remind him of his old .30-30 he had growing up, and only really wants it to take care of raccoons and other varmints on our property around our new cabin. \n\nNow I have a ruger 10/22 myself chambered in .21lr so that\031s what I\031ve been leaning towards getting him for a caliber, but with the two other options and my limited knowledge of rimfire I wanted to get another opinion
Help on ID an AR barrel
Recently acquired what I think is a 23mm autocannon off a WWII Mig
How do I fold this rear sight up?
Left handed 30-06 Anyone ever actually seen one in real life. Im beginning to think they dont exist.\n\nEdit: found it on gun broker>\031
PSA AKP with Holosun 510c and cable damascus knife.
Friday Buyday 03/25/22 [.400 Corbon]( edition
Enjoying the Wilde new safe door organizer
My .22 pistol it's stupid and I love it.
Today's find, MKE AP5-P... Got everything shown + 2 more mags for $1800!
I won a raffle and came home with a pair of Girson mc1911sc.
Why do people train with drop leg holsters? I always train appendix because that is how I carry daily? Why do alot of non military and non LEO individuals train with military style gear when on a daily basis they are concealing and don\031t have all the extra gear etc.. thanks
Received my first LPVO today.
CZ 75D PCR slide is very hard to pull back Have had the gun about 3 years. Probably fire 300 rounds a year. I have difficulty pulling the slide back. (Stroke 8 years ago, diminished strength.)\n\nI am sure if I went to the range more often the slide would become easier. My question is, if I left the slide pulled back for a day or two, would that loosen the spring some?
need help It's time boys! I just bought my first house, and I should be getting the keys late next month. So now the hard part really starts...\n\n\nI need to get stuff to decorate. \nSorry for the mislead, I couldn't help myself. \n\nBut one serious note. I did just buy my first house and will be moving in next week, so I wanna try to find some firearms related things to decorate with. Not anything super crazy, but stuff for my office/game room. Trying to keep it classy because I do have to have video calls for work. Plus I want it to look good/fit in, not going for the man cave or work bench look with company flags,or those signs you can find at bass pro (you know the ones, we don't dial 911, due to the cost of ammunition...., those)\n\nSo, if you ever wanted to decorate with firearm related things, but the wife/gf/husband/ whatever, wouldn't let you, time for you to live vicariously thru me. What kind of cool stuff have you guys found?
The proper way to set up a 590 shockwave.
Out with the old, in with the new (p365x arrived today, tac-pac gets relegated to its case) If you know you like it, why not?
kitty x gun
Was wondering if this would be a good cheap starter ar-15? PSA AR15 COMPLETE MOE EPT STEALTH LOWER, BLACK\n\nPSA 16" MIDLENGTH 5.56 NATO 1:7 NITRIDE 13.5" LIGHTWEIGHT M-LOK UPPER WITH BCG, CH, & MBUS SIGHT SET\n\n&#x200B;\n\nBtw I have no clue what I'm getting into lmao, Just wanting something reliable and cheap and testing the waters basically.\n\nMy other option was the radical rf-15 socom complete. How does this stack up to the PSA?
KNJ Holsters? Has anyone heard of them? I'm thinking about getting a $40 shoulder holster of theirs from where I work, to see if I like shoulder carry before getting something nicer. I can't seem to find hardly anything about them online, so I'm not sure about the level of quality.
44 Mag Deagle vs 44 Rem Mag ammo? stupid me wasn\031t paying attention when buying ammo the other day, and I just noticed the box I grabbed of .44 mag is in fact labeled .44 magnum desert Eagle. I wasn\031t aware that the Deagle took different ammo than a regular .44 mag (Ruger Super Blackhawk/Ruger .44 Carbine is what it would be for) in that case, would I be safe to assume that this is not shoot-able out of a .44 RemMag chambered gun? It says it\031s \030optimized\031 for a Deagle, but it doesn\031t say anything about can or cannot shoot it from regular .44 mags. \n\nAnd yes, ik, check what you buy, I usually do, but this one slipped through. Thanks for any insight!
Ruined Lettering fill_Slide Ghost HELP! Apparently the nail remover I used had acetone.Is there anyway I can fix this?\n\n&#x200B;\n\n&#x200B;\n\nedit: \nFIXED!!!!!! what a relief!!!Thank you all!!! after your messages I went back and rubbed it more and seems like it was just ghosting from the extra nail polish it just needed some more cleaning!! Y'all were right acetone DIDN'T harm the finish at all.\n\ncheck photo it looks great imo\n\n[](\n\n&#x200B;\n\n\n\n&#x200B;
ATI DF12 helo Does anyone know what type of stock bolt the df12 uses abd if there are any pistol grip and/or tactical stocks that are compatible with said firearm?
Here piggy piggy piggy
Is there such thing as a realistic shooting simulator for PC or console? Just for fun. Firstly, I realize that no game could simulate shooting without recoil. It\031d be cool to do some long range shooting in a simulator that could maybe teach me how to properly use a scope without dropping $70 at the range. \n\nI\031ve seen the arcade style ones that you\031d find at some ranges but can I get anything on my PS5 that\031s remotely like the real thing? I tried googling but I\031m just seeing FPS games.
I want to get the magpul ms4 qd sling for my sig m400 tread coil rifle. Do I have to buy an mlok adapter for it seperately? What about the other side, where it attaches on the stock? It\031s capable of switching between dual point and single point, I just want to be sure I get all the right pieces at once
Finally started my own collection (on a budget).
Question about specific safariland holsters A good friend of mine has been battling the shitty holster finder on the Safariland website. He's trying to find the ALS only options for a Glock 45 with a TLR1 light attached. \n\nAnybody out there running an ALS with the Glock45 and a weapon light? Thanks in advance fellas.
Getting hooked to the rattled look <\xa8
Thumper Thursday
Need a new shotgun I need a new shotgun for hunting, home defense and farm use and can't decide between the Remington 870 express or the Benelli m4 (price is not a factor)
Buying a handgun in Texas with an out of state DL or passport and proof of residency. Is it possible? I\031ve been told 3 different things from 2 different gun shops and I just need to know if it\031s possible if I find a shop that will take the time to actually do it, or if it\031s a lost cause and I just need to get a Texas DL. I read, in a [thread]( from a while back, conflicting answers.
Easiest parts kit? Hey everyone, \n\nI have been wanting to get a parts kit recently, and since I have never gotten one I am curious on a few things.\n\n1. Easiest one to find parts to complete it?\n2. First time assembler friendly?\n3. Somewhat budget friendly?\n\nThanks in advance for answering, and sorry if this has been brought up before.
Chair Force Ar-15 set up? I'm building an AR for my wife. She is a USAF data analyst. I'm having the lower custom engraved with a chair force emblem. What else can I do to make it really stand out as a novelty piece?
Mag stash photo. These are some of my Glock mags.
The Smiths
Any experiences with Monsoon Tactical? Does anyone have any experience with Monsoon Tactical? For Porting or Cerakote
Is this rifle worth it? Went browsing at a pawn shop and they had a left handed Remington 700 for $700. Is it a good deal or can I find a better price or rifle from a different place.
Advice about blank firing guns I don\031t know if this is the best place to post this, but I figured I\031d give it a shot. \n \nI\031m looking into buying a blank firing replica of a Beretta 92FS. I\031ve found ones made by Bruni, Kimar, Retay, and Voltran|Ekol. They\031re all around the same price and I have no idea if one brand is better than the others.\n \nIs there anyone on here that can offer any suggestions?
Dirty .30 Thursday
BCM MCMR Handguard Question I'm looking into getting the MCMR handguard. Wondering if anyone that has it could give me a height measurement? All I'm seeing on the website is 1.5" wide but I wanted to know what the total height is with the Picatinny rail.
Colorado gun laws? Currently living in Georgia (where pretty much anything flies), and considering a move to Colorado. Been trying to do a little research, but finding some conflicting information regarding gun laws. r/NFA has a side bar state guide says anything NFA is legal in CO, but I've found some sources that say they're "Dangerous weapons" and not allowed. Currently own two SBRs and three suppressors, and wondering if any residents, current or former, could speak to this. Also reading about the 15 round limit, and wondering if anyone has experience with this. Specifically how it is enforced, and what people use to abide by it. If there is anything else to know, or be concerned of, please feel free to add.
Lower came in!
Just got a TX 22 & looking for good ammo, any suggestions? I heard running cheap .22 lr will wreck the gun for some reason, what brand works best for the tx-22? I'm planning to use it every other range visit just to work on accuracy.
Question Has anyone used to buy firearm related things? I\031m looking to pick up a kit but want to make sure the site is gtg TIA
The Staccato P is absolutely worth every penny
Can someone help me identify this old musket? Some details on comments.
recommendations for a gun belt I've been looking around for a belt for my glock 48 which is my conceal carry. I run an aliem gear holster, but im gonna switch to t1 or trex for appendix carry. Ive been looking at groove, blue alpha and kore. If it helps i prefer wearing skinny jeans if that makes a difference for the belt type.
SBR pathway and guardrails So I'm definitely looking to build a SBR. \nCan or should I go ahead and start the process as soon as I know which lower I'm using, or do I need to complete the build first? Once the build is done and/or registration is complete, how much flexibility do I have to make changes to things like barrel length or caliber? \nAny insights you can share?
mlok? mlok who?\024Zastava ZPAP92 [OC]
Will using my cleaning rod into barrel through muzzle end damage it? I know you are meant to clean from breech to muzzle, and I do that with all my bolt actions after every shooting session.\n\nHowever, I have some lever (Browning) and straight pull actions (CZ) that would literally take hours to disassemble, remove the scopes, make sure all the springs inside are not lost, clean from breech end, then are a bitch to reassemble. Unfortunately I don't have the time to fully disassemble them to clean them.\n\nI have been getting by with bore snakes after every shooting session, but I am not convinced they are getting cleaned well enough.\n\nI wonder if cleaning from the muzzle end would be acceptable. Go through in one motion with the jag and patch then bring it back through in one motion. Same with brass brush. Will I damage the barrel by bringing brass brush back through?\n\nI have heard mixed things about damaging the muzzle threads by doing this. Some swear it happens, and some say it's an ancient relic of the past, and doesn't apply to modern guns with barrels made out of steel much harder than any cleaning rod and brass brush.\n\nI understand I will be pushing gunk into my chamber, but I will have it padded with some tissues and clean after with some solvent and lube with oil.\n\nEven though the manuals say not to do this, I know a lot of manuals are overly cautious, for example warning not to dry fire centrefires even though it's fine.\n\nThanks for the input.
Where can I get a M1 Carbine receiver? Title
Help for first home protection Hello all-\n\nWriting because I had a pretty traumatic night in which a loaded firearm was drawn and pointed at me while the individual issued a threat against my life. It\031s time to invest in home security for myself and my family. Some background:\n\n-Rural VT, homes within 100yd of one another, one neighbor is a recently retired state trooper and the other is a gun enthusiast. \n\n-Kind of town where we don\031t lock doors, though I will from now on when myself and my family are not home. \n\n-I have some handgun training, as well as sport and skeet shooting experience. The specific firearm would need to be something my wife can handle as well, who as of now has considerably less training than myself. \n\nI\031m reaching out to y\031all because I know you have a lot of knowledge, and especially because I don\031t ever want to feel the way I felt again tonight ever again. Thanks in advance, y\031all. I so appreciate the insight and advice.
Handgun WML doctrine and technique. Recently I've started carrying a TLR1 on my carry gun, and it's got me thinking about how exactly to use a WML? \n\nTarget identification aside how do you think one should train with a WML? \n\nWhat are your thoughts on regular beam vs a strobe? Momentary bursts of light to locate bad guy then reposition and shoot? Or just constant light?
Range Day W/ The Kit
Hammer Of Fudd
staccato c vs nighthawk counselor? Besides price, which one would you get? Also if you have experiences with Counselor can you post your experiences with it?
Benellis and Daniel
Fresh paint.
Did a dumb with my beretta 1915/17. Help please. Edit: idfk how I did it. Complete fool of myself. I figured out the problem. Fucking guide rod was put in backwards because for some reason, taking this gun apart and putting it together dozens of times doesn\031t stop stupidity. Now I\031m back at I need to somehow get the hammer back down. I wanna delete this post in shame. \n\n\n\n\nI\031m an idiot and wasn\031t thinking. I was cleaning it. I popped the hammer up and wiped it all down. Then without a second thought put it back together. Only problem. I kinda forgot the barrel. Now I can\031t get the slide to go back to put the hammer back down so I can remove the slide and put it together right. I\031ve been trying to somehow manually get the hammer pushed down to no avail. All I managed to do is nick a piece of metal inside (not really an issue) any and all help is appreciated. But man I feel real fucking dumb right now.
Clone AK-103 mags - Kalashnikov USA vs Palmetto State Armory
105 year old bling, my new 1903 Colt Pocket Hammerless
Picked up a 10/22 Ruger from a buddy, it has flip up sights and red dot. Is the optic placement okay?
SIG MPX Elite Concrete cerakote
Tried my hand at a rattle can paint job.
Recommended budget 9mm for an EDC? So, I'm shopping for a 9mm EDC. I've been looking at what seems to be the most popular ones:\n\nSig P365\n\nGlock G43x\n\nCanik TP9 SC\n\nTaurus G3c\n\nI don't own a semi-automatic pistol, so this will be my first in the category. I want it to be small enough to carry concealed but would like to have the 10 round capacity. What are some guns that I missed on this list? I'd like to not go too expensive, ideally I could spend about $400 but could be willing to go up a little bit like for the Sig if the consensus is that it's totally worth it. I've gotta say that Canik TP9 Elite SC is looking like a really good intersection of price point and quality.\n\nI'd also like to have the option of putting an optic on it, if possible...\n\nAny thoughts?\n\n&#x200B;\n\nEdit: Oh, and I'm a lefty, so any considerations towards ambidextrous options would be great!
Help identifying 7mm mauser\nThis was my first ever deer rifle. Bought it when I was probably 8. Was always told it was a small ring mauser action. If anybody would have some more info/insights on it, it would mean a lot. This rifle has incredible sentimental value to me.\nEdit: here\031s more pictures, sorry lol\n[full length pics:](
When she thinks you only own one rifle \034because they all look the same\035.
I think I\031m set for a while.
Help making a decision for future gun purchase Hello all. I'm after an AR9, or some sort of 9mm carbine. Every handgun I own is 9mm, and I'd like to get an AR to just be able to keep things simple as I have a huge amount of 9mm ammo. \nAny opinions on any of the Palmetto State AR9s? Or any on the Sig MPX? Or any other good options? Please let me know!
DSA SA58 and aimpoint comp m2 with Rhodesian Hawaiian brushstroke sling.
10 Rounds was Enough! UK vz. 59 - Full Auto Belt Fed Machine Gun - 7.62x54R
Building a mk12 clone Like the title says im building a mk 12 clone on a budget so lets see what yall got. \nBarrel- material and twist\nScope- magnification range and focal plane\nOffset dot- have one or not\nFlashlight- have one or not\nAmmo- weight, brand, projectile\nRail- full pic or mlok with pic top\nId love to stay under 2 k for this build. I already have a complete lower with matching upper. Thanks
My life is complete
I\031m the Rattle Can Man
A few newbie questions about ammo and laser sights &#x200B;\n\n\n\n\n\n&#x200B;\n\nTotal newbie here, finally decided it was time to learn and practice with the Walther PPK and PPKS guns I bought as an 'investment' about 35 or 40 years ago. Never fired.\n\nWent to the closest indoor range yesterday to look around, get some pricing on safety/cleaning class, and to see about booking some shooting time with an instructor.\n\nNow the questions:\n\nLike the guns, the ammo I have is also 35 or 40 years old. It's been kept in a closet that never gets damp, but does get hot during some summer days. How can I tell if it's still usable?\n\nThe ammo they sell at the range seems kind of expensive to me - around $50 for a baggie with 50 rounds. I looked online at various ammo store sites, and see that 9mm ammo ranges from $25 to $45 for a box of 50. \n\nDoes it matter if I buy the most inexpensive stuff with which to practice? Will it affect range or accuracy? \n\nHow is the amount of 'grains' in a round relevant?\n\nWeapon use will be home protection. Do I want one of those laser sight things? \n\nAre they difficult to calibrate? \n\nDo they need constant fiddling with to stay accurate?\n\nThanks.
Firearmsheaven Inc. So, I found a gun I wanted from I've tried looking up the site/company to the ends of the earth, and I can't find anything. No BBB rating, no scam alerts, but hell not even a good review. They claim to have been in business for seven years, but it's weird that I can't find anything. Has anyone had experience with them or know if they're a scam?
Blazer 124 & 115 gr 9mm Luger Anybody have any issues with this stuff before? I went to the range the other day and my glock was havin some feeding issues. Ive got a G19 with a Norso Slide and a Mayhem Syndicate compd barrel. Also, when I went to the range it was raining, but not heavily. Wondering of its just the ammo, my Bul SASII Tac Commander has 0 issues with it.
XANCAM Holster from Red Balloon Industries
Has anyone here shot an MP-40? I\031m debating on buy an MP-40 for my birthday. I am not sure if I should buy a 22LR or 9mm version. Any advice? \n\nAlso, I am looking at the ppsh-41 but can only find parts kits. Do these come with everything needed to assemble and use? \n\nI am looking at semi-auto although full auto would be fun. \n\nAny other sub machine guns I should look at? I am into the older style WW2 era guns.
Question about background check for purchasing a handgun Last week, my dad went to purchase a handgun he was delayed on the background check, saying they would get back to us within 1 to 3 days.\n\nHowever, they never got back, never saying approved or disapproved.\n\nI have read that if they never give an answer you are free to buy the gun without issue, unless the store policy Saya otherwise.\n\nIs this true? I know very little about this, so could someone help?
Savage .22 Magnum, 60 meters =L
My new little friend. Palmetto PA-15 5.56/2.23
Looking for replacement screws for 10/22 takedown tactical edition receiver plate screws I put the picatinny rail that came with the gun on but I think i might have lost the screws that go in the receiver if you don't attach the mounting plate. Are there screws that can replace this?
Aero buffer retainer&.buffer tube is captured in this position but can make several more turns&
Mysterious Smith & Wesson Hard Case\n\nI found this case while cleaning. I cannot find anything about it, so maybe someone here would know? It seems genuine, considering the quality of the logo. \n\nThe case has sturdy aluminum construction, bumpy plastic surfaces, locking latches that say "PF" on them, and four small rubber feet on one side. Inner dimensions are about 14" x 8.5".\n\nEDIT: Image link didn't work. Added now.\n\nFOUND! \n\n
I miss the 80's... they were a better time.
AR15 won't cycle the next round into the chamber I recently built an AR15 and it did fine but the bcg doesn't slide back far enough to pull the next round from the magazine into the chamber.\n\nI have adjusted the gas block and tube. I replaced the recoil spring to one that is about an inch shorter. It still doesn't cycle fully.\n\nWhat am i missing? Please help.
AR9 - 6\035 w/ titanium shroud
Finding places for spare parts
Duty weapons 1970-2000
Just traded for this. Smith and Wesson Model 17 (no dash) from 1959, 22lr 8 3/8\035 barrel.
Modern Musket
Nics delay I know this gets asked a lot but how long have y\031all been waiting to hear back on a nics delay lately when purchasing a gun at Cabellas, it\031s been 5 days now still nothing.\n\nThis is in Michigan.
Quick questions from a first time lever action owner. Hey guys, so I picked up a real cheap lever action (potentially unfired Mossberg 464 safe queen for $250) and it's pretty much my first time even using one.\n\n-----\n\nI'm having trouble figuring out the best way to load rounds into the loading gate. The mag spring is so strong it doesn't allow me to load it like you would expect, (pushing a round mostly in and then finishing it with the next round). Every round beyond the first one will fully spring back out instead of holding its place from friction when I grab the next round.\n\nSo I'm awkwardly trying to hold the round from flying out while grabbing the next round, plus holding the gun. To quote the Florida ballot counter "That there's a (3) hand job!"\n\nI also couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get the rim of last round in past the gate with my fingers. Ended up with a Chinese finger trap situation and a chunk of my finger missing. Do I just use a spare round and then set it aside? Seems silly, but also better than slicing myself trying to jam it hard with a finger...\n\n------\n\nAny advice on this or lever actions in general would be appreciated! It sure is fun to shoot! Even when bleeding!
My 0 interest loan to the US government was paid back today, i think this is how they wanted me to spend it
Going through old home reloads my grandfather did, anything to look for visually before I test the ammo? All different calibers. .38, .357 mag, .44 mag, .45 long and acp, .300 winmag, .223 rem.\n\nSome of this stuff is over 20 years old. I've personally shot some of it maybe 3 or 4 years ago and it worked like a charm. It's mostly lead bullets he would melt lead down himself. This isn't defense ammo or anything it's just for backyard plinking, and I think he enjoyed the hobby of reloading.\n\nI'm about to start going through it all since I've gotten into firearms myself and I don't really know the safest way to see what's good or bad.\n\nI'm not really convinced there's much danger from the ammo itself but I'm not an expert. What I'm expecting is some squib loads here and there but I'm confident in my ability to not blow my barrel up.\n\nIs there any visual inspection I can do before loading some up and trying it out? And what can I do with ammo that I don't want or may be bad based on a visual inspection? Can a local range dispose of it for me?\n\nThanks!
My buddy had never shot his only rifle (Remington 721) before, so I told him to bring it with us to the range. 300 H&H has a bit of a kick to it!
Whiskey just wants to be a part of things, you know?
My Freedom Ordinance fx-9
PCC Madness!
A small arms review
How\031d I do?
Well here goes nothing
Lesson of The Day I purposely reloaded a dud round with no powder because I wanted to feel what a squib felt like. I dont know what my dumbass expected but it was extremely disappointing and anticlimactic. Don't do it took me 45 mintues and a trip to home depot to get a wood rod to knock the bullet out....
Freedom Munitions in 2021-2022? I just wanted to know if anyone has given Freedom Munitions another chance when it comes to buying their product? I have heard the horror stories about it, but they all seem to be pre-2017, and I want to know if anyone has had a problem with them as of 2022?\n\n Personally, I have bought around 800 rounds of various 9mm to shoot at the range. 155gr reman, 124gr new, and even their XDEF 124gr. I have had no malfuctions in firing their ammunition, no light primer strikes, no failures to feed/eject. It seems that also aesthetically, the ammunition they provided both "new" and "reman" have good quality control as well, with no blemishes or cracks I can find. I have heard in a couple of forums that both of their new and reman ammunitions are reloads, but I don't know where that came from, and I see no evidence to prove that as of 2022. \n\nTwo things that I would like to point out are that it seems that a lot of their bullets are noted to travel a bit slower than your normal 9mm federal or blazer brass and throw large sparks out the muzzle. I think the sparks are simply due to the propellant they use. \n\nI find it very weird that my experience with Freedom Munitions compared to the reviews they receive in forums are night and day. Even their customer service took care of me pretty well when one of my packages was stolen. Can anyone say they have had a similar experience as I did? Or was I just "Lucky" for the past 5 purchases?
Almost Roland special
Bringing backpack to the airport. So my normal backpack has in the past been used to hold guns and ammo. Would this be a no go to use as a carryon bag, given it could smell like gun powder to a K9?
Built my 1st AR15!
Behold Australians, My Tactical Boomerang. American Ingenuity at its finest.
Can I purchase a at-15 lower in Virginia So I recently started working for a company that participates and sells at almost every gun show in Virginia. We ourselves do not sell guns, but I have become more and more interested in guns since I started working here. I live in North Carolina, five minutes across the border. Can I legally buy a ar-15 lower at a Virginia gun show, or gun store for the matter, since I\031m a North Carolina resident?
Full auto handguns purposes? so full auto glocks and such have become very popular with normal gun owners and especially gang culture.realistically a full auto Glock persay cant be used as a self defense weapon correct? I just don\031t see that being safe specially for conceal carry in public. \n\nFor the average owner it is just because it\031s cool? and of course for the idea behind the second amendment to over throw a tyrannical government.\n\n\nEdit: okay correction not popular among normal gun owners but have become more and more popular on social media* aside from gang bangers
Semi auto Sten MKV
Has anyone purchased from they have something I\031ve been hunting for a while and would like y\031all\031s opinion Just figured I\031d check here before making my purchase
Is 5.7x28mm good for self defense? Looking for a good truck gun and I got my eyes on the new 5.7 keltec I don\031t know much about the round but I\031ve heard a lot of mixed reviews about it
calling all Queensland shooters iv created a page for to discuss our sport.
MIRROR FINISH. I'm wanting to polish my rifles and pistol can anyone suggest something to accomplish this I was thinking silvo or brasso but I wasn't sure if they would be damaging to the weapons.
Loctite on Pic Rails? So I have a 590A1 and I noticed that the pre-installed picatinny rail for the rear sight started to come lose. I emailed Mossberg and they said to torque the screws down to 16 inch pounds and I should be good to go. I am usually not a big fan of Loctite, but I was curious as to what others here have done when installing pic rails on their Mossbergs? Do you use loctite? Also do you torque above 16 inch pounds? Thanks.
Is it true that real and quality 10mm is hard to come by? I\031ve heard it said a couple times that most 10mm that you buy isn\031t even the real 10mm and is weak compared to what 10mm is supposed to be. Is there truth to this and if so what brands sell real 10mm
Is it still considered fashionably late to post my gun pairings?
Inherited M1 Carbine. I Have a few questions. I inherited an m1 carbine my grandfather got in a trade for an arisaka back in the 80s. The gun has always perplexed me and I was hoping someone could maybe shed some light on it's history. The receiver is stamped Saginaw S'G with a serial number of "3585046". I heard these are somewhat rare. Also, when I disassembled the rifle the barrel gas cylinder(which is swaged onto the barrel btw)is marked ROCK-OLA. The barrel itself does not have any markings that I can find anywhere else. The rifles slide has the serial number 7160091 which is slighlty different than the rear sight which is marked I.R CO 7160060. To top it all off the trigger housing group is all CHROME.. what the hell is going on lol. Any help appreciated
How it currently feels on my recent range trips&
Pure violence and still classy as fuck.
New to handguns: M&P shield 2.0 with 15 round to use the extension sleeves?
a good cheap gun building kit Howdy, I'm currently been on a life trip to find out what I want to do in life, and seeing as how y'all are way more experts at this I thought I'd ask you for some wisdom.\n\nI've been wondering if gunsmithing would be something up my alley. So I thought before I take any classes I'd see about building a gun, seeing if it's something I'd be willing to do. I've learned a fare bit from watching and reading gun stuff.\n\nCurrently I've shot a 22lr and own a 28 gage shotgun that I plan to fire when I get some time off work.\n\nAnd thank you all very much for at least reading this far. :)
Are diamond back AR-15\031s any good? I\031m genuinely curious about the quality of such an affordable rifle after my last experience with budget firearms I\031m still weary
FK Putin but&
A work in Progress, but it's technically a rifle!
The internet gets weird, take this
Remington Thunderbolt .22 Is thunderbolt .22 still made even though Remington went bankrupt? It cycles and shoots best through 2 of my 22s. \n\nI\031ve not seen it for a hot minute. I\031m in CA so online sales aren\031t as great as those of you in free states.
Just the tip
My heavily abused EDC
My favorite ak, My Molot Vepr 74. Currently has Zenitco sport 5 kit, Rp-3 extended charging handle, Pt-5 stock, and Hexagon Tactical side rail
Is it possible to set up an adjustable gas block on an AR15 but still have the A2 front sight posts? Long time gun hobbyist, new to AR builds...I'm not unfamiliar with the AR...just the whole building brother got me looking into it, seemed fun...did not disappoint\n\nBut anyways, I'm on my first AR 15 build, I bought an Aramco stealth buffer spring setup thing, kinda figured it was a gimmick...I was right..but that's not my issue, I'm ejecting at the 2 o'clock position, sometimes maybe 1:45, but i have an A2 front sight, which is functioning as my gas block while also my sight post...but I need an adjustable gas block, so I can dial it down a tad. And get my shells piling up where they're suppose to...but I want to keep my A2 sight...if at all possible..cause I'd probably have to change hand guards to something with a rail so I could stick a front sight on it..any help or links would be super awesome and much appreciated \n\nThanks
Less smelly alternatives to Butch's Bore Shine? I was recently given a large bottle of Butch's Bore Shine. I appreciate the generosity, but I'm not keen on using this particular bore solvent. \n\nFrom past experience, it gives off fumes that smell bad and give me headaches, although I've been told that this is common to solvents that contain ammonia. My apartment unit is also slow to disperse fumes even with all the windows open.\n\nAre there any alternatives that won't stink out the home while using it?
What do you think of my abomination? Scar 16s
Recommendation for reliable drum mags. Our cocksucker governor Jay Inslee just signed a magazine ban for Washington state. Any recommendations for a good, reliable AR drum magazine? While I can still have them shipped here.
Who does ATF contact regarding form 4 I applied for a suppressor/silencer using eform4 which has been approved for evaluation. I got a RANDOM text from my ex-wife asking about guns in my house. This came out of nowhere. Would they have contacted her as part of the background check?
34 Guns Packed into a 24 Gun Safe
Quick question for right handed shooters& What\031s is your guy\031s opinion on left handed shooters? I\031m a left handed shooter and I\031ve had different opinions said about it, some saying that it\031s cool and others saying that I should practice using my right hand because it\031s \034better\035. I shoot left handed because I can only see out of my left eye, so I need to aim with my left if anyone wants to know.
handgun suggestions Looking for suggestion on a handgun purchase. \n\n\nCurrently own VP9 and Taylor SAA .45 7.5 barrel; two very different shooting experiences. Looking for some different from those two. Thinking about a Ruger Mark IV or similar. Is there something else I should consider? Have about $600-800 to spend. Tks.
Just finished cleaning the old boom stick. Mosin-Nagant with all original parts, minus the rear sight, which some madman sadly removed to attach a rail before I got it.
M&P 45 Compact Toying with the idea of selling or trading my M&P 45 Compact. Any idea of what I should expect to get out of it? I bought it brand new some years back and have put less than a box of ammo through it&so it\031s basically brand new still.
Can I put a 11.5 inch complete upper on a ar15 complete lower I\031m having trouble finding an answer online but my brother said that I cant put an upper that\031s under 16 inches on a ar15 lower. Is it as simple as just changing the stock into a pistol brace and calling it good or is that a no go?
What are the best night vision goggles and you can legally export? Extended family member of mine (through marriage) lives in Croatia and is about to volunteer to go fight in Ukraine. He is having hard tome sourcing night vision goggles.\n\nThere are restrictions on exporting night vision googles in the US, but for Gen 1-2 devices (as far as I understand) What would be the best legally exportable night vision googles on the market? Preferably in stock :)\n\nAre gen 1-2 even worth taking to a warzone? I don't know much about this topic.
I shot my mothers LCP today and the firing pin struck me in the face. I disassembled it along with a YouTube video and noticed the roll pin is a lot shorter than theirs. What would you do in this situation? My stepfather wants to replace the pin but I think we should contact Ruger.
My dad wants me to ship a handgun to him. Is that illegal and if not how can I ? He has a two shot derringer that was his mothers gun. She died and he wants it so he has something to remember her. He told me to just disassemble and put it in a small box with some paper to keep it from moving. And just go ship it. He also said not to state what is in the box either. \n\nIs it illegal to ship a handgun to another state? Can\031t you just break it down and ship it? He said not to send it with any ammo though.
With tiny ar15s and mcx/similar, where does a pcc fit in the arsenal now? guns
I still don\031t feel like this is good enough. Ha. Anyone else this anal about this stuff? guns
Best Home Defense Round in 5.56? guns
5\0365*5/555&53 5\r50535.5"5- guns
My suppressed 12.5 AR is the same size as my 14.5" AR guns
Springfield Hellcat RDP with SilencerCo Omega 9k and Streamlight TLR-7. guns
Does anyone know of any good firearms podcasts? guns
Training Tuesday 3/15/22 guns
My .38 Special Amadeo Rossi Made in Brasil for home defense guns
Are we doing scoped pistols now? guns
Twenty Tuesday guns
Gun Talk Tuesday - 15 March 2022 guns
RimFire scope advice guns
Will 9mm kurz work on a 9mm? Specifically smith&wesson sd9ve? guns
New Benelli M4 Bolt Carrier Release guns
New grips who dis guns
Couldn't get a hold of a stock adaptor, so I bubba'd one. guns
Moving to the US from Canada. How can I bring my AR? guns
Becoming a firearms instructor guns
CETME charging handle pin no budge guns
My Ruger MKIV Target w/RMR guns
My new Palmetto State Armory ar pistol. I have some new parts I will post after I install them. guns
Anybody else not get all the ammo you paid for? guns
What is this rifle from "Cruel Gun Story?" guns
please send help, I don't know what I'm doing with my saiga 308! guns
Where could I get a replacement metal band for this arisaka, and would this band be universal between all arisaka models? I want to use it, but without the band, the barrel is bowed upwards and I'm not gonna risk damage (if a small bow can cause that). guns
saw frt guns
I'm finally becoming a Father. So papa needs to update his AR-15 game. guns
NAA 22 Mag guns
2nd RMR cut I've done in the books guns
zastava ak47 guns
Anyone else seen issues having an easier time limp wristing with ammo from the last few years? guns
Why is my scope so canted? Can it be fixed without buying new? guns
Using your CCW or Home Defense Weapon guns
Spanish CETME C Charger pin guns
Groomsmen Gift? guns
Parts shopping widget? guns
Holster brands guns
Desert Eagles and the nosey cat, guns
I've got a couple of questions about my Verona SX 405-12ga shotgun. guns
Juliet 3 micro issues guns
HK clones guns
I mean, five-five-six made by bad-ass Hebrews guns
M&P Mondays guns
Picked up this new Citori CX over the weekend, Ive got wood guns
Anyone wanna take a road trip to Agua Fria? guns
Little bit of old, little bit of new. Range day choices are hard. guns
.450 Bushmaster Build. Ready to shoot! guns
1968 BAR guns
My KISS small game gitter. Chiappa Little Badger, 22lr guns
Mounting a Red dot on a Scope guns
Pretty good range day, as you can see guns
FFL License question guns
Looking to get my girlfriend and I PCCs. CZ Scorpion Evo 3, KUSA KP-9 or Aero EPC-9? guns
Best office paperweights. guns
Childhood dream fulfilled. guns
I just finished my m1897 trenchgun build. My 3rd trenchgun build. guns
Early production Belgian Sweet-Sixteen guns
Brought my grandpa's Remington Model 34 back to life guns
When your Zenitco furniture and RC2 get out of jail the same week. guns
My first AR the SW Sport II, I bought in 2017 ran fine and served me well over the years. Decided to do a full send on Geissele Super Duty and see how it runs! guns
Rifle chambered for .357 / .38 guns
Can anyone tell me what this is? guns
If you haven't shot a scoped pistol, its an absolute blast guns
Anyone else run some drills this weekend? Here is my worst of the day. guns
C&R license guns
Fun retro build guns
AKS-74U, Modernized guns
someone tell me about colt company after being bought out by Czech guns
wood furniture guns
Possibly stupid question. guns
Barrett M107 at indoor range, see other post for video guns
New gun user. My gun is very old, is there a maximum on the grain of the cartridges I use with it? guns
Wood furniture is so aesthetically pleasing guns
How important? guns
Wake me up when 30-06 is affordable again guns
The time for action is now. guns
M1 Monday guns
Big Bore Monday? guns
Inherited this monstrosity from my late grandfather, any suggestions on how to best un-meme it? guns
Has anyone had any experience with Central Florida Armament? guns
Single shot autoloader? guns
Are magazine fed shotguns generally unreliable? guns
My first time shooting a fully automatic. MP5 was buttery smooth guns
8 inches of pure, not my penis, that's my 2 inches of sheer laughter. guns
Texas Views guns
When your girl likes the new gun you bought, but decides it\031s hers now. guns
My run-of-the-mill G19.3 guns
Look at this old mosin nagant my grandpa gave me before he died guns
How fucked is my mosin? guns
Lightweight build done guns
Chef\031s kiss guns
Any recommendations for a first focal plane hunting optic? guns
Just installed a new Hogue hardwood monogrip on the Ruger GP100! guns
My first wheelgun Wednesday. guns
Canik TP9 SFX and cat guns
Pre-War Commercial Broomhandle, all numbers matching guns
My old wasr and my new m18. These make for a fun range combo. guns
Looking for a Small, Lockable Hard Case for Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle - Ideas? guns
Quesnel, BC, Canada: Winter Brutality Stages 4, 5 and 6 (Pictures and Designs) guns
probably spend too much money on it, but it shoots like a dream. guns
Diversity! 10mm, 10x25mm, & .40S&W Magnum guns
Questions about Surplus rifles in Cosmoline in general and Mosin Nagant 1925 Izhevsk Mosin Nagant in cosmoline without escutcheons? guns
running a pistol with a red dot with a suppressor ? guns
Finally put together a pistol with a lower I\031ve had for 5 years or so guns
Western Wednesday? It ain't much, but it's mine guns
Polymer guns are sick. Complete with shit weapon lights cause I\031m a poor. guns
Hearing Protection guns
What's Wrong With My MP5? It's Making My Eyes Water and Ears Bleed. guns
1908 Iver Johnson advertisement and .38 Safety Automatic Hammerless for Wheelgun Wednesday guns
Slowmo SVD guns
easily the nicest pistol I've ever shot guns
New kid on the block here. This is my daily carry, 9mm Smith&Wesson 2.0 M&P shield. I carry it with the extended 8 round mag plus one in the chamber. I'm using hot point HJP self defense ammo. Extra details in the comment section if you care to read them. guns
Muh Mosin with a dumpy =\x9a guns
I found these two guns at a house I'm working on. I think they're Japanese WW2 rifles? guns
"Hey Guys, is [site] a scam?" Or: The Magic 8 Ball guide on how to use your brain. guns
speedloader/speed feed guns
CZ Evo 3 S1 carbine trigger upgrade? guns
How should I go about this from a legal perspective? guns
Official Politics Thread 2022-03-16 guns
What is the proper way to reload a revolver from a shoulder holster? guns
I just zeroed my rifle at 50 yards&.. then i saw i need to level the scope. Even if it\031s zeroed do i need to level it? How important is leveling it? guns
Iron sights width question guns
GWOT with a spot of tea <\xec<\xe7 guns
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/16/22 guns
Magpul really does excelle in polishing turds. guns
Curious if this is even possible guns
Over priced sks? guns
Mmmm&. maple. guns
Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion with upgrades saddle, much better than the old one, topped with a nice red dot and light upfront. Makes for a great "bump in the night" gun. guns
Range Day with some friends guns
Garage gun ideas guns
First time thinking of buying and confused about FFLs. guns
first time buying a non-surplus bolt gun for $900 guns
Sig RMR seal plate - Piece of shit guns
My first time at the range! I think I did alright, was a lot of fun! guns
My brand new Camdon Defense AR. (Yes I\031m from California) guns
Saw this at a LGS and I couldn\031t pass it up. Now the question is do I leave it how it is or swap all the furniture out? guns
Chilean Model 1912 Mauser short rifle, produced from Waffenfabrik Steyr in Austria guns
Are there any belt fed 22s? guns
Work EDC guns
What gun is this? guns
Finally picked up my first gun and I think I\031m in love guns
Came home and found these two hanging out in the corner. Sketchy fellas. guns
Revolver/Carbine combo guns
Help me identify this gun guns
If it seats, it yeets??? =, guns
Slim Fit Holsters (Canik TP9 Elite SC) guns
Does anyone else find USCCA YouTube channel a bit misleading ? guns
Angstadt Arms UDP-9 OEM 15rd Glock mags won't fit guns
CCW Question guns
AR-15 Mod Legal Question guns
Favorite pistol I own. 10.3\035 URGI. guns
What the hell did I just pay $200 for? guns
Picked up the latest Glock 19 today& guns
Iron Sights vs Eyes guns
Is there a fingerprint gun box that actually works 100% hours the time? guns
The Salt Life is not for cheap Rugers apparently. guns
30/06 To 7.7x58 Jap guns
Deep cleaning your firearms guns
1911 gi sights guns
Current Mosin 91/30 prices? $480 too much? 440 round spam can included in the price guns
Milled AKs > guns
The sling really brings it all together guns
Glock 45 9mm guns
Got my first apartment, so my brother and I made a table that holds my shotgun. guns
The MCX Spear at home guns
.308 Winchester TrueVelocity images guns
Going to gun range for the first time guns
Serious question about the legality of my idea for my project. guns
Oh Yeah, It\031s All Coming Together guns
Radio Silence from Faxon Firearms Support guns
Need opinion on the sights. Should I put irons on the AR or the pistol. The sight is on a riser on the rifle I can remove that for the pistol switch if needed. Thanks dudes. guns
My favorite gun guns
Found a briefcase full of ammo. Need help identifying guns
Is Small Arms Review magazine worth subscribing too? guns
Best best for shotgun barrel in this market? guns
Moving my gun locker today. guns
Don't talk to me, or my son ever again. guns
Sig M17 vs M18 guns
458 SOCOM <q\017opper just got finished guns
Best Hearing Protection? Double Up guns
Attaching sling adapters on a Mossberg 500. Any ideas or tips? guns
Help me identify this 870. It\031s a 21\035 fixed full choke barrel. I don\031t know how to post more pictures but it says special on the receiver. guns
Went to the LGS to get my first AR15. Didn't go as planned. guns
LGS options guns
5 Rounds.. Sigh. guns
new range toy, .300AAC guns
Happy 50th birthday to this old boom stick guns
XMk18E1 Mod 607 guns
New thang guns
Picked up this Winchester 1300 (most underrated pump imo) looking to put a stock on it, what do you guys think of speedfeed stocks? guns
Anyone know what brand of scope rings these are ? guns
If your EDC doesn't feel right then try something else ! guns
I bought this gun from an auction, what in the absolute brass tack hell is it? guns
Zama strong enough for blank firing guns? guns
Henry AR 7 Screw Replacement guns
Just picked up my first shotgun! Pretty jazzed to try it out guns
How bout a little green for my boy Saint Paddy eh? guns
There's a little green in there, I swear guns
Dragging myself kicking and screaming into the modern era with my 20 inch AR and M9A4. guns
Firearm question guns
Range Day Progress. guns
Do you guys like my frog blanket? guns
Show this cheap little bastard some love guns
The Ruger 10/22 is America\031s rifle, change my mind guns
Perfect pairings. We're all sommeliers but for old guns. guns
Bear or PMC? guns
Baby poop goes hard (this is not a political statement, plz don\031t disable my post) guns
And now I have a battle rifle. guns
St Patrick\031s Day Reppin guns
Looking for advice on possibly trading my M203 40mm for a clip-on thermal. Details inside. guns
Me Little Armalite guns
Proud dad moment. Took my 12yo to the range with me for the first time. We had a blast! guns
My pairs almost all make sense guns
Some pairs of .22 guns
Everyone is Irish Today - Smith & Wesson 686+ and a Four Leaf Clover guns
7.62 BCG guns
Winchester model 70 in 7x57 Mauser guns
Am i allowed to bring empty bullet casings on an airplane if i put it in my suitcase in canada? guns
Some More Pairings You Might Enjoy guns
Help me decide on a USA made light for my AR15 guns
Favorite Nighttime Steel Ringer! guns
cross eye dominant shooters of reddit; looking for advice on AR optics. guns
Kiss me I\031m Irish <\xee<\xea<@ guns
Has anyone shot the standard manufacturing SP-12? guns
My pistol/rifle pairings guns
Carcano Snap Caps guns
Kel-Tec SUB-2000 vs Ruger 10/22 Magpul Backpacker For Survival Gun guns
Building a basement gun room. Let's talk about humidity control. guns
PSA AK bad or something idk guns
Want to convert caliber guns
Steel case ammo question guns
Happy St. Patrick\031s Day guns
7.62x39 in AR platform guns
Good luck finding one of these, Mossberg 500 roadblocker edition with ATI folding stock. Springfield XD .45 for scale guns
12 gauge revolvers guns
1939 Luger problem guns
I guess we're doing fine wine pistol pairings tonight? guns
458 socom AR15 help guns
Thickheaded Thursday 03/17/22 guns
Ed Brown with red dot and threaded barrel guns
When they tell you to not get a scary black AR15. So you get one in FDE. Help me welcome my first AR15! guns
Fal Stg 58 parts kit value guns
POSP T scope is moving around on my Zastava M70 guns
Glock 19 - Round blew up while firing today. What next? guns
First time buying a firearm went to sportsman warehouse in PA. My background check is pending how long does this take? guns
Looking for forums to source 13.2mm Mauser 1918 t-gewehr rounds guns
The only Bush war I don\031t enjoy is in your moms pants guns
My first gun purchase update guns
Question: Was the IMI Galil ever used by insurgencies? guns
Swiss k31 guns
Pistol pairings, like a fine wine. guns
Can I have an AR pistol in my truck at 19? guns
finally got to pick up my cmp 1911. guns
\034Custom\035 guns
New (to me) Russian Capture K98 - Questions about stripper clips? guns
Taylor and co. 1873 \034Gambler\035 .357 guns
Taylor Freelance for the win guns
Quick question about iwi jericho 941 fs9 guns
Wheelgun Weds. 1908 New Colt 32 Police Positive guns
Just bought my first gun ever and I am absolutely in love. Can\031t wait to take her out to the range. guns
BuT iT DoEsNt FlOat guns
Wheelgun Wednesday - Rosewood Snake Edition guns
Wheel gun Wednesday post, Cimmeron 1872 Open Top in .45 LC. guns
First Wheel Gun Wednesday post. Let\031s hear it. guns
My new Arsenal SAM7R, w/ a MI T2 Optic mount guns
My 6.5-06 Build guns
FDE build 16" UwU guns
Not so much a gun question, but an accessory question involving a wild dog and a goat. guns
Good Day guns
New Heritage just in time for Wheelgun Wednesday guns
RKS USA Legit? guns
Got this in a lot we bought,no markings or stamps what is this ? guns
Converted a clothes closet into a gun closet for about $300 guns
Everything That was in My Safe guns
Wheel Gun Wednesday with my Grandpa's old Model 48 in 22 magnum guns
18\035 go-to barrel guns
New Mombasa flashbacks intensify guns
Today was a good day... guns
The ones I actually carry guns
My current AK build guns
I just had a ND guns
Advice on a new gun guns
Best full size pistol for under $600 guns
The best of both worlds ;) . guns
Finished my rifle for now (plus pistols bc wby not) guns
New 20ga and .22 (ignore my creaky floor.) guns
Can too much steel wool prevent wood from absorbing tung oil for finish? guns
I'm sure the question has been asked before.. But as a woman, (with a violent stalker) what would you recommend?? guns
Wondering how much it would cost to get my gun "anodized" guns
Broke college student in search shotgun guns
Diamondback DB15 - Is it any good? guns
\034Yeah just grab a jacket out of the closet\035 guns
is it cursed? guns
Double action revolver - how much energy is needed to spin the cylinder, and how much to cock the hammer? guns
Can you tell the difference? Left is old one I bought from gun store. Right was a random eBay purchase. Which one of these is fake? Look at the streamlight logo Lol. Old one has a more yellow throw, the eBay one is bright white. guns
My first AR15. SigM400 with Romeo-MSR red dot sight. guns
10.5\035 pistol fully collapsed only slightly smaller than 18\035 Tavor. Mr920 Elite for scale (I don\031t have any bananas) guns
Just picked up a new carry pistol. Anyone have any idea who did these lightening cuts? Thanks! guns
Which 3 would you keep? guns
Help to identify this gun? The photo is WW2, the only photo I can find of the gun. guns
Another new gun owner! God bless the Second Amendment. Also, bullets are more expensive than I thought they were. guns
I think I came. Should I play the lottery? My usual pawn shop came in clutch again. $600OTD. New. guns
My new H&K USP guns
POF P-415 Edge Upper w/ Binary Trigger Lower? guns
Arts and Crafts Day for my Fudd Guns guns
Can't decide which I like better, they're both great calibers guns
Purchasing under circumstances guns
Which 9mm laser trainer to go with? guns
Diarrhea vitiligo SCAR-16 >) (toe tax paid) guns
Solvent Traps guns
Springfield 1903 guns
Why did the monthly challenges stop? guns
FDE Folder Friday Flexin' guns
I just hate having to share with idiots who don't know what "range is hot" means guns
Firearms are always loaded guns
First 50 with new 1911 guns
Fun .22 Rifle Suggestions guns
Can I remove the thumb safety on my m&p 2.0 without the frame plugs? guns
Not sure if anyone would know but my grandfather has since passed, so unfortunately I can\031t ask him. When he was on a sub in WWII it was standard issue to carry a sidearm when on patrol when docked. Trying to track down/figure out what he might have been carrying. Any ideas would be great, thanks! guns
Vortex Viper Problems! guns
Weird question, firearm adjacent&. Anyone know of a list of which Recoil magazines had what targets in them? guns
Will the mck fit a smith and Wesson sd40ve? guns
Gun Cabinet(like stackon) with Keypad Instead of Key guns
Bet y\031all ain\031t ever seen a MK18 with a sandman before guns
Building a suppressed SBR that will fit in a back pack? guns
<L guns
Finally decided to do it and this is coming home with me guns
\017\017&!,DAY -AGIC\017\017 guns
My AR pistol is coming along guns
Did these custom g43x\031s for a buddy - what do you guys think? guns
Scored a 1941 Mauser K98K guns
Latest .22 project guns
UA Themed Walther PDP guns
Folder Friday (but tbh I gotta ditch the brace) guns
DD PDW with EXPS2 Green late St Patrick\031s Day post guns
Sadly, the first gun I've ever owned and also sadly the first gun I'm going to shoot since getting out of the military 6 years ago. guns
My edc, the titan .380 i love this little gun to death guns
Reloading and primers guns
Buying an ultrasonic cleaner, anything i should know before ordering one? guns
Truso Armory, legit? guns
I Showed You My Home Defense Setup Please Respond (Glock 45) guns
b&t ghm45. whatcha think? guns
Dumb dumb need answers guns
DISTANCE SHOOTERS: I'm looking to get into a Semi .308 BR/DMR and I'm currently looking at the Fulton Armory M14 w/peerless or the POF Revolution. Gotta be a piston gun. Any others I should be looking at? Budget $5k. guns
Seeing as it was St. Patrick's Day yesterday, I decided to pick up my first green rifle. My Sako TRG-42 in .338LM guns
Summer carry / Winter carry guns
Springfield Trapdoor Markings ID guns
Happy FrIWIday yall guns
Heirloom Pistol Box. Made for a Veteran father as a gift to his son's promotion to Major. guns
Had some people asking how my 308 AR-15 shot guns
12 gauge home defense ammo guns
Official Politics Thread 3/18/22 guns
Retro Gang guns
STNGR HWK Handguard + AA Piston Kit Compatibility guns
Bolt action chambered in .44mag that ISNT a ruger 77/44? guns
is .270 dead? guns
I got the Clapp. guns
Friday Buyday 03/18/22 guns
PTR-91 Advice guns
Please clean up when shooting public land. My buddy and I shot 22lr and 9mm and we cleaned up 85 lbs of trash, most shotgun shells guns
First time shooting a handgun. Can I get some advice? guns
Does selling my gun to a store count as a PPT? guns
Taran Tactical STI 2011 in John Wick guns
gun vise recommendations guns
Took my new AR out to the range today, and it jammed on the first shot&>r guns
Price check on Ruger Red Label guns
Trying to find a holster that will fit my handgun and a rail mounted flashlight guns
9mm carbine advice: PSA AR-V 7" or STRIBOG SP9A1 guns
Looking for info on Winchester model 250/290 (more pics in comment) guns
Ruger security 9 full size holster ? guns
20 vs 12 for clay? guns
St. Patrick\031s day Scout Rifle guns
Tactical or something idk guns
Took the ol\031 Kalashnikov on a sub-zero hiking trip the other day& guns
St. Patrick's day post guns
Savage axis cracks in Boyd\031s stock looking for advice guns
Two-Tone-Thursdays from now on guns
*Chef's Kiss* guns
Look at what came today guns
Background Check With Carry Permit? guns
My simple 320 submission. guns
Mossberg 500 j.i.c guns
Sundays are for 9x18 guns
Dan Wesson 1911 valor, jams a lot! guns
I am setting up a Mosin-Nagant (I know, I know... not my first gun, I own a couple 10/22s already), with bedding, a trigger job, scope and a butt pad. guns
Luger P08 1917 guns
My .320 on 3/20 guns
One of these things is not like the others guns
My first AR guns
19x almost done, just debating the newest Timney trigger, is it worth it on a carry piece? guns
My full auto B&T APC300 (MG), B&T MP9-N (SMG), Glock 18 Gen3 (SMP) and Zastava M53 (LMG) guns
Springfield Armory XD 9 guns
I was denied ammo in CA today and have no clue why. guns
SS MR920 Elite Vs Glock 19 X guns
Remington .22 key holing like crazy guns
Got to try out a few of my newest firearms finally! guns
Get out and enjoy firearms when you can. d\017 guns
Tried to use a heat knife to cut the foam. It came out ok but could use a bit more practice. Also my first ar15 build. guns
Question about Benelli Shotguns guns
I can see in the dark. guns
Husqvarna M/40S - The Danish Police, Swedish Built, Finnish 9mm guns
Best gun safe if you have kids? guns
Sig sauer p226 extreme. guns
What\031s everyone\031s EDC? guns
Fitelite question guns
Selling Firearms guns
Good evening fellow enthusiasts& guns
Private Seller Handgun Recommendation guns
New addition guns
UK vz. 59 Czechoslovakian LMG - Full Auto 50 Round Belt Dump w/ Slow Motion guns
P320 Nitron Holster Recommendation guns
PSA PA65 Gen 3 6.5 creedmoor extracting and ejecting issue, is this new? guns
Elftman trigger pin help guns
Peak 2000s carry? Rohrbaugh R9 guns
need some reference material Stat M28 guns
New to guns, and wanting to learn more. guns
Behold, The Pimp Cane MkII guns
Case made by a pelican for my guns guns
Buying online vs Buying from local stores? guns
I\031d say I feel comfortable with taking a break from buying any other pews for now. Now for ammo, training, and attachments. guns
Second time out with the new Bergara B-14 HMR. guns
Range day! First time firing my rifle and my new EDC. guns
New build. 300 BLK guns
It\031s not the \03003 I wanted but it\031s the \03003 I got guns
Ass-end Aturday guns
Happy Belated Birthday to Me! guns
I love guns but all the different ammo types make my head spin. guns
Thought y\031all my appreciate this ad from the 90\031s guns
My new concealed carry has 10-12 round capacity for extra stealth in concealed actions guns
Considering the idea of shoulder holster CCW - Feedback on options on gun guns
James River Galil 5.56 guns
I dont think India wanted this rifle to ride shiny and chrome guns
Howa Trade? guns
First suppressor, Liberty Constitution guns
12\035 VS 16\035 barrel on lever rifle? guns
Grandpa is bequeathing his unused High Standard .22 since he\031s getting old, never held a more beautiful gun guns
Gun restoration guns
Help with Types of HK45 Adjuatable Sight guns
SecureIt Safes and/or Storage racks.... seem well like utter Garbage? guns
My guns and my brothers guns. Guess which state we live in :( guns
Dream gun aquired: FN FNC guns
I\031m an idiot. Stuck slide on reassembly. Help! guns
Questions about USPSA Production Division guns
My most questionable gun purchase of the year... so far. Two AMT Hardballer Longslides. guns
Gangster fun in the sun guns
FMJ V.S. Hollow Point guns
Green and Black is a Vibe guns
Extended magazine for SW9VE? guns
Decisions, decisions... guns
Grand Power P1 Ultra. Kinda funky, kinda awesome. guns
I've grown quite affectionate to this beauty guns
Behold: Peak EDC guns
First Gun - Thinking about a PCC - Tell me why I'm wrong or unreasonable guns
"Spitfield" - Does anybody knows something about this? guns
Is financing a firearm as dumb as it sounds? guns
New M1A Owner With Some Questions in Comments. guns
I purchased my 1st S&W M&P Sport 2 AR-15 with FDE MAGPUL CTR Stock, MOE+ Pistol Grip, M-Lok MVG Vertical Grip, Holosun 510c and Streamlight HLX&I will probably swap out the charging handle next =\016 guns
Just turned 21, no greater birthday present to myself than my first firearm. (S&W TRR8) guns
It's the simple things in life guns
Can anyone suggest some good holster for an FNX 45? I do want to put a light on it eventually guns
Steyr AUG with Trijicon Acog guns
SLR106CR Pre-Chop guns
Advice on what suppressor to get for my first? guns
Help identifying inherited rifle guns
Love to hate it, or hate to love it? guns
only the bear essentials guns
Right way to repaint a gun? guns
Preserving guns w/ Ballistol or Hoppes guns
Suggestions for my first AR-15 please! guns
I have a strange blank in my vocabulary that I want to square away guns
My British girlfriend, who "doesn't like guns" shooting a P90 for the first time. guns
would parts from a martini henry fit on a martini enfield? guns
Torture test of the second worst handgun Remington ever made. Honestly I am impressed for a gun with its reputation. guns
Picked me up a new EDC. Diamondback Firearms DB9 Gen IV. Any particular ammo anyone have good luck running in these? I've noticed it doesn't like to rack with a full mag of +p rounds. Regular rounds are tight, but it will rack. So far no jams between the Blazer and IMI ammo. guns
Since Pest forgot to post it, I will fill in, granted a day late. guns
Sport king carbine a-102 guns
.450 BushMaster vs .50 Beowulf? guns
Is there a wall mount for guns that uses nails to attach to the wall? guns
space cowboy guns
Winchester 1873 \034The Gun that Won the West\035 guns
Cleaning up after a good day. guns
Swiss k31 w/ Diopter sights. guns
Mock18 Questions guns
Armed robbery of a store, and the grey areas of gun laws. guns
Henry 22 Jamming guns
Birchwood Casey Lead Remover on Blued Barrel guns
The quintessential 80's action gun... UZI (Full Auto on a Form 4) guns
My most interesting pistol, The Wilkinson Sherry .22 guns
Checking out some .22 LR tracers. guns
Heard y\031all like Scars guns
How to measure a slide tube? guns
Need advice on re-coating an Atlas guns
Finished my first AR-15 guns
<\xec<\xe7 L119A2 (15.7") and L119A1 (10.0") guns
M118LR vs. IMI 7.62 175 gr Match guns
First AR-15 and first SBR finally coming together. This thing slaps. New to firearms and the AR platform. guns
Rust Removal Question guns
Non Refundable Deposit guns
They took back the \03003, got a 1917 instead guns
Confused by date/age of Ruger Mark II guns
im looking for some info guns
Sighting in my Henry Big Boy .357 guns
Standard in Excellence: The Colt Single Action Army guns
Ruger Mini-14 question. Outside of the round size is there any other major difference in the Mini-14 Ranch and the Mini-14 Mini Thirty? guns
Found in late member's gun safe, seems to be Russian influenced but not sure what exactly it is. Please help identify guns
It\031s Monday& guns
Moving from Maine to Tenessee - help guns
EAA Witness Match carbon buildup on Wonder Finish guns
Hey there BB ;) guns
Mauser Monday with two Mausers and a DWM Luger added for spice guns
Grandma shoots AK at the range. guns
Extended mag for Beretta APX A1 carry? guns
Should I bother fixing this E9? guns
25 yard with AR from a standing position? guns
Savage 1917 guns
Fresh diamonds on a 16 gauge guns
CAR-15 guns
Quick AR question guns
Official Politics Thread 03-21-2022 guns
California Dreamin\031& guns
Lets go back around 10 guns to my very first handgun; the M9 Beretta! How much life is left I wonder? =\\ guns
compatible models. guns
Is there a website I can use to see when my M1 Carbine was manufactured? It\031s only identifying markings say \034U.S. Carbine Cal.30 MI. Inland Div following the serial numbers. guns
Is this normal round 3 lol guns
Moronic Monday 03/21/22 guns
M1 Carbine guns
Trying out the new pistol builds! guns
How can I mount this? missing mounting hardware for sight guns
I miss the days when I was excited by a $500 AR. guns
Ordering online guns
Saw a PP Posted Earlier: Vintage EDC Night? guns
Brass Holes? guns
Vintage Inspired 300BLK guns
first time shooting a desert eagle, .50AE of course. guns
Opinions on 350 Legend as a cheap, short-med distance goat/pig hunting round where I don't have straight-wall calibre restrictions. guns
Enjoying Sunday in the range guns
Multi Gun Prism Scopes Recommendations guns
AR-15 Puzzle: Failure to Eject guns
Happy 3/20, Chiefs guns
Jewish rifle, German handgun guns
Found another smokin deal. Got all this for 350. guns
Small but annoying problem on 1873 cattleman: ejector rod head flops down. guns
Frankie gsp 22lr guns
Sig Sauer MK25 guns
Few Questions guns
Does anybody actually know the power difference between pistols and SMG or pistol carbines? guns
Went for Ammo, Left With This. guns
Psak-47 furniture opinions wanted. guns
Heritage arms... guns
What are your favorite color combos for sights? I\031m getting ready to throw on a fresh set and am thinking green in the rear and red up front. What do you run? guns
Good gun YouTube channels for learning? guns
New impulse purchase today, Intratec Tec DC9 guns
LPVO recommendations around $1k guns
Did marlin change the spring receiver in the model 60 guns
Finally Achieved A Bakelite Mag For 30$ guns
Carcano(I think) Marking ID guns
Vanlife Home Defense in CA guns
How to pick a LPVO guns
Finally put a thermal on one of my AR15 builds. guns
A Wild SKS Appeared! guns
Checking in. guns
This Gun's Got Seoul guns
Went to Gun show today. Disappointed I didn\031t take this home. guns
3/20 but it's kinda French guns
Proud first time gun owner - CZ 612 Field guns
Has anybody ever ordered anything from guns
Anybody have any experience with Riton x5 1-6 Tactix? guns
After Ferrari\031s 1-2 finish today, I had the perfect excuse to shoot my new Italian shotgun for the first time. Grazzi. guns
Just picked this up, Watcha think? guns
My 320 for 3/20 guns
Remlin 45-70 Lever Issue guns
Is hoppes #9 safe to use on AR-15s? guns
1953 CZ52 guns
Ultra Compact Swiss PDW guns
Diversity guns
3/20 running my P320. guns
To follow up my flux post, here\031s my favorite aspect. In 5 minutes I can turn a very capable PCC back into a concealable duty handgun. guns
should I label different brands of ammo? guns
1301 tactical optic options guns
TLDR: New FFL, missed out on some info, have a few questions on what to do. guns
22 20/22 for 3/22/2022 guns
-20 moa Athlon mount? guns
Decided to become a beta tester today guns
Seeking help finding this 1911 guns
What kind of gun is this? guns
Bought my first CZ guns
Its that time of the month again guns
How to load an M1 Garand without including your thumb... guns
CZ 75b "Cold War Commemorative" Edition guns
I\031m not asking for a versus, I\031m about to purchase a firearm and I am still torn between the Ruger PC nine and the Ruger mini 14. guns
Silence is golden. guns
My home made VZ58 guns
Three twentytwos for 3/22 guns
Geissele just slaps, just like the SSAE-X guns
Trying to date a M91 Carcano guns
3 Weeks Ago, I Rattlecanned my Staccato C2. This is how it looks now! guns
CGW vs CZC, which would you EDC? guns
Bought my first gun. What kind of shells does it use? guns
Handguns with long slides and compact grips. guns
Quiz time: Does this bayonet go to this rifle? If not, what does it go to? guns
Can someone recommend a gunsmith who can do slide cuts on a p365? guns
Got this baby sunday, way smoother than the glock. guns
This better not awaken anything in me... guns
Trying to ship a rifle to an FFL. How do i go about it? guns
Pair of Turnbull Rugers guns
Experience with ordering from 4Range guns
first time buyer- quick question to ease my mind guns
settling for glocks? guns
Everyone needs a suppressed 22 guns
Anyone Try using a Sionyx nigh vision scope? Any good? guns
2 different generations guns
Question about magazines being removed on a shipped firearm guns
2 Stamp Tuesday guns
Peanut Butta guns
New CZ Scorpion guns
Built like a brick shithouse. guns
Hadn't bought a gun in 29 months. New CSX who dis? guns
The "Pandemic" Glock guns
How many porpoises can I get with this? guns
Recently almost got scammed on Gunbroker, guy stole an account with 2k+ feedback, anyway to safely pay? guns
If guns are mass produced, how can they tell which gun shot a bullet? guns
tmw a coworker wants toes guns
The Lee Enfield I inherited guns
Ruger M77 mkii 7mm mag inaccuracy guns
Retro =\016 guns
The Night-Hike Glock guns
Keepin it simple with the P-2 guns
Considering purchasing a firearm guns
Mossberg 590 12 Gauge guns
Just wanted to share a photo of the boys guns
One hand on the clock guns
Remington 700 or ??? guns
Just my completely normal new 1911 carry gun. Nothing different about it at all. guns
Rossi .22 rifle bolt. guns
My solution to running a remote switch for my weapon light on my Steyr AUG. guns
Training Tuesday 3/22/22 guns
Compact LPVO guns
Thermal PS90 :) guns
CZ SP01 Shadow with (worn) Lok Brass Grips guns
What Makes A Trigger Good? guns
Do you have any slack in your LAW Tactical Folder? guns
Gun Talk Tuesday - 22 March 2022 guns
Got myself a new edc for work. 15 round mag hellcat, holster is on its way! guns
Probably not the best Sig but I love it guns
The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire guns
Question: guns
Issues with my new Maverick 88 12ga guns
Help! How do I disassembled a V. Bernadelli PO10? guns
FN FALO rear sight problems guns
My In progress Aero Precision Build guns
"I. AM. SPEED." -5.56 of a 20" AR guns
how to unclear g3c barrel asap guns
lets say you've got the funds but little time, what's the best sequence of classes you would recommend? guns
A couple guns representing all the way from 1812 to present. Details below. guns
Difference between 9mm FMJ and 9mm HP guns
45/70 my uncle bought. guns
I like having options guns
May finally have to see a gunsmith because I\031m dumb. guns
Feds aren't identifying me from my digital toe profile. guns
Gewehr 98/K98K Bayonet Lug Size guns
The muzzle blast dispersion from DT\031s Ratchet compensator guns
First gun, a spring came loose and I don\031t know where it came from (details in the comments) guns
Made some changes to my livestock guardian/truck gun guns
Are lr-300s legal to have in the United States? guns
Spotted at my lgs guns
*vibe checks your plates guns
Any ideas? From somewhere between 1780s and 1810s but no visible date guns
Can I buy a stripped lower at 18 in the state of Tennessee? guns
Browsing 12ga I just inherited. Anyone know anything about these? My grandpa purchased it in \03063 and I\031m trying to get some more info on it. guns
First AR put together, feel free to roast guns
Is this an acceptable way to store my shotgun? guns
Cursed 5.56 from hell guns
I bought something guns
A Tec 9 that actually works guns
Trying to ID this handgun guns
FFL missing delivery, need advice? guns
Scary black rifle lineup so far guns
A pair of Bren 2s all dressed up. guns
HK91/G3/PTR91/C308 Enhanced Heavy Buffer woes guns
GSG STG-44 guns
So We're Doing Wood ARs Today? guns
My trio guns
FN Pistol 7m/.85 (I think) guns
ATF Forced Reset Trigger Letter Containment Thread guns
best .22 handgun guns
What Cerakote Matches Anodized Aluminum Best? guns
Best place to gift a holster? guns
After years of procrastinating, my first purchase. Italian 92fs Inox. guns
What is this? guns
The atf hates this one trick guns
New to gun collecting guns
Found this pump-action Remington .22 (Model 12-A) in storage \024 still cherry. guns
Abyone know what these markings mean? 1973 Colt Cobra. guns
My first and last attempt and building an AR15 guns
S&W 610 with 40S&W guns
Friends don\031t let friends buy a Winchester Wildcat guns
Doggo not super impressed by tax return... guns
How do we feel about wood ARs? guns
Getting over a fear of guns guns
Bought A lower receiver when I was 18 had it sent to the nearest FFL dealer and they said I can\031t pick it up till I turn 21 I am currently 20 about to turn 21 guns
How to convert stock .223 AR to .300 BLK guns
Anyone know why 410 ammo is so hard to find? guns
Conceal carry at work? Boss/coworkers not too pro 2A? guns
Thickheaded Thursday 03/24/22 guns
Every good nightstand gun should have a =\xa1. guns
Trash or treasure guns
CZ Shadow 2 : user feedback guns
Glock 20 slide & threaded barrel guns
I know it's not super nice like most of the other builds on here, but im super stoked on how my first AR turned out! guns
Bolt actions: sling studs vs QD cups guns
I don't know shit about fuck. guns
Painted lettering should come stock guns
Anyone have experience with the Rossi RS 22? guns
This Is My Shotgun. guns
Love my old single shot H&R pardner, but I hate the seemingly cheap plastic parts. Anyone know if you can replace the plastic parts on the newer ones with metal parts? I'd love to make this one a project. guns
Belongs to a friend, very fun to shoot. I know it's a CZ, but what model? I'd love to buy one for myself guns
Government property. guns
Anyone here thinks guns help you deal with the fear of snakes/other wild animals ? guns
Mannlicher M1895 straight pull guns
please like me guns
She's not perfect, but she's mine. guns
Has a 380ACP Battle Pack Ever Been Used In Battle? guns
Are there reproducible problems with Un-pinned slide stop problems with the Canik Rivals or similar guns? More info in post. guns
\034Yeah, but it makes sense to order at least three because of the discount\035 guns
Laugo Arms Alien guns
Good Wood showed up guns
Just inherited a few really nice firearms including some custom rifles and an Ed brown 1911 kobra not pictured here guns
Backstop Project this summer guns
2 sexy pistolas guns
Private Sales in Virginia guns
After a few drinks I decided to rattle can my EDC last night. I can\031t wait for the holster wear to kick in! guns
Armory Craft Skeleton Slides? guns
Estimated value of 1938 P.08 Mauser Luger guns
Is this rust removable without damaging the firearm? guns
1891 Argentinian Mauser carbine. Gun shop insisted it was safe to shoot and claimed their gunsmith had gone over it. Brass is weirdly deformed and scratched up, did this with three rounds before I decided against it. Gun shop says it's normal for brass to bulge out like that. Is it safe to shoot? guns
Open Carry Michigan guns
Looking for feedback guns
Is Walther Wednesday a thing? This is my Walther PDP 4" compact in some rare Texas snow. Details in the first comment... guns
I'm bored of going to the range... guns
Does Optics Planet still take months to ship products? guns
Is the beretta s686 essential any good? guns
My first ar15 guns
Pass the Gabagool - (Wilson Combat Vertec Centurion) guns
Does BAC work with a 1x prism? guns
HOWA issuing me an RMA on a rifle because it came with a cross threaded Bolt Hole new. Is it worth the time and hassle vs. a helicoil? guns
The best Mauser 98 variant... and a K98k. guns
Does anyone have any experience with D&L Sports ? guns
90s police gun aesthetic is best aesthetic guns
Hump(back) Day guns
16" AR15 Faux Dissipator and 20" AR-15A2 guns
Windham Weaponry 20" Government guns
I\031m a man of class and sophistication& guns
Seeking information on leather holster for Chiappa Rhino 30DS. guns
3D Printed MP5 Build With The Binary=@ guns
Bought my first CZ yesterday , a CZ 83 I don\031t think I did too bad for $220. It\031s also all matching numbers from what I can tell so that\031s a bonus. guns
Zenith Z5P guns
Got myself a new FNX Tactical. The weekend can't come fast enough guns
just got a db15 ar guns
First attempt at Sponge Camo, now I want to do more guns
Small Iron for WGW guns
Can AR's do everything? guns
I\031m a sucker for projects guns
MagPul Handstop Torque - Anything to Worry About guns
Wheelgun Wednesday, first gun I ever got! Grandpa gave it to me years ago, he bought it from Sears in 1956. Ruger Single Six 22lr/22wmr guns
Winchester Wednesday guns
Official Politics Thread 03-23-2022 guns
how big of a difference is there in WW2 era machine guns and modern ones? guns
A few months ago, I asked for advice on how to make my rule of cool a happen. Today, using some of the things I learned here and the r/gunsmithing... I made it a reality. guns
Shipping a completed 80% lower guns
In need of advice? guns
Is the M&P 15-22 currently overpriced? guns
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/23/22 guns
Hellion VHS2: LPVO or Dot/magnifier? guns
Does anyone know what this pistol is? guns
SVT40 guns
Inherited This Gewehr 98 - ID Help/Cleaning Help guns
Are there any non-invasive tang sights for 1873 Winchesters? guns
If you were me, what would you offer? guns
870 vs 870 express guns
My new edc guns
You guys convinced me. guns
410 Jammy Jam guns
Am I doing this right? guns
Safe&.Friday? guns
Bullet doesn\031t eject after fired and dented casing after fire guns
Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro guns
What would I be looking at, in order to swap out both sights of a RIA 1911? guns
<\x85<x<q<x<}<v <q<\x81<~ guns
Hellcat Pro vs. P365 XL angst guns
Carry Handle Gang guns
Arsenal sam7sf-84e guns
Added a stock to my Pardini pistol guns
which is the best gauge shotgun for home defense? guns
I know this is probably a stupid question, but is there a product that could use for firing/target practice? guns
Question about shotgun chokes guns
Is Liberty Tree Guns legit? guns
All wood VZ-58 guns
Question about a holster guns
Tinnitus guns
help identify a round of 9mm for me? guns
I put my M79 on a diet guns
Picked up twins today& guns
Is practicing with a .22 going to build bad habits if you eventually plan on owning a 9mm? guns
My k31 collection : custom, original with diopter and a commemorative plaque, original with iron sights guns
Well shit.. guns
Steyr Aug elite concrete cerakote guns
Safe distances for pistol caliber rifles on steel targets? guns
G19 Attachment Recommendations guns
Camping/hiking ammo: 9mm Xtreme penetrators, or 10mm? guns
Best deal/value for a 5.56 AR? guns
Some times I do glamor shots of guns guns
(2011) My mom shooting my dad's PS90. 10 years ago today she lost her fight to brain cancer. R.I.P. mom. (02/23/68 - 03/25/12) guns
First AR15 rifle guns
My first build ever. what kind of cleaning/lubricating should I do? details below: guns
I told myself I didn\031t want a SCAR, but that was a lie guns
After 350 days of waiting she\031s done guns
Holosun optic mounting plate for Picatinny rail guns
Those who have a 300 Ham'r what is your opinion? guns
1 full year of having my LTC guns
Just picked up my Tp9SC\031s big sexy cousin Walther PPQ Q4 Tac! guns
PSA for anyone else with a P-10: My slide lock spring fell out of place during a range sessions and would lock the slide after every shot. Seems like a poor design that would get you killed in a fight. guns
How to clean and tune up a shotgun that hasn't been fired in almost 20 years? guns
Official Politics Thread 03-25-2022 guns
.22 LR, .22 WMR, or .17 HMR? guns
Help on ID an AR barrel guns
Recently acquired what I think is a 23mm autocannon off a WWII Mig guns
How do I fold this rear sight up? guns
Left handed 30-06 guns
PSA AKP with Holosun 510c and cable damascus knife. guns
Friday Buyday 03/25/22 guns
Enjoying the Wilde new safe door organizer guns
My .22 pistol it's stupid and I love it. guns
Today's find, MKE AP5-P... Got everything shown + 2 more mags for $1800! guns
I won a raffle and came home with a pair of Girson mc1911sc. guns
Why do people train with drop leg holsters? guns
Received my first LPVO today. guns
CZ 75D PCR slide is very hard to pull back guns
need help guns
The proper way to set up a 590 shockwave. guns
Out with the old, in with the new (p365x arrived today, tac-pac gets relegated to its case) If you know you like it, why not? guns
kitty x gun guns
Was wondering if this would be a good cheap starter ar-15? guns
KNJ Holsters? guns
44 Mag Deagle vs 44 Rem Mag ammo? guns
Ruined Lettering fill_Slide Ghost guns
ATI DF12 helo guns
Here piggy piggy piggy guns
Is there such thing as a realistic shooting simulator for PC or console? Just for fun. guns
I want to get the magpul ms4 qd sling for my sig m400 tread coil rifle. Do I have to buy an mlok adapter for it seperately? guns
Finally started my own collection (on a budget). guns
Question about specific safariland holsters guns
Getting hooked to the rattled look <\xa8 guns
Thumper Thursday guns
Need a new shotgun guns
Buying a handgun in Texas with an out of state DL or passport and proof of residency. Is it possible? guns
PSA GF3 AK-P guns
Easiest parts kit? guns
Chair Force Ar-15 set up? guns
Mag stash photo. These are some of my Glock mags. guns
The Smiths guns
Any experiences with Monsoon Tactical? guns
Is this rifle worth it? guns
Advice about blank firing guns guns
Dirty .30 Thursday guns
BCM MCMR Handguard Question guns
Colorado gun laws? guns
Lower came in! guns
Just got a TX 22 & looking for good ammo, any suggestions? guns
Question guns
The Staccato P is absolutely worth every penny guns
Can someone help me identify this old musket? Some details on comments. guns
recommendations for a gun belt guns
SBR pathway and guardrails guns
mlok? mlok who?\024Zastava ZPAP92 [OC] guns
A-Team guns
Will using my cleaning rod into barrel through muzzle end damage it? guns
Where can I get a M1 Carbine receiver? guns
30-DN guns
Help for first home protection guns
Handgun WML doctrine and technique. guns
Range Day W/ The Kit guns
Hammer Of Fudd guns
staccato c vs nighthawk counselor? guns
Benellis and Daniel guns
Fresh paint. guns
Did a dumb with my beretta 1915/17. Help please. guns
Clone AK-103 mags - Kalashnikov USA vs Palmetto State Armory guns
105 year old bling, my new 1903 Colt Pocket Hammerless guns
Picked up a 10/22 Ruger from a buddy, it has flip up sights and red dot. Is the optic placement okay? guns
SIG MPX Elite Concrete cerakote guns
Tried my hand at a rattle can paint job. guns
Recommended budget 9mm for an EDC? guns
Help identifying 7mm mauser guns
When she thinks you only own one rifle \034because they all look the same\035. guns
I think I\031m set for a while. guns
Help making a decision for future gun purchase guns
Gunsmiff guns
DSA SA58 and aimpoint comp m2 with Rhodesian Hawaiian brushstroke sling. guns
10 Rounds was Enough! UK vz. 59 - Full Auto Belt Fed Machine Gun - 7.62x54R guns
Building a mk12 clone guns
My life is complete guns
I\031m the Rattle Can Man guns
A few newbie questions about ammo and laser sights guns
Firearmsheaven Inc. guns
Blazer 124 & 115 gr 9mm Luger guns
XANCAM Holster from Red Balloon Industries guns
Has anyone here shot an MP-40? guns
Question about background check for purchasing a handgun guns
Savage .22 Magnum, 60 meters =L guns
My new little friend. Palmetto PA-15 5.56/2.23 guns
Looking for replacement screws for 10/22 takedown tactical edition receiver plate screws guns
Aero buffer retainer&.buffer tube is captured in this position but can make several more turns& guns
Mysterious Smith & Wesson Hard Case guns
I miss the 80's... they were a better time. guns
AR15 won't cycle the next round into the chamber guns
AR9 - 6\035 w/ titanium shroud guns
Finding places for spare parts guns
Duty weapons 1970-2000 guns
Just traded for this. Smith and Wesson Model 17 (no dash) from 1959, 22lr 8 3/8\035 barrel. guns
Modern Musket guns
Nics delay guns
Quick questions from a first time lever action owner. guns
My 0 interest loan to the US government was paid back today, i think this is how they wanted me to spend it guns
Going through old home reloads my grandfather did, anything to look for visually before I test the ammo? guns
My buddy had never shot his only rifle (Remington 721) before, so I told him to bring it with us to the range. 300 H&H has a bit of a kick to it! guns
Whiskey just wants to be a part of things, you know? guns
My Freedom Ordinance fx-9 guns
PCC Madness! guns
A small arms review guns
How\031d I do? guns
Well here goes nothing guns
Lesson of The Day guns
Freedom Munitions in 2021-2022? guns
Almost Roland special guns
Bringing backpack to the airport. guns
Built my 1st AR15! guns
Behold Australians, My Tactical Boomerang. American Ingenuity at its finest. guns
Can I purchase a at-15 lower in Virginia guns
Full auto handguns purposes? guns
Semi auto Sten MKV guns
Has anyone purchased from they have something I\031ve been hunting for a while and would like y\031all\031s opinion guns
Is 5.7x28mm good for self defense? guns
calling all Queensland shooters iv created a page for to discuss our sport. guns
Loctite on Pic Rails? guns
Is it true that real and quality 10mm is hard to come by? guns
Is it still considered fashionably late to post my gun pairings? guns
Inherited M1 Carbine. I Have a few questions. guns
How it currently feels on my recent range trips& guns
Pure violence and still classy as fuck. guns
New to handguns: M&P shield 2.0 with 15 round to use the extension sleeves? guns
a good cheap gun building kit guns
Are diamond back AR-15\031s any good? guns
FK Putin but& guns
DMR guns
A work in Progress, but it's technically a rifle! guns
The internet gets weird, take this guns
Remington Thunderbolt .22 guns
Just the tip guns
My heavily abused EDC guns
My favorite ak, My Molot Vepr 74. Currently has Zenitco sport 5 kit, Rp-3 extended charging handle, Pt-5 stock, and Hexagon Tactical side rail guns
Is it possible to set up an adjustable gas block on an AR15 but still have the A2 front sight posts? guns
Less smelly alternatives to Butch's Bore Shine? guns
What do you think of my abomination? Scar 16s guns
Recommendation for reliable drum mags. guns
Who does ATF contact regarding form 4 guns
34 Guns Packed into a 24 Gun Safe guns
Quick question for right handed shooters& guns
handgun suggestions guns
Just finished cleaning the old boom stick. Mosin-Nagant with all original parts, minus the rear sight, which some madman sadly removed to attach a rail before I got it. guns
M&P 45 Compact guns
Can I put a 11.5 inch complete upper on a ar15 complete lower guns
What are the best night vision goggles and you can legally export? guns
I shot my mothers LCP today and the firing pin struck me in the face. I disassembled it along with a YouTube video and noticed the roll pin is a lot shorter than theirs. What would you do in this situation? My stepfather wants to replace the pin but I think we should contact Ruger. guns
My dad wants me to ship a handgun to him. Is that illegal and if not how can I ? guns
With tiny ar15s and mcx/similar, where does a pcc fit in the arsenal now? 32
I still don\031t feel like this is good enough. Ha. Anyone else this anal about this stuff? 23
Best Home Defense Round in 5.56? 73
5\0365*5/555&53 5\r50535.5"5- 12
My suppressed 12.5 AR is the same size as my 14.5" AR 51
Springfield Hellcat RDP with SilencerCo Omega 9k and Streamlight TLR-7. 29
Does anyone know of any good firearms podcasts? 25
Training Tuesday 3/15/22 13
My .38 Special Amadeo Rossi Made in Brasil for home defense 32
Are we doing scoped pistols now? 7
Twenty Tuesday 43
Gun Talk Tuesday - 15 March 2022 25
RimFire scope advice 28
Will 9mm kurz work on a 9mm? Specifically smith&wesson sd9ve? 28
New Benelli M4 Bolt Carrier Release 8
New grips who dis 14
Couldn't get a hold of a stock adaptor, so I bubba'd one. 16
Moving to the US from Canada. How can I bring my AR? 24
Becoming a firearms instructor 16
CETME charging handle pin no budge 15
My Ruger MKIV Target w/RMR 5
My new Palmetto State Armory ar pistol. I have some new parts I will post after I install them. 21
Anybody else not get all the ammo you paid for? 23
What is this rifle from "Cruel Gun Story?" 8
please send help, I don't know what I'm doing with my saiga 308! 15
Where could I get a replacement metal band for this arisaka, and would this band be universal between all arisaka models? I want to use it, but without the band, the barrel is bowed upwards and I'm not gonna risk damage (if a small bow can cause that). 13
saw frt 21
I'm finally becoming a Father. So papa needs to update his AR-15 game. 126
NAA 22 Mag 16
2nd RMR cut I've done in the books 14
zastava ak47 13
Anyone else seen issues having an easier time limp wristing with ammo from the last few years? 12
Why is my scope so canted? Can it be fixed without buying new? 52
Using your CCW or Home Defense Weapon 18
Spanish CETME C Charger pin 2
Groomsmen Gift? 54
Parts shopping widget? 2
Holster brands 14
Desert Eagles and the nosey cat, 11
I've got a couple of questions about my Verona SX 405-12ga shotgun. 6
Juliet 3 micro issues 1
HK clones 13
I mean, five-five-six made by bad-ass Hebrews 31
M&P Mondays 30
Picked up this new Citori CX over the weekend, Ive got wood 9
Anyone wanna take a road trip to Agua Fria? 7
Little bit of old, little bit of new. Range day choices are hard. 20
.450 Bushmaster Build. Ready to shoot! 56
1968 BAR 19
My KISS small game gitter. Chiappa Little Badger, 22lr 10
Mounting a Red dot on a Scope 5
Pretty good range day, as you can see 15
FFL License question 16
Looking to get my girlfriend and I PCCs. CZ Scorpion Evo 3, KUSA KP-9 or Aero EPC-9? 10
Best office paperweights. 10
Childhood dream fulfilled. 32
I just finished my m1897 trenchgun build. My 3rd trenchgun build. 8
Early production Belgian Sweet-Sixteen 6
Brought my grandpa's Remington Model 34 back to life 19
When your Zenitco furniture and RC2 get out of jail the same week. 6
My first AR the SW Sport II, I bought in 2017 ran fine and served me well over the years. Decided to do a full send on Geissele Super Duty and see how it runs! 8
Rifle chambered for .357 / .38 18
Can anyone tell me what this is? 12
If you haven't shot a scoped pistol, its an absolute blast 72
Anyone else run some drills this weekend? Here is my worst of the day. 269
C&R license 4
Fun retro build 5
AKS-74U, Modernized 35
someone tell me about colt company after being bought out by Czech 11
wood furniture 9
Possibly stupid question. 8
Barrett M107 at indoor range, see other post for video 8
New gun user. My gun is very old, is there a maximum on the grain of the cartridges I use with it? 14
Wood furniture is so aesthetically pleasing 17
How important? 53
Wake me up when 30-06 is affordable again 96
The time for action is now. 161
M1 Monday 14
Big Bore Monday? 14
Inherited this monstrosity from my late grandfather, any suggestions on how to best un-meme it? 90
Has anyone had any experience with Central Florida Armament? 5
Single shot autoloader? 16
Are magazine fed shotguns generally unreliable? 11
My first time shooting a fully automatic. MP5 was buttery smooth 21
8 inches of pure, not my penis, that's my 2 inches of sheer laughter. 39
Texas Views 7
When your girl likes the new gun you bought, but decides it\031s hers now. 141
My run-of-the-mill G19.3 1
Look at this old mosin nagant my grandpa gave me before he died 4
How fucked is my mosin? 20
Lightweight build done 5
Chef\031s kiss 143
Any recommendations for a first focal plane hunting optic? 8
Just installed a new Hogue hardwood monogrip on the Ruger GP100! 11
My first wheelgun Wednesday. 4
Canik TP9 SFX and cat 10
Pre-War Commercial Broomhandle, all numbers matching 8
My old wasr and my new m18. These make for a fun range combo. 9
Looking for a Small, Lockable Hard Case for Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle - Ideas? 7
Quesnel, BC, Canada: Winter Brutality Stages 4, 5 and 6 (Pictures and Designs) 2
probably spend too much money on it, but it shoots like a dream. 23
Diversity! 10mm, 10x25mm, & .40S&W Magnum 18
Questions about Surplus rifles in Cosmoline in general and Mosin Nagant 1925 Izhevsk Mosin Nagant in cosmoline without escutcheons? 8
running a pistol with a red dot with a suppressor ? 10
Finally put together a pistol with a lower I\031ve had for 5 years or so 1
Western Wednesday? It ain't much, but it's mine 15
Polymer guns are sick. Complete with shit weapon lights cause I\031m a poor. 23
Hearing Protection 28
What's Wrong With My MP5? It's Making My Eyes Water and Ears Bleed. 39
1908 Iver Johnson advertisement and .38 Safety Automatic Hammerless for Wheelgun Wednesday 18
Slowmo SVD 10
easily the nicest pistol I've ever shot 15
New kid on the block here. This is my daily carry, 9mm Smith&Wesson 2.0 M&P shield. I carry it with the extended 8 round mag plus one in the chamber. I'm using hot point HJP self defense ammo. Extra details in the comment section if you care to read them. 11
Muh Mosin with a dumpy =\x9a 9
I found these two guns at a house I'm working on. I think they're Japanese WW2 rifles? 58
"Hey Guys, is [site] a scam?" Or: The Magic 8 Ball guide on how to use your brain. 143
speedloader/speed feed 3
CZ Evo 3 S1 carbine trigger upgrade? 5
How should I go about this from a legal perspective? 48
Official Politics Thread 2022-03-16 169
What is the proper way to reload a revolver from a shoulder holster? 29
I just zeroed my rifle at 50 yards&.. then i saw i need to level the scope. Even if it\031s zeroed do i need to level it? How important is leveling it? 22
Iron sights width question 3
GWOT with a spot of tea <\xec<\xe7 13
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/16/22 163
Magpul really does excelle in polishing turds. 21
Curious if this is even possible 26
Over priced sks? 10
Mmmm&. maple. 11
Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion with upgrades saddle, much better than the old one, topped with a nice red dot and light upfront. Makes for a great "bump in the night" gun. 8
Range Day with some friends 2
Garage gun ideas 29
First time thinking of buying and confused about FFLs. 47
first time buying a non-surplus bolt gun for $900 14
Sig RMR seal plate - Piece of shit 12
My first time at the range! I think I did alright, was a lot of fun! 20
My brand new Camdon Defense AR. (Yes I\031m from California) 117
Saw this at a LGS and I couldn\031t pass it up. Now the question is do I leave it how it is or swap all the furniture out? 75
Chilean Model 1912 Mauser short rifle, produced from Waffenfabrik Steyr in Austria 11
Are there any belt fed 22s? 10
Work EDC 10
What gun is this? 10
Finally picked up my first gun and I think I\031m in love 13
Came home and found these two hanging out in the corner. Sketchy fellas. 8
Revolver/Carbine combo 4
Help me identify this gun 20
If it seats, it yeets??? =, 146
Slim Fit Holsters (Canik TP9 Elite SC) 0
Does anyone else find USCCA YouTube channel a bit misleading ? 9
Angstadt Arms UDP-9 OEM 15rd Glock mags won't fit 3
CCW Question 19
AR-15 Mod Legal Question 6
Favorite pistol I own. 10.3\035 URGI. 23
What the hell did I just pay $200 for? 378
Picked up the latest Glock 19 today& 10
Iron Sights vs Eyes 7
Is there a fingerprint gun box that actually works 100% hours the time? 13
The Salt Life is not for cheap Rugers apparently. 32
30/06 To 7.7x58 Jap 10
Deep cleaning your firearms 46
1911 gi sights 3
Current Mosin 91/30 prices? $480 too much? 440 round spam can included in the price 34
Milled AKs > 4
The sling really brings it all together 8
Glock 45 9mm 43
Got my first apartment, so my brother and I made a table that holds my shotgun. 120
The MCX Spear at home 12
.308 Winchester TrueVelocity images 6
Going to gun range for the first time 28
Serious question about the legality of my idea for my project. 23
Oh Yeah, It\031s All Coming Together 2
Radio Silence from Faxon Firearms Support 3
Need opinion on the sights. Should I put irons on the AR or the pistol. The sight is on a riser on the rifle I can remove that for the pistol switch if needed. Thanks dudes. 12
My favorite gun 14
Found a briefcase full of ammo. Need help identifying 151
Is Small Arms Review magazine worth subscribing too? 11
Best best for shotgun barrel in this market? 6
Moving my gun locker today. 10
Don't talk to me, or my son ever again. 14
Sig M17 vs M18 22
458 SOCOM <q\017opper just got finished 138
Best Hearing Protection? Double Up 16
Attaching sling adapters on a Mossberg 500. Any ideas or tips? 5
Help me identify this 870. It\031s a 21\035 fixed full choke barrel. I don\031t know how to post more pictures but it says special on the receiver. 5
Went to the LGS to get my first AR15. Didn't go as planned. 257
LGS options 10
5 Rounds.. Sigh. 32
new range toy, .300AAC 4
Happy 50th birthday to this old boom stick 7
XMk18E1 Mod 607 13
New thang 22
Picked up this Winchester 1300 (most underrated pump imo) looking to put a stock on it, what do you guys think of speedfeed stocks? 28
Anyone know what brand of scope rings these are ? 4
If your EDC doesn't feel right then try something else ! 6
I bought this gun from an auction, what in the absolute brass tack hell is it? 74
Zama strong enough for blank firing guns? 2
Henry AR 7 Screw Replacement 6
Just picked up my first shotgun! Pretty jazzed to try it out 71
How bout a little green for my boy Saint Paddy eh? 21
There's a little green in there, I swear 15
Dragging myself kicking and screaming into the modern era with my 20 inch AR and M9A4. 70
Firearm question 7
Range Day Progress. 7
Do you guys like my frog blanket? 62
Show this cheap little bastard some love 15
The Ruger 10/22 is America\031s rifle, change my mind 338
Perfect pairings. We're all sommeliers but for old guns. 8
Bear or PMC? 11
Baby poop goes hard (this is not a political statement, plz don\031t disable my post) 80
And now I have a battle rifle. 13
St Patrick\031s Day Reppin 9
Looking for advice on possibly trading my M203 40mm for a clip-on thermal. Details inside. 2
Me Little Armalite 13
Proud dad moment. Took my 12yo to the range with me for the first time. We had a blast! 34
My pairs almost all make sense 14
Some pairs of .22 6
Everyone is Irish Today - Smith & Wesson 686+ and a Four Leaf Clover 16
7.62 BCG 17
Winchester model 70 in 7x57 Mauser 9
Am i allowed to bring empty bullet casings on an airplane if i put it in my suitcase in canada? 18
Some More Pairings You Might Enjoy 5
Help me decide on a USA made light for my AR15 29
Favorite Nighttime Steel Ringer! 4
cross eye dominant shooters of reddit; looking for advice on AR optics. 14
Kiss me I\031m Irish <\xee<\xea<@ 101
Has anyone shot the standard manufacturing SP-12? 28
My pistol/rifle pairings 35
Carcano Snap Caps 11
Kel-Tec SUB-2000 vs Ruger 10/22 Magpul Backpacker For Survival Gun 67
Building a basement gun room. Let's talk about humidity control. 28
PSA AK bad or something idk 97
Want to convert caliber 10
Steel case ammo question 16
Happy St. Patrick\031s Day 9
7.62x39 in AR platform 26
Good luck finding one of these, Mossberg 500 roadblocker edition with ATI folding stock. Springfield XD .45 for scale 30
12 gauge revolvers 47
1939 Luger problem 6
I guess we're doing fine wine pistol pairings tonight? 19
458 socom AR15 help 33
Thickheaded Thursday 03/17/22 185
Ed Brown with red dot and threaded barrel 11
When they tell you to not get a scary black AR15. So you get one in FDE. Help me welcome my first AR15! 12
Fal Stg 58 parts kit value 13
POSP T scope is moving around on my Zastava M70 4
Glock 19 - Round blew up while firing today. What next? 22
First time buying a firearm went to sportsman warehouse in PA. My background check is pending how long does this take? 20
Looking for forums to source 13.2mm Mauser 1918 t-gewehr rounds 8
The only Bush war I don\031t enjoy is in your moms pants 75
My first gun purchase update 57
Question: Was the IMI Galil ever used by insurgencies? 9
Swiss k31 10
Pistol pairings, like a fine wine. 16
Can I have an AR pistol in my truck at 19? 18
finally got to pick up my cmp 1911. 10
\034Custom\035 18
New (to me) Russian Capture K98 - Questions about stripper clips? 27
Taylor and co. 1873 \034Gambler\035 .357 8
Taylor Freelance for the win 3
Quick question about iwi jericho 941 fs9 8
Wheelgun Weds. 1908 New Colt 32 Police Positive 8
Just bought my first gun ever and I am absolutely in love. Can\031t wait to take her out to the range. 18
BuT iT DoEsNt FlOat 56
Wheelgun Wednesday - Rosewood Snake Edition 12
Wheel gun Wednesday post, Cimmeron 1872 Open Top in .45 LC. 17
First Wheel Gun Wednesday post. Let\031s hear it. 9
My new Arsenal SAM7R, w/ a MI T2 Optic mount 68
My 6.5-06 Build 9
FDE build 16" UwU 11
Not so much a gun question, but an accessory question involving a wild dog and a goat. 39
Good Day 17
New Heritage just in time for Wheelgun Wednesday 9
RKS USA Legit? 6
Got this in a lot we bought,no markings or stamps what is this ? 338
Converted a clothes closet into a gun closet for about $300 56
Everything That was in My Safe 5
Wheel Gun Wednesday with my Grandpa's old Model 48 in 22 magnum 8
18\035 go-to barrel 43
New Mombasa flashbacks intensify 22
Today was a good day... 18
The ones I actually carry 19
My current AK build 13
I just had a ND 55
Advice on a new gun 7
Best full size pistol for under $600 53
The best of both worlds ;) . 13
Finished my rifle for now (plus pistols bc wby not) 3
New 20ga and .22 (ignore my creaky floor.) 3
Can too much steel wool prevent wood from absorbing tung oil for finish? 10
I'm sure the question has been asked before.. But as a woman, (with a violent stalker) what would you recommend?? 104
Wondering how much it would cost to get my gun "anodized" 19
Broke college student in search shotgun 25
Diamondback DB15 - Is it any good? 10
\034Yeah just grab a jacket out of the closet\035 17
is it cursed? 30
Double action revolver - how much energy is needed to spin the cylinder, and how much to cock the hammer? 29
Can you tell the difference? Left is old one I bought from gun store. Right was a random eBay purchase. Which one of these is fake? Look at the streamlight logo Lol. Old one has a more yellow throw, the eBay one is bright white. 1
My first AR15. SigM400 with Romeo-MSR red dot sight. 10
10.5\035 pistol fully collapsed only slightly smaller than 18\035 Tavor. Mr920 Elite for scale (I don\031t have any bananas) 8
Just picked up a new carry pistol. Anyone have any idea who did these lightening cuts? Thanks! 201
Which 3 would you keep? 38
Help to identify this gun? The photo is WW2, the only photo I can find of the gun. 27
Another new gun owner! God bless the Second Amendment. Also, bullets are more expensive than I thought they were. 77
I think I came. Should I play the lottery? My usual pawn shop came in clutch again. $600OTD. New. 32
My new H&K USP 13
POF P-415 Edge Upper w/ Binary Trigger Lower? 1
Arts and Crafts Day for my Fudd Guns 2
Can't decide which I like better, they're both great calibers 98
Purchasing under circumstances 14
Which 9mm laser trainer to go with? 8
Diarrhea vitiligo SCAR-16 >) (toe tax paid) 26
Solvent Traps 10
Springfield 1903 29
Why did the monthly challenges stop? 4
FDE Folder Friday Flexin' 1
I just hate having to share with idiots who don't know what "range is hot" means 252
Firearms are always loaded 21
First 50 with new 1911 78
Fun .22 Rifle Suggestions 21
Can I remove the thumb safety on my m&p 2.0 without the frame plugs? 1
Not sure if anyone would know but my grandfather has since passed, so unfortunately I can\031t ask him. When he was on a sub in WWII it was standard issue to carry a sidearm when on patrol when docked. Trying to track down/figure out what he might have been carrying. Any ideas would be great, thanks! 28
Vortex Viper Problems! 8
Weird question, firearm adjacent&. Anyone know of a list of which Recoil magazines had what targets in them? 7
Will the mck fit a smith and Wesson sd40ve? 2
Gun Cabinet(like stackon) with Keypad Instead of Key 7
Bet y\031all ain\031t ever seen a MK18 with a sandman before 7
Building a suppressed SBR that will fit in a back pack? 16
<L 17
Finally decided to do it and this is coming home with me 10
\017\017&!,DAY -AGIC\017\017 9
My AR pistol is coming along 1
Did these custom g43x\031s for a buddy - what do you guys think? 606
Scored a 1941 Mauser K98K 15
Latest .22 project 5
UA Themed Walther PDP 39
Folder Friday (but tbh I gotta ditch the brace) 4
DD PDW with EXPS2 Green late St Patrick\031s Day post 4
Sadly, the first gun I've ever owned and also sadly the first gun I'm going to shoot since getting out of the military 6 years ago. 50
My edc, the titan .380 i love this little gun to death 15
Reloading and primers 4
Buying an ultrasonic cleaner, anything i should know before ordering one? 15
Truso Armory, legit? 8
I Showed You My Home Defense Setup Please Respond (Glock 45) 53
b&t ghm45. whatcha think? 59
Dumb dumb need answers 5
DISTANCE SHOOTERS: I'm looking to get into a Semi .308 BR/DMR and I'm currently looking at the Fulton Armory M14 w/peerless or the POF Revolution. Gotta be a piston gun. Any others I should be looking at? Budget $5k. 179
Seeing as it was St. Patrick's Day yesterday, I decided to pick up my first green rifle. My Sako TRG-42 in .338LM 19
Summer carry / Winter carry 64
Springfield Trapdoor Markings ID 3
Happy FrIWIday yall 11
Heirloom Pistol Box. Made for a Veteran father as a gift to his son's promotion to Major. 3
Had some people asking how my 308 AR-15 shot 222
12 gauge home defense ammo 63
Official Politics Thread 3/18/22 117
Retro Gang 10
STNGR HWK Handguard + AA Piston Kit Compatibility 6
Bolt action chambered in .44mag that ISNT a ruger 77/44? 10
is .270 dead? 23
I got the Clapp. 9
Friday Buyday 03/18/22 153
PTR-91 Advice 5
Please clean up when shooting public land. My buddy and I shot 22lr and 9mm and we cleaned up 85 lbs of trash, most shotgun shells 128
First time shooting a handgun. Can I get some advice? 87
Does selling my gun to a store count as a PPT? 6
Taran Tactical STI 2011 in John Wick 13
gun vise recommendations 12
Took my new AR out to the range today, and it jammed on the first shot&>r 231
Price check on Ruger Red Label 6
Trying to find a holster that will fit my handgun and a rail mounted flashlight 14
9mm carbine advice: PSA AR-V 7" or STRIBOG SP9A1 8
Looking for info on Winchester model 250/290 (more pics in comment) 7
Ruger security 9 full size holster ? 8
20 vs 12 for clay? 10
St. Patrick\031s day Scout Rifle 8
Tactical or something idk 6
Took the ol\031 Kalashnikov on a sub-zero hiking trip the other day& 22
St. Patrick's day post 12
Savage axis cracks in Boyd\031s stock looking for advice 20
Two-Tone-Thursdays from now on 1
*Chef's Kiss* 6
Look at what came today 5
Background Check With Carry Permit? 13
My simple 320 submission. 8
Mossberg 500 j.i.c 4
Sundays are for 9x18 5
Dan Wesson 1911 valor, jams a lot! 5
I am setting up a Mosin-Nagant (I know, I know... not my first gun, I own a couple 10/22s already), with bedding, a trigger job, scope and a butt pad. 66
Luger P08 1917 16
My .320 on 3/20 12
One of these things is not like the others 22
My first AR 19
19x almost done, just debating the newest Timney trigger, is it worth it on a carry piece? 64
My full auto B&T APC300 (MG), B&T MP9-N (SMG), Glock 18 Gen3 (SMP) and Zastava M53 (LMG) 104
Springfield Armory XD 9 19
I was denied ammo in CA today and have no clue why. 210
SS MR920 Elite Vs Glock 19 X 8
Remington .22 key holing like crazy 56
Got to try out a few of my newest firearms finally! 5
Get out and enjoy firearms when you can. d\017 10
Tried to use a heat knife to cut the foam. It came out ok but could use a bit more practice. Also my first ar15 build. 25
Question about Benelli Shotguns 25
I can see in the dark. 10
Husqvarna M/40S - The Danish Police, Swedish Built, Finnish 9mm 13
Best gun safe if you have kids? 37
Sig sauer p226 extreme. 8
What\031s everyone\031s EDC? 359
Fitelite question 17
Selling Firearms 33
Good evening fellow enthusiasts& 7
Private Seller Handgun Recommendation 11
New addition 9
UK vz. 59 Czechoslovakian LMG - Full Auto 50 Round Belt Dump w/ Slow Motion 7
P320 Nitron Holster Recommendation 3
PSA PA65 Gen 3 6.5 creedmoor extracting and ejecting issue, is this new? 9
Elftman trigger pin help 1
Peak 2000s carry? Rohrbaugh R9 5
need some reference material Stat M28 1
New to guns, and wanting to learn more. 16
Behold, The Pimp Cane MkII 97
Case made by a pelican for my guns 21
Buying online vs Buying from local stores? 22
I\031d say I feel comfortable with taking a break from buying any other pews for now. Now for ammo, training, and attachments. 19
Second time out with the new Bergara B-14 HMR. 12
Range day! First time firing my rifle and my new EDC. 4
New build. 300 BLK 7
It\031s not the \03003 I wanted but it\031s the \03003 I got 48
Ass-end Aturday 1
Happy Belated Birthday to Me! 9
I love guns but all the different ammo types make my head spin. 14
Thought y\031all my appreciate this ad from the 90\031s 11
My new concealed carry has 10-12 round capacity for extra stealth in concealed actions 63
Considering the idea of shoulder holster CCW - Feedback on options on gun 18
James River Galil 5.56 13
I dont think India wanted this rifle to ride shiny and chrome 10
Howa Trade? 5
First suppressor, Liberty Constitution 5
12\035 VS 16\035 barrel on lever rifle? 15
Grandpa is bequeathing his unused High Standard .22 since he\031s getting old, never held a more beautiful gun 53
Gun restoration 11
Help with Types of HK45 Adjuatable Sight 4
SecureIt Safes and/or Storage racks.... seem well like utter Garbage? 7
My guns and my brothers guns. Guess which state we live in :( 351
Dream gun aquired: FN FNC 82
I\031m an idiot. Stuck slide on reassembly. Help! 9
Questions about USPSA Production Division 9
My most questionable gun purchase of the year... so far. Two AMT Hardballer Longslides. 123
Gangster fun in the sun 18
FMJ V.S. Hollow Point 25
Green and Black is a Vibe 1
Extended magazine for SW9VE? 7
Decisions, decisions... 30
Grand Power P1 Ultra. Kinda funky, kinda awesome. 10
I've grown quite affectionate to this beauty 9
Behold: Peak EDC 36
First Gun - Thinking about a PCC - Tell me why I'm wrong or unreasonable 23
"Spitfield" - Does anybody knows something about this? 10
Is financing a firearm as dumb as it sounds? 87
New M1A Owner With Some Questions in Comments. 30
I purchased my 1st S&W M&P Sport 2 AR-15 with FDE MAGPUL CTR Stock, MOE+ Pistol Grip, M-Lok MVG Vertical Grip, Holosun 510c and Streamlight HLX&I will probably swap out the charging handle next =\016 37
Just turned 21, no greater birthday present to myself than my first firearm. (S&W TRR8) 42
It's the simple things in life 20
Can anyone suggest some good holster for an FNX 45? I do want to put a light on it eventually 33
Steyr AUG with Trijicon Acog 20
SLR106CR Pre-Chop 2
Advice on what suppressor to get for my first? 13
Help identifying inherited rifle 8
Love to hate it, or hate to love it? 144
only the bear essentials 8
Right way to repaint a gun? 7
Preserving guns w/ Ballistol or Hoppes 12
Suggestions for my first AR-15 please! 17
I have a strange blank in my vocabulary that I want to square away 17
My British girlfriend, who "doesn't like guns" shooting a P90 for the first time. 389
would parts from a martini henry fit on a martini enfield? 2
Torture test of the second worst handgun Remington ever made. Honestly I am impressed for a gun with its reputation. 3
Picked me up a new EDC. Diamondback Firearms DB9 Gen IV. Any particular ammo anyone have good luck running in these? I've noticed it doesn't like to rack with a full mag of +p rounds. Regular rounds are tight, but it will rack. So far no jams between the Blazer and IMI ammo. 16
Since Pest forgot to post it, I will fill in, granted a day late. 81
Sport king carbine a-102 4
.450 BushMaster vs .50 Beowulf? 9
Is there a wall mount for guns that uses nails to attach to the wall? 12
space cowboy 43
Winchester 1873 \034The Gun that Won the West\035 19
Cleaning up after a good day. 14
Swiss k31 w/ Diopter sights. 15
Mock18 Questions 9
Armed robbery of a store, and the grey areas of gun laws. 73
Henry 22 Jamming 15
Birchwood Casey Lead Remover on Blued Barrel 10
The quintessential 80's action gun... UZI (Full Auto on a Form 4) 34
My most interesting pistol, The Wilkinson Sherry .22 25
Checking out some .22 LR tracers. 18
Heard y\031all like Scars 29
How to measure a slide tube? 6
Need advice on re-coating an Atlas 4
Finished my first AR-15 5
<\xec<\xe7 L119A2 (15.7") and L119A1 (10.0") 9
M118LR vs. IMI 7.62 175 gr Match 5
First AR-15 and first SBR finally coming together. This thing slaps. New to firearms and the AR platform. 14
Rust Removal Question 2
Non Refundable Deposit 37
They took back the \03003, got a 1917 instead 51
Confused by date/age of Ruger Mark II 2
im looking for some info 6
Sighting in my Henry Big Boy .357 8
Standard in Excellence: The Colt Single Action Army 9
Ruger Mini-14 question. Outside of the round size is there any other major difference in the Mini-14 Ranch and the Mini-14 Mini Thirty? 24
Found in late member's gun safe, seems to be Russian influenced but not sure what exactly it is. Please help identify 30
It\031s Monday& 16
Moving from Maine to Tenessee - help 26
EAA Witness Match carbon buildup on Wonder Finish 6
Hey there BB ;) 33
Mauser Monday with two Mausers and a DWM Luger added for spice 5
Grandma shoots AK at the range. 5
Extended mag for Beretta APX A1 carry? 9
Should I bother fixing this E9? 10
25 yard with AR from a standing position? 168
Savage 1917 9
Fresh diamonds on a 16 gauge 106
CAR-15 14
Quick AR question 20
Official Politics Thread 03-21-2022 101
California Dreamin\031& 8
Lets go back around 10 guns to my very first handgun; the M9 Beretta! How much life is left I wonder? =\\ 14
compatible models. 2
Is there a website I can use to see when my M1 Carbine was manufactured? It\031s only identifying markings say \034U.S. Carbine Cal.30 MI. Inland Div following the serial numbers. 12
Is this normal round 3 lol 136
Moronic Monday 03/21/22 228
M1 Carbine 11
Trying out the new pistol builds! 7
How can I mount this? missing mounting hardware for sight 7
I miss the days when I was excited by a $500 AR. 41
Ordering online 25
Saw a PP Posted Earlier: Vintage EDC Night? 6
Brass Holes? 48
Vintage Inspired 300BLK 13
first time shooting a desert eagle, .50AE of course. 60
Opinions on 350 Legend as a cheap, short-med distance goat/pig hunting round where I don't have straight-wall calibre restrictions. 19
Enjoying Sunday in the range 8
Multi Gun Prism Scopes Recommendations 12
AR-15 Puzzle: Failure to Eject 16
Happy 3/20, Chiefs 18
Jewish rifle, German handgun 11
Found another smokin deal. Got all this for 350. 28
Small but annoying problem on 1873 cattleman: ejector rod head flops down. 4
Frankie gsp 22lr 16
Sig Sauer MK25 8
Few Questions 8
Does anybody actually know the power difference between pistols and SMG or pistol carbines? 13
Went for Ammo, Left With This. 122
Psak-47 furniture opinions wanted. 3
Heritage arms... 74
What are your favorite color combos for sights? I\031m getting ready to throw on a fresh set and am thinking green in the rear and red up front. What do you run? 38
Good gun YouTube channels for learning? 60
New impulse purchase today, Intratec Tec DC9 21
LPVO recommendations around $1k 8
Did marlin change the spring receiver in the model 60 3
Finally Achieved A Bakelite Mag For 30$ 6
Carcano(I think) Marking ID 5
Vanlife Home Defense in CA 50
How to pick a LPVO 12
Finally put a thermal on one of my AR15 builds. 17
A Wild SKS Appeared! 8
Checking in. 17
This Gun's Got Seoul 9
Went to Gun show today. Disappointed I didn\031t take this home. 46
3/20 but it's kinda French 4
Proud first time gun owner - CZ 612 Field 4
Has anybody ever ordered anything from 15
Anybody have any experience with Riton x5 1-6 Tactix? 0
After Ferrari\031s 1-2 finish today, I had the perfect excuse to shoot my new Italian shotgun for the first time. Grazzi. 16
Just picked this up, Watcha think? 33
My 320 for 3/20 5
Remlin 45-70 Lever Issue 1
Is hoppes #9 safe to use on AR-15s? 19
1953 CZ52 15
Ultra Compact Swiss PDW 234
Diversity 19
3/20 running my P320. 9
To follow up my flux post, here\031s my favorite aspect. In 5 minutes I can turn a very capable PCC back into a concealable duty handgun. 4
should I label different brands of ammo? 14
1301 tactical optic options 5
TLDR: New FFL, missed out on some info, have a few questions on what to do. 22
22 20/22 for 3/22/2022 8
-20 moa Athlon mount? 10
Decided to become a beta tester today 37
Seeking help finding this 1911 6
What kind of gun is this? 18
Bought my first CZ 8
Its that time of the month again 19
How to load an M1 Garand without including your thumb... 28
CZ 75b "Cold War Commemorative" Edition 26
I\031m not asking for a versus, I\031m about to purchase a firearm and I am still torn between the Ruger PC nine and the Ruger mini 14. 26
Silence is golden. 24
My home made VZ58 2
Three twentytwos for 3/22 11
Geissele just slaps, just like the SSAE-X 11
Trying to date a M91 Carcano 14
3 Weeks Ago, I Rattlecanned my Staccato C2. This is how it looks now! 178
CGW vs CZC, which would you EDC? 14
Bought my first gun. What kind of shells does it use? 856
Handguns with long slides and compact grips. 19
Quiz time: Does this bayonet go to this rifle? If not, what does it go to? 18
Can someone recommend a gunsmith who can do slide cuts on a p365? 2
Got this baby sunday, way smoother than the glock. 19
This better not awaken anything in me... 77
Trying to ship a rifle to an FFL. How do i go about it? 22
Pair of Turnbull Rugers 7
Experience with ordering from 4Range 2
first time buyer- quick question to ease my mind 23
settling for glocks? 58
Everyone needs a suppressed 22 38
Anyone Try using a Sionyx nigh vision scope? Any good? 4
2 different generations 6
Question about magazines being removed on a shipped firearm 43
2 Stamp Tuesday 4
Peanut Butta 3
New CZ Scorpion 15
Built like a brick shithouse. 25
Hadn't bought a gun in 29 months. New CSX who dis? 20
The "Pandemic" Glock 9
How many porpoises can I get with this? 4
Recently almost got scammed on Gunbroker, guy stole an account with 2k+ feedback, anyway to safely pay? 20
If guns are mass produced, how can they tell which gun shot a bullet? 68
tmw a coworker wants toes 5
The Lee Enfield I inherited 12
Ruger M77 mkii 7mm mag inaccuracy 14
Retro =\016 25
The Night-Hike Glock 1
Keepin it simple with the P-2 28
Considering purchasing a firearm 26
Mossberg 590 12 Gauge 3
Just wanted to share a photo of the boys 15
One hand on the clock 19
Remington 700 or ??? 30
Just my completely normal new 1911 carry gun. Nothing different about it at all. 31
Rossi .22 rifle bolt. 25
My solution to running a remote switch for my weapon light on my Steyr AUG. 7
Training Tuesday 3/22/22 19
Compact LPVO 5
Thermal PS90 :) 168
CZ SP01 Shadow with (worn) Lok Brass Grips 12
What Makes A Trigger Good? 24
Do you have any slack in your LAW Tactical Folder? 4
Gun Talk Tuesday - 22 March 2022 145
Got myself a new edc for work. 15 round mag hellcat, holster is on its way! 18
Probably not the best Sig but I love it 18
The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire 17
Question: 4
Issues with my new Maverick 88 12ga 12
Help! How do I disassembled a V. Bernadelli PO10? 6
FN FALO rear sight problems 8
My In progress Aero Precision Build 10
"I. AM. SPEED." -5.56 of a 20" AR 15
how to unclear g3c barrel asap 127
lets say you've got the funds but little time, what's the best sequence of classes you would recommend? 12
A couple guns representing all the way from 1812 to present. Details below. 9
Difference between 9mm FMJ and 9mm HP 496
45/70 my uncle bought. 42
I like having options 8
May finally have to see a gunsmith because I\031m dumb. 11
Feds aren't identifying me from my digital toe profile. 85
Gewehr 98/K98K Bayonet Lug Size 4
The muzzle blast dispersion from DT\031s Ratchet compensator 10
First gun, a spring came loose and I don\031t know where it came from (details in the comments) 33
Made some changes to my livestock guardian/truck gun 15
Are lr-300s legal to have in the United States? 20
Spotted at my lgs 26
*vibe checks your plates 11
Any ideas? From somewhere between 1780s and 1810s but no visible date 9
Can I buy a stripped lower at 18 in the state of Tennessee? 20
Browsing 12ga I just inherited. Anyone know anything about these? My grandpa purchased it in \03063 and I\031m trying to get some more info on it. 26
First AR put together, feel free to roast 14
Is this an acceptable way to store my shotgun? 141
Cursed 5.56 from hell 181
I bought something 16
A Tec 9 that actually works 20
Trying to ID this handgun 20
FFL missing delivery, need advice? 9
Scary black rifle lineup so far 71
A pair of Bren 2s all dressed up. 11
HK91/G3/PTR91/C308 Enhanced Heavy Buffer woes 9
GSG STG-44 9
So We're Doing Wood ARs Today? 35
My trio 5
FN Pistol 7m/.85 (I think) 13
ATF Forced Reset Trigger Letter Containment Thread 161
best .22 handgun 50
What Cerakote Matches Anodized Aluminum Best? 7
Best place to gift a holster? 10
After years of procrastinating, my first purchase. Italian 92fs Inox. 37
What is this? 86
The atf hates this one trick 24
New to gun collecting 10
Found this pump-action Remington .22 (Model 12-A) in storage \024 still cherry. 58
Abyone know what these markings mean? 1973 Colt Cobra. 10
My first and last attempt and building an AR15 70
S&W 610 with 40S&W 17
Friends don\031t let friends buy a Winchester Wildcat 32
Doggo not super impressed by tax return... 73
How do we feel about wood ARs? 207
Getting over a fear of guns 49
Bought A lower receiver when I was 18 had it sent to the nearest FFL dealer and they said I can\031t pick it up till I turn 21 I am currently 20 about to turn 21 33
How to convert stock .223 AR to .300 BLK 20
Anyone know why 410 ammo is so hard to find? 26
Conceal carry at work? Boss/coworkers not too pro 2A? 49
Thickheaded Thursday 03/24/22 215
Every good nightstand gun should have a =\xa1. 17
Trash or treasure 7
CZ Shadow 2 : user feedback 22
Glock 20 slide & threaded barrel 6
I know it's not super nice like most of the other builds on here, but im super stoked on how my first AR turned out! 91
Bolt actions: sling studs vs QD cups 9
I don't know shit about fuck. 21
Painted lettering should come stock 28
Anyone have experience with the Rossi RS 22? 12
This Is My Shotgun. 7
Love my old single shot H&R pardner, but I hate the seemingly cheap plastic parts. Anyone know if you can replace the plastic parts on the newer ones with metal parts? I'd love to make this one a project. 7
Belongs to a friend, very fun to shoot. I know it's a CZ, but what model? I'd love to buy one for myself 41
Government property. 3
Anyone here thinks guns help you deal with the fear of snakes/other wild animals ? 58
Mannlicher M1895 straight pull 4
please like me 199
She's not perfect, but she's mine. 5
Has a 380ACP Battle Pack Ever Been Used In Battle? 5
Are there reproducible problems with Un-pinned slide stop problems with the Canik Rivals or similar guns? More info in post. 7
\034Yeah, but it makes sense to order at least three because of the discount\035 43
Laugo Arms Alien 44
Good Wood showed up 10
Just inherited a few really nice firearms including some custom rifles and an Ed brown 1911 kobra not pictured here 45
Backstop Project this summer 22
2 sexy pistolas 5
Private Sales in Virginia 10
After a few drinks I decided to rattle can my EDC last night. I can\031t wait for the holster wear to kick in! 14
Armory Craft Skeleton Slides? 4
Estimated value of 1938 P.08 Mauser Luger 15
Is this rust removable without damaging the firearm? 22
1891 Argentinian Mauser carbine. Gun shop insisted it was safe to shoot and claimed their gunsmith had gone over it. Brass is weirdly deformed and scratched up, did this with three rounds before I decided against it. Gun shop says it's normal for brass to bulge out like that. Is it safe to shoot? 22
Open Carry Michigan 20
Looking for feedback 2
Is Walther Wednesday a thing? This is my Walther PDP 4" compact in some rare Texas snow. Details in the first comment... 19
I'm bored of going to the range... 14
Does Optics Planet still take months to ship products? 25
Is the beretta s686 essential any good? 4
My first ar15 50
Pass the Gabagool - (Wilson Combat Vertec Centurion) 12
Does BAC work with a 1x prism? 3
HOWA issuing me an RMA on a rifle because it came with a cross threaded Bolt Hole new. Is it worth the time and hassle vs. a helicoil? 15
The best Mauser 98 variant... and a K98k. 8
Does anyone have any experience with D&L Sports ? 0
90s police gun aesthetic is best aesthetic 90
Hump(back) Day 4
16" AR15 Faux Dissipator and 20" AR-15A2 4
Windham Weaponry 20" Government 7
I\031m a man of class and sophistication& 16
Seeking information on leather holster for Chiappa Rhino 30DS. 3
3D Printed MP5 Build With The Binary=@ 165
Bought my first CZ yesterday , a CZ 83 I don\031t think I did too bad for $220. It\031s also all matching numbers from what I can tell so that\031s a bonus. 39
Zenith Z5P 13
Got myself a new FNX Tactical. The weekend can't come fast enough 58
just got a db15 ar 12
First attempt at Sponge Camo, now I want to do more 25
Small Iron for WGW 13
Can AR's do everything? 137
I\031m a sucker for projects 25
MagPul Handstop Torque - Anything to Worry About 8
Wheelgun Wednesday, first gun I ever got! Grandpa gave it to me years ago, he bought it from Sears in 1956. Ruger Single Six 22lr/22wmr 11
Winchester Wednesday 7
Official Politics Thread 03-23-2022 232
how big of a difference is there in WW2 era machine guns and modern ones? 32
A few months ago, I asked for advice on how to make my rule of cool a happen. Today, using some of the things I learned here and the r/gunsmithing... I made it a reality. 31
Shipping a completed 80% lower 1
In need of advice? 23
Is the M&P 15-22 currently overpriced? 11
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/23/22 208
Hellion VHS2: LPVO or Dot/magnifier? 15
Does anyone know what this pistol is? 15
SVT40 7
Inherited This Gewehr 98 - ID Help/Cleaning Help 22
Are there any non-invasive tang sights for 1873 Winchesters? 4
If you were me, what would you offer? 117
870 vs 870 express 4
My new edc 10
You guys convinced me. 17
410 Jammy Jam 10
Am I doing this right? 11
Safe&.Friday? 6
Bullet doesn\031t eject after fired and dented casing after fire 71
Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro 3
What would I be looking at, in order to swap out both sights of a RIA 1911? 8
<\x85<x<q<x<}<v <q<\x81<~ 44
Hellcat Pro vs. P365 XL angst 18
Carry Handle Gang 21
Arsenal sam7sf-84e 3
Added a stock to my Pardini pistol 131
which is the best gauge shotgun for home defense? 46
I know this is probably a stupid question, but is there a product that could use for firing/target practice? 9
Question about shotgun chokes 6
Is Liberty Tree Guns legit? 8
All wood VZ-58 13
Question about a holster 1
Tinnitus 54
help identify a round of 9mm for me? 13
I put my M79 on a diet 7
Picked up twins today& 8
Is practicing with a .22 going to build bad habits if you eventually plan on owning a 9mm? 9
My k31 collection : custom, original with diopter and a commemorative plaque, original with iron sights 11
Well shit.. 16
Steyr Aug elite concrete cerakote 7
Safe distances for pistol caliber rifles on steel targets? 4
G19 Attachment Recommendations 8
Camping/hiking ammo: 9mm Xtreme penetrators, or 10mm? 32
Best deal/value for a 5.56 AR? 31
Some times I do glamor shots of guns 13
(2011) My mom shooting my dad's PS90. 10 years ago today she lost her fight to brain cancer. R.I.P. mom. (02/23/68 - 03/25/12) 357
First AR15 rifle 18
My first build ever. what kind of cleaning/lubricating should I do? details below: 17
I told myself I didn\031t want a SCAR, but that was a lie 104
After 350 days of waiting she\031s done 9
Holosun optic mounting plate for Picatinny rail 6
Those who have a 300 Ham'r what is your opinion? 13
1 full year of having my LTC 39
Just picked up my Tp9SC\031s big sexy cousin Walther PPQ Q4 Tac! 5
PSA for anyone else with a P-10: My slide lock spring fell out of place during a range sessions and would lock the slide after every shot. Seems like a poor design that would get you killed in a fight. 20
How to clean and tune up a shotgun that hasn't been fired in almost 20 years? 8
Official Politics Thread 03-25-2022 79
.22 LR, .22 WMR, or .17 HMR? 14
Help on ID an AR barrel 9
Recently acquired what I think is a 23mm autocannon off a WWII Mig 12
How do I fold this rear sight up? 28
Left handed 30-06 6
PSA AKP with Holosun 510c and cable damascus knife. 6
Friday Buyday 03/25/22 164
Enjoying the Wilde new safe door organizer 23
My .22 pistol it's stupid and I love it. 18
Today's find, MKE AP5-P... Got everything shown + 2 more mags for $1800! 4
I won a raffle and came home with a pair of Girson mc1911sc. 64
Why do people train with drop leg holsters? 37
Received my first LPVO today. 9
CZ 75D PCR slide is very hard to pull back 16
need help 26
The proper way to set up a 590 shockwave. 74
Out with the old, in with the new (p365x arrived today, tac-pac gets relegated to its case) If you know you like it, why not? 14
kitty x gun 27
Was wondering if this would be a good cheap starter ar-15? 17
KNJ Holsters? 0
44 Mag Deagle vs 44 Rem Mag ammo? 21
Ruined Lettering fill_Slide Ghost 28
ATI DF12 helo 5
Here piggy piggy piggy 11
Is there such thing as a realistic shooting simulator for PC or console? Just for fun. 16
I want to get the magpul ms4 qd sling for my sig m400 tread coil rifle. Do I have to buy an mlok adapter for it seperately? 4
Finally started my own collection (on a budget). 13
Question about specific safariland holsters 6
Getting hooked to the rattled look <\xa8 10
Thumper Thursday 45
Need a new shotgun 23
Buying a handgun in Texas with an out of state DL or passport and proof of residency. Is it possible? 41
Easiest parts kit? 11
Chair Force Ar-15 set up? 9
Mag stash photo. These are some of my Glock mags. 318
The Smiths 19
Any experiences with Monsoon Tactical? 0
Is this rifle worth it? 29
Advice about blank firing guns 6
Dirty .30 Thursday 3
BCM MCMR Handguard Question 2
Colorado gun laws? 9
Lower came in! 16
Just got a TX 22 & looking for good ammo, any suggestions? 22
Question 3
The Staccato P is absolutely worth every penny 20
Can someone help me identify this old musket? Some details on comments. 11
recommendations for a gun belt 22
SBR pathway and guardrails 10
mlok? mlok who?\024Zastava ZPAP92 [OC] 15
A-Team 19
Will using my cleaning rod into barrel through muzzle end damage it? 4
Where can I get a M1 Carbine receiver? 5
30-DN 1
Help for first home protection 30
Handgun WML doctrine and technique. 22
Range Day W/ The Kit 13
Hammer Of Fudd 5
staccato c vs nighthawk counselor? 2
Benellis and Daniel 8
Fresh paint. 5
Did a dumb with my beretta 1915/17. Help please. 9
Clone AK-103 mags - Kalashnikov USA vs Palmetto State Armory 2
105 year old bling, my new 1903 Colt Pocket Hammerless 6
Picked up a 10/22 Ruger from a buddy, it has flip up sights and red dot. Is the optic placement okay? 47
SIG MPX Elite Concrete cerakote 7
Tried my hand at a rattle can paint job. 55
Recommended budget 9mm for an EDC? 22
Help identifying 7mm mauser 3
When she thinks you only own one rifle \034because they all look the same\035. 16
I think I\031m set for a while. 19
Help making a decision for future gun purchase 11
Gunsmiff 4
DSA SA58 and aimpoint comp m2 with Rhodesian Hawaiian brushstroke sling. 2
10 Rounds was Enough! UK vz. 59 - Full Auto Belt Fed Machine Gun - 7.62x54R 3
Building a mk12 clone 10
My life is complete 14
I\031m the Rattle Can Man 15
A few newbie questions about ammo and laser sights 37
Firearmsheaven Inc. 14
Blazer 124 & 115 gr 9mm Luger 11
XANCAM Holster from Red Balloon Industries 3
Has anyone here shot an MP-40? 63
Question about background check for purchasing a handgun 7
Savage .22 Magnum, 60 meters =L 14
My new little friend. Palmetto PA-15 5.56/2.23 36
Looking for replacement screws for 10/22 takedown tactical edition receiver plate screws 4
Aero buffer retainer&.buffer tube is captured in this position but can make several more turns& 9
Mysterious Smith & Wesson Hard Case 15
I miss the 80's... they were a better time. 14
AR15 won't cycle the next round into the chamber 16
AR9 - 6\035 w/ titanium shroud 2
Finding places for spare parts 1
Duty weapons 1970-2000 4
Just traded for this. Smith and Wesson Model 17 (no dash) from 1959, 22lr 8 3/8\035 barrel. 27
Modern Musket 7
Nics delay 14
Quick questions from a first time lever action owner. 3
My 0 interest loan to the US government was paid back today, i think this is how they wanted me to spend it 18
Going through old home reloads my grandfather did, anything to look for visually before I test the ammo? 13
My buddy had never shot his only rifle (Remington 721) before, so I told him to bring it with us to the range. 300 H&H has a bit of a kick to it! 20
Whiskey just wants to be a part of things, you know? 25
My Freedom Ordinance fx-9 14
PCC Madness! 8
A small arms review 83
How\031d I do? 321
Well here goes nothing 15
Lesson of The Day 10
Freedom Munitions in 2021-2022? 11
Almost Roland special 15
Bringing backpack to the airport. 15
Built my 1st AR15! 8
Behold Australians, My Tactical Boomerang. American Ingenuity at its finest. 183
Can I purchase a at-15 lower in Virginia 23
Full auto handguns purposes? 36
Semi auto Sten MKV 23
Has anyone purchased from they have something I\031ve been hunting for a while and would like y\031all\031s opinion 8
Is 5.7x28mm good for self defense? 51
calling all Queensland shooters iv created a page for to discuss our sport. 1
Loctite on Pic Rails? 10
Is it true that real and quality 10mm is hard to come by? 36
Is it still considered fashionably late to post my gun pairings? 19
Inherited M1 Carbine. I Have a few questions. 8
How it currently feels on my recent range trips& 46
Pure violence and still classy as fuck. 75
New to handguns: M&P shield 2.0 with 15 round to use the extension sleeves? 18
a good cheap gun building kit 10
Are diamond back AR-15\031s any good? 15
FK Putin but& 63
DMR 19
A work in Progress, but it's technically a rifle! 12
The internet gets weird, take this 4
Remington Thunderbolt .22 27
Just the tip 10
My heavily abused EDC 17
My favorite ak, My Molot Vepr 74. Currently has Zenitco sport 5 kit, Rp-3 extended charging handle, Pt-5 stock, and Hexagon Tactical side rail 7
Is it possible to set up an adjustable gas block on an AR15 but still have the A2 front sight posts? 12
Less smelly alternatives to Butch's Bore Shine? 7
What do you think of my abomination? Scar 16s 103
Recommendation for reliable drum mags. 17
Who does ATF contact regarding form 4 11
34 Guns Packed into a 24 Gun Safe 72
Quick question for right handed shooters& 21
handgun suggestions 12
Just finished cleaning the old boom stick. Mosin-Nagant with all original parts, minus the rear sight, which some madman sadly removed to attach a rail before I got it. 14
M&P 45 Compact 3
Can I put a 11.5 inch complete upper on a ar15 complete lower 36
What are the best night vision goggles and you can legally export? 6
I shot my mothers LCP today and the firing pin struck me in the face. I disassembled it along with a YouTube video and noticed the roll pin is a lot shorter than theirs. What would you do in this situation? My stepfather wants to replace the pin but I think we should contact Ruger. 33
My dad wants me to ship a handgun to him. Is that illegal and if not how can I ? 38
With tiny ar15s and mcx/similar, where does a pcc fit in the arsenal now?
I still don\031t feel like this is good enough. Ha. Anyone else this anal about this stuff?
Best Home Defense Round in 5.56?
5\0365*5/555&53 5\r50535.5"5-\0365*5/555&53_5\r50535.5"5-/
My suppressed 12.5 AR is the same size as my 14.5" AR
Springfield Hellcat RDP with SilencerCo Omega 9k and Streamlight TLR-7.
Does anyone know of any good firearms podcasts?
Training Tuesday 3/15/22
My .38 Special Amadeo Rossi Made in Brasil for home defense
Are we doing scoped pistols now?
Twenty Tuesday
Gun Talk Tuesday - 15 March 2022
RimFire scope advice
Will 9mm kurz work on a 9mm? Specifically smith&wesson sd9ve?
New Benelli M4 Bolt Carrier Release
New grips who dis
Couldn't get a hold of a stock adaptor, so I bubba'd one.
Moving to the US from Canada. How can I bring my AR?
Becoming a firearms instructor
CETME charging handle pin no budge
My Ruger MKIV Target w/RMR
My new Palmetto State Armory ar pistol. I have some new parts I will post after I install them.
Anybody else not get all the ammo you paid for?
What is this rifle from "Cruel Gun Story?"
please send help, I don't know what I'm doing with my saiga 308!
Where could I get a replacement metal band for this arisaka, and would this band be universal between all arisaka models? I want to use it, but without the band, the barrel is bowed upwards and I'm not gonna risk damage (if a small bow can cause that).
saw frt
I'm finally becoming a Father. So papa needs to update his AR-15 game.
NAA 22 Mag
2nd RMR cut I've done in the books
zastava ak47
Anyone else seen issues having an easier time limp wristing with ammo from the last few years?
Why is my scope so canted? Can it be fixed without buying new?
Using your CCW or Home Defense Weapon
Spanish CETME C Charger pin
Groomsmen Gift?
Parts shopping widget?
Holster brands
Desert Eagles and the nosey cat,
I've got a couple of questions about my Verona SX 405-12ga shotgun.
Juliet 3 micro issues
HK clones
I mean, five-five-six made by bad-ass Hebrews
M&P Mondays
Picked up this new Citori CX over the weekend, Ive got wood
Anyone wanna take a road trip to Agua Fria?
Little bit of old, little bit of new. Range day choices are hard.
.450 Bushmaster Build. Ready to shoot!
1968 BAR
My KISS small game gitter. Chiappa Little Badger, 22lr
Mounting a Red dot on a Scope
Pretty good range day, as you can see
FFL License question
Looking to get my girlfriend and I PCCs. CZ Scorpion Evo 3, KUSA KP-9 or Aero EPC-9?
Best office paperweights.
Childhood dream fulfilled.
I just finished my m1897 trenchgun build. My 3rd trenchgun build.
Early production Belgian Sweet-Sixteen
Brought my grandpa's Remington Model 34 back to life
When your Zenitco furniture and RC2 get out of jail the same week.
My first AR the SW Sport II, I bought in 2017 ran fine and served me well over the years. Decided to do a full send on Geissele Super Duty and see how it runs!
Rifle chambered for .357 / .38
Can anyone tell me what this is?
If you haven't shot a scoped pistol, its an absolute blast
Anyone else run some drills this weekend? Here is my worst of the day.
C&R license
Fun retro build
AKS-74U, Modernized
someone tell me about colt company after being bought out by Czech
wood furniture
Possibly stupid question.
Barrett M107 at indoor range, see other post for video
New gun user. My gun is very old, is there a maximum on the grain of the cartridges I use with it?
Wood furniture is so aesthetically pleasing
How important?
Wake me up when 30-06 is affordable again
The time for action is now.
M1 Monday
Big Bore Monday?
Inherited this monstrosity from my late grandfather, any suggestions on how to best un-meme it?
Has anyone had any experience with Central Florida Armament?
Single shot autoloader?
Are magazine fed shotguns generally unreliable?
My first time shooting a fully automatic. MP5 was buttery smooth
8 inches of pure, not my penis, that's my 2 inches of sheer laughter.
Texas Views
When your girl likes the new gun you bought, but decides it\031s hers now.
My run-of-the-mill G19.3
Look at this old mosin nagant my grandpa gave me before he died
How fucked is my mosin?
Lightweight build done
Chef\031s kiss
Any recommendations for a first focal plane hunting optic?
Just installed a new Hogue hardwood monogrip on the Ruger GP100!
My first wheelgun Wednesday.
Canik TP9 SFX and cat
Pre-War Commercial Broomhandle, all numbers matching
My old wasr and my new m18. These make for a fun range combo.
Looking for a Small, Lockable Hard Case for Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle - Ideas?
Quesnel, BC, Canada: Winter Brutality Stages 4, 5 and 6 (Pictures and Designs)
probably spend too much money on it, but it shoots like a dream.
Diversity! 10mm, 10x25mm, & .40S&W Magnum
Questions about Surplus rifles in Cosmoline in general and Mosin Nagant 1925 Izhevsk Mosin Nagant in cosmoline without escutcheons?
running a pistol with a red dot with a suppressor ?
Finally put together a pistol with a lower I\031ve had for 5 years or so
Western Wednesday? It ain't much, but it's mine
Polymer guns are sick. Complete with shit weapon lights cause I\031m a poor.
Hearing Protection
What's Wrong With My MP5? It's Making My Eyes Water and Ears Bleed.
1908 Iver Johnson advertisement and .38 Safety Automatic Hammerless for Wheelgun Wednesday
Slowmo SVD
easily the nicest pistol I've ever shot
New kid on the block here. This is my daily carry, 9mm Smith&Wesson 2.0 M&P shield. I carry it with the extended 8 round mag plus one in the chamber. I'm using hot point HJP self defense ammo. Extra details in the comment section if you care to read them.
Muh Mosin with a dumpy =\x9a
I found these two guns at a house I'm working on. I think they're Japanese WW2 rifles?
"Hey Guys, is [site] a scam?" Or: The Magic 8 Ball guide on how to use your brain.
speedloader/speed feed
CZ Evo 3 S1 carbine trigger upgrade?
How should I go about this from a legal perspective?
Official Politics Thread 2022-03-16
What is the proper way to reload a revolver from a shoulder holster?
I just zeroed my rifle at 50 yards&.. then i saw i need to level the scope. Even if it\031s zeroed do i need to level it? How important is leveling it?
Iron sights width question
GWOT with a spot of tea <\xec<\xe7
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/16/22
Magpul really does excelle in polishing turds.
Curious if this is even possible
Over priced sks?
Mmmm&. maple.
Mossberg 500 ATI Scorpion with upgrades saddle, much better than the old one, topped with a nice red dot and light upfront. Makes for a great "bump in the night" gun.
Range Day with some friends
Garage gun ideas
First time thinking of buying and confused about FFLs.
first time buying a non-surplus bolt gun for $900
Sig RMR seal plate - Piece of shit
My first time at the range! I think I did alright, was a lot of fun!
My brand new Camdon Defense AR. (Yes I\031m from California)
Saw this at a LGS and I couldn\031t pass it up. Now the question is do I leave it how it is or swap all the furniture out?
Chilean Model 1912 Mauser short rifle, produced from Waffenfabrik Steyr in Austria
Are there any belt fed 22s?
Work EDC
What gun is this?
Finally picked up my first gun and I think I\031m in love
Came home and found these two hanging out in the corner. Sketchy fellas.
Revolver/Carbine combo
Help me identify this gun
If it seats, it yeets??? =,
Slim Fit Holsters (Canik TP9 Elite SC)
Does anyone else find USCCA YouTube channel a bit misleading ?
Angstadt Arms UDP-9 OEM 15rd Glock mags won't fit
CCW Question
AR-15 Mod Legal Question
Favorite pistol I own. 10.3\035 URGI.
What the hell did I just pay $200 for?
Picked up the latest Glock 19 today&
Iron Sights vs Eyes
Is there a fingerprint gun box that actually works 100% hours the time?
The Salt Life is not for cheap Rugers apparently.
30/06 To 7.7x58 Jap
Deep cleaning your firearms
1911 gi sights
Current Mosin 91/30 prices? $480 too much? 440 round spam can included in the price
Milled AKs >
The sling really brings it all together
Glock 45 9mm
Got my first apartment, so my brother and I made a table that holds my shotgun.
The MCX Spear at home
.308 Winchester TrueVelocity images
Going to gun range for the first time
Serious question about the legality of my idea for my project.
Oh Yeah, It\031s All Coming Together
Radio Silence from Faxon Firearms Support
Need opinion on the sights. Should I put irons on the AR or the pistol. The sight is on a riser on the rifle I can remove that for the pistol switch if needed. Thanks dudes.
My favorite gun
Found a briefcase full of ammo. Need help identifying
Is Small Arms Review magazine worth subscribing too?
Best best for shotgun barrel in this market?
Moving my gun locker today.
Don't talk to me, or my son ever again.
Sig M17 vs M18
458 SOCOM <q\017opper just got finished
Best Hearing Protection? Double Up
Attaching sling adapters on a Mossberg 500. Any ideas or tips?
Help me identify this 870. It\031s a 21\035 fixed full choke barrel. I don\031t know how to post more pictures but it says special on the receiver.
Went to the LGS to get my first AR15. Didn't go as planned.
LGS options
5 Rounds.. Sigh.
new range toy, .300AAC
Happy 50th birthday to this old boom stick
XMk18E1 Mod 607
New thang
Picked up this Winchester 1300 (most underrated pump imo) looking to put a stock on it, what do you guys think of speedfeed stocks?
Anyone know what brand of scope rings these are ?
If your EDC doesn't feel right then try something else !
I bought this gun from an auction, what in the absolute brass tack hell is it?
Zama strong enough for blank firing guns?
Henry AR 7 Screw Replacement
Just picked up my first shotgun! Pretty jazzed to try it out
How bout a little green for my boy Saint Paddy eh?
There's a little green in there, I swear
Dragging myself kicking and screaming into the modern era with my 20 inch AR and M9A4.
Firearm question
Range Day Progress.
Do you guys like my frog blanket?
Show this cheap little bastard some love
The Ruger 10/22 is America\031s rifle, change my mind
Perfect pairings. We're all sommeliers but for old guns.
Bear or PMC?
Baby poop goes hard (this is not a political statement, plz don\031t disable my post)
And now I have a battle rifle.
St Patrick\031s Day Reppin
Looking for advice on possibly trading my M203 40mm for a clip-on thermal. Details inside.
Me Little Armalite
Proud dad moment. Took my 12yo to the range with me for the first time. We had a blast!
My pairs almost all make sense
Some pairs of .22
Everyone is Irish Today - Smith & Wesson 686+ and a Four Leaf Clover
7.62 BCG
Winchester model 70 in 7x57 Mauser
Am i allowed to bring empty bullet casings on an airplane if i put it in my suitcase in canada?
Some More Pairings You Might Enjoy
Help me decide on a USA made light for my AR15
Favorite Nighttime Steel Ringer!
cross eye dominant shooters of reddit; looking for advice on AR optics.
Kiss me I\031m Irish <\xee<\xea<@
Has anyone shot the standard manufacturing SP-12?
My pistol/rifle pairings
Carcano Snap Caps
Kel-Tec SUB-2000 vs Ruger 10/22 Magpul Backpacker For Survival Gun
Building a basement gun room. Let's talk about humidity control.
PSA AK bad or something idk
Want to convert caliber
Steel case ammo question
Happy St. Patrick\031s Day
7.62x39 in AR platform
Good luck finding one of these, Mossberg 500 roadblocker edition with ATI folding stock. Springfield XD .45 for scale
12 gauge revolvers
1939 Luger problem
I guess we're doing fine wine pistol pairings tonight?
458 socom AR15 help
Thickheaded Thursday 03/17/22
Ed Brown with red dot and threaded barrel
When they tell you to not get a scary black AR15. So you get one in FDE. Help me welcome my first AR15!
Fal Stg 58 parts kit value
POSP T scope is moving around on my Zastava M70
Glock 19 - Round blew up while firing today. What next?
First time buying a firearm went to sportsman warehouse in PA. My background check is pending how long does this take?
Looking for forums to source 13.2mm Mauser 1918 t-gewehr rounds
The only Bush war I don\031t enjoy is in your moms pants
My first gun purchase update
Question: Was the IMI Galil ever used by insurgencies?
Swiss k31
Pistol pairings, like a fine wine.
Can I have an AR pistol in my truck at 19?
finally got to pick up my cmp 1911.
New (to me) Russian Capture K98 - Questions about stripper clips?
Taylor and co. 1873 \034Gambler\035 .357
Taylor Freelance for the win
Quick question about iwi jericho 941 fs9
Wheelgun Weds. 1908 New Colt 32 Police Positive
Just bought my first gun ever and I am absolutely in love. Can\031t wait to take her out to the range.
BuT iT DoEsNt FlOat
Wheelgun Wednesday - Rosewood Snake Edition
Wheel gun Wednesday post, Cimmeron 1872 Open Top in .45 LC.
First Wheel Gun Wednesday post. Let\031s hear it.
My new Arsenal SAM7R, w/ a MI T2 Optic mount
My 6.5-06 Build
FDE build 16" UwU
Not so much a gun question, but an accessory question involving a wild dog and a goat.
Good Day
New Heritage just in time for Wheelgun Wednesday
RKS USA Legit?
Got this in a lot we bought,no markings or stamps what is this ?
Converted a clothes closet into a gun closet for about $300
Everything That was in My Safe
Wheel Gun Wednesday with my Grandpa's old Model 48 in 22 magnum
18\035 go-to barrel
New Mombasa flashbacks intensify
Today was a good day...
The ones I actually carry
My current AK build
I just had a ND
Advice on a new gun
Best full size pistol for under $600
The best of both worlds ;) .
Finished my rifle for now (plus pistols bc wby not)
New 20ga and .22 (ignore my creaky floor.)
Can too much steel wool prevent wood from absorbing tung oil for finish?
I'm sure the question has been asked before.. But as a woman, (with a violent stalker) what would you recommend??
Wondering how much it would cost to get my gun "anodized"
Broke college student in search shotgun
Diamondback DB15 - Is it any good?
\034Yeah just grab a jacket out of the closet\035
is it cursed?
Double action revolver - how much energy is needed to spin the cylinder, and how much to cock the hammer?
Can you tell the difference? Left is old one I bought from gun store. Right was a random eBay purchase. Which one of these is fake? Look at the streamlight logo Lol. Old one has a more yellow throw, the eBay one is bright white.
My first AR15. SigM400 with Romeo-MSR red dot sight.
10.5\035 pistol fully collapsed only slightly smaller than 18\035 Tavor. Mr920 Elite for scale (I don\031t have any bananas)
Just picked up a new carry pistol. Anyone have any idea who did these lightening cuts? Thanks!
Which 3 would you keep?
Help to identify this gun? The photo is WW2, the only photo I can find of the gun.
Another new gun owner! God bless the Second Amendment. Also, bullets are more expensive than I thought they were.
I think I came. Should I play the lottery? My usual pawn shop came in clutch again. $600OTD. New.
My new H&K USP
POF P-415 Edge Upper w/ Binary Trigger Lower?
Arts and Crafts Day for my Fudd Guns
Can't decide which I like better, they're both great calibers
Purchasing under circumstances
Which 9mm laser trainer to go with?
Diarrhea vitiligo SCAR-16 >) (toe tax paid)
Solvent Traps
Springfield 1903
Why did the monthly challenges stop?
FDE Folder Friday Flexin'
I just hate having to share with idiots who don't know what "range is hot" means
Firearms are always loaded
First 50 with new 1911
Fun .22 Rifle Suggestions
Can I remove the thumb safety on my m&p 2.0 without the frame plugs?
Not sure if anyone would know but my grandfather has since passed, so unfortunately I can\031t ask him. When he was on a sub in WWII it was standard issue to carry a sidearm when on patrol when docked. Trying to track down/figure out what he might have been carrying. Any ideas would be great, thanks!
Vortex Viper Problems!
Weird question, firearm adjacent&. Anyone know of a list of which Recoil magazines had what targets in them?
Will the mck fit a smith and Wesson sd40ve?
Gun Cabinet(like stackon) with Keypad Instead of Key
Bet y\031all ain\031t ever seen a MK18 with a sandman before
Building a suppressed SBR that will fit in a back pack?
Finally decided to do it and this is coming home with me
\017\017&!,DAY -AGIC\017\017
My AR pistol is coming along
Did these custom g43x\031s for a buddy - what do you guys think?
Scored a 1941 Mauser K98K
Latest .22 project
UA Themed Walther PDP
Folder Friday (but tbh I gotta ditch the brace)
DD PDW with EXPS2 Green late St Patrick\031s Day post
Sadly, the first gun I've ever owned and also sadly the first gun I'm going to shoot since getting out of the military 6 years ago.
My edc, the titan .380 i love this little gun to death
Reloading and primers
Buying an ultrasonic cleaner, anything i should know before ordering one?
Truso Armory, legit?
I Showed You My Home Defense Setup Please Respond (Glock 45)
b&t ghm45. whatcha think?
Dumb dumb need answers
DISTANCE SHOOTERS: I'm looking to get into a Semi .308 BR/DMR and I'm currently looking at the Fulton Armory M14 w/peerless or the POF Revolution. Gotta be a piston gun. Any others I should be looking at? Budget $5k.
Seeing as it was St. Patrick's Day yesterday, I decided to pick up my first green rifle. My Sako TRG-42 in .338LM
Summer carry / Winter carry
Springfield Trapdoor Markings ID
Happy FrIWIday yall
Heirloom Pistol Box. Made for a Veteran father as a gift to his son's promotion to Major.
Had some people asking how my 308 AR-15 shot
12 gauge home defense ammo
Official Politics Thread 3/18/22
Retro Gang
STNGR HWK Handguard + AA Piston Kit Compatibility
Bolt action chambered in .44mag that ISNT a ruger 77/44?
is .270 dead?
I got the Clapp.
Friday Buyday 03/18/22
PTR-91 Advice
Please clean up when shooting public land. My buddy and I shot 22lr and 9mm and we cleaned up 85 lbs of trash, most shotgun shells
First time shooting a handgun. Can I get some advice?
Does selling my gun to a store count as a PPT?
Taran Tactical STI 2011 in John Wick
gun vise recommendations
Took my new AR out to the range today, and it jammed on the first shot&>r
Price check on Ruger Red Label
Trying to find a holster that will fit my handgun and a rail mounted flashlight
9mm carbine advice: PSA AR-V 7" or STRIBOG SP9A1
Looking for info on Winchester model 250/290 (more pics in comment)
Ruger security 9 full size holster ?
20 vs 12 for clay?
St. Patrick\031s day Scout Rifle
Tactical or something idk
Took the ol\031 Kalashnikov on a sub-zero hiking trip the other day&
St. Patrick's day post
Savage axis cracks in Boyd\031s stock looking for advice
Two-Tone-Thursdays from now on
*Chef's Kiss*
Look at what came today
Background Check With Carry Permit?
My simple 320 submission.
Mossberg 500 j.i.c
Sundays are for 9x18
Dan Wesson 1911 valor, jams a lot!
I am setting up a Mosin-Nagant (I know, I know... not my first gun, I own a couple 10/22s already), with bedding, a trigger job, scope and a butt pad.
Luger P08 1917
My .320 on 3/20
One of these things is not like the others
My first AR
19x almost done, just debating the newest Timney trigger, is it worth it on a carry piece?
My full auto B&T APC300 (MG), B&T MP9-N (SMG), Glock 18 Gen3 (SMP) and Zastava M53 (LMG)
Springfield Armory XD 9
I was denied ammo in CA today and have no clue why.
SS MR920 Elite Vs Glock 19 X
Remington .22 key holing like crazy
Got to try out a few of my newest firearms finally!
Get out and enjoy firearms when you can. d\017
Tried to use a heat knife to cut the foam. It came out ok but could use a bit more practice. Also my first ar15 build.
Question about Benelli Shotguns
I can see in the dark.
Husqvarna M/40S - The Danish Police, Swedish Built, Finnish 9mm
Best gun safe if you have kids?
Sig sauer p226 extreme.
What\031s everyone\031s EDC?
Fitelite question
Selling Firearms
Good evening fellow enthusiasts&
Private Seller Handgun Recommendation
New addition
UK vz. 59 Czechoslovakian LMG - Full Auto 50 Round Belt Dump w/ Slow Motion
P320 Nitron Holster Recommendation
PSA PA65 Gen 3 6.5 creedmoor extracting and ejecting issue, is this new?
Elftman trigger pin help
Peak 2000s carry? Rohrbaugh R9
need some reference material Stat M28
New to guns, and wanting to learn more.
Behold, The Pimp Cane MkII
Case made by a pelican for my guns
Buying online vs Buying from local stores?
I\031d say I feel comfortable with taking a break from buying any other pews for now. Now for ammo, training, and attachments.
Second time out with the new Bergara B-14 HMR.
Range day! First time firing my rifle and my new EDC.
New build. 300 BLK
It\031s not the \03003 I wanted but it\031s the \03003 I got
Ass-end Aturday
Happy Belated Birthday to Me!
I love guns but all the different ammo types make my head spin.
Thought y\031all my appreciate this ad from the 90\031s
My new concealed carry has 10-12 round capacity for extra stealth in concealed actions
Considering the idea of shoulder holster CCW - Feedback on options on gun
James River Galil 5.56
I dont think India wanted this rifle to ride shiny and chrome
Howa Trade?
First suppressor, Liberty Constitution
12\035 VS 16\035 barrel on lever rifle?
Grandpa is bequeathing his unused High Standard .22 since he\031s getting old, never held a more beautiful gun
Gun restoration
Help with Types of HK45 Adjuatable Sight
SecureIt Safes and/or Storage racks.... seem well like utter Garbage?
My guns and my brothers guns. Guess which state we live in :(
Dream gun aquired: FN FNC
I\031m an idiot. Stuck slide on reassembly. Help!
Questions about USPSA Production Division
My most questionable gun purchase of the year... so far. Two AMT Hardballer Longslides.
Gangster fun in the sun
FMJ V.S. Hollow Point
Green and Black is a Vibe
Extended magazine for SW9VE?
Decisions, decisions...
Grand Power P1 Ultra. Kinda funky, kinda awesome.
I've grown quite affectionate to this beauty
Behold: Peak EDC
First Gun - Thinking about a PCC - Tell me why I'm wrong or unreasonable
"Spitfield" - Does anybody knows something about this?
Is financing a firearm as dumb as it sounds?
New M1A Owner With Some Questions in Comments.
I purchased my 1st S&W M&P Sport 2 AR-15 with FDE MAGPUL CTR Stock, MOE+ Pistol Grip, M-Lok MVG Vertical Grip, Holosun 510c and Streamlight HLX&I will probably swap out the charging handle next =\016
Just turned 21, no greater birthday present to myself than my first firearm. (S&W TRR8)
It's the simple things in life
Can anyone suggest some good holster for an FNX 45? I do want to put a light on it eventually
Steyr AUG with Trijicon Acog
SLR106CR Pre-Chop
Advice on what suppressor to get for my first?
Help identifying inherited rifle
Love to hate it, or hate to love it?
only the bear essentials
Right way to repaint a gun?
Preserving guns w/ Ballistol or Hoppes
Suggestions for my first AR-15 please!
I have a strange blank in my vocabulary that I want to square away
My British girlfriend, who "doesn't like guns" shooting a P90 for the first time.
would parts from a martini henry fit on a martini enfield?
Torture test of the second worst handgun Remington ever made. Honestly I am impressed for a gun with its reputation.
Picked me up a new EDC. Diamondback Firearms DB9 Gen IV. Any particular ammo anyone have good luck running in these? I've noticed it doesn't like to rack with a full mag of +p rounds. Regular rounds are tight, but it will rack. So far no jams between the Blazer and IMI ammo.
Since Pest forgot to post it, I will fill in, granted a day late.
Sport king carbine a-102
.450 BushMaster vs .50 Beowulf?
Is there a wall mount for guns that uses nails to attach to the wall?
space cowboy
Winchester 1873 \034The Gun that Won the West\035
Cleaning up after a good day.
Swiss k31 w/ Diopter sights.
Mock18 Questions
Armed robbery of a store, and the grey areas of gun laws.
Henry 22 Jamming
Birchwood Casey Lead Remover on Blued Barrel
The quintessential 80's action gun... UZI (Full Auto on a Form 4)
My most interesting pistol, The Wilkinson Sherry .22
Checking out some .22 LR tracers.
Heard y\031all like Scars
How to measure a slide tube?
Need advice on re-coating an Atlas
Finished my first AR-15
<\xec<\xe7 L119A2 (15.7") and L119A1 (10.0")
M118LR vs. IMI 7.62 175 gr Match
First AR-15 and first SBR finally coming together. This thing slaps. New to firearms and the AR platform.
Rust Removal Question
Non Refundable Deposit
They took back the \03003, got a 1917 instead
Confused by date/age of Ruger Mark II
im looking for some info
Sighting in my Henry Big Boy .357
Standard in Excellence: The Colt Single Action Army
Ruger Mini-14 question. Outside of the round size is there any other major difference in the Mini-14 Ranch and the Mini-14 Mini Thirty?
Found in late member's gun safe, seems to be Russian influenced but not sure what exactly it is. Please help identify
It\031s Monday&
Moving from Maine to Tenessee - help
EAA Witness Match carbon buildup on Wonder Finish
Hey there BB ;)
Mauser Monday with two Mausers and a DWM Luger added for spice
Grandma shoots AK at the range.
Extended mag for Beretta APX A1 carry?
Should I bother fixing this E9?
25 yard with AR from a standing position?
Savage 1917
Fresh diamonds on a 16 gauge
Quick AR question
Official Politics Thread 03-21-2022
California Dreamin\031&
Lets go back around 10 guns to my very first handgun; the M9 Beretta! How much life is left I wonder? =\\
compatible models.
Is there a website I can use to see when my M1 Carbine was manufactured? It\031s only identifying markings say \034U.S. Carbine Cal.30 MI. Inland Div following the serial numbers.
Is this normal round 3 lol
Moronic Monday 03/21/22
M1 Carbine
Trying out the new pistol builds!
How can I mount this? missing mounting hardware for sight
I miss the days when I was excited by a $500 AR.
Ordering online
Saw a PP Posted Earlier: Vintage EDC Night?
Brass Holes?
Vintage Inspired 300BLK
first time shooting a desert eagle, .50AE of course.
Opinions on 350 Legend as a cheap, short-med distance goat/pig hunting round where I don't have straight-wall calibre restrictions.
Enjoying Sunday in the range
Multi Gun Prism Scopes Recommendations
AR-15 Puzzle: Failure to Eject
Happy 3/20, Chiefs
Jewish rifle, German handgun
Found another smokin deal. Got all this for 350.
Small but annoying problem on 1873 cattleman: ejector rod head flops down.
Frankie gsp 22lr
Sig Sauer MK25
Few Questions
Does anybody actually know the power difference between pistols and SMG or pistol carbines?
Went for Ammo, Left With This.
Psak-47 furniture opinions wanted.
Heritage arms...
What are your favorite color combos for sights? I\031m getting ready to throw on a fresh set and am thinking green in the rear and red up front. What do you run?
Good gun YouTube channels for learning?
New impulse purchase today, Intratec Tec DC9
LPVO recommendations around $1k
Did marlin change the spring receiver in the model 60
Finally Achieved A Bakelite Mag For 30$
Carcano(I think) Marking ID
Vanlife Home Defense in CA
How to pick a LPVO
Finally put a thermal on one of my AR15 builds.
A Wild SKS Appeared!
Checking in.
This Gun's Got Seoul
Went to Gun show today. Disappointed I didn\031t take this home.
3/20 but it's kinda French
Proud first time gun owner - CZ 612 Field
Has anybody ever ordered anything from
Anybody have any experience with Riton x5 1-6 Tactix?
After Ferrari\031s 1-2 finish today, I had the perfect excuse to shoot my new Italian shotgun for the first time. Grazzi.
Just picked this up, Watcha think?
My 320 for 3/20
Remlin 45-70 Lever Issue
Is hoppes #9 safe to use on AR-15s?
1953 CZ52
Ultra Compact Swiss PDW
3/20 running my P320.
To follow up my flux post, here\031s my favorite aspect. In 5 minutes I can turn a very capable PCC back into a concealable duty handgun.
should I label different brands of ammo?
1301 tactical optic options
TLDR: New FFL, missed out on some info, have a few questions on what to do.
22 20/22 for 3/22/2022
-20 moa Athlon mount?
Decided to become a beta tester today
Seeking help finding this 1911
What kind of gun is this?
Bought my first CZ
Its that time of the month again
How to load an M1 Garand without including your thumb...
CZ 75b "Cold War Commemorative" Edition
I\031m not asking for a versus, I\031m about to purchase a firearm and I am still torn between the Ruger PC nine and the Ruger mini 14.
Silence is golden.
My home made VZ58
Three twentytwos for 3/22
Geissele just slaps, just like the SSAE-X
Trying to date a M91 Carcano
3 Weeks Ago, I Rattlecanned my Staccato C2. This is how it looks now!
CGW vs CZC, which would you EDC?
Bought my first gun. What kind of shells does it use?
Handguns with long slides and compact grips.
Quiz time: Does this bayonet go to this rifle? If not, what does it go to?
Can someone recommend a gunsmith who can do slide cuts on a p365?
Got this baby sunday, way smoother than the glock.
This better not awaken anything in me...
Trying to ship a rifle to an FFL. How do i go about it?
Pair of Turnbull Rugers
Experience with ordering from 4Range
first time buyer- quick question to ease my mind
settling for glocks?
Everyone needs a suppressed 22
Anyone Try using a Sionyx nigh vision scope? Any good?
2 different generations
Question about magazines being removed on a shipped firearm
2 Stamp Tuesday
Peanut Butta
New CZ Scorpion
Built like a brick shithouse.
Hadn't bought a gun in 29 months. New CSX who dis?
The "Pandemic" Glock
How many porpoises can I get with this?
Recently almost got scammed on Gunbroker, guy stole an account with 2k+ feedback, anyway to safely pay?
If guns are mass produced, how can they tell which gun shot a bullet?
tmw a coworker wants toes
The Lee Enfield I inherited
Ruger M77 mkii 7mm mag inaccuracy
Retro =\016
The Night-Hike Glock
Keepin it simple with the P-2
Considering purchasing a firearm
Mossberg 590 12 Gauge
Just wanted to share a photo of the boys
One hand on the clock
Remington 700 or ???
Just my completely normal new 1911 carry gun. Nothing different about it at all.
Rossi .22 rifle bolt.
My solution to running a remote switch for my weapon light on my Steyr AUG.
Training Tuesday 3/22/22
Compact LPVO
Thermal PS90 :)
CZ SP01 Shadow with (worn) Lok Brass Grips
What Makes A Trigger Good?
Do you have any slack in your LAW Tactical Folder?
Gun Talk Tuesday - 22 March 2022
Got myself a new edc for work. 15 round mag hellcat, holster is on its way!
Probably not the best Sig but I love it
The Sun Never Sets On The British Empire
Issues with my new Maverick 88 12ga
Help! How do I disassembled a V. Bernadelli PO10?
FN FALO rear sight problems
My In progress Aero Precision Build
"I. AM. SPEED." -5.56 of a 20" AR
how to unclear g3c barrel asap
lets say you've got the funds but little time, what's the best sequence of classes you would recommend?
A couple guns representing all the way from 1812 to present. Details below.
Difference between 9mm FMJ and 9mm HP
45/70 my uncle bought.
I like having options
May finally have to see a gunsmith because I\031m dumb.
Feds aren't identifying me from my digital toe profile.
Gewehr 98/K98K Bayonet Lug Size
The muzzle blast dispersion from DT\031s Ratchet compensator
First gun, a spring came loose and I don\031t know where it came from (details in the comments)
Made some changes to my livestock guardian/truck gun
Are lr-300s legal to have in the United States?
Spotted at my lgs
*vibe checks your plates
Any ideas? From somewhere between 1780s and 1810s but no visible date
Can I buy a stripped lower at 18 in the state of Tennessee?
Browsing 12ga I just inherited. Anyone know anything about these? My grandpa purchased it in \03063 and I\031m trying to get some more info on it.
First AR put together, feel free to roast
Is this an acceptable way to store my shotgun?
Cursed 5.56 from hell
I bought something
A Tec 9 that actually works
Trying to ID this handgun
FFL missing delivery, need advice?
Scary black rifle lineup so far
A pair of Bren 2s all dressed up.
HK91/G3/PTR91/C308 Enhanced Heavy Buffer woes
So We're Doing Wood ARs Today?
My trio
FN Pistol 7m/.85 (I think)
ATF Forced Reset Trigger Letter Containment Thread
best .22 handgun
What Cerakote Matches Anodized Aluminum Best?
Best place to gift a holster?
After years of procrastinating, my first purchase. Italian 92fs Inox.
What is this?
The atf hates this one trick
New to gun collecting
Found this pump-action Remington .22 (Model 12-A) in storage \024 still cherry.
Abyone know what these markings mean? 1973 Colt Cobra.
My first and last attempt and building an AR15
S&W 610 with 40S&W
Friends don\031t let friends buy a Winchester Wildcat
Doggo not super impressed by tax return...
How do we feel about wood ARs?
Getting over a fear of guns
Bought A lower receiver when I was 18 had it sent to the nearest FFL dealer and they said I can\031t pick it up till I turn 21 I am currently 20 about to turn 21
How to convert stock .223 AR to .300 BLK
Anyone know why 410 ammo is so hard to find?
Conceal carry at work? Boss/coworkers not too pro 2A?
Thickheaded Thursday 03/24/22
Every good nightstand gun should have a =\xa1.
Trash or treasure
CZ Shadow 2 : user feedback
Glock 20 slide & threaded barrel
I know it's not super nice like most of the other builds on here, but im super stoked on how my first AR turned out!
Bolt actions: sling studs vs QD cups
I don't know shit about fuck.
Painted lettering should come stock
Anyone have experience with the Rossi RS 22?
This Is My Shotgun.
Love my old single shot H&R pardner, but I hate the seemingly cheap plastic parts. Anyone know if you can replace the plastic parts on the newer ones with metal parts? I'd love to make this one a project.
Belongs to a friend, very fun to shoot. I know it's a CZ, but what model? I'd love to buy one for myself
Government property.
Anyone here thinks guns help you deal with the fear of snakes/other wild animals ?
Mannlicher M1895 straight pull
please like me
She's not perfect, but she's mine.
Has a 380ACP Battle Pack Ever Been Used In Battle?
Are there reproducible problems with Un-pinned slide stop problems with the Canik Rivals or similar guns? More info in post.
\034Yeah, but it makes sense to order at least three because of the discount\035
Laugo Arms Alien
Good Wood showed up
Just inherited a few really nice firearms including some custom rifles and an Ed brown 1911 kobra not pictured here
Backstop Project this summer
2 sexy pistolas
Private Sales in Virginia
After a few drinks I decided to rattle can my EDC last night. I can\031t wait for the holster wear to kick in!
Armory Craft Skeleton Slides?
Estimated value of 1938 P.08 Mauser Luger
Is this rust removable without damaging the firearm?
1891 Argentinian Mauser carbine. Gun shop insisted it was safe to shoot and claimed their gunsmith had gone over it. Brass is weirdly deformed and scratched up, did this with three rounds before I decided against it. Gun shop says it's normal for brass to bulge out like that. Is it safe to shoot?
Open Carry Michigan
Looking for feedback
Is Walther Wednesday a thing? This is my Walther PDP 4" compact in some rare Texas snow. Details in the first comment...
I'm bored of going to the range...
Does Optics Planet still take months to ship products?
Is the beretta s686 essential any good?
My first ar15
Pass the Gabagool - (Wilson Combat Vertec Centurion)
Does BAC work with a 1x prism?
HOWA issuing me an RMA on a rifle because it came with a cross threaded Bolt Hole new. Is it worth the time and hassle vs. a helicoil?
The best Mauser 98 variant... and a K98k.
Does anyone have any experience with D&L Sports ?
90s police gun aesthetic is best aesthetic
Hump(back) Day
16" AR15 Faux Dissipator and 20" AR-15A2
Windham Weaponry 20" Government
I\031m a man of class and sophistication&
Seeking information on leather holster for Chiappa Rhino 30DS.
3D Printed MP5 Build With The Binary=@
Bought my first CZ yesterday , a CZ 83 I don\031t think I did too bad for $220. It\031s also all matching numbers from what I can tell so that\031s a bonus.
Zenith Z5P
Got myself a new FNX Tactical. The weekend can't come fast enough
just got a db15 ar
First attempt at Sponge Camo, now I want to do more
Small Iron for WGW
Can AR's do everything?
I\031m a sucker for projects
MagPul Handstop Torque - Anything to Worry About
Wheelgun Wednesday, first gun I ever got! Grandpa gave it to me years ago, he bought it from Sears in 1956. Ruger Single Six 22lr/22wmr
Winchester Wednesday
Official Politics Thread 03-23-2022
how big of a difference is there in WW2 era machine guns and modern ones?
A few months ago, I asked for advice on how to make my rule of cool a happen. Today, using some of the things I learned here and the r/gunsmithing... I made it a reality.
Shipping a completed 80% lower
In need of advice?
Is the M&P 15-22 currently overpriced?
What Should I Buy Wednesday 03/23/22
Hellion VHS2: LPVO or Dot/magnifier?
Does anyone know what this pistol is?
Inherited This Gewehr 98 - ID Help/Cleaning Help
Are there any non-invasive tang sights for 1873 Winchesters?
If you were me, what would you offer?
870 vs 870 express
My new edc
You guys convinced me.
410 Jammy Jam
Am I doing this right?
Bullet doesn\031t eject after fired and dented casing after fire
Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro
What would I be looking at, in order to swap out both sights of a RIA 1911?
<\x85<x<q<x<}<v <q<\x81<~
Hellcat Pro vs. P365 XL angst
Carry Handle Gang
Arsenal sam7sf-84e
Added a stock to my Pardini pistol
which is the best gauge shotgun for home defense?
I know this is probably a stupid question, but is there a product that could use for firing/target practice?
Question about shotgun chokes
Is Liberty Tree Guns legit?
All wood VZ-58
Question about a holster
help identify a round of 9mm for me?
I put my M79 on a diet
Picked up twins today&
Is practicing with a .22 going to build bad habits if you eventually plan on owning a 9mm?
My k31 collection : custom, original with diopter and a commemorative plaque, original with iron sights
Well shit..
Steyr Aug elite concrete cerakote
Safe distances for pistol caliber rifles on steel targets?
G19 Attachment Recommendations
Camping/hiking ammo: 9mm Xtreme penetrators, or 10mm?
Best deal/value for a 5.56 AR?
Some times I do glamor shots of guns
(2011) My mom shooting my dad's PS90. 10 years ago today she lost her fight to brain cancer. R.I.P. mom. (02/23/68 - 03/25/12)
First AR15 rifle
My first build ever. what kind of cleaning/lubricating should I do? details below:
I told myself I didn\031t want a SCAR, but that was a lie
After 350 days of waiting she\031s done
Holosun optic mounting plate for Picatinny rail
Those who have a 300 Ham'r what is your opinion?
1 full year of having my LTC
Just picked up my Tp9SC\031s big sexy cousin Walther PPQ Q4 Tac!
PSA for anyone else with a P-10: My slide lock spring fell out of place during a range sessions and would lock the slide after every shot. Seems like a poor design that would get you killed in a fight.
How to clean and tune up a shotgun that hasn't been fired in almost 20 years?
Official Politics Thread 03-25-2022
.22 LR, .22 WMR, or .17 HMR?
Help on ID an AR barrel
Recently acquired what I think is a 23mm autocannon off a WWII Mig
How do I fold this rear sight up?
Left handed 30-06
PSA AKP with Holosun 510c and cable damascus knife.
Friday Buyday 03/25/22
Enjoying the Wilde new safe door organizer
My .22 pistol it's stupid and I love it.
Today's find, MKE AP5-P... Got everything shown + 2 more mags for $1800!
I won a raffle and came home with a pair of Girson mc1911sc.
Why do people train with drop leg holsters?
Received my first LPVO today.
CZ 75D PCR slide is very hard to pull back
need help
The proper way to set up a 590 shockwave.
Out with the old, in with the new (p365x arrived today, tac-pac gets relegated to its case) If you know you like it, why not?
kitty x gun
Was wondering if this would be a good cheap starter ar-15?
KNJ Holsters?
44 Mag Deagle vs 44 Rem Mag ammo?
Ruined Lettering fill_Slide Ghost
ATI DF12 helo
Here piggy piggy piggy
Is there such thing as a realistic shooting simulator for PC or console? Just for fun.
I want to get the magpul ms4 qd sling for my sig m400 tread coil rifle. Do I have to buy an mlok adapter for it seperately?
Finally started my own collection (on a budget).
Question about specific safariland holsters
Getting hooked to the rattled look <\xa8
Thumper Thursday
Need a new shotgun
Buying a handgun in Texas with an out of state DL or passport and proof of residency. Is it possible?
Easiest parts kit?
Chair Force Ar-15 set up?
Mag stash photo. These are some of my Glock mags.
The Smiths
Any experiences with Monsoon Tactical?
Is this rifle worth it?
Advice about blank firing guns
Dirty .30 Thursday
BCM MCMR Handguard Question
Colorado gun laws?
Lower came in!
Just got a TX 22 & looking for good ammo, any suggestions?
The Staccato P is absolutely worth every penny
Can someone help me identify this old musket? Some details on comments.
recommendations for a gun belt
SBR pathway and guardrails
mlok? mlok who?\024Zastava ZPAP92 [OC]
Will using my cleaning rod into barrel through muzzle end damage it?
Where can I get a M1 Carbine receiver?
Help for first home protection
Handgun WML doctrine and technique.
Range Day W/ The Kit
Hammer Of Fudd
staccato c vs nighthawk counselor?
Benellis and Daniel
Fresh paint.
Did a dumb with my beretta 1915/17. Help please.
Clone AK-103 mags - Kalashnikov USA vs Palmetto State Armory
105 year old bling, my new 1903 Colt Pocket Hammerless
Picked up a 10/22 Ruger from a buddy, it has flip up sights and red dot. Is the optic placement okay?
SIG MPX Elite Concrete cerakote
Tried my hand at a rattle can paint job.
Recommended budget 9mm for an EDC?
Help identifying 7mm mauser
When she thinks you only own one rifle \034because they all look the same\035.
I think I\031m set for a while.
Help making a decision for future gun purchase
DSA SA58 and aimpoint comp m2 with Rhodesian Hawaiian brushstroke sling.
10 Rounds was Enough! UK vz. 59 - Full Auto Belt Fed Machine Gun - 7.62x54R
Building a mk12 clone
My life is complete
I\031m the Rattle Can Man
A few newbie questions about ammo and laser sights
Firearmsheaven Inc.
Blazer 124 & 115 gr 9mm Luger
XANCAM Holster from Red Balloon Industries
Has anyone here shot an MP-40?
Question about background check for purchasing a handgun
Savage .22 Magnum, 60 meters =L
My new little friend. Palmetto PA-15 5.56/2.23
Looking for replacement screws for 10/22 takedown tactical edition receiver plate screws
Aero buffer retainer&.buffer tube is captured in this position but can make several more turns&
Mysterious Smith & Wesson Hard Case
I miss the 80's... they were a better time.
AR15 won't cycle the next round into the chamber
AR9 - 6\035 w/ titanium shroud
Finding places for spare parts
Duty weapons 1970-2000
Just traded for this. Smith and Wesson Model 17 (no dash) from 1959, 22lr 8 3/8\035 barrel.
Modern Musket
Nics delay
Quick questions from a first time lever action owner.
My 0 interest loan to the US government was paid back today, i think this is how they wanted me to spend it
Going through old home reloads my grandfather did, anything to look for visually before I test the ammo?
My buddy had never shot his only rifle (Remington 721) before, so I told him to bring it with us to the range. 300 H&H has a bit of a kick to it!
Whiskey just wants to be a part of things, you know?
My Freedom Ordinance fx-9
PCC Madness!
A small arms review
How\031d I do?
Well here goes nothing
Lesson of The Day
Freedom Munitions in 2021-2022?
Almost Roland special
Bringing backpack to the airport.
Built my 1st AR15!
Behold Australians, My Tactical Boomerang. American Ingenuity at its finest.
Can I purchase a at-15 lower in Virginia
Full auto handguns purposes?
Semi auto Sten MKV
Has anyone purchased from they have something I\031ve been hunting for a while and would like y\031all\031s opinion
Is 5.7x28mm good for self defense?
calling all Queensland shooters iv created a page for to discuss our sport.
Loctite on Pic Rails?
Is it true that real and quality 10mm is hard to come by?
Is it still considered fashionably late to post my gun pairings?
Inherited M1 Carbine. I Have a few questions.
How it currently feels on my recent range trips&
Pure violence and still classy as fuck.
New to handguns: M&P shield 2.0 with 15 round to use the extension sleeves?
a good cheap gun building kit
Are diamond back AR-15\031s any good?
FK Putin but&
A work in Progress, but it's technically a rifle!
The internet gets weird, take this
Remington Thunderbolt .22
Just the tip
My heavily abused EDC
My favorite ak, My Molot Vepr 74. Currently has Zenitco sport 5 kit, Rp-3 extended charging handle, Pt-5 stock, and Hexagon Tactical side rail
Is it possible to set up an adjustable gas block on an AR15 but still have the A2 front sight posts?
Less smelly alternatives to Butch's Bore Shine?
What do you think of my abomination? Scar 16s
Recommendation for reliable drum mags.
Who does ATF contact regarding form 4
34 Guns Packed into a 24 Gun Safe
Quick question for right handed shooters&
handgun suggestions
Just finished cleaning the old boom stick. Mosin-Nagant with all original parts, minus the rear sight, which some madman sadly removed to attach a rail before I got it.
M&P 45 Compact
Can I put a 11.5 inch complete upper on a ar15 complete lower
What are the best night vision goggles and you can legally export?
I shot my mothers LCP today and the firing pin struck me in the face. I disassembled it along with a YouTube video and noticed the roll pin is a lot shorter than theirs. What would you do in this situation? My stepfather wants to replace the pin but I think we should contact Ruger.
My dad wants me to ship a handgun to him. Is that illegal and if not how can I ?
'data.frame': 980 obs. of 7 variables:
$ date_utc : chr "2022-03-15" "2022-03-15" "2022-03-15" "2022-03-15" ...
$ timestamp: num 1.65e+09 1.65e+09 1.65e+09 1.65e+09 1.65e+09 ...
$ title : chr "With tiny ar15s and mcx/similar, where does a pcc fit in the arsenal now?" "I still don\031t feel like this is good enough. Ha. Anyone else this anal about this stuff?" "Best Home Defense Round in 5.56?" "5\0365*5/555&53 5\r50535.5\"5-" ...
$ text : chr "With the advent of small ar15s and similar foldy boys like the mcx, where does the pcc fit in now?\n\nSeems tha"| __truncated__ "" "I'm looking for some defensive rounds for my AR-15 that are reliable. Lately I've been shooting 55 Grain XTac g"| __truncated__ "" ...
$ subreddit: chr "guns" "guns" "guns" "guns" ...
$ comments : num 32 23 73 12 51 29 25 13 32 7 ...
$ url : chr "" "" "" "\0365*5/555&53_5\r50535.5\"5-/" ...
Explanation: Below I have processed my initial dataframe from Reddit into a corpus and saved a summary of the resulting data.
Explanation: In order to clean the documents for pre-processing and analysis I have removed punctuation, converted to lowercase and removed stopwords. Though the language of firearms is often associated with punctuation, such as 5.56, 3.57, and a variety of other calibers, which represent the diameter of the barrel required to fire each ammunition. However, losing the punctuation in caliber and firearm titles would not reduce their comprehensibility in analysis if they retain their form as 5.56 and 556 can be considered equally while reducing the complexity of tokens and potentially even sentences. Converting the documents to lowercase can also simplifies the data. However, for my inital analysis I will just being making a lowercase document feature matrix and a more edited one.
new_guns_corpus_dfm_tl<-tokens(new_guns_corpus) %>% dfm(tolower=TRUE)
new_guns_corpus_dfm_punct_tl_sw <- tokens(new_guns_corpus,
remove_punct = TRUE,) %>%
dfm(tolower=TRUE) %>%
Explanation: Examining the top 20 features below we see a fairly predictable set of response, as may be expected from the gun subreddit, the most used word is gun. Rifle and pistol are also in the top 20. Individual letters such as “ar”, “s”, and “m” appear frequently as they are commonly used designations for types of firearms or model names, ar-12, ar-15, m-4, m-16, m1911, 5-mm, and s559, s-12 and other designations. This indicates that these numbers are valuable, if difficult to comprehend on their own. With no punctuation removed the first 20 features are not informative.
topfeatures(new_guns_corpus_dfm_tl, 20)
. ? a the my , i to for and is
425 260 259 211 183 175 175 158 112 108 99
in it / of with gun this on first
93 89 84 81 80 78 76 76 60
topfeatures(new_guns_corpus_dfm_punct_tl_sw, 20)
gun first new 22 can s question
78 60 57 43 41 35 31
rifle just amp help anyone ar pistol
29 29 28 27 26 26 26
time guns know good got m
25 24 23 22 22 22
Explanation: Though not necessarily statistically informative, the wordcloud below can give some sense of comparative frequency using the limit of minimum count being 6. Reading through these can give a sense of both the communal nature of the forum in asking for recommendations, but also the importance of the word purchase and other words associated with working with, and buying firearms. In the case of the only lowercased data we can gather much less information.
textplot_wordcloud(new_guns_corpus_dfm_tl, min_count = 12, random_order = T, rotation = 0)
textplot_wordcloud(new_guns_corpus_dfm_punct_tl_sw, min_count = 6, random_order = T, rotation = 0)
Explanation: The gun corpus summary gives 3 counting categories that we can interpret in order to get a sense of the complexity of the documents that we are using. Looking at the number of types on average we see a mean of 9.18 and qunantiles that indicate a range of 2-45 with 50% being between 4 and 13 types.
[1] 9.18
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
2.0 4.0 7.5 13.0 45.0
Explanation: Tokens are relatively similar to types in this case. Here there is a mean of 9.72 but a range of 2-55 with the middle 50% ranging from 4-13 tokens, as was the case for types.
[1] 9.72
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
2 4 8 13 55
Explanation: As is indicated below, it appears that the number of sentences in each post is generally one. Arroding to the qunatile statistics the most sentences in any post
[1] 1.18
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
1 1 1 1 3
Explanation: Looking at word counts we see a similar trend reflected where including stopwords and punctuation decreases the quality of data as little information but punctuation and stopwords are included.
word_counts_new_1 <-,dec=T))
colnames(word_counts_new_1) <- c("Frequency")
word_counts_new_1$Rank <- c(1:ncol(new_guns_corpus_dfm_tl))
Frequency Rank
. 425 1
? 260 2
a 259 3
the 211 4
my 183 5
, 175 6
word_counts_new <-,dec=T))
colnames(word_counts_new) <- c("Frequency")
word_counts_new$Rank <- c(1:ncol(new_guns_corpus_dfm_punct_tl_sw))
Frequency Rank
gun 78 1
first 60 2
new 57 3
22 43 4
can 41 5
s 35 6
Explanation: As can be seen from the frequency graphs below, Ziph’s Law of inverse proportion. In this case a words rank in freqency is inversely prorportional to the number of times it is observed. Though the uncleaned dataset has far more frequency for its most common words (much of which is punctuation) it appears to follow the law.
ggplot(word_counts_new, mapping = aes(x = Rank, y = Frequency)) +
geom_point() +
labs(title = "Zipf's Law", x = "Rank", y = "Frequency") +
ggplot(word_counts_new_1, mapping = aes(x = Rank, y = Frequency)) +
geom_point() +
labs(title = "Zipf's Law", x = "Rank", y = "Frequency") +
Explanation: Much of what I do here will be explained in the code and results. Many words appear with a minimum frequency of 4, though non are included in 10% and only 3 words are included in 5%. At a level of 2.5% we get 4 words.
# First I trim the data to only include words that appear at least 4 times
smaller_dfm_4_freq <- dfm_trim(new_guns_corpus_dfm_punct_tl_sw, min_termfreq = 4)
# Next I will look at proportions are see if there are words that are seen in
# More than 10% and 5% of documents
smaller_dfm_10_p <- dfm_trim(smaller_dfm_4_freq, min_docfreq = 0.1, docfreq_type = "prop")
smaller_dfm_5_p <- dfm_trim(smaller_dfm_4_freq, min_docfreq = 0.05, docfreq_type = "prop")
smaller_dfm_2.5_p <- dfm_trim(smaller_dfm_4_freq, min_docfreq = 0.025, docfreq_type = "prop")
Explanation: Before making general modifications to the data, it is valuable to also get a sense of readability, as in week 5. In this case we will calculate readability scores based on 3 different measures, FOG, Coleman Liau, and Flesch Kincaid. Though this step will not indicate what sort of pre-processing is best, or how the data should be reduced, it does give us some insight into the complexity of the language in our data. In this case we just observe the readability based on the post number.
readability_new_guns <- textstat_readability(new_guns_corpus,
measure = c("Flesch.Kincaid", "FOG", "Coleman.Liau.grade"))
# add in a chapter number
readability_new_guns$reddit_post <- c(1:nrow(readability_new_guns))
# plot results
ggplot(readability_new_guns, aes(x = reddit_post)) +
geom_line(aes(y = Flesch.Kincaid), color = "black", alpha=0.3) +
geom_line(aes(y = FOG), color = "red", alpha=0.3) +
geom_line(aes(y = Coleman.Liau.grade), color = "blue", alpha=0.3) +
Explanation: In this part we will add dates to our data to see how the complexity changes over time or if it was relatively constant. As can be seen below, the amount of complexity in the data varies more smoothly when the data are sorted by data and not arbitrarily by their post number, in this case all 3 complexity method exhibit similar trends.
readability_new_guns$added_dates <- as.Date(New_guns_urls_df$date_utc)
ggplot(readability_new_guns, aes(x = added_dates)) +
geom_smooth(aes(y = Flesch.Kincaid), color = "black") +
geom_smooth(aes(y = FOG), color = "red") +
geom_smooth(aes(y = Coleman.Liau.grade), color = "blue") +
Explanation: Looking at the readability of the we see that all correlations between the methods of complexity measurement are similar except of FOG and Coleman Liau, however the graphs above do indicate some similarity in trend between them, though not direct correlation in their estimates potentially.
cor(readability_new_guns$Flesch.Kincaid, readability_new_guns$FOG, use = "complete.obs")
[1] 0.8321041
cor(readability_new_guns$Flesch.Kincaid, readability_new_guns$Coleman.Liau.grade, use = "complete.obs")
[1] 0.751674
cor(readability_new_guns$FOG, readability_new_guns$Coleman.Liau.grade, use = "complete.obs")
[1] 0.5859859
Explanation: Next I used the factorial_preprocessing() command to both use n-grams processing and use an infrequent term threshold. This is in order to see what techniques, such as removing punctuation, stopwords, etc lead to a pre-text score devised by Denny and Spirling. This pre-text score indicatess how many k-pairs of terms change the most when the pre-processing strategy is changed. Lower scores indicate more usual results while higher scores indicate more unusual results and they are between 0 and 1. Here we have used n-grams and set an infreqent term threshold. Because of the nature of our data I will use 30% of documents as
preprocessed_documents <- factorial_preprocessing(
use_ngrams = TRUE,
infrequent_term_threshold = 0.3,
verbose = FALSE)
Preprocessing 980 documents 128 different ways...
[1] "choices" "dfm_list" "labels"
Explanation: As can be seen below the possible choices are coded on the first column with each subsequent column indicating whether or not each choice includes each of the specified choices in its assessment.
removePunctuation removeNumbers lowercase stem
removeStopwords infrequent_terms use_ngrams
Explanation: Next preText is calculated using 50 comparisons and a cosine distance calculation.
#preText_results <- preText(
# preprocessed_documents,
# dataset_name = "Gun Pretext Results",
# distance_method = "cosine",
# num_comparisons = 50,
# verbose = TRUE)
#save(preText_results, file="preText_results_3_27_gun_50_comp.RData")
preText_results <- loadRData("~/Desktop/Spring 2022/Networks/Git_Projects/DACCS/")
preText_score preprocessing_steps
1 0.04157825 P-N-L-S-W-I-3
2 0.04157825 N-L-S-W-I-3
3 0.04157825 P-L-S-W-I-3
4 0.04157825 L-S-W-I-3
5 0.04157825 P-N-S-W-I-3
6 0.04157825 N-S-W-I-3
7 0.04157825 P-S-W-I-3
8 0.04157825 S-W-I-3
9 0.04157825 P-N-L-W-I-3
10 0.04157825 N-L-W-I-3
11 0.04157825 P-L-W-I-3
12 0.04157825 L-W-I-3
13 0.04157825 P-N-W-I-3
14 0.04157825 N-W-I-3
15 0.04157825 P-W-I-3
16 0.04157825 W-I-3
17 0.04157825 P-N-L-S-I-3
18 0.04157825 N-L-S-I-3
19 0.04157825 P-L-S-I-3
20 0.04157825 L-S-I-3
21 0.04157825 P-N-S-I-3
22 0.04157825 N-S-I-3
23 0.04157825 P-S-I-3
24 0.04157825 S-I-3
25 0.04157825 P-N-L-I-3
26 0.04157825 N-L-I-3
27 0.04157825 P-L-I-3
28 0.04157825 L-I-3
29 0.04157825 P-N-I-3
30 0.04157825 N-I-3
31 0.04157825 P-I-3
32 0.04157825 I-3
33 0.04815400 P-N-L-S-W-3
34 0.08058534 N-L-S-W-3
35 0.04403401 P-L-S-W-3
36 0.08427290 L-S-W-3
37 0.04864279 P-N-S-W-3
38 0.07599185 N-S-W-3
39 0.04470926 P-S-W-3
40 0.08186325 S-W-3
41 0.02723578 P-N-L-W-3
42 0.02629912 N-L-W-3
43 0.02280946 P-L-W-3
44 0.02777490 L-W-3
45 0.02723578 P-N-W-3
46 0.02629912 N-W-3
47 0.02280946 P-W-3
48 0.02777490 W-3
49 0.02647384 P-N-L-S-3
50 0.08304385 N-L-S-3
51 0.02334213 P-L-S-3
52 0.07225887 L-S-3
53 0.02706859 P-N-S-3
54 0.08697989 N-S-3
55 0.02384351 P-S-3
56 0.07767802 S-3
57 0.02647384 P-N-L-3
58 0.02777727 N-L-3
59 0.02334213 P-L-3
60 0.01888648 L-3
61 0.02647384 P-N-3
62 0.02777727 N-3
63 0.02334213 P-3
64 0.01888648 3
65 0.04157825 P-N-L-S-W-I
66 0.04157825 N-L-S-W-I
67 0.04157825 P-L-S-W-I
68 0.04157825 L-S-W-I
69 0.04157825 P-N-S-W-I
70 0.04157825 N-S-W-I
71 0.04157825 P-S-W-I
72 0.04157825 S-W-I
73 0.04157825 P-N-L-W-I
74 0.04157825 N-L-W-I
75 0.04157825 P-L-W-I
76 0.04157825 L-W-I
77 0.04157825 P-N-W-I
78 0.04157825 N-W-I
79 0.04157825 P-W-I
80 0.04157825 W-I
81 0.04157825 P-N-L-S-I
82 0.04157825 N-L-S-I
83 0.04157825 P-L-S-I
84 0.04157825 L-S-I
85 0.04157825 P-N-S-I
86 0.04157825 N-S-I
87 0.04157825 P-S-I
88 0.04157825 S-I
89 0.04157825 P-N-L-I
90 0.04157825 N-L-I
91 0.04157825 P-L-I
92 0.04157825 L-I
93 0.04157825 P-N-I
94 0.04157825 N-I
95 0.04157825 P-I
96 0.04157825 I
97 0.07109905 P-N-L-S-W
98 0.16021925 N-L-S-W
99 0.06767075 P-L-S-W
100 0.17095529 L-S-W
101 0.07098343 P-N-S-W
102 0.15776534 N-S-W
103 0.06802275 P-S-W
104 0.16850136 S-W
105 0.02723578 P-N-L-W
106 0.02344916 N-L-W
107 0.02280946 P-L-W
108 0.02739263 L-W
109 0.02723578 P-N-W
110 0.02344916 N-W
111 0.02280946 P-W
112 0.02739263 W
113 0.05006683 P-N-L-S
114 0.22396649 N-L-S
115 0.04704759 P-L-S
116 0.23717659 L-S
117 0.05064631 P-N-S
118 0.21022978 N-S
119 0.04752479 P-S
120 0.23146371 S
121 0.02635536 P-N-L
122 0.03527452 N-L
123 0.02342946 P-L
124 0.10226138 L
125 0.02635536 P-N
126 0.03527452 N
127 0.02342946 P
preText_score preprocessing_steps
1 0.23717659 L-S
2 0.23146371 S
3 0.22396649 N-L-S
4 0.21022978 N-S
5 0.17095529 L-S-W
6 0.16850136 S-W
7 0.16021925 N-L-S-W
8 0.15776534 N-S-W
9 0.10226138 L
10 0.08697989 N-S-3
11 0.08427290 L-S-W-3
12 0.08304385 N-L-S-3
13 0.08186325 S-W-3
14 0.08058534 N-L-S-W-3
15 0.07767802 S-3
16 0.07599185 N-S-W-3
17 0.07225887 L-S-3
18 0.07109905 P-N-L-S-W
19 0.07098343 P-N-S-W
20 0.06802275 P-S-W
21 0.06767075 P-L-S-W
22 0.05064631 P-N-S
23 0.05006683 P-N-L-S
24 0.04864279 P-N-S-W-3
25 0.04815400 P-N-L-S-W-3
26 0.04752479 P-S
27 0.04704759 P-L-S
28 0.04470926 P-S-W-3
29 0.04403401 P-L-S-W-3
30 0.04157825 P-N-L-S-W-I-3
31 0.04157825 N-L-S-W-I-3
32 0.04157825 P-L-S-W-I-3
33 0.04157825 L-S-W-I-3
34 0.04157825 P-N-S-W-I-3
35 0.04157825 N-S-W-I-3
36 0.04157825 P-S-W-I-3
37 0.04157825 S-W-I-3
38 0.04157825 P-N-L-W-I-3
39 0.04157825 N-L-W-I-3
40 0.04157825 P-L-W-I-3
41 0.04157825 L-W-I-3
42 0.04157825 P-N-W-I-3
43 0.04157825 N-W-I-3
44 0.04157825 P-W-I-3
45 0.04157825 W-I-3
46 0.04157825 P-N-L-S-I-3
47 0.04157825 N-L-S-I-3
48 0.04157825 P-L-S-I-3
49 0.04157825 L-S-I-3
50 0.04157825 P-N-S-I-3
51 0.04157825 N-S-I-3
52 0.04157825 P-S-I-3
53 0.04157825 S-I-3
54 0.04157825 P-N-L-I-3
55 0.04157825 N-L-I-3
56 0.04157825 P-L-I-3
57 0.04157825 L-I-3
58 0.04157825 P-N-I-3
59 0.04157825 N-I-3
60 0.04157825 P-I-3
61 0.04157825 I-3
62 0.04157825 P-N-L-S-W-I
63 0.04157825 N-L-S-W-I
64 0.04157825 P-L-S-W-I
65 0.04157825 L-S-W-I
66 0.04157825 P-N-S-W-I
67 0.04157825 N-S-W-I
68 0.04157825 P-S-W-I
69 0.04157825 S-W-I
70 0.04157825 P-N-L-W-I
71 0.04157825 N-L-W-I
72 0.04157825 P-L-W-I
73 0.04157825 L-W-I
74 0.04157825 P-N-W-I
75 0.04157825 N-W-I
76 0.04157825 P-W-I
77 0.04157825 W-I
78 0.04157825 P-N-L-S-I
79 0.04157825 N-L-S-I
80 0.04157825 P-L-S-I
81 0.04157825 L-S-I
82 0.04157825 P-N-S-I
83 0.04157825 N-S-I
84 0.04157825 P-S-I
85 0.04157825 S-I
86 0.04157825 P-N-L-I
87 0.04157825 N-L-I
88 0.04157825 P-L-I
89 0.04157825 L-I
90 0.04157825 P-N-I
91 0.04157825 N-I
92 0.04157825 P-I
93 0.04157825 I
94 0.03527452 N-L
95 0.03527452 N
96 0.02777727 N-L-3
97 0.02777727 N-3
98 0.02777490 L-W-3
99 0.02777490 W-3
100 0.02739263 L-W
101 0.02739263 W
102 0.02723578 P-N-L-W-3
103 0.02723578 P-N-W-3
104 0.02723578 P-N-L-W
105 0.02723578 P-N-W
106 0.02706859 P-N-S-3
107 0.02647384 P-N-L-S-3
108 0.02647384 P-N-L-3
109 0.02647384 P-N-3
110 0.02635536 P-N-L
111 0.02635536 P-N
112 0.02629912 N-L-W-3
113 0.02629912 N-W-3
114 0.02384351 P-S-3
115 0.02344916 N-L-W
116 0.02344916 N-W
117 0.02342946 P-L
118 0.02342946 P
119 0.02334213 P-L-S-3
120 0.02334213 P-L-3
121 0.02334213 P-3
122 0.02280946 P-L-W-3
123 0.02280946 P-W-3
124 0.02280946 P-L-W
125 0.02280946 P-W
126 0.01888648 L-3
127 0.01888648 3
removePunctuation removeNumbers lowercase stem
removeStopwords infrequent_terms use_ngrams
Coefficient SE Variable
1 0.0692437554 0.008765654 Intercept
2 -0.0248352010 0.006026387 Remove Punctuation
3 -0.0012912608 0.006026387 Remove Numbers
4 0.0008042152 0.006026387 Lowercase
5 0.0315263364 0.006026387 Stemming
6 -0.0031236074 0.006026387 Remove Stopwords
7 -0.0194667091 0.006026387 Remove Infrequent Terms
8 -0.0194780796 0.006026387 Use NGrams
1 Gun Pretext Results
2 Gun Pretext Results
3 Gun Pretext Results
4 Gun Pretext Results
5 Gun Pretext Results
6 Gun Pretext Results
7 Gun Pretext Results
8 Gun Pretext Results
#load("/Users/noahmilstein/Desktop/Spring 2022/Textasdata/text_as_data_work/preText_results_gun_50_comps.RData")
Explanation: After plotting we access the pretext score with the minimum score, which is least unusual. This is the row with the pre-processing steps refered to as “3” in the data. In addition L-3 results in the same preText Score.
# head(sort(scores_new_pretext))
Explanation: Looking at the choices below I see that “3” does not do anything but use n-grams. L-3 does use lowercase and n-grams.
# preprocessed_documents$choices
Explanation Continued: Looking at the regression coefficients we see negative scores as usual results and positive coefficients as unusual ones. In this case removing puncuation, stopwords, and n-grams would not lead to a great deal of abnormality. The scores below indicate that stemming would result in the most abnormality while all others but lowercase is the only other that has a non-negative coefficinet.
remove_intercept = TRUE)
Explanation: The feature co-occurance matrix can give us a sense of which words in the dataset are occurring together
# let's create a nicer dfm by limiting to words that appear frequently and are in more than 30% of chapters
smaller_dfm <- dfm_trim(new_guns_corpus_dfm_punct_tl_sw, min_termfreq = 5)
#smaller_dfm <- dfm_trim(smaller_dfm, min_docfreq = .3, docfreq_type = "prop")
# create fcm from dfm
smaller_fcm <- fcm(smaller_dfm)
# check the dimensions (i.e., the number of rows and the number of columnns)
# of the matrix we created
[1] 226 226
# pull the top features
myFeatures <- names(topfeatures(smaller_fcm, 40))
# retain only those top features as part of our matrix
even_smaller_fcm <- fcm_select(smaller_fcm, pattern = myFeatures, selection = "keep")
# check dimensions
[1] 40 40
# compute size weight for vertices in network
size <- log(colSums(even_smaller_fcm))
# create plot
textplot_network(even_smaller_fcm, vertex_size = size / max(size) * 3)
# get_sentiments("nrc")
# get_sentiments("bing")
# get_sentiments("afinn")
sentimetnsdf <- read_csv("/Users/noahmilstein/Desktop/Spring 2022/Textasdata/text_as_data_work/sentimetnsdf.csv")
new_guns_urls_df_2$text<- seq(1, 980, by=1)
nrc_joy <- sentimetnsdf %>%
filter(sentiment == "joy")
tidy_posts_for_guns <- new_guns_urls_df_2 %>%
unnest_tokens(word, title)
tidy_posts_for_guns %>%
inner_join(nrc_joy) %>%
count(word, sort = TRUE) %>% head() %>% kable()
word | n |
good | 22 |
love | 12 |
finally | 11 |
safe | 10 |
fun | 7 |
favorite | 6 |
tidy_posts_for_guns_sentiment <- tidy_posts_for_guns %>%
inner_join(sentimetnsdf) %>%
count(text, sentiment) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = sentiment, values_from = n, values_fill = 0) %>%
mutate(sentiment = positive - negative)
nrc_sentiment <- get_sentiments("nrc")
nrc_guns_word_counts <- tidy_posts_for_guns %>%
inner_join(nrc_sentiment) %>%
count(word, sentiment, sort = TRUE) %>%
nrc_guns_word_counts %>%
group_by(sentiment) %>%
slice_max(n, n = 10) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(word = reorder(word, n)) %>%
ggplot(aes(n, word, fill = sentiment)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~sentiment, scales = "free_y") +
labs(x = "Contribution to sentiment",
y = NULL)
tidy_posts_for_guns_sentiment <- tidy_posts_for_guns %>%
inner_join(Bing_sentiments) %>%
count(text, sentiment) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = sentiment, values_from = n, values_fill = 0) %>%
mutate(sentiment = positive - negative)
bing_word_counts <- tidy_posts_for_guns %>%
inner_join(get_sentiments("bing")) %>%
count(word, sentiment, sort = TRUE) %>%
bing_word_counts %>%
group_by(sentiment) %>%
slice_max(n, n = 10) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(word = reorder(word, n)) %>%
ggplot(aes(n, word, fill = sentiment)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~sentiment, scales = "free_y") +
labs(x = "Contribution to sentiment",
y = NULL)
tidy_posts_for_guns$added_dates <- as.Date(tidy_posts_for_guns$date_utc)
afinn <- tidy_posts_for_guns %>%
inner_join(get_sentiments("afinn")) %>%
group_by(index = added_dates) %>%
summarise(sentiment = sum(value)) %>%
mutate(method = "AFINN")
# A tibble: 14 × 3
index sentiment method
<date> <dbl> <chr>
1 2022-03-14 9 AFINN
2 2022-03-15 17 AFINN
3 2022-03-16 0 AFINN
4 2022-03-17 23 AFINN
5 2022-03-18 7 AFINN
6 2022-03-19 30 AFINN
7 2022-03-20 13 AFINN
8 2022-03-21 11 AFINN
9 2022-03-22 19 AFINN
10 2022-03-23 8 AFINN
11 2022-03-24 32 AFINN
12 2022-03-25 7 AFINN
13 2022-03-26 6 AFINN
14 2022-03-27 0 AFINN
afinn %>%
ggplot(aes(index, sentiment, fill = method)) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE, width = 0.7) +
geom_smooth(aes(y = sentiment), color = "black")+
facet_wrap(~method, ncol = 1, scales = "free_y")+
Explanation: Using nrc appears to have had some unintended effects that may require an analysis of the specific words used to describe sentiment. One difficult part of the data being used is that firearms, and the words used to describe them, are percieved
gun_dfm_lda_topics <- tidy(gun_dfm_lda, matrix = "beta")
gun_top_terms <- gun_dfm_lda_topics %>%
group_by(topic) %>%
slice_max(beta, n = 10) %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(topic, -beta)
gun_top_terms %>%
mutate(term = reorder_within(term, beta, topic)) %>%
ggplot(aes(beta, term, fill = factor(topic))) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~ topic, scales = "free") +
Response: As can be seen above topic modeling may benefit from some data reduction, removing punctuation and stop words would likely be beneficial as can be seen above where a number of the differences between topics are modeled as punctuation and stop words.
gun_dfm_lda_topics_nopunct_stop <- tidy(gun_dfm_lda_nopunct_stop, matrix = "beta")
gun_top_terms_no_punct_or_stop<- gun_dfm_lda_topics_nopunct_stop %>%
group_by(topic) %>%
slice_max(beta, n = 10) %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(topic, -beta)
gun_top_terms_no_punct_or_stop %>%
mutate(term = reorder_within(term, beta, topic)) %>%
ggplot(aes(beta, term, fill = factor(topic))) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
facet_wrap(~ topic, scales = "free") +
top_guns_tokens <- tokens(new_guns_corpus)
Tokens consisting of 980 documents.
text1 :
[1] "With" "tiny" "ar15s" "and" "mcx" "/"
[7] "similar" "," "where" "does" "a" "pcc"
[ ... and 6 more ]
text2 :
[1] "I" "still" "don" "t" "feel" "like" "this"
[8] "is" "good" "enough" "." "Ha"
[ ... and 9 more ]
text3 :
[1] "Best" "Home" "Defense" "Round" "in" "5.56"
[7] "?"
text4 :
[1] "5" "5" "*" "5" "/" "555"
[7] "&" "53" "5" "50535.5" "\"" "5-"
text5 :
[1] "My" "suppressed" "12.5" "AR" "is"
[6] "the" "same" "size" "as" "my"
[11] "14.5" "\""
[ ... and 1 more ]
text6 :
[1] "Springfield" "Hellcat" "RDP" "with"
[5] "SilencerCo" "Omega" "9k" "and"
[9] "Streamlight" "TLR-7" "."
[ reached max_ndoc ... 974 more documents ]
top_guns_tokens_no_punct <- tokens(new_guns_corpus,
remove_punct = T)
Tokens consisting of 980 documents.
text1 :
[1] "With" "tiny" "ar15s" "and" "mcx" "similar"
[7] "where" "does" "a" "pcc" "fit" "in"
[ ... and 3 more ]
text2 :
[1] "I" "still" "don" "t" "feel" "like" "this"
[8] "is" "good" "enough" "Ha" "Anyone"
[ ... and 6 more ]
text3 :
[1] "Best" "Home" "Defense" "Round" "in" "5.56"
text4 :
[1] "5" "5" "5" "555" "53" "5"
[7] "50535.5" "5-"
text5 :
[1] "My" "suppressed" "12.5" "AR" "is"
[6] "the" "same" "size" "as" "my"
[11] "14.5" "AR"
text6 :
[1] "Springfield" "Hellcat" "RDP" "with"
[5] "SilencerCo" "Omega" "9k" "and"
[9] "Streamlight" "TLR-7"
[ reached max_ndoc ... 974 more documents ]
top_guns_tokens_no_punct_no_upper <- tokens_tolower(top_guns_tokens_no_punct)
Tokens consisting of 980 documents.
text1 :
[1] "with" "tiny" "ar15s" "and" "mcx" "similar"
[7] "where" "does" "a" "pcc" "fit" "in"
[ ... and 3 more ]
text2 :
[1] "i" "still" "don" "t" "feel" "like" "this"
[8] "is" "good" "enough" "ha" "anyone"
[ ... and 6 more ]
text3 :
[1] "best" "home" "defense" "round" "in" "5.56"
text4 :
[1] "5" "5" "5" "555" "53" "5"
[7] "50535.5" "5-"
text5 :
[1] "my" "suppressed" "12.5" "ar" "is"
[6] "the" "same" "size" "as" "my"
[11] "14.5" "ar"
text6 :
[1] "springfield" "hellcat" "rdp" "with"
[5] "silencerco" "omega" "9k" "and"
[9] "streamlight" "tlr-7"
[ reached max_ndoc ... 974 more documents ]
top_guns_tokens_no_punct_no_upper_no_stop <- tokens_select(top_guns_tokens_no_punct_no_upper, pattern = stopwords("en"), selection = "remove")
[1] 980
Tokens consisting of 980 documents.
text1 :
[1] "tiny" "ar15s" "mcx" "similar" "pcc" "fit"
[7] "arsenal" "now"
text2 :
[1] "still" "don" "t" "feel" "like" "good" "enough"
[8] "ha" "anyone" "else" "anal" "stuff"
text3 :
[1] "best" "home" "defense" "round" "5.56"
text4 :
[1] "5" "5" "5" "555" "53" "5"
[7] "50535.5" "5-"
text5 :
[1] "suppressed" "12.5" "ar" "size" "14.5"
[6] "ar"
text6 :
[1] "springfield" "hellcat" "rdp" "silencerco"
[5] "omega" "9k" "streamlight" "tlr-7"
[ reached max_ndoc ... 974 more documents ]
top_guns_corpus_tokens <- tokens(new_guns_corpus)
Tokens consisting of 980 documents.
text1 :
[1] "With" "tiny" "ar15s" "and" "mcx" "/"
[7] "similar" "," "where" "does" "a" "pcc"
[ ... and 6 more ]
text2 :
[1] "I" "still" "don" "t" "feel" "like" "this"
[8] "is" "good" "enough" "." "Ha"
[ ... and 9 more ]
text3 :
[1] "Best" "Home" "Defense" "Round" "in" "5.56"
[7] "?"
text4 :
[1] "5" "5" "*" "5" "/" "555"
[7] "&" "53" "5" "50535.5" "\"" "5-"
text5 :
[1] "My" "suppressed" "12.5" "AR" "is"
[6] "the" "same" "size" "as" "my"
[11] "14.5" "\""
[ ... and 1 more ]
text6 :
[1] "Springfield" "Hellcat" "RDP" "with"
[5] "SilencerCo" "Omega" "9k" "and"
[9] "Streamlight" "TLR-7" "."
[ reached max_ndoc ... 974 more documents ]
# A tibble: 6 × 11
doc_id sid tid token token_with_ws lemma upos xpos feats
<int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1 1 1 With "With " with ADP IN <NA>
2 1 1 2 tiny "tiny " tiny ADJ JJ Degree=Pos
3 1 1 3 ar "ar" ar NOUN NN Number=Sing
4 1 1 4 15s "15s " 15s NOUN NNS Number=Plur
5 1 1 5 and "and " and CCONJ CC <NA>
6 1 1 6 mcx/ "mcx/" mcx/ SYM NFP <NA>
# … with 2 more variables: tid_source <chr>, relation <chr>
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
annoData <- left_join(doc_id_guns, annotated.guns_corpus$token, by = "doc_id")
annoData %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarize(Sentences = max(sid)) %>%
ggplot(aes(date, Sentences)) +
geom_line() +
geom_smooth() +
#write.csv(sentimetnsdf, file = "sentimetnsdf.csv")
#save(sentimetnsdf, file="sentimetnsdf_2")
Response: As can be seen from the results above, removing stopwords and punctuation removes a good deal of the unwanted language from the corpus and does a slightly more comprehensible job in displaying the information. However, any kind of stemming or reduction will be difficult with posts about firearms for a number of reasons. Firstly the language surrounding firearms involves numbers for model numbers, ammunition calibers and the capacity of magazines and other devices that hold bullets. This results in difficulty removing both punctuation and numbers from the data as they give a sense of what sort of each of the aforementioned items people are interesting in talking about. As a results removing the punctuation is difficult because it allows for more comprehensible data by reducing the usage of unneeded punctuation like exclamaintion points and questions marks that are common on a forum of this nature but not useful in analyzing the common topics and language.
For attribution, please cite this work as
Milstein (2022, March 26). Noah_Milstein_Blog: Text as Data Blog Post 4. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{milstein2022text, author = {Milstein, Noah}, title = {Noah_Milstein_Blog: Text as Data Blog Post 4}, url = {}, year = {2022} }