
Text as Data Blog Post 4

In last weeks post I combined a the material for blog posts 2, 3, and began on the 4th post. As a result this will be a continuation of dictionary validation methods.

Blog Post 7, Integrating ML

This post is an analysis of community structure and machine learning techniques on my medieval dataset.

Into the 20th Century (Conflict Data) Homework 6

In this post I begin my analysis of the 20th century conflicts dataset.

An Attempt to Scrape Wikipedia

This Post Involves my Attempt to Scrape and Clean the Output of a Wikipedia article to get the Same Data I had to Make by Hand.

Text as Data Blog Post 2

A short description of the post.

Week 5 (and 6) Interpretaive Assignment

A brief analysis of wars in 1000s, 1100s, and 1200s comparing faction centrality and brokerage.

Work with Medieval Networks

A Brief Analysis of Networks of Medieval Conflict.

Florentine Families Week 3 Assignment

A short description of the post.


A short description of the post.

Initial Network Analysis Florentine Family

Homework 2: Brief Analysis of the Florentine Family Set

Welcome to My Blog!

This is my New blog for code relating to Political and Social Networks

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